HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 23, 1968 r ci, L,214.el LPICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD 1/68 L LJanuary 23, 1963 L A meeting of the Pickering Township Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, the TWENTY-THIRD day of JANUARY, I., 1968, at the Municipal Building at 8:00 p.m. [.. PRESENT: Robert Miller in the chair Mrs. Deirdre Earle Milton Parkin Harry T. Cook - arrived 9:15 Mrs. Ruth Hay - Curator Noel Marshall - Secretary L 1. MOVED by Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Parkin that the L minutes of the meeting held November 15, 1967 be adopted as presented. CARRIED. Liw 2. MOVED by Mr. Parkin, seconded by Mts. Earle that Mr. Miller assume the chair in the absence of Mr. Cook. LCARRIED. L3. ACCOUNTS MOVED by Mr. Parkin, seconded by Mrs. Earle that the Lfollowing accounts be paid: Centennial Project: L \ _ , - D. L. Mairs & Son Ltd. - paint, wire, etc. 13.17 LA. Davidson - work on barn at Museum 103.00 f and Bay Ridges .'Andy Ramsay - Bay Shore barn etc. 42.00 Robert A. Miller - re: steam engine 36. 50 { j Son Ltd, 4. 23 (41w paid in cash _ 1 1 Museum Board LRobert A. Miller - repairing shingle mill 13.00 and boiler LMilton Parkin - school bell and belfry 50.00 j . History In Action os Ken Spears - sound system 20.00 On motion this account was reduced to $20.00 from $30.00 due to the failure of the equipment during the day. Mr. Miller reported that he expected that the account from Morley Symes and Alex Davidson would total $103.00. fi' -2- 1/68 4. CORRESPONDENCE (i) R. E. Mitchell submits statement of income and expense for Centennial Project and Museum Board to November 21, 1967. (ii) Mr. P. Poulsson, Township Engineer submits report and r recommendation on drainage problem at Museum Grounds. aJ 1 MOVED by Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Parkin that: WHEREAS the Township Engineer in a report dated December 4, 1967 made certain recommendations for the solution to the drainage problems at the museum grounds at Brougham; AND WHEREAS the completion of the Centennial Project and further work on the museum property depends on the cor- •- rection of the drainage problem; AN1d WHEREAS the major cost of the correction of this drainage problem depends on the construction of storth sewers on roads included in the normal Township roads program; AND WHEREAS the Pickering Township Museum is owned by the Township of Pickering represented by the Township Council; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that this Board does hereby request the Council of the Township of P iclge ring to give it immediate guidance as to what action Council intends taking regarding this problem. CARRIED. (iii) Letter of thanks from Mr. J. C. W. Irwin re: Centennial Plaque commemorating Whitevale Baptist Church. Acknow- ledged by Mrs. Storry. (iv) Literature about "The Oxford Companion to Canadian History & Literature". 5. Centennial Project: Some discussion ensued concerning the tardiness of Mr. Ralph Harrison in moving the various buildings on to the museum grounds. He had offered innumerable excuses during the past year and it was obvious that a stronger line must be taken with him. It was agreed that Messrs. Miller, Cook and Fox arrange to see Mr. Harrison in the immediate future to arrange for the moving of these buildings within the next few weeks. As to the completion of the centennial project it was suggested that the only way it would be completed would be to hire a foreman to oversee the work. It was MOVED by Mr. Parkin, seconded by Mrs. Earle that ' / the Township be requested to hire a foreman to oversee ' t the completion of the Centennial Project in order that it be completed by the deadline of July 1st, 1968. CARRIED, -3- 1/68 6. Mr. Miller mentioned that sheets of heavy corrugated plastic 3 ' x 8 ' were availabe for panels in barn roofs at a cost of $20.00 each. These were available from Pedlars or Dofasco and eliminated the need for windows in buildings such as the one slated for the steam engines. 7. The chairman showed the Board a copy of a booklet put out by Pioneer Village showing pictures of the various dis- plays and buildings and containing a documentary of the Village contents. He wondered whether the board might produce a similar booklet for the museum. It was mentioned that Mrs. Storry was compiling a history of each of the buildings and might be interested in broadening the scope of such a project to come up with something similar to that shown. 8. Mr. Miller indicated that additional signs were required outlining the history of a number of buildings recently acquired. Apparently Susan Boyes had completed several of these for other buildings. No action was taken on this item. 9. The cement work for the steam barn has not been done and will now have to wait for spring. MUSEUM AND GENERAL BUSINESS : Museum Opening: 10. It was MOVED by Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Cook that the Museum opening take place on May 18th and the closing on October 20th with the schedule of hours re- maining the same as 1967. CARRIED. 11. Fees: - MOVED by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Parkin that the Museum entrance fees for 1968 be as follows: Adults $ . 50 Children $ .25 Under 6 FREE Township Groups $ 3.00 Non Township Groups $ 5.00 CARRIED. 12. Display at Pickering Nucleur Plant: The Board expressed interest in approaching the Hydro with a view towards placing a display at their information centre at the nucleur station. The secretary advised that hydro were interested in such a display providing they were given a selection of photographs from which to choose and reasonably comprehensive copy to complete the display. Mr. Cook agreed to contact Dr. McKay and Mr. Murkar in an attempt to gather together as much of the material as possible. Mrs. Earle volunteered to phone the hydro and obtain further information on what is required. e ! 1/SP 13. The absence of outlets for the sale of centennial maps, books, and plates was discussed with it being decided to approach Council with a vow towards establishing a display of these articles at the municipal building and making them available for sale at the building. Also possible butlsts discussed were Mr. Murkars News Office in Pickering and various stores and Post Offices in the Township. 14.. Mr. Miller showed the board 30 quilt blocks pieced to- gether by Mrs. Charles Hood. It was hoped that Mrs. Gillman could sew them together and someone else could be found to finish the quilt as Mrs. Hay felt that Mrs. Gillman would be unable to complete the entire project. 15. Budget - It was agreed that before a proper budget could be prepared that current costs relating to the Centennial Project would have to be obtained. Mr. Miller agreed to investigate this item and come up with a re-assessment for the various items involved. 16. Chairman -Mr. Miller expressed his desire to retire from the chairmanship of the board. On Motion of Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Parkin - Mr. Cook was elected chairman for the year 1968. It was agreed that the following slate of officers be be recommended to Council to make up the 1968 Museum Board. Mr. Harry Cook - Chairman Mr. Robert Miller Mr. Milton Parkin Mrs. Deirdre Earle Mr. F. H. Fox 17. Appreciation - The Board expressed its thanks for the unselfish work done by Mrs. Storry during her years as secretary to the Board. It was MOVED by Mrs. Earle and seconded by Mr. Cook that the Museum Board recognize Mrs. Storry' s service to the Board during the past and that she be presented with a copy of the volume "To Everything There Is a Season" by Roloff Beny. CARRIED. Ruth Hay agreed to investigate the cost of the book and obtain a copy of it if possible. Instructions - The secretary is to determine the status of the surplus in relation to next years budget. On Motion of Mr. Parkin the meeting adjourned at 10 :50 p.m. APPROVED Chairman Secretary