HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 19, 1978 - 53 - 14/78 COUNCIL MEETING A.:.Meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on MONDAY, JUNE 19th 1978, at 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor J. Anderson Councillors L. Cahill G. Fisher N. Geraghty Ð. Kitchen K. Matheson A. Robertson (on vacation) ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: N.C. Marshall - B. Taylor Town Manager Town Clerk (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of June 5th 1978 Special Meeting of June 12th 1978 ( II) REPORTS Ontario Humane Society Report of May 1978 (III) RESOLUTIONS REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF JUNE 12th 1978 See Appendix I Resolution 71/78 Moved by Councillor Cahill Seconded by Councillor Matheson That the Executive Committee Report of June 12th 1978, be adopted. CARRIED Resolution 72/78 Moved by Councillor Matheson Seconded by Councillor Cahill That the Mayor is hereby authorized to proclaim the week of June 18th to 24th 1978 as Senior Citizens' Week. CARRIED Resolution 73/78 Moved by Councillor Kitchen Seconded by Councillor Geraghty That tender T-20-78 for arena roof painting steel structure and general lighting r~pairs, submitted by Dupont Painting Contracting Limited in the amount of $17,445.00, be accepted. CARRIED - 54 - 14/78 (III) RESOLUTIONS (Continued) Resolution 74/78 Moved by Councillor Kitchen Seconded by Councillor Matheson That tender T-14-78 for the paving of the parking lot at the Don Beer Arena, submitted by Miller Paving in the amount of $44,201.00, be accepted. CARRIED Resolution 75/78 Moved by Councillor Geraghty Seconded by Councillor Fisher That tender T-21-78 for the supply and installation of floodlighting for one softball diamond in Clare- mont, submitted by Circle "E" Electric, in the amount of $14,064.50, be accepted. CARRIED Resolution 76/78 Moved by Councillor Fisher Seconded by Councillor Geraghty That co-operative WD 22-78 of the Region of Durham for the supply of culverts, submitted by Holt Sales Limited for the supply of riveted culvert pipes in the amount of $20,093.15, be accepted subject to the approval of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. CARRIED Resolution 77/78 Moved by Councillor Matheson Seconded by Councillor Cahill That the request of the Fairport Beach Ratepayers Assocation dated June 6th 1978, to hold a street dance on Park Crescent between the hours of 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 15th 1978 and alternatively on Saturday, July 22nd 1978, be approved subject to the said Association installing easily portable barricades on Park Crescent. CARRIED - 55 - 14/78 (III) RESOLUTIONS (Continued) Resolution 78/78 Moved by Councillor Cahill Seconded by Councillor Kitchen That the following reports of the Department Heads for the month of May 1978 are hereby Meceived: Town Manager's Department Clerk's Department Treasury Department Transit Department Parks and Recreation Department Planning Department Legal Department Public Works Department Fire Department CARRIED Resolution 79/78 Moved by Councillor Geraghty Seconded by Councillor Fisher That the week starting June 26th 1978 be officially declared "Hire a Student Week" in the Town of Pickering. CARRIED (IV) BY-LAWS Councillor Fisher, seconded by Councillor Geraghty moved for leave to introduce By-laws of the Town of Pickering: By-Law Number 834/78 To authorize the execution of a Subdivision Agreement between Runnymede Development Corporation Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Pickering with respect to Part Lot 91, Plan 492 and Part Lots 18 - 22, inclusive, Plan 489 and Lots 22, 23 and 54 - 68 inclusive, Plan M-1037 (Draft Plan 18T-76031) By-Law N4mber 835/78 To authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and Vivian Kahn with respect to Part of Lots 7 and 8, Concession 6, Pickering (LD 110/78) By-Law Number 836/78 To authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and David R. Clements with respect to Part Lot 15, Plan 230 and Part Lot 128, Plan 350, Pickering (LD 73-5/78) - 56 - 14/78 (IV) BY-LAWS (Continued) By-Law~Number837/78 To authorize the execution of a Development Agreement between Orangebrook Development Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Pickering respecting Part Lot 20, Range 3, Broken FrontConcession. By-Law Number 838/78 To amend By-law 266/75 limiting the number of service stations and public gar~ges. By-Law NUmber 839/78 To authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and Stanley Z. Grossman, with respect to Lot 74, Plan 350 (LD 233/77) By-Law Number 840/78 To amend By-law Number 264/75 to reduce the speed limit on Brougham Road. By-Law Number 841/78 To authorize the execution of a Collective Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering Professional Firefighters' Association; LocaË 1632, International Association of Firefighters. By-Law Number 842/78 To appoint Mr. Noel C. Marshall as acting Town Clerk pro Tempore. By-Law Number 843/78 To amend Restricted Area By-law 3636 with respect to Block L, Plan M-1039. THIRD READING Councillor Fisher, seconded by Councillor Gergghty moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Numbers 834/78, 835/78, 836/78, 837/78, 838/78, 839/78, 840/78, 841/78, 842/78, 843/78, 818/78, be adopted, and that the said By-laws be now read a Third Time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED By-laws read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - 57 - 14/78 (V) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-Law Number 844/78 Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor Cahill moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering at its meeting held on the 19th Qay of June 1978, and that same be now read a first, second and third time and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed. (VI) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at the hour of 8:19 p.m. Dated July 10th 1978 Clerk ~ .. " .., APPENDIX I TOWN OF PICKERING 10/78 The Executive Committee, having me~ May 23rd 1978, presents i~s tenth repor~ to the Council of the Town of pickering and recommends: 1. SELF-SERVE GAS OUTLET ON NORTHWEST CORNER OF WHITE'S ROAD AND HIGHWAY *2 FILE NUMBER B 2310 - PCA 14/78 That spur Oil Limited be advised that the Municipality endorses its plans for improvemen~ to i~s service sta~ion located on the north west corner of White's Road and Highway *2: to operate a self-service existing Town regulations. Robertson and Fisher. That ~ender T-10-78 submitted by J.B. Regan Sand and Gravel in the ~ount of $39,070.00, less the discount of $0.02 per ton 10 days: Net 30, for Granular "B" for construction, be accepted subject to the approval of the Ministry of Transporation and Communications. 3. TENDBR FOR GRANULAR "A" FILE NUMBER C 4300 That tender T-11-78 submitted by J.B. Regan Sand and Gravel in the amount of $33,155.00, less the åi.coun~ of $0.02 per ton 10 days: Net 30, for Granular "A' for construction, be accep~ed subjec~ to the approval of the Ministry of Transportation aDd communications. 4. TENDER FOR ASPHALT EMULSION AND SPRAYER FILE NUMBER C 4300 That tender T-13-78 submitted by McAsphalt Industries in the ~ount of $2,397.00 for asphalt emulsion and sprayer, be accepted, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Transportation and communications. s. STREET LIGHTING FILE NUMBER E 4600 That the report of the Director of Public Works dated May 8th 1978, with respect to the installation of street lights be received; And that the additional cost involved in terminating the exis~ing commission capital/rental arrangemen~s with On~ario Hydro for street lights within the Bay Ridges Area be absorbed within the overall budget for .~reê~ light replacement. Deferred - - 6. 7. ~ ~. 8. 9. 10. ~ ~ ~~ 11. APPENDIX I - 2 - 10/78 GRAVEL PI~ - E.R.S. HOLDINGS LIMITED FILE NUMBER A 2310 That the request of Harnden and King Construction Limited dated May 5th 1978, to haul gravel at night from the E.R.S. Holdings Limited gravel pit, be refused. ACCOUNTS FOR APPROVAL That the Accounts dated May 15th 1978, in the amount of $1,219,697.12, as submitted by the Town Manager, be approved. VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS FILE NUMBER F 2420 That the Town Manager be authorized to increase the hourly rates of the Volunteer Firefighters for the year 1978 be a percentage factor of 10%. WARNER & JEKABSONS LIMITED FILE NUMBER E 3111 That the letter from Mr. H.C. Warner of Warner and Jekab.ons Limited regarding drainage problems at 895 Dillingham Road, be received: And that Mr. H.C. Warner be advised that the Town of Pickering is not prepared to take any further action on the problems outlined in his letter. BUSINESS LICENCE FILE NUMBER D 2300 That a licence to operate a second-hand goods shop be issued to Maureen Hannick, subject to the approval of the Fire and Health Departments. BUSINESS LICENCE FILE NUMBER D 2300 That the By-law Enforcement O:ficer is hereby directly to enforce the by-laws of the Town of pickering by re8ponding to complaints only with respect to lands owned by the Federal Government, and the North Pickering Development Corporation. ....... 12. .. ~ t ~ APPENDIX I - j - 10/78 AMENDMENT TO RESTRICTED AREA BY-LAW *2520 FILE NUMBER B 2310 That the Planning Director be directed to prepare an amendment to Restricted Area By-law 2520, Section 8.5 (d) to include an insurance representative as a professional occupant. 1. 2. " 3. 4. i - APPENDIX II TOWN OF PICKERING 11/78 The Executive Committee, having met May 29th 1978, presents its eleventh report to the Council of the Town of Pickering and recommends: RELOCATION OF PICKERING MUSEUM FILE NUMBER F 2200 That the draft report submitted by Marshall, Macklin, Monaghan Limited, dated April 1978, and entitled -The Relocation of the Pickering Museum - Draft Design Report-, be received. PICKERING FIGURE SKATING CLUB FILE RUMBER F 3400 That the Pickering Figure Skating Club be granted a further two year extension to comply with the Town's non-resident policy relative to their test level proqru, And that this policy be reviewed after the 1979/80 figure skating program. 1977 FINANCIAL STATEMENT FILE NUMBER C 2110 That the 1977 Financial Report and the 1977 Financial Information Return, prepared by Deloitte, Haskins and Sel18, Chartered Accountants, be accepted. AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES FILE NUMBER A 2150 , A 2114 That the following persons be appointed to the Civic Recognition Committee for the term stated: MEMBER TERM - Mayor Anderson , 'November 30, 1978 December 31, 1980 Mr. J_es King Rev. Jack Hannah December 31, 1980 December 31, 1979 Mr. Les Parker Mr. Joe Wilks December 31, 1979 Mrs. Joyce Root December 31, 1978 5. . 6. . 7. 8. 9. -, '"" 10. - .:. - APPENDIX II 11/78 AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES FILE NUMBER A 2150 & A 2114 That the Town Clerk be authorized to receive applications for appointments to committees up to October 31 of any given year by means of confirmation of existing appointees, advertisement, voluntary requests or suggestions: And that these applications be considered by Council in November of any given year; And that all appointments for subsequent years be approved by by-law or resolution in December of any given year. SHOJŒ DETECTORS FILE NUMBER F 2420 That the Council of the Town of Pickering hereby endorses the press release by the Scarborough Fire Department, regarding "Operation Smoke Detector": And that the Pickering Fire Department be directed to continue a similar instructional program. SPEED LIMITS IN GLENDALE SUBDIVISION FILE NUMBER E 4000 That the Region of Durham be requested to impose a Speed Limit of 40 k.p.h. in the Glendale Subdivision. PARKING IN GLENDALE SUBDIVISION FILE NUMBER B 4000 That staff be directed to prepare a by-law regarding parking in the Glendale Subdivision. PARKING BY-LAW FILE NUMBER D 2230 That the report of the Town Solicitor dated May 25th 1978, defining certain terms in the proposed Parking By-law be received. ORANGBBROOK DEVELOPMENTS FILE NUMBER B 2220 That the proposal on the south-east corner of Brock Joad and Bayly Street be allowed to have associated industrial us.. , And that the associated industrial uses identified in the ..-orandum of the Planning Director dated May 29th 1978 be incorporated into the Brock Industrial Plan. 11. t .. 12. 13. .4 14. .~ - 3 - APPENDIX II 11/78 APPLICATION FOR REZONING BY E. & A. TSCHIPPER ON SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF WHITE'S ROAD AND FINCH AVENUE FILE NUMBER B 2310 - A2/77 That By-law 781/78 is in conformity with the Official Plan of the Town of Pickering approved and in force at the time said by-law was passed, namely the 20th day of March 1978: And that no further Official Plan has been proposed by Council nor approved by the Ministry of Housing since the passing of said By-law 781/78 and which said By-law would not be in conformity, including the District Plan of the Town of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham which was adopted by Council on February 17th 1975 and recommended to the Region of Durham for approval. APPLICATION FOR REZONING BY E. & A. TSCHIPPER ON SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF WHITE'S ROAD AND FINCH AVENUE FILE NUMBER B 2310 - A2/77 That By-law 788/78 is in conformity with the Official Plan of the Town of Pickering approved and in force at the time said By-law was passed, namely the 3rd day of April 1978: And that no further Official Plan has been proposed by . Councilor approved by the Ministry of Housing since the passing of said By-law 788/78 and which said By-law would not be in conformity, including the District Plan of the Town of pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham which was adopted by Council of February 17th 1975 and recommended to the Region of Durham for approval. APPLICATION FOR REZONING BY E. , A. TSCHIPPER ON SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF WHITE'S ROAD AND FINCH AVENUE FILE NUMBER B 2310 - A2/77 That notwithstanding the objection received from Mr. R. DiDonato representing Draft Masonry (York) Co., Ltd., the Clerk is hereby a~thorized to make application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of By-law 781/78. apPLICATION FOR REZONING BY E. & A. TSCHIPPER ON SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF WHITE'S ROAD AND ~INCH AVENUE FILE NUMBER B 2310 - A2/77 That notwithstanding the objection received from Miss E. Violet Swan, the Clerk is hereby authorized to make application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of By-law 788/78. 15. ~ . ! ~ APPENDIX II - " - 11/78 COURT OF APPEAL HEARING FILE NUMBER A 2310 That the Town Sol~citor be directed to proceed with the defence against the appeal by E.R.S. Holdinqs Limited, with respect to the actions pendinq before the Court of Appeal.