HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 8, 1969 PICKERUTG TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD 7x'69 JULY Sth, 1969 CA meeting of the Pickering Town- ship Museur. Board was held on TUESDAY, the EIGHTH day of JULY 1969 at the Municipal Building at 3:0•.:) p.m. PRESENT: Mr. Harry T. Cook, Chairman Mrs. Mildred ;Spang. Mr. Donald McLean Mr. Robert Miller Mrs. Deirdre Earle In the absence of the Secretary the Board appointed Mrs. Earle to take the minutes. 1. Minutes On motion of Mrs. Spang, seconded by Mr. McLean and carried unanimously the minutes of the meeting held on June 17th, 1969 were adopted. 2. Accounts - EXPENSES Walter Hope-week ending June 18 64% hours $ 161.25 Andrew Ramsay-week ending June 18 64'- hours 129. 25 Arthur Hall-week ending June 18 621- hours 156.25 Ontario Historical Society-membership 5. 35 Ontario Hydro 13.47 Walter Hardy - eavestroughing 94.60 Curran & Briggs Ready Mix - cement - cistern 483.69 Arthur Hall-week ending July 2 48 hours 120.00 Walter Hope-week ending July 2 48 hours 120.00 Andrew Ramsay-week ending July 2 82 hours 164. 00 Claremont Co-Op - cement - 15 bags 39. 38 Mildred Spang - barn raising - refreshments 22.40 Barclay Transport Ltd. - grader - steam barn 17. 50 Vernoy Excavating 50.00 $ 1, 576. 93 RECEIPTS : Robert Miller re: Masonic Hall in Trust $ 3, 952.78 Admissions 73. 00 Maps 20.00 Barn Raising 140.00 $ 4,185.78 On motion of Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Miller and carried unanimously the above accounts were approved _ _ L C q -2- - 7/69 3. Correspondence - 1) Letter received from Yr. Wise. Mr. Miller to see if C any need for item descibed. L2) Letter received from Singer Sewing Machine Co. 3) Letters sent regarding parts for steam engine. 4) Memo sent to Mr. Paulsson, Township Engineer, regarding the moving of the Oddfellows Hall. Details given of Cmoving route and requirements stated with request for approval. L Reply from Mr. Poulsson stated that his department will • co-operate and asks for three weeks notification prior - to move. C I Mr. Miller reported that Mr. Hope feels that the Odd- L fellows Hall would be better situated South of the Harness Shop where the ground is more level. L - Motion by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Spang that the plan be changed to place the Oddfellows Hall on new site South of the Harness Shop. r L - CARRIED, L5) Monthly report received from the Royal Ontario Museum. 4. Barn Raising - L( It was felt that about $500. had been saved by having the Gas Barn raised at this event. - - LSo far Mr. Cook had not been able to ascertain why the Kiwanis had failed to provide the refreshments as promised. . [ Mrs. Earle voiced disapproval of the report on the Barn - Raising in the Toronto Daily Star. She felt that, in future, reporters should be asked to get their information from Board sources to prevent such erroneous matter being _ published again. Whilst agreeing that such a policy should be followed, other Board members felt that a letter of thanks should be sent to Miss Anne Wanstall asking her also -, to pass on the Board's gratitude to the Star for giving the I Museum the publicity. A letter of thanks for his leadership at the Barn Raising is also to be sent to Mr. Morley Symes. 5. History In Action • • It was suggested that Mr. Marshall query whether it would r be possible to place a temporary sign some distance from the Museum to attract attention on such special events as History In Action. - - 1 Mr. Cook suggested that games be organized for this year's event, such as pin-driving, which had proved very popular i-.. at the Barn Raising. After discussion it was decided that this would be feasible and that 10 a pin would be charged and that Mr. Miller should ask Mr. Art Hall to make mallets 1.. for sale at $3.00 each and to run this activity. L r -3- 7/69 LOld time horse-shoe pitching will also be held and other E : games are to be considered. On a motion by Mr. Miller., Ezilconded by Mrs. Earle and carried unanimously it was approved that a quilt for the quilt draw be purchased from Mrs. Gillman for $25.00. Mr. Earle will donate the quilt draw tickets, which will sell for the same price as last year. 25 each, 5 for $1. 300 posters are to be ordered from Mr. Earle. • LMr. Marshall is to be asked to contact the Claremont Band and ask if they will perform on both days. L ' Mrs. Spang and Mrs. Earle are in the process of contacting demonstrators. LMr. Cook is in charge of publicity. Mr. Marshall is to write to the Toronto Calendar Magazine for information re- L garding some item on History In Action to be included in one of their issues. r Mrs. Earle is to see to the making of a sign to hang outside the Museum announcing the event. r It was suggested that a meeting of the Museum Assistance Committee be arranged. Further discussion on this to be held at the next meeting. L 6. General Business - r 1) Mr. Miller asked that the Board consider buying padlocks for unlocked buildings and it was decided that 18 locks, keyed the same, should be ordered. Mr. Miller will take care of this. 2) Mr. Miller reported that a Major Harper Planer is available from Mr. Thornbeck for $150. A steam engine . is also available from the Markham area for $150. After discussion it was moved by Mr. McLean and seconded by Mrs. Spang that the steam engine plus boiler be acquired r for not more than $150.and that Mr. Thornbeck be asked L if he will hold the planer until such time as more funds are available. L . CARRIED. 3) Mrs. Dorothy Duncan is to be at the Museum on July 12th r to advise on correct furnishings for the boardwall and plank houses. The Board agreed to abide by her decisions. LOn motion by Mr. McLean the meeting adjourned. L • r DATED . Chairman C Secretary - yr :