HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC Minutes July 9 2014 Page 1 of 4
Minutes/Meeting Summary
Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
11:30 am
Main Committee Room
Attendees: Doug Dickerson, Chair, City Councillor, Ward 2
Peter Rodrigues, Regional Councillor, Ward 3
Tom Melymuk, Director, City Development
Grant McGregor, Manager, Sustainability & Economic Development
Gilbert Boehm, Supervisor, Energy Management
Chantal Whitaker, Coordinator, Sustainability
Sanwal Gilani, Coop Student
Jean Finn, Clerk, Support Services (Recording Secretary)
Absent: David Pickles, Vice-Chair, City Councillor, Ward 3
Michelle Pearce, Coordinator, Environmental Awareness Programs
Jessica Macina, Administrative Assistant l
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Details & Discussion & Conclusion
(summary of discussion)
Action Items/Status
(include deadline as
1. Introduction of Sanwal Giliani Councillor Dickerson
Councillor Dickerson called the meeting to order at 11:35 am.
Councillor Dickerson welcomed Sanwal Gilani, Sustainability
Coop Student from Dunbarton High School.
2. Review the draft concept drawing for the Celebrating
Sustainable Neighbourhood Community Enhancement
Chantal W.
C. Whitaker distributed two draft concept drawings to
Committee members for the Celebrating Sustainable
Neighbourhoods program infrastructure project at Ernie L.
Stroud Park. Components of the project were chosen based on
the results of the resident survey that Dunbarton students
conducted, interests of the Dunbarton High School
Environmental Council and City staff comments with regard to
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(summary of discussion)
Action Items/Status
(include deadline as
There are four main project components.
1. Drought tolerant educational garden. C. Whitaker
distributed a handout that listed and showed a picture of
the perennial species being considered for planting.
C. Whitaker explained that these may change slightly
based on feedback from A. Mostert. The garden will be
planted in a landscaped, tailored manner.
A foot path will encourage people to walk through the
garden and signage will identify the species so that people
can consider incorporating them in their own garden. The
site will need to be prepped for this type of garden. The
long term maintenance of the site needs to be finalized.
The students will be able to assist during the school year.
M. Pearce is going to contact the Adopt a Park partner and
Environmental Stewardship Pickering about assisting with
maintenance during the summer.
Councillor Dickerson commented that each plaque within the
site should recognize Dunbarton High School Environmental
Council and that only the common name of the species be
used. He also commented that black matting be used below
the mulch to reduce weeds. He commented that the existing
junipers could be removed to tidy up the space.
Councillor Rodrigues added that the plaque should also identify
the year. He asked that the blooming period be considered so
that there is always something in bloom and that adequate
mulch be used.
2. Additional seating space will be added. There are
currently only two benches in the whole park and they are
in the sun right beside the playground structure. Dunbarton
High School’s September woodworking class will construct
at least two benches. A third bench will be carved out of a
fallen ash tree. The ash tree bench will serve as seating,
educational (about invasive species) and visual interest.
Councillor Dickerson asked staff to look into using a concrete
strip instead of a full pad to secure the benches.
3. Riparian planting. Additional planting will be done in the
wet area of the stormwater management pond to improve
habitat function for the species using the site including
pollinators. Mowing will be slightly reduced on the flat area
of the stormwater management pond.
4. Tree planting. The ash trees along the south fence by
Kingston Road will be taken down this summer. These will
be replaced by four different tree species. C. Whitaker
commented that the number of trees planted may be
altered based on budget.
C. Whitaker to look at
the signage used at the
Bicentennial Garden at
Finch and Rosebank as
well at the drought
tolerant garden in
Progress Frenchman’s
Bay East Park.
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(summary of discussion)
Action Items/Status
(include deadline as
Councillor Rodrigues asked about tree size. C. Whitaker
responded that final determination hasn’t been made but that
she’ll be able to provide that information once the draft budget
for each project component is finalized.
Discussion ensued about ensuring the main focus of
recognition is on Dunbarton High School. A celebration event
will take place in the fall of 2014 at the site once the projects
have been completed. Contributors will be invited.
Councillor Dickerson asked about having a sign that lists the
T. Melymuk commented that the other Celebrating Sustainable
Neighbourhood groups should be advised about the
enhancement project and invited to the event. He continued
that plaques should also reference that this project was done as
part of the Celebrating Sustainable Neighbourhoods program.
Sanwal Gilani, Sustainability Coop student is preparing a letter
to be jointly issued from Dunbarton High School and the City to
the residents surrounding the park to inform about the project.
Councillor Dickerson asked Sanwal to think if there were any
specific students or teachers that should be recognized as part
of this project.
Councillor Dickerson thanked the staff and school for their work
on this project.
The Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee provided
approval for C. Whitaker to continue working with
Dunbarton High School, City and TRCA staff on the community
enhancement project as described above.
As a next step,
C. Whitaker to finalize
aspects of the project
and provide a draft
budget to SPAC.
3. Celebrating Sustainable Neighbourhoods Program C. Whitaker
C. Whitaker updated the Committee about the 2014 Celebrating
Sustainable Neighbourhoods program. To date 10 groups,
made up of close to 1000 participants have signed up. The
number is expected to grow since the Ajax Pickering Board of
Trade EcoBusiness Advisory Committee recently confirmed
their desire to sign up.
C. Whitaker asked if there were opportunities to promote the
program though SPAC member newsletters or website.
C. Whitaker provided an update about the activities each of the
groups have done to date.
C. Whitaker to work with
Councillor Dickerson for
a submission in the
Retail Pages.
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(summary of discussion)
Action Items/Status
(include deadline as
Discussion arose about the extent of littering that takes place
after some sporting events by the players, parents or guests.
C. Whitaker to follow up
with M. Pearce about
including a monetary
clause within sport field
use contracts so users
leave the field as clean
as it was as when they
got there.
4. Other Business All
Councillor Rodrigues initiated discussion regarding energy
audits and associated energy projects.
G. Boehm commented that discussions began yesterday
(July 8th) with Finance, Operations and C&R staff on the
implementation of the Corporate Energy Management Plan’s
Technical Actions.
This prompted discussion with Councillor Dickerson regarding
LED street lighting in south Pickering. T. Melymuk offered to
raise the matter at a future Director’s meeting.
T. Melymuk to bring
LED street lighting
discussion to a future
Director’s meeting
Meeting Adjourned: 1:40 pm
Next meeting: August 13, 2014
Copy: City Clerk