HomeMy WebLinkAboutPMV Advisory - Mintues - Oct 3 2012 Page 1 CORP0228—2/02 Minutes/Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Wednesday, October 3, 2012 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rhonda Lawson, Vice-Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Karen Chalmers, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Karen Emmink, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rose Cowan, Chair & Treasurer, Pickering Museum Village Foundation David Pickles, City Councillor, Ward 3 Marisa Carpino, Manager, Culture & Recreation Jody Morris, (Acting) Supervisor, Culture & Recreation Katrina Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Operations Pam Edmonds, Pickering Museum Village Backwoods Players Theatre Company Richard Jacobs, Pickering Museum Village Stepping in Tyme Dance Group Christine Male, Pickering Museum Village Bloomers & Britches Julie Oakes, Pickering Museum Village Nimble Thimbles Harold Quinton, Pickering Museum Village Gas and Steam Club Dan Taillefer, Pickering Museum Village Woodwrights’ Guild Helena Turner, Pickering Museum Village Vintage Victuals Sandra Gelbard, Museum Program Assistant (Recording Secretary) Absent: Donald Hudson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Brian James, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Dragos Nita, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Stuart Sucking, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Bill McLean, Regional Councillor, Ward 2 Mandy Smiles, Event & Volunteer Programmer Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome Laura welcomed everyone. Laura extended a special welcome to Councillor Pickles and to Pickering Museum Village Volunteer Leads: Pam Edmonds, Richard Jacobs, Christine Male, Julie Oakes, Harold Quinton, Dan Taillefer and Helena Turner. 3. Special Guest Councillor Pickles thanked the PMV Advisory for the welcome, and gave his regrets for not being able to attend the Fall Family Festival. He assured the committee that that he will work to keep the Oddfellows Hall in the 2013 Budget. Pickering Museum Village is often in his mind, and he thanked everyone for all their hard work. Councillor Pickles apologized that he could not stay for the remainder of the meeting as he had Page 2 CORP0228—2/02 another meeting to attend and could not stay longer. 4. Volunteer Group Accomplishments Dan Taillefer – Woodwrights’ Guild Completed Projects  Root Cellar construction (Bicentennial project with Bloomers & Britches)  Blacksmith Shop floor- hemlock board replaced with maple  Fences repaired: Log House, Miller/Cole and Combination Barn  Accessibility ramps completed: Log House, Oddfellows Hall and the Brougham Temperance House  Oddfellows’ Hall - deck is removable and can be disassembled and replaced if/when construction begins  Chicken Coop repairs  Bench rebuilt and placed at bridge, 2 more coming  Gift Shop: wooden toys to sell  Shaker Box –replica built and raffled at Fall Family Festival for PMV Foundation  Weavers Box – made replica, raffled off at the Fall Family Festival  Oak Table – built  Provided woodworking activities for campers as part of Time Traveller Camp program In- Progress Projects  Administration Building Cashier Counter  Replica chairs for Brougham Temperance House Future Projects  Redman House – north wall peeling  Cottage Couch for Collins House parlour  Fencing – building and repairing throughout the village Future Dreams  reproduce more artifacts in order to preserve the originals  to be sustainable  work collaboratively with education programs  meet Strategic Plan goals and objectives Christine Male – Bloomers & Britches Heritage Gardening Club Christine thanked the Committee members for their support. Completed Projects  Root Cellar (Bicentennial project)  Herb Garden  Butterfly Garden (Bicentennial project): would like to see this garden represented on the PMV site map  Dye and Medical Garden Future Projects Page 3 CORP0228—2/02  Pickering Blooms – would like to connect with related groups in the City, such as the Pickering Blooms Committee  Miller/Cole Garden redesign to strengthen authenticity Future Dreams  to have younger volunteers  to have more male gardeners October 13 is the annual Turn Under Day & TD Tree Planting Day; there will be 70 trees to plant, and additional volunteers would be appreciated. Richard Jacobs – Stepping in Tyme Dance Society Completed Projects  Attended the following functions/events:  Queen Charlotte’s Ball – January  2011 Bicentennial Ball & Dance Workshops – May  2011 Doors Open – October  2011 Victoriana Show, Cobourg, ON – November  2011 Christmas in the Village – December  2012 Durham Regional Heritage Fair – June Future Projects  2012 Christmas in the Village – December Future Dreams  Need more attendees Pam Edmonds – PMV Backwoods Players Theatre Company Pam thanked all the other volunteer groups for their help with the productions and the props. Pam also thanked the City for their repair of the path from the Miller/Cole House to the Picnic Area. Completed Projects  2011 presented 11 productions  2012  Duffins Creek Spring Fair Youth Production  Whodunit?: Murder Under the Big Top  A Spirit Walk: Call to Rebellion! Future Projects  2012 A Duffins Creek Sunday School Pageant  2013  Nellie! How the Women Won the Vote – April  The Beasts’ Lament – June  A Spirit Walk: Call to Rebellion! – September  Sinbad the Sailor (Pantomime) – November & December Future Dreams  Formal theatre space/building  Increased community engagement Page 4 CORP0228—2/02  Meet Strategic Plan goals and objectives Helena Turner – Vintage Victuals Helena thanked all the volunteers for coming out to VV presentations. Completed Projects  Cooking demonstrations at stoves and hearth in the buildings were conducted throughout the year  Mother’s Day Tea successfully held  Summer Solstice & Harvest Suppers conducted  Several Themed Tea Workshops booked Future Projects  2012  Bread Baking Workshop – October  Pickling & Preserves Workshop – October  Dinner’s in the Pot Workshop - October  Cakes and Pies Workshop – October  Christmas in the Village Demonstrations  Canning and Preserving of products to be sold in the Gift Shop  2013  Mother’s Day Tea  Solstice & Harvest Suppers  Pleasures of Puddings workshop at PMV in partnership with the Culinary Historians of Canada Future Dreams  To have a full catering kitchen, bake oven and a tea room Julie Oakes – Nimble Thimbles Completed Projects Julie noted that the word ―costumes‖ should be avoided when speaking about the reproduction attire at PMV. The following were completed in 2012:  One cloak  Two leather blacksmith aprons  Three 1830 long sleeved dresses  Three 1850s women’s outfits  Five female outfits to fit staff members  Five sontags  Seven 1910 outfits to fit members of the Village Singers  Eleven petticoats The following items were acquired  One 1850s dress  Three new bonnets Backwoods’ Players has funded for the following items:  One canvas waistcoat  One tricorn hat Page 5 CORP0228—2/02  Linen breeches  Three pairs of boy’s trousers The following off-site trips were undertaken by volunteers in 2012:  Conference in Pennsylvania focusing on 1860s clothing: March  Upper Canada Village and behind-the-scenes: May  Lang Pioneer Village and behind-the-scenes: July At Fall Family Festival, Nimble Thimbles organized a fashion show focusing on maternity, mourning, visiting and sports attire Future Projects  Temperance Quilt (Bicentennial Project to be completed) Future Dreams Textile Room for the following uses/activities:  A large area for the current and growing reproduction clothing to be stored  An area for the making of reproduction clothing (where sewing projects can be cut out, and left out for on-going work)  An area for wool production (carding and spinning into yarn)  An area to house a loom and a spinning wheel Rose Cowan – PMV Foundation Rose thanked all other volunteer groups and staff. Rose announced that she will not be continuing as PMV Chair after the conclusion of her term at the March 2013 Annual General Meeting. Completed Projects Whodunit?: Murder Under the Big Top event included:  Empire Catering & Event Planning (part of Tin Mill Restaurant)  Future suggestion to have 2 nights dinner and 2 nights with beverage and snack  There will not be a Whodunit? production in 2013 Fall Family Festival event included:  703 visitors  Donation boxes at all 3 entrances  $2 per pumpkin  Stepping in Tyme dance demonstrations  KX 96 Radio Station, paid advertisement  Weather was good  Successful Rubber Duckie Race  Thank you to:  Backwoods’ Players for waiving the production fee  Paul & Liz Savel for BBQ  Councillor Pickles for the sponsored food donation  Veridian for their volunteers Page 6 CORP0228—2/02 Future Projects To continue with Bingo, but with the following new changes: The Foundation will be receiving revenue from this new way of promotion.  starting November 2012, groups will be present at Bingo for 2 hours  volunteers will help clean up at the end of Bingo  1 ½ hour training will be mandatory  Group members must be signed up before attending  Rose would like costumes to be worn instead of T-shirts to improve the promotional component this now enables. Harold Quinton – Gas & Steam Club Harold thanked all the other volunteer groups and expressed his desire to keep communication open among teams, and encouraged the team leaders to ask for help whenever they require. Completed Projects  Whitby Heritage Day  Uxbridge Steam Threshing Days  PMV Fall Family Festival  Retrieved and received raw trees, dry lumber & plain lumber for woodworking projects  Picnic Shelter shingles  Restored Steam Engine for Saw Mill and Buck Board restoration work  Received grain from Windreach Farm Future Dreams  grow number of volunteers in the Gas & Steam Club  continue to make participation fun for school groups and camp children Laura thanked all the volunteer group leads and handed out a PMV bag filled with gift items donated from each member of the PMV Advisory Committee. Laura Drake to ask Mandy Smiles to send out training dates for the 1½ hour mandatory training session. Approval Agenda & Minutes Motion: That the minutes of September 5, 2012 be approved. Moved by Paul Savel Seconded by Rhonda Lawson CARRIED Motion: That the agenda for October 3, 2012 be approved. Moved by Paul Savel Seconded by Rhonda Lawson CARRIED Updates Santa Claus Parade Mini Survey: this was not approved for distribution. Page 7 CORP0228—2/02 HST Rebate: the City receives rebate on all expenditures. Claremont Bandstand Decked Out Television Show: no update has been received from Councillor McLean regarding this idea. PMV Strategic Plan Katrina handed out a summary of ―PMV Strategic Plan Activities Summarized by Year – 2012‖ and updated on progress to date. Laura handed out a copy of the internet article: ―Strategy Worthless Without Implementation‖ and asked everyone to read it. Sub-Committee Reports Collections Sub-Committee Paul handed out ―Collections Committee Meeting – October 2, 2012‖ with its list of 9 items recommended for accessioning. Motion: That all the items on the list presented be accessioned. Moved by Karen Emmink Seconded by Paul Savel CARRIED Capital Projects Sub-Committee  Budget still in draft  Oddfellows Hall new quote needs to be looked at again with regards to last minute changes recommended at the last meeting. Special Events Sub-Committee  no update Next Meeting Tuesday, January 22, 2013  2013 agenda and meeting dates will be decided. Committee members to bring calendars for planning. Adjournment Motion: That this evenings meeting is adjourned at 9:45 pm. Moved by Paul Savel Seconded by Karen Emmink CARRIED Meeting Adjourned: 9:45 pm Copy: City Clerk Division Head, Cultural & Recreation