HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 12, 1968 ,_ ,,,,..) L ; . t . LPICFERING TOWNSHI MUSEUM BOARD 11/C November 12, 1968 LA meeting of the Pickering Town- ship Museum Board was held on L Tuesday, the TWELFTH day of NOV- EMBER, 1968, at the Municipal Building at EIGHT o'clock p.m. LPRESENT: Mr. Harry T. Cook, Chairman Mrs. Deirdre Earle L Mr. Robert Miller Mr. Milton Parkin Noel C. Marshall, Secretary LI. Minutes - L On motion of Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Parkin and carried unanimously the minutes of the meeting held on October the 8th were adopted. LII. Accounts . LOn. motion of Mr. Parkin, seconded by Mr. Miller and Carried unanimously the following accounts were approved Lfor payment: bounty of (8iitario ,+, filling and cleaning out ditch for mbvihg g Mutdh Store $ 50. 55 D. L. Mains & Son Ltd. 22 ' 3'' pipe etc. 44.89 LMargaret Spang - week ending Oct. 14 22.00 Township of Pickering - cleaning out ditch 20.93✓ LReliable Exterminators Ltd. 98.00 LMargaret Spang 22.00 Robert A. Miller 35.00 L Robert A. Miller - purchase of steam boiler L and 1928 Rugby Fire Truck 250.00 v ---- L $ 543.37 LIII.. Correspondence, - 1. Letter from Dutton Advance Limited explaining that the L press had been sold to a London Museum and was no longer available. L 2. Letter from Mr. Gerald Stevens, noted expert on early Canadian glass suggesting that the valuation placed on the broken items by Mrs. Ingram is fair. L3. Mr. W. Douglas Pascoe of Canadian General Electric Company Limited submits information on the generator L obtained from the Whitby Hospital including a copy of the original requisition for the unit dated April 25th, 1917. He offers suggestions concern.ina lie source of L _ } -2_ 11/68 several problems with the unit. The secretary was asked to acknowledge his letter and extend the thanks of the Board to him for his interest. • 4. Mr. Miller submitted the boiler inspection certificate from the Provincial Department of Labour dealing with the boiler at the Museum Grounds. It was agreed that the Secretary have this framed and located in the vig' rtity of the boiler as required by the act. 5. The Canadian Museum Association submits a request for a copy of the Museum's Annual Report. No action. IV. Business Arising from the Minutes - 1. The Secretary advised the Committee that his attempts to locate the source of the place mats marketed by Imperial Oil Limited had been unsuccessful. Evidently Imperial Oil did not obtain these items from their Canadian promotional source as they were purchased from an American firm. Enquiries by Imperial Oil staff at their head office had been unsuccessful in uncover- ing the name of the distributor. 2. Stong Barn - Mr. Miller indicated that the Stong barn had not been yet been moved but that it would be a priority item once Mr. Hope commenced work later this month. V. New Business - Masonic Hall - Mr. Marshall outlined the recent activities in this matter and related a cohversatiOr/ he had held with the hydro during the preceding week. While a firm price had not yet been worked 'oat by the Ontario Hydro because of the necessity of cutting the main fe` der line' at bast three points before reaching Brougham, they were most .. reluctant to encourage the moving of the building in its present state. Some discussion ensued concerning the alternatives available to the Board with it finally being agreed that Mr. Miller discuss the dismantling of the roof of the building with Mr. Hope and Mr. Harrison and report back to the board on the estimated cost. It was felt that by removing the roof of the building the height of the building would be reduced sufficiently so as to present no problems to either of the utility com- panies in moving it. Fire Truck - It was understood that the former Brougham Fire Truck, a 1947 Maple Leaf tanker might be available to the Board should it wish to acquire it. During the discussion that followed on this item it was pointed out that little advantage accrued to the Board in obtaining this truck if positive plans were not available for its restoration and if adequate facilities for its proper housing were not available. Another point mentioned was that the policy of the Board was to not accept self pro- pelled vehicles that were under thirty years old. On the strength of this discussion it was agreed that no further action on this matter be taken. '-' -3- 11/68 3. Mr. Miller mentioned that a 1930 sprayer was available and wondered whether the Board wished hint to acce i�it on behalf of the Museum. The members approved of acquisition. VI. Budget - The Secretary outlined that it was difficult aty this ttime to formalize a budget in view of the financial status of the Board through the lack of any form of statement from the Treasurers Department. Innrreviewing the accounts approved for payment by the receipts recorded during the year he felt that there may be as much as $3, 500.00 presently standing to the credit of the Board. This amount included the assumption of the , deficit associated with the Centennial projectnofa$1191.24. He mentioned that the final grant on the of $8708.00 had been received and assuming the Provincial auditors were satisfied with the submission made by the Township there would be no further deficit other than that mentioned. Bearing these comments in mind tentative approval was given to the following budget. MUSEUM BOARD BUDGET 1969 Revenue: Grants - Ontario $ 850.00 - Twp. of Pickering 2, 500.00 Admissions 750.00 Maps & Plates 300.00 History In Action 2, 500.00 Donations 2,000.00 Barn Raising 1,000.00 $ 9,900.00 Expenses: Curators Salary 700.00 Temporary Staff 250.00 Postage, Stationery & Supplies 100.00 Secretary 150.00 Hydro 150.00 Convention 75.00 Insurance 500.00 Memberships 25.00 Building Maintenance 100.00 Equipment Operating Expense & Repairs 300.00 Antique Purchases 300.00 Ground Maintenance 200.00 Restorations - Buildings - Gas Barn 2500.00 - Cole House 1300.00 - Collins House 1200.00 5, 500.00 Antiques 500.00 Heating Museum 1,000.00 Entrance Building 2, 500.00 History In Action 500.00 Contingencies 1,000.00 13,900.00 Excess of expenditures over revenue 4,000.00 Surplus from prior years (estimated) 1,000.00 Deficit 3,000.00 L -4_ 11/gig LIt was pointed out that the continuing success of the Museum Board depended to a great deal on the success that it had in its restoration programme. Without such restor- ation public interest would fall off sharply. With this in mind it was hoped that the Township Council will assume a greater portion of the operation expense of the Museuitn Lparticularly in view of the excellent publicity that the municipality receives from its operation. L On motion the meeting adjourned. L L Dated Chairman L L L Secretary L L L L L L L L L L L L