HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 11, 1969-1 , PICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD 1/69 FEBRUARY 11, 1969 A meeting of the Pickering Town- ship Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, the ELEVENTH day of FEBRUARY, 1969 at the Municipal Building at 8 :00 p.m. PRESENT: Mr. Harry T. Cook, Chairman Mrs. Deirdre Earle L Mr. Robert Miller Mrs. Ruth Hay, Curator Noel C. Marshall, Secretary 1. Minutes -- The Secretary mentioned that the resolution dealing with the Masonic Hall while contained in his notes did not appear in the minutes of the meeting of December the 17th, 1968. It was agreed that the minutes of the meeting of December 17th, 1968 be amended to include the following resolution: On motion of Mr. Parkin, seconded by Mrs. Earle and carried unanimously Mr. Miller was authorized to arrange with Mr. Russel Harrison for the moving of the Masonic Hall in t'hitevale as soon as possible with the total cost of the move not to exceed $5,000.00. On motion of Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Miller and carried unanimously the minutes of the meeting of December the 17th, L1968 as amended were adopted. 11. Accounts - an Ltd Frank Cowan Company P Y . $ 55. 35 -- Added insurance on Museum buildings L Andy Ramsay 68.00 - Labour Re: Stong Barn and moving lumber L to Walter Hope's McBrien Transport 60.00 - Moving Stong Barn and timbers to Walter Hope's and back On motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Earle and carried Lunanimously the accounts as noted were approved for payment. III. Furnace - CMr. Marshall explained that in discussing the installation of the furnace with Rodman Heating it was felt that the board should determine the cost of an entirely new instaila- L tion considering the fact that they had budgeted for such an item in the 1969 budget. A further quotation was receicted E for a completely new furnace and to include all necessary duct work and an inside fuel tank for a total of $932.75. L L s ii -2- 1/69 It was the feeling of the board that by converting the ex- , isting furnace which was approximately 35 years old that they would be facing replacement of this particular unit within 5 years in any event. On motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Earle and carried unanimously it was agreed that Rodman Heating and Sheet Metal Company be authorized to proceed with the installation of a new furnace in the Museum building with the cost not to exceed $932.75. IV. Renovations - The Chairman inquired whether or not Mr. Hope had provided estimates for the renovation of the two buildings proposed for 1969. Mr. Miller explained that Mr. Hope was reluctant to commit himself to a fixed cost in view of the many variables involved in renovating these old homes. He had agreed to assume the entire responsibility for renovating the buildings and obtain whatever material might be necessary for the project. He felt that on this basis he could work towards a budget figure for each building and should this amount be reached the board could consider whether or not they wished to spend any further money. It was suggested that although he was not p epared to commit himself to any definite price because of the variables in- volved, Mr. Hope could assume responsibility for all work done on the buildings and submit progress statements for pay- -. ment. In this way the municipality would not be involved in the hiring of staff or the buying of material for the work. Mr. Miller will discuss the item further with Mr. Hope. • V. Masonic Hall - • Mr. Miller reported that Mr. Hope had taken down the chimney in the hall as Mr. Harrison felt that this would simplify the moving of the building. Mr. Harrison had promised to' move the building before the spring break up. It was e.,mFha- sized that it was imperative that the moving of this build- _, ing be completed within the next four weeks as it would be going across several farms and a further delay would in all liklihood prevent this route being used. Another point mep- tioned was the possible hydro strike and for this reason it was suggested that Mr. Miller contact Mr. Harrison again and attempt to have him start work immediately. Mr. Cook asked that he be advised once the move starts. VI. Rumlev Engine - Mr. Hope had agreed to contact the gentleman who was respon- sible for breaking the engine during History In Action Day Celebrations. Evidently this man had indicated at the time that he had the parts to repair the engine but as yet noth- ing had been heard from him. Should Mr. Hope be un_success- ful in obtaining these parts from this gentleman Mr. Miller had located the names of two Museums that possibly might have these parts, one in Saskatoon and one in Alberta. These Museums would be contacted should Mr. Hope be u,Z.- suceessful. t. . .LN ' ' • -3- 1/69 LVII. Antique Purchases - L lvtrs. Earle mentioned that Mrs. D. A. ��ugent of 1'� Cedar St. , Ajax had offered to sell the Museum a tin bath for $10.00 L which was evidently 50 years old. The Secretary was asked to write to Mrs. Nugent thanking her for her offer but declining it at this time in view of the absence of any , . display area for this item. LVIII. N� New Members -- LEvidently the Historical Society is to meet on February the 21st and it is to be hoped that a number of proposed new members will be suggested to Council to sit on the Museum L Board. LX. Barn Raising - The question of the barn raising for the month of May was L mentioned and the question asked whether or not we in fact have a barn to raise. Mr. Miller mentioned the problems experienced by Mr. Parkin in obtaining the barn originally destined for this event but felt that the matter would be L .resolved in the very near future. L XI. The Toronto Historical Board had inquired whether or not the Museum had any stove suitable for small sitting room or beds for officers bedrooms. Evidently they were re- furnishing the officers quarters at Fort York and would like to borrow these item :until such time as they can obtain items of their own. It was mentioned that the L Museum presently had a stove made in Dundee, Scotland in the year 1833 and this could be loaned to the Historical Board until such time as some of our own buildings were ready. It L was also suggested that Mrs. Duncan who represented the Toronto Historical Board might look at the bed presently in the Museum building proper as it might be of some use to L them. XII. The Secretary was asked to contact the Royal Ontario Museum Lto find out whether they still had any display cases avail- able that they might be interested in donating to small Museums. Mrs. Earle understood that they were replacing La number of their display cases and had in the past given a number of the older ones to local Museums. LXIII. The Next Meeting - Items to Be Considered - L Barn raising and sub committees for History In Action day celebrations. LOn motion the meeting adjourned. tw L Chairman Date L . LSecretary