HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 16, 1974 (I) (II) - 136 - 24/74 COUNCIL gEETING - A meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on MONDAY, the SIXTEENTH day of SEPTE~rnER, 1974 at 8:00 P.M. Present~ Mayor G. Ashe Councillors - J. Anderson D. Kitchen K. Matheson B. Searle K. Spratley I\1anager Clerk Deputy Clerk L.P. Berryman :N . C. ~.1arshall J.P. Hyslik ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Councillor Spratley, seconded by Councillor Kitchen that the minutes of the meetinq of September 3rd, 1974 be adopted. DEPUTM'IONS a} b) (III) Presentations on behalf of the Municipality were made by Mayor Ashe and other me~bers of Council to the following teams~ 1973-74 o.rlJ..H.A. 'AA' ~Ünor Pee "':ee All Ontario Champions 1973-74 O.M.B.A. 1973-74 O.!<1.H.lL Atom Zone Champions Novice Zone Champions Pickering ~anderers' Colts - 19í4 ~ntario Summer GaMes Rugger Champions 1973 Ontario Midget Softball ChaMpions Mr. & Mrs. J.G. Barron appeared before Council in support of their request for perrrission to construct a 5 ft. fence in their front yard, whi~h is located on the corner of Tatra Drive and Krosno Boulevard. They explained that inspite of the existin~ 42 inch fence, chilðren waiting for the school bus and travelling to and from school were continually breaking down the fence and infringing on their front yard as well as littering it with debris. (See Motion) RESOLUTIONS The Planning Committee respectfully submits and recommends as follows: Recommendations (For Council approval) 1. Proposed Official Plan ,~endment Royal Canadian Legion Part Lot 20, Range 3 Resolved that the Proposed Official Plan l~endment application by the Royal Canadian Legion in respect to lands at the south-east corner of Alliance Road and Bayly Street be APPROV~D on condition that By-law 2511 is ~mended to provide for the proposed use. 2. A 1/74 Royal Canadiaa Legion Part Lot 20, Range 3 Resolved that the Proposed By-law l~endrnent by the Royal Canadian Legion be ßPPROVED on that: application condition (See Next pac;e) ... 137 .- 2./7'" (III) REOOLUTIONS (Continued) 1. The O\vner agrees to i::1. ðedication of a one foot reserve along Bayly Street and the corner roundina required. The owner agrees to enter into a Site Plan AgreeDent registered 011 ,title to ensure PavinC" of parking area and proper location of parking and ëÜSO landsr-..aping on Dayly Street. 2. 3. Provision of parking spaces for the Leqion to a standard of 1 space per 4 persons capacity in excess of the parking requ,ired for the balance of the industrial floor space. 3. l:\ 6/74 Lookout Point DevelopTents Limited Part Lot 28, Ranage 3 Resolved that the ap:¿JJication to amend By-la\ol 2511 to provide for the 'l'ownhouse Development as illustrated in Dravlinq i7, 73-129/Hay/7¡! Of: r-r.,j. LTager, J\rchitect, as amended be (\.PP~W7ED subject to the condi tions pro- vided for in the)raft~pprovaJ. of Subdivision l3T-22590¡ and s\wject to provision of at least three of the units being built For t:he use of handicapped persons ~.,h(' reqeire ",!heel chairs for arobulation. 4. Proposed Cf'ficii')l Plan :unendment P. Rickard ?art ~ot 12r Plan 282 Resolved t_hat th(~ Proposer=; nfficial Plan ¿-'\I'lendment by P. Rickarr'. in respect to Iëmds è,t the south east corner of ~'?'ooð.vi€.~,J Ùvenue and T"-ine Grmre :>..venue be REFUSED as development at this tine is premat'..'ire. 5. M 10/7ð L. & ]'VI. Dennis .Lot: 8; 1?lan 538 Resolved that the application M 10/74 by L. & M. Dennis to "1odify th~ !4inister' s Zoning ()rder ::'e~PP:RO\JT':,D C'n concH tion that the ;:c1edical Of:Cicer of Health approval is received for the lot. 6. H 11/74 J.. Jacobsen Part Lot SF Con cessioI'. S Resolved ,that the application:! 11/74 by J. .Jacobsen to modify the ~1inister ~ 3 Zoning 'Jrc1er be T~p~ROVEr) on the cC'ndi tior.. that the presønt cl~'7elling be :r:ern,oved wi thin 90 days after completion of th,e nevi dwelling. 7. H 12/74- p . I~gg Part Lot 12, Concession 5 Resolved that the applica'tion M 12/74 by P. Agg to modify the t-finister IS Zonint;'T Order be ¿iPPROVED. 8. ]'1 13/74 J.L. Beaton Part Lot 10, Concession 8 Resolved that the application M 13/74 modify the Minister's Zoninq Order be Resolution 249/7~ bv J.L. Beaton to .;"pPROVP.D. MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, s~conded by Councillor Spr'atley that i t~r:s 1; 2, 3 & ~1 of the Planning Comnli ttee Report of September lOth, 197 <1 'Je adopted C:\RRIB D Councillor Anderson refraine~ fro~ voting on this motion in vieVJ of his absenc,-:;> :from tlÜs particular portion of the PJ.a.nnÌl¡rr C:oTILmi tte,,~ rreetinr:. - 13C ~~ 24/74 Resolution 249/74 (Continued) MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Spratley that items 5, 6, 7 & 8 of the Planning Committee Report of September 10th, 1974 be adopted. CARRIED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 100 The Executive Committee presents its Report and respectfully reports and recommends as follo\'Ts: RECOMIv1ENDATIŒ~S - (For Council '-::lpproval) R .1>1. EOLL..:J\1D That the application of R.M. Holland to acquire title of the unopened road allowanc¿ designated on Registered Plan 350 as Milton Road, which abuts his property, be deferred until such time as a secondary plan for the area has been approved 1 at this time Mr. Holland \"il1 be advised. MR. & MRS. ROSS H. HEF,ON - LOT 11, CONCESSION 9 That Mr. & Mrs. Ross r!. Heron be granted an exemption to the Rural Area Development ~olicy on their property located in Lot 11, Concession 9 to permit the severance of 25 acres. ROLES OF LOCAL I~JD REGIONAL p!..]~'EnNG STAFF That the report of the Regional Administrator, which is a summary of Bill 162, be received for information purposes and filed. PROPOSED El\SEJ'.1ENT OF M.T.R.C.}". LT~';¡DS - J...OTS 22 mm 23, CONCESSION 2, To~m OF PICKERING That Ontario Hydro be granted a permanent Easement, as requested in their letter of ~ugust 29th, 1974, over lands mmed by theM.'J'.R.C.Ao an":;, leased .to the Municipality and commonly known as Grand Valley Park, subject to the agreement of !LT.R.C.I\,. UNIFORM REGION.~ TR~FIC POLICY That the Uniform Regional Traffic Policy be received and exa.:.-::ined, and that it be furthermore noted that the local municipality now has responsibility for school crossing and crossing Guards. SELF-SERVICE G.t\~30LIUE OUTLETS That a By-law be passed to regulate self-service gasoline outlets. COP~ORl~ION OF THE Tm~~SHIP OF GLOUCESTER - ENDORSATION OF RESOLUTIOl\! That the resolution of the Corporation of the Township of Gloucester with regard to the re-cycling of ~lass and the implementation of a deposit and refund system for glass containers be endorsed. CITY OF MISSISSllUGA -. ENDf)RSI.TIŒ;J OF RESOLUTION That the resolution of the City of Mississauga dealing with a request to the Provincial Govern~ent for the estaQlishment of a body of professional arbitrators to deal with Fire and Police Negotiation disputes not be endorsed. ~~ILWAY SPUR LINE - NOTION ROAD That Council confirm its agreement for the closing of the railway spur line along Notion Roa& under C.N.R. Kingston Subdivision Mile 311.12. CONSUMERS I GAS COMP,:'¡NY -. fuì.TE INCn...-";l\SB That the application of Consumers; Gas to the Ontario Energy Board for a rate increase consistent with the \vholesale price increase of: gas be received, noted and f i Ie -:. . -- 13~: .- 24/74 lL DEi<1ÚLITIor) CU' HOUB::'¡;P H1 THE :qn~P.BZ\iJK .'\P.BA BY M.T.R.C.A. M That the Cot'.l1cil of the Corporation of the Tmvn of Pid:ering request the 1[etropolit?n 'I'oronto and Region Conservation "'~uthori ty to {resist in any further demoli- tion of sÜ:gle family d¡"i'.:Ülinrrs in the East :r:'..::mqe area until such tir.e as the Pinal nate:r:front 1)lan is e.pproved by this Ï'1lmicipali i:y an'~ the I~etropoliti).n Tc.,ronto anr' Region Conservation ,~l1thori ty ant.l ir. particular a decision ~,I7:Lth respect, to the :future of the East 'Rouge is taken. 12. ,:,PPROV;\L OF 1\CCOUHTS . - 13. That Council approve the accounts dated ~uaust 31st, 197.,! in the æl101..1.n"c of ~;;521,h72.60 B.S submitted by the Manager. P::RSONNEL ~i'hat the report of the Director of Public Horks dated i\ugust 23rdf 1974, requesting additional inspection staff for the ~!orks Departme:.lt be Ð,dopted. nesolution 250/74 r-l0VED by Councillor fiiatheson that i tens "xec'ltive r.;orn.mittee adopted. Searle, seconded by Councillor 1 to 10 Gnu 12 to 13 of the F~E:port ofCeptel':'ber 9th" 1974 be CI'RRIED Councillor ]'inr.'.erson repoY.'teò that, t,lie Conservation lillthority had totally ignored the request of Council contained in iter:'. 11 of the Executive CoY".l"!'.i ttee Report dtlring their J:\eeting last w(~Qk. Resolution 251/74 r,iO\TjjD by CopnciJ.lor imðe!'son f secondeÔ, by Councillor '3pratley thð.t th'3 Town of nickerina not issue any c1e:rrolition permits in the :~:)sebank area until further direction is given ~)y Council. C!iPH,J:T:D Resolution 252/74 ~'irín:;D h~{ Counci llor 'c~l1dcrson ¡ seconded ryy Councillor Sp~atley ,that i,tem 11 of the ;.;xecuti va Corrnni ttee 1!eport of SeptenQer gel: 1974 be ad(')pteri. Cl',R.T{IED Resolution 253/7~ !c1U\TCD ~y Councillor I'jat!v~son, seconded by Councillor :¡~i tchen that rTI1EHEl,8the for¡:ner 'l'owns::¡ip of ï?id-:.:'.ring installed \vatermains and se"7crmains on certain roads and; FJIIZRE1\3 by virtue of an Order in Cound 1, the Regional r1unicip.-:Üity of DurheJ11. ";Tho nO\'1 has jarisdiction for such projects ha~ successfully transferred the responsibility for collection of all costs associate(:~ ~Ñith such ~"orks back to the local cunicipality and~ Þm=FßAS it is the intent of th~ Council of the Town of :':ickering to collect t,he costs of such '\.>Jorks from thc1 'xmefi ting o\'mers under tLe provisions of the Local I!"I}JJ:'ovemen t ?,ct and ~ ~"Ìm?RC,?'S it is the intention of the j\Aunicipali ty to cov(~1:' the costs of such a project by requestin~ the Regional j:-1uni:::!ipali ty of Durharo. to issue debentures to cover the cost of these works ~nd: - 140 ..- 24/74 Resolution 253/74 (Continued) vrrlEREI\S debentures are also to be issued to cover the cost of other community projects, with the cost of these debentures charged against the general tax rate; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED TI~1\T the Treasurer be directed to request the issuance of debentures by the Regional Municipality of Durham to cover the following projects~ Description Hethod of Term Financing 20 yrs. General Mill Rate 20 yrs.Benefiting OWners 20 yrs.Benefitinq OWners 20 yrs.Benefiting ~~ners 10 yrs.Benefiting ~Ñßers 20 yrs.General Mill Rate Amount to be Debentured $334,410 7,970 7,840 130,000 12,766 60,621 ~rena - 2nd Ice Pad St. Martin's Dr. - Sewers Sto Martin's Dr. - Watermains Guild Rd. - Watermains Quigley & Dillingham - Road Community Tennis Courts CARRIED Resolution 254/74 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor lmderson that the Town of Pickering confirms the petition for local improvements in the Rosebank. area and specifically that the Region of Durham Works Department be directed to proceed with the installation of sewers on Bella Vista Drive. Resolution 255/74 HOVED by Councillor Anderson, sec0l1ë_ed by Councillor Spratley that By--law #88/74 is in conformity with the Official of the Town of Pickering District Planning Area, of Durham approved and in force at the time said ,.,as passed, namely the 31st day of July, 1974, No further Official Plan has been proposed by Council nor approved by thef\1inistry of Housinq since the passing of saið By-law ifß8/74 and which said "3y-law would not be in conformity, includin~ the overall revision aðopted by Council, January 18th, 1971 which is before the Minister; That the objections received objecting to this By-law be considered invalid; In 2. 3. ll. (IV) By-law C1\RRIED Plan p . . ,eg1.on By-law And further, that the letters of objection together with the letter of support be fo~.,arded to the Ontario Municipal Board. CÙRRIED Motion MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Spratley that the request of Hr. & Hrs. J.G Barron be deferred to the next Executive Committee neeting. CARRIED BY-LAvIS Number 110/74 Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Searle, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to stop up and close a portion of the road allowance between Lots 18 and 19, Range II, Broken Front Concession, and that same be now read a first, second and third time and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By--la\v read a fi rst, second & third time ;:me! finally passed. (IV) - va - 24/74 BY-LlMS (Continued) By-law Number 111/74 Councillor Ma.theson: seconded by Councillor l\nderson, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of ?ickering to nurlber the homes and lots in Registered Plans H~99 7 and 11-998; anc' that same te now read a first, second ¡=md tl1ird time and that the sæne be now finally passed anð that th¿ Hayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-law r:::ad a first, second and third time and finally passed. By-law Number 112/74 Councillor Searle, seconded by Councillor Matheson, moves for leave to introduce i'l Ry-læ'l of the Town of Pickering to regulate self-service gasoline outlets, and that the Sè.m\~ be nOl., read a first, second anò third time and that the same be now finally passed and that the r~~ayor and Clerl::: sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. r:1\.RRIED By-la~.¡ read a first; sc~cond anð third time and finally passed. By--la\'l number 113/74 councillor ~nderson, seconè~d by Councillor Spratley, f'1oves for leave to introduce ë' By-la."¡ of the Town of Pickerinq to amend Schedule";' 'j of By -law NU:"1'ber /1407/73 (Bramalea), and that thF, sar1e ;x: now read a first, second and third timE anr:' that the Sar1e be now finally passed and tr.at the Hayor é'I.nð "::lprk sign the same and that the S.;;;ê.l of the Corpor?tion be thereto affixed. (V) 1. 2. 3. Cl\RRIED By-law read a first, sQcond and third tiBe and finally passed. OTHER BlVHî:.J'ESS Councillor Anderson referred -1:.0 a recent report of the Co~~issioner of Works for t~e Regional Municipality of Durham dated ~epter~)er lOt}"f in which a recomtPendation "laS padc that~ th,; installation of sewers on Bella Vista Drive intne Roscbank èrea not be proceeded vTith in liqht of the intention of ~ho Conservation Authority to acquire these properties. (See Resolution #254/74) Councillor Kitchen referred to Resolution 315/68 wherein direction was given by the former Township of Pickering that a further :"!,ttempt be Ir.ede to acquire the Hydro rights within the Municipality for tha purposes of a ?ublic Utiliti~s Commission. He served notice on Council that at the next recruJar ME::etinq of Council he would re-introduce this matter. The Mayor reporteè that contact had been made with M.T.C. ",lith respect to the traffic siqnallin~ in the Liverpool Road, Bayly 8.treet, 3rock Road and Highway #2 areas with a view towards adjusting the timing to accommodate the increased tré'ffic flovl that has resulted from the closing of J.:.i verpool n.oad. He also mad(~ reference to the blind spot thë'.t existc;Li. on the ee.stbound exit from 401 to the Brock Road at the intersection with the brid~e. 1\L T. c. had been r:léH:h:-; aware of the condition and it is hopen thé'.t a solution ~il1 be found, possibly in the for~ of traffic li~hts. (V) 4. 5. (VI) By-Law (VII) - 142 - 24/74 OTHER BUSINESS (Continued) The Mayor drew the attention of the press to a letter dated September 11th, 1974 from !:1r. Forester of the North Pickerin(' ' Project \olherein he advises of blO public meetings to be held at the Sheridan Hall to acquaint the Tm.m residents with the preliminary concepts of the North Pickering Development, these ~ates are September 19th and 20th between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 9;00 p.~. . The Mayor drew the attention of Council anð the press to the increasing ~mount of vandalism that is being experienced vIi thin the Hunicipali ty and urqed that parents exercise more control over their children. Recently a Developer constructing homcs adjacent to the Lady of the Bay Separate School complained bitterly to 1:1leMunicipëÜi ty of the vandalism that had been experienced at his sitcf which in one instance had resulted in an expenditure of approximately $4,000.00 to repair a particular piece of equipmento He noted that in no other Municipality had he experienced this degree of vandalism. CONFIro~~TION BY-Lffi1 Number 114/7<1 Councillor Spratley, seconded by Councillor Searle, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickerinq at its meeting held on SeptenIDer 16th, 197'1, and that same be nm., read a first, second and third time and that the s~~e be now finally passed and that the Hayor and Clerk sign the same and th~t the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. C2\RR:i:ED By-law read a first, second anct third time and finally passed. 2lDJOURNJl-.m:.1T MOVED by Councillor Z~derson, seconded by Councillor Hatheson that the r::eeting adjourn at 9;30 p.m.. c: ~~ I.1ayor J Clerk ~ --, Date 7 1~4-