HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 10, 1970, • _._ , ' , „,. . , . L . . . . _ . _ . , . PICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD 2/70 4 A meeting of the Pickering Town-- ! ship Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, the TENTH day of FEBRUARY, 1970, at EIGHT o'clock p.m. in the L Municipal Building. PRESENT: Mr. H. Cook, Chairman Mrs. M. Spang Mr. D. McLean Mr. R. Miller Mr. M. Parkin . L Mr. R. Dickson ° Mrs. D. Earle L . In the absence of the Secretary, Mrs. Earle was le era appointed to record the minutes. LThe new member to the Board, Mr. R. Dickson, • was introduced and Welcomed. L1. MINUTES - On motion of Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Parkin the minutes 9 of the meeting held on January 13th, 1�7® ware re 2.paroved. CARRIED. 2. ACCOUNTS - L Ontario Hydro - Oddfellows Hall $ 1, 367.49 John Lay Insurance -- contents on Museum 30. 25 L D ,X Oil Company 22.34 29. 99 LMOVED by Mrs. Spang, s?.condPd by Mr. McLean that these accounts he paid, it being considered that 71..-, Ontario Hydro had revised their bill there was little l.iiihood of Lfurther reduction. CARRIED. L • 3. CORRESPONDENCE - L A letter was received from Mr. Bourdon, Secretary to the Board of Management for Markham Historical Museum, asking if any assistance or advice could be given to them on the L starting and operation of this museum. Mr. Miller stated that Mr. Lawson had already talked to this group and should have been able to give them much information. However, the opinion was that if further help was needed it should be forthcoming and that the Secretary should contact Mr. Bourdon and ask if a meeting is wished with Pickering Township Museum Board members, and if so, when. . L4. MUSEUM OPENING - `i'12e Marshall and Mrs. Hay had been asked to supply opening L dates akld Yours for Tourist Information, and had given the following, . which the Board was asked to approve: L . . .,, . • . . . ... „: Opening Date - May 16th, 1970 From May 16th - June 24th, 1970 the Museum will be open on weekends only, from 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. each day From June 24th - September 19th the Museum will be open daily, 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. , 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. on weekends From September 19th - October 18th open weekends only from 2 P.M. 6 p.m. History In 'Action to be held on September 12th and 13th. There was some discussion as to whether the dates for History In Action would be too early, but it was finally decided to let them stand as stated. MOVED by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Parkins, that this Ctimetable be approved. CARRIED. 5. ATTENDANCE REPORT - It was felt that a monthly attendance report would be useful in assessing the degree to which the Museum is being used. MOVED by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Parkin that the Curator be requested to present such a report. CARRIED. 6. MUSEUM RE-ORGANIZATION - The Chairman asked if there were any suggestions,estions o as re- quested at the last meeting, regarding the arrangement of displays. Mrs. Earle presented a slightly revised plan for the re-location of the entrance desk. This would seem better situated on the east side of the doorway, thus leaving the west side free to begin the sequential display of items starting with the Indian artifacts and progressing around the room to the Victorian Room which could be arranged in the small north-east ante-room. A discussion followed and it was decided that several present displays must be C, moved and some stored to allow for better presentation of the Museum' s possessions. Mrs. Earle asked that anything moved be catalogued as this would be a start to this task. Mrs. Spang mentioned that a number of people by-pass the Museum building and tour the grounds without paying. It was therefore suggested that fences be erected from the gate to either side of the entrance door so that visitors would only enter and leave through the Museum using the emergency door as their means of getting to and from the grounds. CMOVED by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr.. Parkin that the plan for the entrance desk be approved, also that the suggested fences be erected. CARRIED. L gwas It agreed that Board members should meet at the Museum I at 2 p.m. on Sunday, February 15th to further evaluate the rmoving of displays and to discover what storage space is i• available. . • _ _ _ _ 'L . -3- L7. CANADIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION - L Mr. Miller reported that he had been approached by a Mr. P. Douet, another representative from the C.B.C. who wishes to use the log cabin for some filming, Mr. Douet L has nothing to do with the present filming at the church, but is from another department. The Board felt that he should be accommodated. MOVED by Mr. Miller, seconded y , nded by Mr. McLean that Mr. Marshall negotiate with Mr. Douet to find out his plans and, if Lreasonable, to grant his request. CARRIED. LS. HISTORICAL SOCIETY - LMr. Cook stated that he had spoken to Mrs. Mowbray con- cerning the Society and that she had agreed to try to set up a meeting tentatively for the last Wednesday in Feb Lruary. It was felt that the Society could be of much help if it can be revitalized. I. 9. FURTHER BUSINESS - • LMr. Dickson asked for information on Museum affairs and was brought up to date on some of the Museum's history, L progress and problems. In a discussion regarding temporary help at the Museum at busy times Mr. Dickson suggested that a possible answer might lie in recruiting active pensioners. L This was felt to be a good idea and is to be considered. Mr. Cook will contact some of the Senior Citizen groups and ask their opinion on this matter. L On motion the meeting adjourned, L L . ' DATED LChairman L Secretary L L L L • . • . L • • L