HomeMy WebLinkAbout5NOV10 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PICKERING/ONTARIO HYDRO LIAISON COMMITTEE HELD ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH, 1999 AT 6:30 P.M. PICKERING NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION INFORMATION CENTRE Present Mayor Wayne Arthurs - Chair Members: Al Goodall, Community Representative Debbie Kearns, Town of Pickering Denise Wiese, Ajax/Pickering Board of Trade Pat O’Brien, Pickering Nuclear Presenters: John Froats, Pickering Nuclear Nick Ivanoff, Pickering Nuclear Kurt Johansen, Pickering Nuclear Tim Moore, Town of Pickering Guests: Irene Koch, Durham Nuclear Awareness Media: Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Regrets: Councillor Maurice Brenner Gordon Reidt, Town of Pickering Evans Enyolu, Community Representative Karen Paul, Durham Nuclear Awareness Mark Rohlehr, Durham Nuclear Health Committee 1. Adoption of Minutes of the Meeting of September 8th, 1999 Moved by Al Goodall that the minutes of the meeting of September 8th, 1999 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 2. Comments from Members of the Public a. Irene Koch, representing Durham Nuclear Awareness, requested that the agendas be distributed earlier. Dates of upcoming meetings will be included on the Community Page of the News Advertiser. - 2 - b. Irene Koch, representing Durham Nuclear Awareness requested that more presentations be made by the Atomic Energy Control Board. 3. Durham Nuclear Health Committee The Durham Nuclear Health Committee Minutes of the September 24th, 1999 Meeting were received for information. 4. Actions Arising From The Minutes Pat O’Brien, Pickering Nuclear, advised that the request of Evans Enyolu for copies of the presentation on energy costs made at the June 9th Meeting are not available at present. He further advised that a similar presentation was made at the AECB and a copy will be forwarded to Committee Members. Pat also advised that the list of contractors who submitted quotes to undertake the Ecological Risk Assessment will also be forwarded to Committee Members. 5. Other Business The following presentations were made by Pickering Nuclear and Town of Pickering staff: a) Plant Update – John Froats (presentation attached)  Units 1-4 – lay-up state  Unit 5 – full power – on line since July 11  Unit 6 – full power – on line since September 24  Unit 7 – full power – on line since October 12  Unit 8 – planned outage – 110 days – commenced October 22, 1999 (after 451 days on line) -200 + staff present New Years Eve -chemical cleaning of boilers -big outage program Open House  An open house was held on October 2nd – 1,700 visitors, 300 volunteers to assist, positive feedback was received concerning cleanliness, good attitude of staff.  Managerial Debriefing Meetings are held each morning at 7:30 a.m. and all feedback received concerning the open house would be acted upon at this time. Any comments are input into the computer for follow-up, checked to see what action was taken and when this issue was addressed. - 3 - Other Items  ISO 14001 Audit – Recommended for certification  Site-Wide Groundwater System Installed – in sample monitoring phase  ISO 14001 Audit – Training all 3,000 employees on site for understanding policy, what it is all about and what is expected October Report Card  sustaining improvement  meeting goals  aggressively going for safety – still in red due to supervisor fatality  thermal performance – index that provides information on kilograms of uranium – how much electricity used – slipped slightly  pretty solid performance Industrial Safety Accident Rate  performance in terms of frequency – considerable drop in 1997 and have maintained to present Safety Events  Level 1 and 2 – higher level incidents – every incident has critical review by team to ensure correction – all persons are spoken to in an attempt to ensure understand root cause Nuclear Performance Index  7% ahead of where planned  reviewing for next year to make sure maintain level of service  challenge to keep constant improvement b) Environmental Assessment Process Update – Kurt Johansen (presentation attached)  plan to make preliminary drafts to AECB by November 17th  partial information will be available in December for review before final submission to AECB  after final submission to AECB – a technical review will be undertaken  after March 24th AECB will make available for public comment  Ontario Power Generation – hands off  responsibility of the AECB – Environmental Assessment report and supplementary comments are presented by AECB to their board  the AECB Board will meet to decide on Environmental Assessment but a date has not yet been set  Mayor Arthurs commented on the aggressive dates and stated that we must ensure that time is taken in this process and that stakeholders have an opportunity to review, reply and return comments to OPG. We must ensure this is done correctly, that the submission is well founded and supportable. - 4 -  Kurt advised that the entire schedule has been set by the AECB.  Two Open Houses will be held – outlined in the newsletter, presentations will be made.  A workshop will be held on November 27th. c) Fire Safety – Tim Moore (presentation attached)  a background on fire protection at Nuclear Plants was provided  advised that building codes apply to the construction of new buildings and are not applied retroactively  the ‘code of record’ for Pickering A is the 1966 National Code  fire protection principles were outlined  fire safety improvement programs are being undertaken  fire safety initiatives include: management systems; strict protocol for transient combustibles; new detection system; turbine hall extinguishing systems; and trained, full time emergency response teams  long term program includes: incorporating issues identified in the fire Safety Assessments; issuance of the final FSA report on Pickering A & B; and the FSA will include a detailed review of the existing plant against the provisions in the National Building Code  the AECB/OPG Fire Protection Upgrade Reviews were commented on Fire Safety – Nick Ivanoff  full time Emergency Response Team is in place  new standard for control of transient combustible material implemented  number of fire related incidents has greatly reduced  upgrades to smoke detection systems for the Control Room area  design work for upgrades to the sprinkler system for the turbine generator has started Fire Safety Assessment  3 major components of the project are: -Code Compliance -Fire Hazards Assessment -Post-Fire Safe Shutdown  all nuclear sites undergoing assessments  lead station was Bruce B – first draft report was issued – it was evident that the US based consultants did not take into account the unique features of CANDU reactor design  consultants were on site at Pickering A for over one year – walk down of plant and review of reports was carried out - 5 -  Pickering B Code Compliance report approximately 90% complete Fire Safety Plan  the Ontario and National Fire Codes require Fire Safety Plan be completed.  currently operating under Fire Safety Plan approved by Chief Pearsall in 1995. d) Community Advisory Council Update – Pat O’Brien  meets third Tuesday of every month  15 members  agenda includes – review of disposition of 160 issues  telephone survey was conducted with members concerning the Terms of Reference  stakeholders will be kept informed of issues 6. Next Meeting The following meetings have been scheduled for 2000 and will be held at the Pickering Nuclear Information Centre: February 9th, April 12th, June 14th, September 13th and December 13th Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.