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' OCTOBER 43, 1968
LA meeting of the Pickering Town-
ship Museum Board was held on
L TUESDAY, the UGHTiday Of
OCTOBER. 1968, at the Municipal
Building at trout o'clocok p.m.
LPresents Mr. Harry T. Cook, Chairman
Mrs. Deirdre Earle
L Mr. Robert Miller
Mr. Milton Parkin
Mrs. Ruth Hey, Curator
LNoel C. Marshall, Secretary
I. Minutes
LMrs. Earle noted that on Page 4 of the Minutes she was
shown as contacting Pioneer Village in connection with
L the butter making Whereas in fact it was Mrs. Hay who
Made the arrangements.
L On motion of M . Parkin, seconded by Mr. Miller and
carried unanimously the minutes of the meeting of Sept-
ember the 10th as amended were adopted.
Ii. on motion of Mr. Parkin, seconded by Mrs. Earle the
following accounts were approved for payment:
LHistory tn Action -
G. M. Smith Ltd. $ 60.00'
L Markham Drum Corp c/o G. Davis
MTRCA . butter making and bread '(
P. Campbell - cleaning up grounds 10.00
L O. M. Smith Ltd.
Brougham Garage - gas & oil
45.49' $ 273.49
LMuseum -
Robert Miller - Mitc. a/c's
L - steam boiler 50.27.*-
Mrs. Ruth Hay - petty cash 26.06K
Mrs. Erma Lawrence - 51 hours 25.50
L Mrs. Erma Lawrence - 22 hours 11.00
Mrs. Elsa Storry 4.00
Miss Barbara Miller 4.00
L Mrs. Ruth Hay
Mr. Andy Ramsay
Ontario Hydro 16.75k 447.58
L $ 721.0/
LCentennial -
Bell Telephone Co. - Cole House 300.00 300.00
L $1,021.07
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The Committee discussed in detail the financial situation
of the Museum as at the present time noting that the
Centennial Project showed a deficit of some $4,082. 54.
This figure would be reduced to approximately $1,300.00
if the Centennial Committee agree to remit the balance of
the grant due to the Board based on the expense analysis
submitted to them last month.
It appeared that the projected income items had been more
or less realized and that the Board was now in a position
to proceed further with the budgeted expense items for the
III. Correspondence, -
1) A copy of a letter from Lawson & Clark dealing with the
Ingram claim was considered by the Board. The Secretary
had written to Mr. Gerald Stevens a noted expert in the
field of Canadian Glass requesting that he value the items
in dispute. Mr. Lawson's letter merely conveyed this in-
formation to the Solicitor for Mrs. Ingram advising that
he would be notified once final arrangements had been made.
2) Mr. F. G. Allen, District Engineer, Department of Highways
advises that the Department cannot permit the moving of
the Oddfellows Hall along Number 7 Highway other than the
short distance from the intersection of the Brock Road to
the Museum Grounds. This decision was confirmed by the
Executive Assistant to the Minister of Highways by telephone
and it would seem that the Board must restrict the move to
a route along the 5th Concession and up the Brock Road.
3) The Bell Telephone submit an estimate of cost for movement
of plant and facilities involving the moving of the Odd-
fellows Hall in the amount of 250. - 300. dollars. If
the move is to proceed a formal order must be submitted.
4) Letter to Gerald Stevens Re: Ingram claim. The secretary
briefly outlined the contents of the letter submitted to
Mr. Stevens concerning the valuation of the items owned by
Mrs. Ingram.
IV. General Business -
1) The Township Engineer suggests alternate route for drainage
swail. The Board discussed at length the various alterna-
tives to the location of the drainage swail through the
Museum property and finally agreed that the -*wail should be
carried from a point just west of the Church more or less
in line with the existing water course and tieing in with
the planned swail in the vicinity of the proposed barn and
2) The Secretary advised that he had been contacted by Mrs.
Moore of the Martin Subdivision who was willing to donate
the original stove from the Brougham school house. Arrange-
ments were made with the Parks Department to pick up
the stove and it has been delivered to the Museum property.
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3) Mr. Miller showed the Board a sample place mat put out by
Imperial Oil. The Board were of the opinion that Such
novelty item would be very popular containing the picture
of the various Museum buildings and would be good advertis-
ing for the Museum. The Secretary agreed to investigate
the cost and availability of these items.
4) Evidently the price of steel is going up and the question
was raised whether or not we should purchase the necessary
roofing for the gas barn at this time. In view of the
urgency of completing several other buildings which at
present were exposed to the elements it was decided to
take no action on this matter at this time.
5) Mr. Miller suggested that a cistern for the steam barn
supplying soft water for the operation of the boiler would
i be a definite asset to its operation. It was Suggested
that such a project could be encompassed in the construction
of the gas barn and that such an item should be given con-
sideration in the budget of 1969.
6) Another question in connection with the gas barn wag raised
involving the inclusion of a cement pad in its construction
for a display area similar to that in the steam barn. The
board agreed that this would be a good idea and that pro-
visions should be made for this item when the barn was con-
7) As the Mutch store was presently sitting on the movers
steel beams Mr. Miller wondered whether it would be possible
to bring the carpenters back in at this time to replace the
timbers in this building before the steel beams were re-
moved. The Board agreed that every effort should be made
to strengthen the sills of this building as well as the
Collins House and the Cole House. It was agreed that Mr.
Miller arrange to have the necessary work done and that
he be authorized to spend up to $1,000.00 to complete the
8) Stong Barn - The question was asked whether the Board
should arrange for the moving of the timbers for this
barn to the Museum Grounds. As this particular item was
part of the original Centennial plan the Board agreed that
arrangements should be made to move the barn to the Museum
property. Mr. Miller agreed to look after this item.
9) Parkin Barn - The question of timing the removing of these
barns to the Museum property was discussed. It was suggested
that this item be referred to the next meeting at which time
a better picture of our financial situation should be avail-
, able.
10) The Secretary advised the Board that the Ontario Hydro had
expressed serious doubts as to the feasibility of moving
the Masonic Hall to the Museum Grounds. Their concern was
based primarily on the height of the building which they
understood to be in the neighbourhood of 30-33 feet loaded.
Normally speaking a building that exceeds 24 feet in height
presents problems to them in that they cannot stretch the
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wires over the building but must cut the line and splice
it after the building has gone past. In going along the
5th Concession and up the Brock Road they would be inter-
•- secting at least on two occasions the major hydro line
running to the north end of the Township and the only way
that they could cut this line would be to interupt power
service to this area.
Several alternatives were discussed with it being resolved
that once the hydro have completed their survey on the move
and in the event that they are unable to accommodate the
building in its present form, that consideration be given
to collapsing the roof on the building. Mr. Miller agreed
to investigate this with Mr. Hope and report back to the
Board as to the cost of such an endeavour.
V. Business Arising From the Minutes -
Prees from Dutton Advance Ltd. - Preliminary arrangements
had been made for the moving of this press to the Museum
property but more detailed information was required as to
its size and particularly its weight. The Secrtary was
asked to contact the firm involved and obtain this infor-
mation as soon as possible.
VI. New Business -
1) Mr. Cook reported that the Kiwanis were very pleased with
the results of their concession booth on History in Action
Day and had asked him to discuss with the Board the possib-
ility of the erection of a permanent building for this
purpose. Their idea was that they would erect the build-
ing free of charge in return for an understanding with the
Board that they would have the concession for this
booth for a reasonable length of time, possibly 10 years.
They would of course continue to split the profits made
from the venture on a 50-50 basis with the Museum Board.
The suggestion was made that possibly the old wood shed
from the Kinsale School could be used for this purpose and
that it would be in keeping with the existing school. This
building could be taken down and reconstructed behind the
Museum with the reconstruction geared to tie in with the
purpose that the building would be used for.
It was suggested that Council be contacted and asked whether
or not they would be prepared to permit the Museum Board to
use this building for this purpose. The local community
. , centre board would also have to be approached concerning
this item.
Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Earle and carried
unanimously that Council be asked to donate the old wood
shed behind the Kinsale Community Hall to the Museum Board
and should they be willing to do so that the Kiwanis under-
take the dismantling and reconstruction of the building
on the Museum site for a snack booth in return for certain
concession rights to be negotiated, and that the construction
of the building be in keeping with the historical theme of
the museum.
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2) Following History In Action a number of suggestions and
ideas had come up of which the following are a few:
- Possibility of a corn roast or barbecue.
- More activities for the children.
- Mrs. Crawford, District Commissioner of the Women's
Institute suggested that in future any requests for part-
icipation of these groups be directed to her at her home
in Greenwood during the early part of May. In this way
Lall of the institute groups in the Township would be con-
tacted and their participation would be guaranteed.
L3) Some concern had been expressed concerning the price of
admittance to the weekend festivities. It was the general
consensus of opinion that the admittance price was equit-
able and that the number of complaints was insignificant.
4) Group Tour Forms - Mrs. Earle sub:.►iitted a draft form for
Lthe consideration of the Hoed based on the Metro Conserva-
tion application form. It was agreed that she proceed with
the printing of this form.
5) Township Maps - John Lok of Eric Wholmsley Real Estate
had expressed an interest in selling the maps on behalf
of the Museum Board. The Board could see no objection to
this and permission was given to give Mr. Lok a number of
maps for sale at their office.
On motion of Mrs. Earle the meeting adjourned.