HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 10-16 Cluj oo Report to Executive Committee PICKERING Report Number: FIN 10-16 Date: June 20, 2016 From: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Subject: 2015 Year End Recommendation: 1. That Report FIN 10-16 of the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor be received; • 2. That the Report to the Executive Committee on the 2015 audit as submitted by Deloitte LLP (Deloitte) be received for information; 3. That the 2015 draft Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the City of Pickering be approved; and 4. That Deloitte LLP be reappointed to provide external auditing services to the City of Pickering for a 3 year term. Executive Summary: Attached to this report is the auditor's Report to the Executive Committee on the 2015 audit and the draft Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2015. Again this year, the auditor has provided an unmodified audit report on the financial statements. This means that the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City and its operations, changes in its net financial assets and its cash flows in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards. The auditor did not identify any significant deficiencies during the audit to formally report to Council Under section 296 of the Municipal Act, 2001, Council must appoint an auditor,,licensed under the Public Accounting Act, 2004, for a period not to exceed 5 years. The current auditor, Deloitte, was last appointed in 2011 for a 5 year term. As the term ends with the 2015 year end audit, it is recommended the firm be reappointed for a 3 year term. Financial Implications: The Balance Sheet continues to improve with net financial assets increasing by approximately $7.4 million which means that the City is more than capable of meeting its financial commitments. The slight increase in the accumulated • surplus is attributable to the addition of the note receivable from the Pickering Soccer Club for its share of funding of the Soccer Facility, offset by the decrease in long-term FIN 10-16 June 20, 2016 Subject: 2015 Year End Page 2 liabilities. As there were no debenture proceeds in 2015, long-term liabilities were reduced by the annual principal repayment. Expenditures were well within budget. The revenues reported in the Consolidated Statement of Operations are the combined revenues for operating and capital purposes. As a result, variances between budget and actual arise due to the timing of approval in the capital budget as compared to the actual receipt of funds/recognition of revenue. The large reduction in operating revenue from the prior year is due to the $18.9 million gain on disposal of tangible capital assets reported last year that primarily arose from the sale of land in Duffin Heights. Overall, the City's financial position is healthy. A strong balance sheet provides assurances to the City's lenders, bankers, ratepayers and businesses that the City is able to meet its financial commitments. In regards to the reappointment of the auditors, there will be no additional costs beyond the budgeted amount included in the 2016 Current Budget as the auditor has indicated they would be willing to hold their fees at the 2015 level for the 3 year term. Discussion: The audit of the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 has been completed. The auditor's Report to the Executive Committee is included as Attachment 1. This Report, prepared by Deloitte, summarizes their findings from the December 31, 2015 audit and comments on significant matters regarding the audit. Appendix 1 provides a summary of communication requirements which Deloitte is required to bring to Council's attention. The independence letter in Appendix 2 confirms that Deloitte is independent from the City. The scope of the audit does not include an in-depth evaluation of all systems or internal controls; however, the auditors may report on matters that come to their attention during the course of their review. Appendix 3 provides management letter comments and recommendations along with Management's responses. During the course of any audit, auditors may find misstatements that may or may not be adjusted due to materiality. For 2015, no significant corrected or uncorrected misstatements arose from the audit. The draft Audited Consolidated Financial Statements are included as Attachment 2. These statements are the responsibility of management and have been prepared by City accounting staff under the direction of the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer. The auditors are responsible to express an opinion on these Consolidated Financial Statements based on their audit. An unmodified audit report has been issued. The Consolidated Financial Statements include the activities of the City of Pickering Public Library Board. The City's investment in Veridian Corporation is accounted for on a modified equity basis, which means the City includes its share of Veridian's income or loss in the Consolidated Financial Statements. FIN 10-16 June 20, 2016 Subject: 2015 Year End Page 3 The Consolidated Financial Statements are prepared on the full accrual basis in accordance with Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards (PSAS), which includes reporting tangible capital assets. Tangible capital assets, such as land, building, infrastructure and equipment are capitalized (recorded) at cost on the Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) and amortized (depreciated, except for land) over their estimated useful lives in current operating expenses. The Statement of Financial Position includes tangible capital assets under the non-financial asset section and shows in Accumulated Surplus. This is different than the City's budget, which notes these capital items as expenditures. Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) Financial assets are those assets which could provide resources to discharge existing liabilities or finance future operations. The City's financial assets increased by approximately $7.7 million. As the increase in liabilities was minimal, this led to an increase in net financial assets of $7.4 million over the prior.year. The increase in financial assets is primarily due to the following: • Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents • Decrease in Accounts Receivable • Addition of Note Receivable for Pickering Soccer Club The increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents is due to timing of receipts near the end of the year such as Veridian 4th quarter dividend received mid December and supplementary tax due dates on November 30th and December 29th The prior year accounts receivable balance included $1.5 million from York Region for the semi-annual funding of capital projects per the SEC agreement. Also the Region and School Boards due to/from account balances were a receivable in the amount of $1.2 million. For 2015, the semi-annual amount owing from York Region was only $160,000 due to the timing of capital project costs. The Region and School Boards balances were liabilities due to the timing of supplementary taxes combined with minimal write-offs during the year. Pickering Soccer Club (PSC) is funding a portion of the construction of the Indoor Soccer Dome. The term for payment is 15 years with 2015 being the first instalment. Therefore a note receivable was set up for the PSC in 2015 for its share of the land and construction costs. Non-financial assets include tangible capital assets which is the net book value (cost less accumulated amortization) of City-owned assets including land, buildings, roads, bridges and sidewalks infrastructure, storm sewer infrastructure, furniture and fixtures, vehicles and equipment. Non-financial assets are not available to discharge existing liabilities and are held for use in the provision of services. They have useful lives extending beyond the current year and are not intended for sale in the ordinary course of operations. Note 11 of the Financial Statements provide a summary of the City's tangible capital assets. The December 31, 2015 gross book value of assets is $426.7 FIN 10-16 June 20, 2016 Subject: 2015 Year End Page 4 million and, after adjusting for amortization, the net book value of the assets is $215.7 million. In other words, the City has consumed a substantial amount of the life of its assets. Future capital budgets have taken into consideration the investment into and the maintenance of the City's infrastructure base as a financial priority. Statement of Operations (income Statement) Revenue reported includes both operating and capital. Therefore, variances between budget and actual may arise due to the timing of approval in the capital budget as compared to the actual receipt of funds/recognition of revenue. This is clearly illustrated with the following revenue items: • Government grants and fees • Development charges and contributions earned The budget amounts represent grant funding, including Federal Gas Tax, and development charge (DC) funding of 2015 capital projects. The actual amounts reported primarily reflect grant and DC funding for capital projects approved in prior year budgets because of the timing difference between when a project is approved in the budget and when it actually commences. The capital budget expenditures do not show on the Statement of Operations as capital expenditures. For those expenditures that meet the definition of a tangible capital asset (TCA), the cost is reported on the Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet). Only a portion of the asset's cost is included as an amortization expense each year over the life of the asset in the operating expenses reported on the Statement of Operations. The amortization expense is included in operating expenses for the asset's respective functional category. For example, amortization on a fire truck is included under the Protection to Persons and Property category. Capital budget expenditures that do not meet the TCA definition are included as operating expenses under the appropriate functional category. The budget figures reported need to reflect the change in reporting for capital budget expenditures to be compliant with Public Sector Accounting Standards. Note 19 of the City's consolidated financial statements reflect the changes made to the 2015 Council approved budget to put it on a basis consistent with the full accrual basis of accounting. This means excluding capital expenditures that are deemed tangible capital assets and including amortization. Actual expenses are under budget in all functional areas. This illustrates City staff's commitment to controlling expenditures. There is not one specific area that stands out as a major contributor to the overall underage. The underage is reflected throughout the various cost centres. Expenses are also in line with prior year amounts. FIN 10-16 June 20, 2016 Subject: 2015 Year End Page 5 Accumulated Surplus The components that make up the Accumulated Surplus are disclosed in Note 12 of the City's consolidated financial statements and are summarized below. An accumulated surplus is the amount by which all assets (financial and physical) exceed all liabilities. It must be emphasized that these amounts are not surplus funds in the traditional sense. In other words, there is no City bank account that has a balance of $331.0 million. An accumulated surplus indicates that the City has net resources (financial and physical) that can be used to provide future services. What primarily contributes to this balance are the net tangible capital assets of approximately $215.7 million and the City's equity in Veridian Corporation of approximately $77.1 million. The accumulated surplus is comprised of the following: 2015 2014 Operating fund $ 125,227 $ 125,219 Capital fund 16,328,274 16,042,591 Reserves and reserve funds 46,097,918 46,772,458 Equity in Veridian Corporation 77,114,119 76,374,399 Tangible capital assets 215,670,460 214,410,833 Note Receivable 4,306,294 - Post employment benefits liability (4,484,800) (4,176,300) WSIB benefit liabilities (1,773,100) (1,741,900) -Internal loans (4,454,354) (4,015,538) Net long-term liabilities (17,717,530) (20,475,769) $331,212,508 $323,315.993 Reappointment of Auditors Deloitte was last appointed to conduct the statutory audits for the 2011 to 2015 fiscal years. Experience in the public sector, specifically municipalities, range of other services available and knowledge of the client are important considerations for appointment of an auditor. Deloitte is one of the largest public accounting firms in Canada and has vast experience within the municipal sector. They provide a variety of auditing, accounting and advisory services to a number of municipalities including 6 of the 8 local municipalities and the Regional Municipality of Durham. The services provided by Deloitte have clearly demonstrated proficiency in the municipal environment, particularly Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) standards and guidelines. Their comments and assistance is always relevant and practical. Based on experience to date, the firm has provided an excellent level of service at a reasonable cost. Deloitte has agreed to hold their fee at the 2015 level for the full 3 year term. Staff is recommending that Deloitte be reappointed for a 3 year term. FIN 10-16 June 20, 2016 Subject: 2015 Year End Page 6 Attachments: 1. Auditor's Report to the Executive Committee on the 2015 Audit 2. 2015 Draft Audited Consolidated Financial Statements Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: aid&Kris Ene S(een_ior Stan K. owski Manager, Accounting Services Divisia -ad, Finance & Treasurer • Paul Bi•-= Direct. , �•rp.rate Services & City Solicitor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council i it i . ZDte Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer _, ................._ • - ATTACHMENT# . TO ' 4'• ' - #F1N 10-4 ,,, ;.• . ,.. •. ..-.0... -.....--... 1 ,.-. t. . .-.....r,,...t - .:- „.eiy.:::,,,'..t.:::10 . ;.:,, R..t.,(721,5;•: .-- ..7.-4`•••■';'1 , •1..,, 4t. •-,'..." •;4110P" ,... . ?,et- ...•"' ' -: : ..•-:4431. 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O c -8 O C N m (6 J N CO w O 0 p L M E C N U O d 7 C c U o Q COj O • C a) 'U E "O u/ V N O O O CI X E U C N C31 .N c .0 c c T (6 Cn E • a N•() , a) _ 0 o m c v - _ O U Cl) (6 O ..., O O 73 O O U U N di C CO • ai 0 c a o c 0 Cl) c -o ° .- o N N C > "O ..e.'0 a) p O « • .C._O a) ui E ` f0 • '� 40c, o w o m o m U (a ,� c we cm a1 E .= o 0 co E is �_ :a aa) -c a) aa)) °) (° o E • ° o o a� c c c w -E. o c : o ^ c) c cts w` 7 R L a) o a) m , o 8 a) a '_ °) c i l/, o E a u) O ? o m C0 0 0 E o m ... c 7% c o Q' o C o m c o w w c •c o c a C > E °� Ea). c m "w " :m m E a1 � �y o u o w m rn rn `� of co d co H c o ff fn Z o_ •a (a c a :c. c co c c a) c m • — C ♦+ O C (71 m d (O 0) O (O CO N 01 06 Q 0 CO_cl o a O - Q m in a Li cn Q E 2 2 u) 2 cii U d 3 d O Q g• f'- Q N M >" tt CO (D 1� a0 (A U O O a 0 n 0 D o 2) U1 T a1 =_ C U a) C a1 m^' O U O a a 3 0 a1 w c > C O 'a a) C .0 a1 0 _ B -,--. LE Q1 a1 C .a N E C C O c C C U a1 C O O O 0 0 0 0 ° U Z Z 5. U Z Z Z c Z r o v c m u a ` U m r d7 C` o -O CO Q1 c CD ,— Q Q Q N N a Va C ` co co N co N co N N co N V U d . iE N L a) O _c O• a) as m a) w v, c co O O 8 0 O C U a_ a) O 0) E c c p1 U C O a) O c L ca N E c (73 ..c o U L m 3 a c a `o a1 a1 N c w _o a) c O C N a) ID c c a E u, N a) c c m - E c°i E ao •m .� a) " c a1 "= o -a O a1 a) a1 U co a) `O U) o > m E c U o alt E U U 0 C L -0 C — N CO a • c 3 3 w E c o or a CD as C U U O C U1 C O U C N U ' .N C a1 3 7 O C c a) O N O 0 7 fA a1 a) a 1 a) U 2 "0 Q) 'U U) E -c 0 C E N 0 w 0 a7 N Q) a1 E a E c on O E o a s 13 2 O a1 � a3 C O_ C N U m u ..E 3 aa) C co O 3 .a 'O w '5 = w N 4 0 8O m • L 0 = U a1 N C1 C C a O 2 O a) cn = in w n r a1 el 6 6 N: , Q. m o o LO 41 t E � U 'u w d i t 0 rn U a \ W d U a U 4) 4) 4) N X (111) a o Deloitte Deloitte LLP 5140 Yonge Street Suite 1700 Toronto ON M2N 6L7 Canada Tel 416-601-6150 Fax 416-601-6151 www.deloitte.ca May 24,2016 The Members of the Executive Committee The Corporation of the City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering ON L1V 6K7 Dear Executive Committee Members: We have been engaged to audit the consolidated financial statements of Corporation of the City of Pickering(the"City")for the year ended December 31,2015. You have requested that we communicate in writing with you regarding our compliance with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence as well as all relationships and other matters between the City,our Firm and network firms that, in our professional judgment,may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence. You have also requested us to communicate the related safeguards that have been applied to eliminate identified threats to independence or reduce them to an acceptable level. In determining which relationships to report,we have considered relevant rules and related interpretations prescribed by the appropriate provincial regulator/ordre and applicable legislation,covering such matters as: (a) Holding a financial interest,either directly or indirectly, in a client (b) Holding a position,either directly or indirectly,that gives the right or responsibility to exert significant influence over the financial or accounting policies of a client (c) Personal or business relationships of immediate family,close relatives,partners or retired partners, either directly or indirectly,with a client (d) Economic dependence on a client, and (e) Provision of services in addition to the audit engagement. We confirm to you that the engagement team and others in the firm as appropriate,the firm and, when applicable,network firms have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence. ii We have prepared the following comments to facilitate our discussion with you regarding independence matters arising since May 21,2015,the date of our last letter. The Corporation of the City of Pickering May 24,2016 Page 2 We are not aware of any relationships between the City and our Firm, including any network firms that,in our professional judgment,may reasonably be thought to bear on independence,that have occurred from May 21, 2015 to May 24,2016. We have provided non-audit services in relation to assisting the City review its needs for a new Finance system. This included a review of the business and technical requirements as well as developing implementation and operating cost estimates. We hereby confirm that we are independent with respect to the City within the meaning of the Rules of Professional Conduct of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario as of May 24,2016. This report is intended solely for the use of the executive committee,council,management,and others within the City and should not be used for any other purposes. Yours truly, LLP Chartered Professional Accountants ' Licensed Public Accountants a) • 3 0 > L as I cq ii as U) .. (a C U U ° Ts N v a O O .4` = 0 c o r/w, -° .a3 .0 u) U V/ N a) @ p a) 7 C C >_ a u) 0 O a) .O C U)a) A...I 3 aa) o 0 Ei o T w as W O a a = O O N as 2 O C o Di p - ° ° c ° 3 0 C U) .U) .L-. L 3 0 U I o -o C 1] C U U) o 3 c of U c0 L >i a) N fl- U I a) N 3 N U �, a) , E x a) d •j .O a1 U) `° - ° ° m ° n o a > T a) a) o N Ei • UI ` O.. C V� C N a U N ° � .1.: � a .c ° o ; a) p o a E o ce- co! C O a f6 C L 7 a) L U rw/ Q N >. o N CO m E a C p C C °a O n CL o E C a) o O O (n6 a3 (S a) N o •O T N O O O U U l C cn U a o 0 O T as 0 Q c co a) - a) m 00 p a) E U �J a N w 0 'a a n p_ N yL,,, w 3 '- C O -0 N E a) a) a a x air =o ° p n m m a) a) m c 3 °c o m U aa)) > C. _ a O O O N c p O cu CO ° u >, N O 0 � N . a cuo O C C C O p U O .0 U) o a 0., E• ' CL , a3 '2 -6 .'= 0 ,_ a) ,..c) -ca 5 1 0) •- C a C C U as a) N _p a) F- a) a m rn o �-° c a) o c ° as m N a3 CO c U ° a) o p o a) o ci,as a) — 0_ .L 0 L -0 U C ° M a) - -C C .0 C c N 3 E •O • i c N L .0 L aI .0 'U L U n CD o rn . o a 0 N a) H w a) 0 a) a�i o c 3 c E o _c 2 o vi 2 m .: 1- ! o ° o ,, m p t c N C O a3 N I- I cci u1 C V) C L O la a m > o U U a) a a) M I C •U o a3 a) a 7 O d O O U) c C U C m V a n 0, n) CO 8 a o ° " m 'a n N > o -- _ a C �a o u) Z1 0 X ° V c N m a •° °) ° m O > .c _ — o ~• a) s°) c oa v)n p a U U a) el V a)p o °>, c ° - m E F- u/ 0 ~ > o a ° > co) >,-.-c C O O O m O_ a Cl.) 7 a 'C c c°) a) )a ` E tUco L U 3 ° o LO a s ct c r > ~ m U m n. c a o Y c > O 2 'C c mc c H C as m 0.'D o ° ° ° c a) O a) c U 5' a) c 0 > a) c (a c L is as Q) �. a3 CO C O U 4- CO 7 ! a a) T m N Q N N a3 p o a) •C « a) a) c c., CL la a) a) U 0 7 C .. 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L a) co - CO T C c6 a m o_ o c%1 Z, mE N w a �-° o a) L L . a) 3 m E o E L m ° U - . - a7-o . cis O C C N a O E-ow . C w m JD J E -J a)2 cu a). 11 _ E O o L T.) - ❑ O a) cri U U_ C 0 E co F N a • Z` a)_• O 0 N N m❑ . > N a Co a3 a) a3 as " C O)U C 7 C .0 V1 • a_ O C .- 0) RS Ea) 01 = a) T C C.L... • o o_O C E C • o U-- X O 0 as as N • 8.-0 • N ❑• N a) m m a a) 5 as • O N a - Ew . N a J.. E a) 7 7 w E N-2 N J a3 • u tE • E a) °) • L U O CO F o a) . Q) F N U 4� N w O O O nF N N N m N ❑ ma) • lila a c p o via a)❑ o a) a w 0 N (.1 R ° Ea ▪ a E °1 d C ca,t m • • ° c U a)a o C 0 0 E a)oyc d CP 0 O E 8 O J . ▪ a)m m a as O :, CI . '5 a) o.- o ATTACHMENT# A TO REPO' #F N to-16 Consolidated financial statements of The Corporatio of the City of Pickeri - g December 31,2015 C%1 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY • The Corporation of the City of Pickering December 31, 2015 Table of contents Independent Auditor's Report 1-2 Consolidated statement of financial position 4# • Consolidated statement of operations 4 Consolidated statement of change in net financial assets 5 Consolidated"statement of cash flows 6 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 7-27 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY • Deloitte LLP 5140 Yonge reet Suite 1700 Toronto• M2N 6L7 Caned- Tel:416-601-6150 F. :416-601-6151 w.deloitte.ca li Independent Auditor's Report To the Members of Council,Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the City of Pickering We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial s .te 4+4•f the •rporation of the City of Pickering,which comprise the consolidated statement of nancial po *•;on . at December 31,2015,and the consolidated statements of operations,change in ne inancial assets, • d cash flows for the year then ended,and a summary of significant accounting polic.-s and other expl.natory information. Management's Responsibility for the Consolid:ted Financial S .tements Management is responsible for the preparatio anima►' .resent-. ion of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with Canadian p •lic sec c .u ing standards, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary • enable the •j ep. ation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement,w ether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to expres: a ;•Onion on t •se consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in .'co••et: . 'th C..nadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we •omply , 'i et ic. requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance abut whether t' • consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involve •erforming proc••ures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidate financial statem ts.The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the .ss-._• ent of ris's of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether d • to . . jre error n making those risk assessments,the auditor considers internal control relevant • the en ►.ration and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in order to desi:n audit proce• r- that are appropriate in the circumstances,but not for the purpose of expressing an o• nion on the effe iveness of the entity's internal control.An audit also includes evaluating the ap•ropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by • anagement,as w°11 as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We believe th. the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit op' ion. FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY • Opinion In our opinion,the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects,the f ancial position of the Corporation of the City of Pickering as at December 31,2015 and the results o its operations,change in its net financial assets and its cash flows for the year then ended in ac•ordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards. Chartered Professional Accountants Licensed Public Accountants June •,2016 j is Page 2 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY • The Corporation of the City of Pickering Consolidated statement of financial position as at December 31, 2015 2015 2014 (Restated- Note • $ $ Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents 6 ,67 86 6►,322,097 Investments(Note 4) •9,4 , 0,020,674 Taxes receivable 15,519,964 14,495,048 Accounts receivable 2,651,579 6,477,645 • Note receivable(Note 18) 4,306,294 - Investment in Veridian Corporation (Note 5(b)) 49,002,09= 47,603,956 Promissory notes receivable(Note 6) 25,069,a 00 25,069,000 211,654,880 203,988,420 Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 6,261,055 18,039,957 Other current liabilities 123,204 98,988 Deferred revenue (Note 7) 56,267,521 51,849,931 Long-term liabilities(Note 10) 17,717,530 20,475,769 Post-employment benefit liability(Note 9(a)) 4,663,800 4,355,300 WSIB benefit liabilities(Note 9(b)) 1,773,100 1,741,900 / 96,806,210 96,561,845 • Net financial assets 114,844,670 107,426,575 Non-financial assets Tangible capital assets(Note 11) 215,670,460 214,410,833 Prepaid expenses 367,382 482,587 Inventory 329,996 337,575 216,367,838 215,230,995 Accumulated surplus(Not- 1211( 331,212,508 322,657,570 • O The .ccompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements are an integral part of this financial statement. Page 3 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY The Corporation of the City of Pickering Consolidated statement of operations year ended December 31, 2015 2015 2014 (Restated- Note 2) Budget (Note 19) Act al Act .1 $ $ $ Revenue Residential and farm taxation 42,198,090 • ,5 , 7 1,133,531 Commercial and industrial taxation 10,637,722 10,575,6 10,820,782 Taxation from other governments 8,564,347 8,804,707 8,492,109 User charges 8,957,273 9,129,019 9,670,171 Government grants and fees 3,629,86 2,042,541 5,494,095 Other contributions and donations 3,792,:.4 5,236, 1 3,315,095 Development charges and developer contributions earned 3,1:8,i-.8 1,8'1,557 4,098,555 Contributed tangible capital assets 95,849 582,652 Investment income 380, !` 780,042 614,423 Penalties and interests on taxes 2,300,000 2,336,147 2,349,955 Fines 872,000 853,850 895,077 Interest on promissory notes 1,229,138 1,229,138 1,426,852 Equity share of Veridian Corporation earnings(Note 5(c)) - 3,632,643 2,338,230 Other 19 ,000 1,218,916 252,978 Gain on disposal of tangible capital assets ` - 54,589 18,890,968 85;844,565 90,693,271 109,375,473 Expenses(Note 20) General government 17,648,192 14,812,739 15,470,467 Protection to persons and prope 23,355,839 22,730,699 21,776,908 Transportation services 13,018,967 12,446,022 12,509,036 Environmental services 3,934,888 3,453,092 3,579,628 Social and family services 749,197 743,667 745,777 Recreational and cultural :ervi 25,331,120 25,304,769 24,654,870 Planning and develop -nt 3,427,064 2,647,345 2,595,144 / 87,465,267 82,138,333 81,331,830 Annual(deficit)sure us (1,620,702) 8,554,938 28,043,643 Accumulated sure us, beginning of ar 322,657,570 322,657,570 294,613,927 Accumulated - rplus,end of year 321,036,868 331,212,508 322,657,570 O • e accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements are an integral part of this financial statement. Page 4 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY • The Corporation of the City of Pickering Consolidated statement of change in net financial assets year ended December 31, 2015 2015 2014 (Restated- Note 2) Budget (Note 19) Act :l Act .1 $ $ $ Annual (deficit)surplus (1,620,702) 8 -54 8 28 •43,643 Acquisition of tangible capital assets (22,998,853) ( ,8 , 1) ( 4,425,129) Amortization of tangible capital assets 10,114,622 9,932,39 9,859,932 Gain on disposal of tangible capital assets - (54,589) (18,890,968) Proceeds on disposal of tangible capital assets - 73,144 20,358,312 (14,504,933 (14,305,489 ' 14,945,790 Transfer of assets under construction to tangible capital assets 21,3 1,751 3,894,018 Assets under construction expensed - 09,049 87,285 - 0,600,800 3,981,303 Acquisition of inventory of supplies - (618,311) (1,128,666) Use of inventory of supplies - 625,890 1,087,024 Acquisition of prepaid expenses - (371,190) (477,252) Use of prepaid expenses - 486,395 276,354 - 122,784 (242,540) Change in net financial assets O 4.04,933) 7,418,095 18,684,553 Net financial assets, beginning of year 1' ,426,575 107,426,575 88,742,022 Net financial assets,end of year 92,921,642 114,844,670 107,426,575 O ' e accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements are an integral part of this financial statement. 1 Page 5 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY The Corporation of the City of Pickering Consolidated statement of cash flows year ended December 31, 2015 2015 2014 (Restated- Note 2) Operating transactions Annual surplus 8, 4,938 28,0. ,643 Non cash items Amortization of tangible capital assets 9,1•x.99 •,859,932 Gain on disposal of tangible capital assets (54,5 7:4, 18,890,968) Equity share of Veridian Corporation (3,632,643) (2,338,230) Contributed tangible capital assets recorded in revenue (395,849 (582,652) Change in non-cash operating items: Taxes receivable (1,024,:16) 1,655,574 Accounts receivable 3,8 :,066 (2,691,449) Note receivable (4, #6,294) - Accounts payable and accrued liabilities ,778,902) (690,210) Other current liabilities 24,216 2,859 Deferred revenue 4,417,590 (2,737,562) Post-employment benefit liability 308,500 262,500 WSIB benefit liabilities 31,200 750,341 Inventory 7,579 (41,642) Prepaid expenses 115,205 (200,898) 16,024,500 12,401,238 Capital transactions D Acquisition of tangible capital assets (net of transfers and contributions) (10,814,732) (19,861,174) Proceeds on disposal of tangible capital assets 73,144 20,358,312 (10,741,588) 497,138 Investing transactions Decrease(increase)in inve: mzifa 597,516 (11,071,112) Dividends received from eridi-. r• -tio 2,234,500 1,927,000 2,832,016 (9,144,112) Financing transacti• s Proceeds from dz.entures issued - 5,303,000 Principal repay, ent of debenture (2,758,239) (2,876,994) (2,758,239) 2,426,006 Increase in a and h 21/ Ivalents 5,356,689 6,180,270 Cash an. cash e. L a-is eginning of year 60,322,097 54,141,827 Cash • d cash equi :le,r(ts,end of year 65,678,786 60,322,097 C•-h and cash equi alents consists of Cash 6,951,463 10,967,036 Cash e•uivale s 58,727,323 49,355,061 65,678,786 60,322,097 ' e accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements are an integral part of this financial statement. Page 6 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2015 1. Significant•accounting policies The consolidated financial statements("the financial statements")of The Corporal•n of the City of Pickering (the"City")are the representations of management prepared in accor•:nce with account g standards established by the Public Sector Accounting Board("PSAB")of Ch.'ered Professiona Accountants of Canada(CPA Canada). Significant accounting policies adop -d the City are :s follows: (a) Reporting entity (i) Consolidated financial statements The consolidated financial statements reflect the assets iabilities, revenu-. and expenses of the reporting entity.The reporting entity is comprised • the activities of. committees of Council and the City of Pickering Public Library Boa • which is control)=d by the City. All material inter-fund transactions and balances -re inated on •nsolidation. (ii) Investment in Veridian Corporation • The City's investment in Veridian Corporati•n is accounte or on a modified equity basis, consistent with Canadian public sector a ounting standard. for investments in government business enterprises. Under the modifi:• equity basis,Ve 'dian Corporation's accounting policies are not adjusted to conform t• those of the City -nd inter-organizational transactions and balances are not eliminated.T - City recognizes's equity interest in the annual earnings or loss of Veridian Corporation in' s consolidated st ement of operations with a corresponding increase or decrease in its inve m: sset acco . Dividends that the City may receive from Veridian Corporation and oth- capita•-c. do s are reflected as adjustments in the investment asset account. (iii) Operations of School Bo..rds and the Regio of Durham The taxation,other re enues,expenditur-s, assets and liabilities with respect to the operations of the school board and the Region o Durham(the"Region")are not reflected in these consolidated fina ial statements. (iv) Trust funds Trust funds -nd t 4P-^r?• o•-rations administered by the City are not consolidated, but are reported s-parately •• e T st Funds Statement of Financial Activities and Statement of Financi- Position. • (b) Basis of accounting (i) A rual basis of acc• nting evenue and exp-nses are reported on the accrual basis of accounting.The accrual basis of a nting reco:nizes revenues as they are earned and measurable;expenses are -cog :ed as hey are incurred and measurable as a result of the receipt of goods and s_ 'ce= an• the creation of a legal obligation to pay. (ii) Cash -n• cash equivalents Cash -nd cash equivalents consist of cash on hand, demand deposits and short-term, highly liqui• investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash. Cash equivalents h.'e a short-term maturity of three months or less from the date of acquisition. Page 7 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2015 1. Significant accounting policies(continued) (b) Basis of accounting(continued) (iii) Investments Long-term investments are recorded at cost and any loss in value w ich is considered other than temporary is recorded as appropriate.Any premium or disco t urchase of- investment is amortized over the life of the investment. (iv) Tangible capital assets("TCA")• Tangible capital assets are recorded at cost less accumul- ed amortization. •ost includes all costs directly related to acquisition or construction of th- angible capital a et including transportation costs, installation costs, design and en.' eering fees, leg- fees and site, preparation costs.Amortization is recorded on a str.'ght-line basis ove the estimated life of the tangible capital asset commencing once the a et' available for se as follows: Buildings 15 . 4 Machinery and equipment 2 o 25 ye Vehicles • to 15 years • Infrastructure-Roads 10 to 50 years Infrastructure-Storm sewers 5 to 100 years Infrastructure-Sidewalks 20 to 40 yea, Information technology hardware 4 to 8 year. Infrastructure-Parks 10 to 40 dears Library collection materials 4 to 7 -ars Furniture and fixtures D 1 to 0 years One-half of the annual am. ization is c':rge. in the year of acquisition and in the year of disposal.Assets under c. struction are not :mortized until the asset is available for productive use. Land is not amorti ed. Tangible capital ass-ts received as co ributions are recorded at their fair value at the date contributed, and t -t amount is also -corded as revenue. (v) Accounting for 'r o.- Tax Cap.ing Provisions resulting from the Ontario Fair Assessment System • The net i 'act in pr..4,y to es as a result of the application of the capping provisions does not affe the Consolida ed tatement of Operations as the full amounts of the property taxes were I- led. However,the capping adjustments are reported on the consolidated Statement of Fina•cial Position as a eceivable/payable from/to the Region. (vi) Deferred revenue Deferred revenu- represent user charges and fees which have been collected but for which , ''' -ted services have yet to be performed.These amounts will be recognized as revenues 44, - . al y:ar the services are performed. In addition,any contributions received with e e rictions are deferred until the related expenditures are made. (vii) Post-em.oyment benefits The p esent value of the cost of providing employees with future benefit programs is recognized as employees earn these entitlements through service.Actuarial gains and losses ar- amortized over the average remaining service period("ARSP").The actuary determined •RSP to be 14 years. (v-i) Inventory Inventory is valued at the lower of cost and replacement cost. Cost is determined on a weighted-average basis. Page 8 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2015 1. Significant accounting policies(continued) (b) Basis of accounting(continued) (ix) Government transfers Government transfers are recognized as revenue by the City in the .eriod in which the transfers are authorized and any eligibility criteria are met, unless e re restricted rough stipulations that require specific actions to be carried out in orde to •-- e trans -r or discharge the liability. For such transfers, revenue is recognized when the - ul. ion has been met. (x) Tax revenue Tax revenue is recognized on all taxable properties wi in the City that ar- included in the tax roll provided by the Municipal Property Assessment 'orporation, using .roperty tax values included in the tax roll or property tax values that :n e reasonably :stimated by the City as it relates td supplementary or omitted assessmen :, a x tes authorized by Council for the City's own purposes in the period for which th- ax i d. (xi) Intangible assets Intangible assets are not recognized as -ssets in the finan 'al statements. (xii) Use of estimates The preparation of financial state -nts in conformity ith Canadian public sector accounting standards requires managemen o make estimate and assumptions that affect the reported amounts in the financial state -nts�'''1'y-,�omp. ying notes.Accounts involving significant estimates include allowance or doubt :c'•u s, certain accrued liabilities, post-employment benefits liability,WSIB liab' ties and es Late: relating to the useful lives of tangible capital assets.Actual results co d differ from thes: estimates. 2. Restatement of comparative •gures (a) Veridian Corporation fir time adoption of temational Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS) Veridian Corporation, a g•ver. ent busine , enterprise which is owned 41%by the City of Pickering, adopted IFRS on Janu. �����•.The as option of IFRS requires retrospective application of the new accounting framewor to J..`��F.f'� ►01 ,the date of transition.As a result,the amounts reported by Veridian Corporatio for its De.. ber 1,2014 year end and the opening balance sheets as at the date of transition have .een restated. In preparing it opening IFRS co olidated balance sheet Veridian Corporation has adjusted amounts reported pre ously in its conso dated financial statements prepared in accordance with Canadian GAAP. IF': 1 requires an e ty to explain how the transition from its previous GAAP to IFRS affected its reported financial positio',financial performance and cash flows by providing reconciliations of shareho d- ' -quity,co .rehensive income and cash flows for prior periods. Acc.rdin. •'an orporation prepared their first annual consolidated financial statements in a ordancer R: and IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards FRS 1)has b--n :pplied.The adjustments in the City's financial statements due to the conversion to IFRS are noted •-low: • Page 9 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2015 2. Restatement of comparative figures(continued) (a) Veridian Corporation first time adoption of International Financial Reporting Sta dards (IFRS) (continued) IFRS adjustments IFRS to opening .dju;�ents . accumulated -lat-4 to ■As at and for the year ended Balance surplus as at year ende. Balance December 31, 2014, previously January December 31, restated unless otherwise stated reported 20 4 20 4 (Note 5) $ $ $ $ Investment in Veridian Corporation 48,262,379 •65,723) 92,700) 47,603,956 Equity share of net earnings from Veridian Corporation 2,530,930 - (192,700) 2,338,230 Accumulated surplus, . January 1, 2014 295,079,650 (465,723) - 294,613,927 Accumulated surplus, December 31, 2014 323,315,••3 (465,7 3) (192,700) 322,657,570 (b) Liability for Contaminated Sites The Board has implemented Public•ect•) •-.tin tandard("PSAS")section 3260 Liability for . Contaminated Sites. Section 326, requires j er nts and government organizations to record a liability in their financial stateme,ts if they ha' ,a ntaminated site that meets the requirements set out in the standard.The standard defines conta 'nation as the introduction into air, soil,water, or sediment of a chemical,org. is or radioactive aterial or live organism that exceeds an environmental standard.T e standard gener. y applies to sites that are no longer in productive use. Sites that are in producti - use are only su.'ect to the standard if there was an unexpected event that resulted in contam••ation. The adoption of this :te.L. .i d did not h.ve an impact on the City's financial statements. 3. Operations of schoo bo: e region of Durham Further to Note 1 (. (iii) requis • s . e made by the Region of Durham and School Boards requiring the City to collect .roperty taxes an. payments in lieu of property taxes on their behalf.The amounts collected and r- itted are summa 'zes as follows: 2015 2014 Region School board Region School board $ $ $ $ li Ta :tion 100,056,175 43,511,890 98,330,551 43,945,940 P.yments in • ft. es 6,879,449 389,648 6,331,506 402,463 106 935,624 43 901 538 104,662,057 44,348,403 Investment 2015 2014 Cost Market value Cost Market value $ $ $ $ 1 I -stments 49 423 158 49 674 241 50 020 674 50 191 189 Investments are comprised of deposit notes, bonds, and guaranteed investment certificates. Page 10 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements • December 31, 2015 5. Investment in Veridian Corporation (a) Veridian Corporation is owned by the City of Pickering,Town of Ajax, Municipa'y of Clarington a the City of Belleville.The City has a 41 per cent interest in Veridian Corporation.Veridian Corporation, as a government business enterprise, is accounted for on the odified equity ba• s in these consolidated financial statements.Veridian Corporation serves as e electrical distrib tion utility for a number of communities including the four noted above and on is non-regul.ted utility service ventures through its subsidiaries. The following table provides condensed supplementary consolidat-d.financial in m. ion for the corporation and its subsidiaries for the year ended December 31 All amounts in tat es are disclosed in thousands of dollars: 2015 2014 (000's) (000's) (Restated-Note 2) $ $ Assets Current :4,500 89,380 Capital and intangibles 231,368 214,725 Other 6,325 8,278 Total assets 322,193 312,383 Regulatory balances 3,170 6,764 Total assets and regulatory balances 325,363 319,147 Liabilities Current 100,133 117,719 Long-term debt 78,600 63,225 Other 19,460 12,313 Total liabilities 198,193 193,257 Shareholders'equity Share capital O 67,260 67,260 Contributed capital 25 25 Accumulate. other co •; hen:iye loss (264) (264) Retained a=mings 52,496 49,086 Total equit 119,517 116,107 Regulato balances 7,653 9,783 Total liabilities, equity anp regulatory balances 325,363 319,147 Co pr-hensive Inco 'e C. mom' reve e 283,052 262,211 Co ,�odi� expenses (280,564) (261,966) Distrib. • r-venue 51,768 49,820 Operating -xpenses (37,875) (37,298) Other in.•me (expense) (5,366) (8,023) Accu lated other comprehensiw loss - (264) Net P ovements in re•ulato balances, net of tax 1,465 1,223 Tota com•rehensive income for the ear 9 550 5 703 • Page 11 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY • The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2015 5. Investment in Veridian Corporation(continued) (b) City of Pickering's investment represented by: 115 2e14 (Restated-Ng e 2) $ $ Promissory notes receivable (Note 6) 25,069,00 5,069,000 rY ( ) Investments in Veridian Corporation Initial investment in shares of the Corporation 30,496,19 30,496,196 Accumulated earnings 42,147,6 7 38,232,154 Accumulated dividends received (24,457 02) (22,223,002) Adjustment to value of investment 8 5,708 1,098,608 • Total investment 49 102,099 47,603,956 (c) Equity in Veridian Corporation 2015 2014 (Restated-Note 2) $ $ Balance, beginning of year 75,715,976 75,304,746 Equity share of net earnings for t - yea D 3,915,543 2,338,230 Dividend received from Veridian orporatio' (2,234,500) (1,927,000) Adjustment to Veridian retain=d earnings (282,900) - Balance, end of year(Note 2) 77,114,119 75,715,976 (d) Contingencies and guar. tees of Veridian V orporation(the "Corporation')as disclosed in their consolidated financial :'atements are as •flows: (i) Insurance clai The Corpor- ion is•-m.-r • the Municipal Electric Association Reciprocal Insurance Exchange 'MEARIE") i ich as created on January 1, 1987.A reciprocal insurance exchange may be ►efined as a group •f persons formed for the purpose'of exchanging reciprocal contra, s of indemnity or• ter-insurance with each other. MEARIE provides general liability insurance to member e -ctric utilities. MEARIE also provides vehicle and property insurance to th Corporation. nsurance premiu ,s charged to each member utility consist of a levy per$1,000 of service r-Api•t, subject o a credit or surcharge based on each electric utility's claims experience.The coy: age is$24,000,000 per occurrence for liability insurance, $15,000,000 for ve.)' ur:nce e and$98,685,000 for property insurance, plus$10,000,000 excess coverage on top t - regular liability and vehicle coverage. 1. Page 12 r FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY li The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2015 5. Investment in Veridian Corporation(continued) • (d)continued (ii) Contractual obligation-Hydro One Networks Inc. ("HONI") The Corporation's subsidiary,Veridian Connections Inc. ("VCI"), is p. y to a connectio and cost recovery agreement with HONI related to the construction by r 0 •f a transfor -er station designated to meet VCI's anticipated electricity load growth. Con. rum •• - the pro'-ct was completed during 2007 and VCI connected to the transformer ation dunn• 408 • To the extent that the cost of the project is not recoverable f •m future transfor, ation connection revenues,VCI is obligated to pay a capital co ibution equal to t,e difference between these revenues and the construction costs allocated to VCI.The instruction costs allocated to VCI for the project are$9,975,000. The Corporation has recorded a liability and a corr: p• ding intangib - asset for$1,212,000 as at December 31,2015(2014-$1,212,000), base o c a agement'. best estimate of the future transformation connection revenue shortfall. H• I is o4 Pa to •erform a true-up based on actual load at the end of the tenth and fifteen annivers- of e in-service date. (iii) General claims From time to time,the Corporation is in olved in various I. suits, claims and regulatory proceedings in the normal course of• siness. In the op''ion of management,the outcome of such matters will not have a materi. adverse effect o he Corporation's financial position, results of operations or cash flow . (e) Lease commitments Future minimum lease payment •bligations vier •perating leases are as follows: (000's) 2016 34 2017 11 2018 10. 2019 3 2020 2 Thereafter 62 122 • • Page 13 • FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY • The Corporation of the City of Pickering • Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2015 6. Promissory notes receivable 201; 2014 Promissory note receivable from Veridian Corporation maturing December 31, 2018 and bearing interest at the greater of 6% or the Ontario Energy Board deemed long term debt rate on an annual basis to maturity 7,095,000 7,095,000 Promissory note receivable from Veridian Connections Inc. maturing November 1, 2039 and bearing interest at 5.57% from May 1, 2010 to December 31, 2014 and then the Ontario Energy Board deemed long-term debt rate (4.47% effective January 1, 2015)for each successive five year period thereafter 17,974,000 17,974,000 25,069,000 25,069,000 Interest revenue earned from these notes rec-ivable totaled$1, 9,138(2014-$1;426,852).The promissory note from Veridian Corporation convertible into •mmon shares at the rate of one common share for every$1,000 of principal amou , a e option of t,e City.The note from Veridian Connections Inc. is no longer convertible but the City ay .t`v.o = ull • partial repayment with six months' notice with certification that the funds are re. ired for icipa purposes.The City has signed an inter-creditor. agreement confirming the subordin. ed ranking e - promissory notes to the senior debt financing issued by Veridian. On November 20,2014,the 0 ario energy Boar. s deemed long-term rate has been established for the five year period commencin. January 1,2015 til December 31,2019 at 4.47%.This rate will be reset on January 1,2020. • • Page 14 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY - The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2015 7. Deferred revenue 201. 2014 • Obligatory Reserve Funds Development charges • 4,9 9 39 524,698 Parkland 2,8 8,6 ,696,518 Federal gas tax 7,999,732 6,683,257 Third party/Developer's Contributions Reserve Fund 2,661,982 2,611,041 54,461,954 50,015,514 Other unearned revenues 1,805 67 1,834,417 56,2; ,521 51,849,931 Continuity of deferred revenue is as follows: 2015 2014 $ $ Balance,beginning of year 51,849,931 54,587,493 Restricted funds received 6,941,777 5,567,239 General funds received 729,491 857,249 Interest earned(restricted funds) 689,423 833,856 8,360,691 7,258,344 Earned restricted revenue tra ferred to operations 3,184,760 6,430,648 Earned revenue transferred o operations 758,341 3,565,258 3,943,101 9,995,906 Balance,end of year l ` • 56,267,521 51,849,931 8. Interfund loans As a means o funding various c-'Rai acquisitions,funds are borrowed by the Capital Fund from Developme Charges deferrer revenue(obligatory reserve funds).These funds are secured by promisso , notes with intere rates ranging from 1.83%to 3.96%and various payment terms ranging from 5 y-ars to 10 years.T e financing arrangements and ultimate repayment are approved by Council throu•• th- -•ant budg- process.Although these notes have payment terms as noted above,they are rep.-abl- •n de' .nd. 'he following is a summary of the related loans: III 2015 2014 $ $ Roads and s eetlights 895,000 457,422 Communi acilities,libraries and parks 2,039,261 1,628,877 Protecti. services 470,209 619,239 Storm atersystem 1,049,884 1,310,000 • 4 454 354 4,015 538 • • Page 15 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY • The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2015 9. Post-employment benefits liability (a) Post-employment benefits liability The City makes available to qualifying employees who retire before the age of 65,the opportu 'y to continue their coverage for benefits such as post-retirement extended he. hcare benefits. Coverage ceases at the age of 65.The City also provides full time and •-r ent part-tim: employees a sick time entitlement and any unused entitlement is accu' uIl -. year to ye-r.This accumulated entitlement is not vested and is forfeited at the time of -tire en fermi .tion.The most recent actuarial valuation of the post-employment benefits w.s performed a Ja,uary 1,2014. Information about the City's benefits liability is as follows: 20 2014 $ $ Accrued benefits liability,beginning of year 55,300 4,092,800 Current service costs 388,600 329,400 Interest on accrued benefits 222,500 254,200 Amortization of actuarial losses 186,200 147,200 Benefits paid during the year (488,800) (468,300) Accrued benefits liability,end of year 4,663,800 4,355,300 Accrued benefit obligation 6,337,100 6,214,800 Unamortized actuarial losses O (1,673,300) (1,859,500) Accrued benefits liability,end of year 4,663,800 4,355,300 The main actuarial assumpti• s employed in the actuarial valuations are as follows: (i) Discount rate The present value .s at December 31,2015 of the future benefits was determined using a discount rate of . % 2014-3.5%) (ii) Dental costs The dental ost ten. .y wa 3.75%(2014-3.75%) increase per annum. (iii) Health ests Heal costs were assup ed to increase at 6.75%(2014-7.0%)and decrease by 0.25% (2014- 0.2:'/o)increments pe•year to an ultimate rate of 4.75% per year in 2023 and thereafter. • • Page 16 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2015 9. Post-employment benefits liability(continued) (b) Workplace Safety and Insurance Board(WSIB)benefit liabilities Effective January 1,2001,the City became a Schedule I I employer under t - Workplace Safet. & Insurance Act and follows a policy of self insurance for the risk associated ith paying benef for workplace injuries for all its employees.The WSIB administers the clai : re ted to workplace injuries and is reimbursed by the City.The most recent actuarial valua•on a WSIB b: efits was performed at December 31,2014. Information about the City's WSIB liability is as follows: 201 2014 $ $ Accrued WSIB liability,beginning of year 1,7,1,900 991,559 Current service cost 106,500 131,600 Interest on accrued benefits 62,300 39,500 Amortization of estimation adjustment gain - 718,141 Benefits paid during the year (137,600) (138,900) 1,773,100 1,741,900 The main actuarial assumptions employ-d in the actuarial aluations are as follows: (i) Discount rate The present value as at Dece' ber 31 • t e future benefits was determined using a discount rate of 3.5%(2014 3.5%). (ii) Inflation rate The rate of inflation w..s assumed to be .0%(2014-2.0%) per annum. (iii) WSIB Administrati• Rate Liabilities for W. B a -fits have •-en increased 34.3%to reflect the administration rate charged by W:IBS• A WSIB R- erve Fun.\,ies e- ablished in 2001.The Reserve Fund balance at December 31, 2015 wa $2,760,341 (201 -$3,047,737). In addition,the City purchased two insurance policie hat protect the C against significant claims to the City.The occupational accident insur.. ce pays loss clai- s up to$500,000 per work related accident.The excess workers co ,pensation indem •y insurance has a$500,000 deductible and will pay for claims up to and i luding$15,000,001 per work related accident. 10. Long- -r • •ilities (a) he of to •-term liabilities is made up of the following: 2015 2014 $ $ The mu 'cipality is responsible for the payment of prin' pal and interest charges on long-term •ilities issued by the Regional Municipality of urham on the City's behalf. At the end of the year, the outstanding principal amount of this liability is 17,717,530 20,475,769 i tl Page 17 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY ir The Corporation of the City of Pickering . Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2015 10. Long-term liabilities(continued) (b) The above long-term liabilities have maturity dates of July 12,2016, 2017, 202 and 2022, November 21,2018, October 15, 2020, September 29,2016 and 2021 and • tober 16,2018 a • 2023 with various interest rates ranging from 1.10%to 5.20%. Principal repayments are summarized as follows: 2016 2,734,716 2017 2,415,834 2018 4,361,382 2019 1,433,903 2020 • 1,440,586 Thereafter 5,331,109 • 17,717,530 (c) Long-term liabilities include principal sums of$5:',000(201 58 ,000)which may be refinanced by the issuance of debentures over a further p- iod not to exceed 0 years, and$2,415,000(2014- $2,415,000)which may be refinanced by the• suance of deben res over a further period not to exceed 5 years. (d) The above long-term liabilities have beef approved by Co cil by-law.The annual principal and interest payments required to service 'ese liabilities are ithin the annual debt repayment limit • prescribed by the Ministry of Munici•:I A and Hou-ng. (e) Interest expense recorded in the ear relat e-e long-term liabilities is$678,882(2014- $686,554). 11. Tangible capital assets Information relating to tangibl: capital assets is . follows: (i) Contributed tangible c.•ital assets The City records to •ib# •ital asse . contributed by an external party at fair value on the date contributed.Typi .le t • :*--r-.,,- roads, storm sewers and sidewalks installed by a developer as part of a subdiv':ion or •- opme•t agreement. Contributions of tangible capital assets in 2015 amounted to •• 95,849(201 $.112,652). (ii) Tangible c.•ital assets recog'ized at nominal value Land u •er roads are assigned a nominal value of one Canadian dollar because this land only suppo• s or is intended t• support road infrastructure and the majority of land acquired supporting roa• allowances was .'quired at no cost. . (iii) o • • .nd hi orical treasures The C : seum which holds various historical treasures and historical buildings pertaining to the heri :•e :nd history of the City of Pickering.These items are not recognized as tangible capital asset-in the financial statements because a reasonable estimate of the future benefits associated ith such property cannot be made.Any acquisition or betterment of these assets is recogniz:• as an expense in the financial statements. (iv) Other .! Th:. net book value of tangible capital assets not being amortized because they are under construction is$7,170,032(2014-$24,496,734). During the year,there were no write-downs of assets(2014-$Nil)and no interest was capitalized during the year(2014-$Nil). . Page 18 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY r n CO N N M 00) Is CD tOD 0 0) al. CD h r M N N a N CD . CO a- CC N 0 a- O CO r CO 0 us M - CD N F ✓ CD N CD is 0) CD 0 t0 . O N (D' t0 N 0) a v) N M N N O r r. a a N N N O as y y 0 M 00) 0 N i CC)) CO y 9 0 F- 0 CO 0 0 C11 C y 7 7 C) F- O Is F- Q a N t0 r y N a N h C 0 t) d 'p y 0 a M C.') O Is F- 00) • N t0 N r O N tD to • 7 ) N OD C) O of a0 C t ti N 0) C) a a 7 Zg b to N N M Li- e: C (I) •A OD 0 CO 0) a a 0 01 0 R l6 )Of) N CCD VI CO a N CO e- N ,p V W C) N CO M N N tD N \ J 0 N 40) 4 a CI) M a a N N p E N of r r r V es N. C Q) co 0 CO• CD W M O O O of CD CI p R N O 0 a r O 0) M r R p 3 • N 1703 a N CO CO CO N N _ 'a M N a CO CO N ./R V t r r y•tA O to O to O CO O CO M N hi Ili CI I� 0 r 01 t0 in \`V d N co a co as O a 10 N O M N O CD CO N N CO N co- of M 0 r M r r r y !A CD C) M M a N r O M N r 0 1- M CO R n 0) r 0 tD N r h n } 0) ) O M 0 M O1 M 0 ` 0 a a r 0) I. co ti r 0 O ,'gyp a a C0 Ott m w • Nr r O tL I a N. N N D U)• y r ' a O a O co a R p z c 0' o m tun m v in g c m a_ 0 O o Cr Cii y N C3 r N •1 v yy nn U �1J 5 y 0 N M M a tD _ M N 0) t] D Is a o )D r o to a 0 1. cu ^' M us N t• oo ti to of cf N M M si arc tri N M r A N n a la r • y to M r M tD t0 r \ N rzo r ID 0 t 0) O t0D t/j h h N r Is T y N o. a a N t00 0r ■ n) r r a r • a C O CO CO i"1 N• •�, � 0 a. A co M 0 N r M r C) co a r 01 ' \ C/] C E M N M t- a tD a u) - ' V . l p- m m o a tp oo m m A, CC3 a a r N C3 tD N a V/ U D) *a czt d CI N. N C0D O 0 0 0 Oa) CO Is CO 0 r-1 3 N 0 co CD N CO CO C) a .--I C) O O M CO 0) CD r N CI O a+ h 001 N M CO C0O r et CO • CI 0 m O t).: F- M r a M O tD CO r C) 1 1 1 • M ) B fA CO •� 'C d C N N is r-I V7 N J a of N a c• Q 1—.1 tC to C Ta l h • Or, R y N N }„i a) M CD sr a) a) CO O C CO C) T C) w Q T •C C N 0 C « p 0 O 7 p. LT O R 'p C O O O R 0 2 C V co) O cn Cl us -c a) co y [0 -, R p. R Y N w as II 0 N E ~ U c >` o C U C U c Q 7 a o 0 '0 y.ci . ��J0 U.) 0 m •a) -a -ao 'Cy m m 7 m t0i E a) C -o t y tVi g Cp typ CIS r`-i F--1 U m Q a J m Q CO m Q a J a m r- V Eta 0) N L N- N M C) CO CO O N V 0) co 0) CO 00 N O) to try 00 ti) O) O O O 'Cr V Co co N C� V O CV co. N 0) O co • V V CV N o m N C CO C) h M V ■ . - I . - CT O 0 0) V O M Co _ a O 0) co (� d O U y (O Q O )- N- O a0 0) 0) N V O 0) d' V C c6 L6 M V d' U N N N a fA in N co 0T) ' C) V O Ca O to CO CO a- O CO O CO O M 3 t= L N L O) N. N CO LO LL •• C C/) CO CO N O CO CO CO O Q V c.„, 0 0) ( s- co V 0) O .O U N t` M 0) ..- to 0) M a0 :=.2 O cum Cv) V (0 (0 O d' CO CO N O U (V C�j � r r C T d FA co co h_ co 0) co O O O CO • N CO CO M CO CO, 0 3 o O Q1 O M a0 c. 7 E L v co rn co to N `o CO N 0) O C Ca N CO • O L a- Efl M 1` LO V' M co co O co CO 0 f0 co V O co N ti) co V' O se toy O N M N 4. a00 co N (0 O 0) CO N O CO O N CO N (O co O N N N N O N N N f!• O to ODD O co co to co O CN 1� N O CO 3 Q) (n O (O N O 01 O Y N N M lo') CO { CC) CO CO to Z N N N V CO V co. O co O M (D W U w ` \ O ` e» O O ' M O) CO (O CO a N N M M t[) m , , 00 K N 0) O 'Cr (0 CO a (n y O M N O Z to CD O N CO O to co o WJ 5 'NO CO N O N N O cc •Ii O co CO co f� m CO CO N O LL t CO N. O M M r- 0) V ICI 0) CO CO O N N 01 O ^, ti co co co O co t` to • V/ - N 1 h V V \ •rti 1l) CO O M ' CO CO o0 1� Po C/1 �„) t cs N 4 � 1��-.1)C g N co O co co O On' > m co N CO CO (O SYJ.(i CO h V � .4L Za men m rn too co r` v •I� a) N I co a) co N O to N M 0) LIT) 't a M CV tO N O) �� O 7 co O co CO LO co a-- ��CC(4. 1= ?y ..) to EA O CC 0.1 r a--- N N CO CA �g 7 c) M 7 CCO O N co M CND N O tTOTO t j.y C -O M h. a O) I� 00 0 co 00 CD NJ co O m O o O O : v h h co co co O r a u> o co ' ) ) . co •I■1 y fa N CO co l0C)1 to tI7 el O •--( a) J C` v N Cal NI NI O 0) t V] C CO O) to tO �1 N (O cc- try Y O O a CC) to to V ,—( N Ca 16 1••1 Q.) M O C6 N c6 >,, T N w N _ �"( T N T O a C T C a C m O = O. •� O a N a a) O O O a) O N a j R O �y C 0) N N .S N ( �p O) Cp 0 0 O V 7 la C C fO CO O N C N O N N Y a)• a w y . a m c E ° ma) a E n v o fO CO 0 a m cam Q)) • '� ` / L a U m Q J L a J a m Q m Q CO Z The Corporation of the City of Pickering • Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2015 12. Accumulated surplus The City's accumulated surplus is comprised of the following: • 015 2014 (Rest- ed note 2) . $ $ Capital fund 16,328,2 16,042,591 Operating fund 125,227 125,219 Equity in Vendian Corporation 77,114,119 75,715,976 Tangible capital assets 215,670,461 214,410,833 Post-employment benefits liability (4,484,:10) (4,176,300) Internal loans (4,4 •,354) (4,015,538) Net long-term liabilities k (17,7 7,530) (20,475,769) Note receivable soccer facility ,306,294 - WSIB benefit liabilities 1,773,100) (1,741,900) Reserves set aside for special purposes by Counci Working capital 400,000 400,000 Self insurance 892,707 892,707 Replacement of capital equipment 1,755,707 1,187,358 Contingencies 1,546,554 1,476,554 Rate stabilization 15,361,372 16,056,925 City's share for development charge 4,962,624 2,176,952 Continuing studies D 113,684 207,619 Vehicle replacement 1,058,940 1,193,121 Easement settlement 390 20,390 Eastern branch 10,882 15,882 Land Purchase 99,403 99,403 Seaton Development Re .ew 1,537,189 1,075,221 i Financial Systems 661,638 486,638 Senior Centre 300,000 225,000 Accessibility Initia . -s O 34,913 15,032 Winter Control 700,000 700,000 Sustainability itiatives 1,665 11,610 Duffin Heigh - 4,119,453 - Facilities 71,547 - Reserve fu•ds set aside for •ecial purpose by Council Recre- ion programs an. facilities 170,148 167,867 Acq sit••• of tangible apital assets 285,445 282,676 W:IB 2,760,341 3,047,737 ni ma 330,298 292,967 Men's slo"• c 148,114 146,244 Operations Centre 6,912,674 15,463,685 Roads & bn.•es 1,365,016 768,020 Stormwat- mana•ement 497,214 362,850 331,212,508 322,657,570 • , Page 21 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY • The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2015 13. Pension agreement The City makes contributions to the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Fund OMERS),which is a multi-employer plan,on behalf of the members of its staff.The plan is a defined •enefit plan which specifies the amount of the retirement benefit to be received by the employees eased on the lengt• of service and rates of pay. OMERS provide pension services to over 460,000 active and retired mem.ers`t about 1,066. employers. Each year an independent actuary determines the funding st. us • 07l--ZS Pr ary Pension (the"Plan") by comparing the actuarial value of the invested -:sets to the es - ed present value of all pension benefits that members have earned to-date.The ost recent actua 'al valuation of • the Plan was conducted as at December 31, 2015.The results of t•is valuation disclosed total actuarial • y liabilities as at that date of$82,369 million in respect of benefits . crued for service ith actuarial assets at that date of$75,392 million indicating an actuarial deficit of ',:,977 million. Be se OMERS is a multi-employer plan, any pension plan surpluses or deficits a - a joint responsi•'ity of Ontario municipal organizations and their employers.As a result,the City do-- n recognize a • share of the OMERS pension surplus or deficit. Contributions made by the City to OMERS on accoun •f current ice •r 2015 were$3,719,031 (2014-$3,428,624). 14. Trust Funds Trust funds administered by the City amounting to$348,015(20 • -$341,024)have not been included in the Consolidated Statement of Financial P•sition nor have t -ir operations been included in the Consolidated Statement of Operations. 15. Related party transactions Veridian Corporation The City of Pickering is a princip. shareholder in V- idian Corporation(Note 5).The City receives electricity and services from Ve 'dian Corporation .nd its subsidiary. 2015 2014 $ $ Transactions O Revenues Interest on promissory note- 1,229,138 1,426,852 Property to es levied 58,559 45,116 Expenses • Electri =I energy and se •ces 2,656,950 2,503,038 Balance Accoents payable and .ccrued liabilities 498,390 467,682 Pro is tes re -ivable 25,069,000 25,069,000 Page 22 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2015 16. Guarantees In the normal course of business,the City enters into agreements which contain guarantees.The City': primary guarantees are as follows: . (i) The City'has provided indemnities under lease agreements for the use of arious facilities or and. Under the terms of these agreements the City agrees to indemnify the c•un - parties for v- ious items including, but not limited to, all liabilities, loss, suits, and damag: a • during, o• or after the term of the agreement.The maximum amount of any potential f re •-ycan it be reasonably estimated. (ii) The City indemnifies all employees and elected officials includi • Library employers and board members for various items including, but not limited to, all co s to settle suits or -ctions due to association with the City, subject to certain restrictions.The ity has purchases liability insurance to mitigate the cost of any potential future suits or actions.T'a term of the inde• nification is not explicitly defined, but is limited to the period over which a'ndemnified p.'y served as an employee or elected official of the City.The maximu a nt of any po -ntial future payment cannot be reasonably estimated. (iii) The City has entered into agreements that may i►clude indem 'es• favour of third parties, such as purchase and sale agreements, confidential'y agreements, en•agement letters with advisors and consultants,outsourcing agreements, le.sing contracts, infirmation technology agreements and service agreements.These indemnifi . ion agreements 'ay require the City to compensate counterparties for losses incurred by the •ounterparties as - result of breaches in representation and regulations or as a result of litigatis claims or statuto• sanctions that may be suffered by the counterparty as a consequence of the tr-• action.The -rms of these indemnities are not explicitly defined and the maximum amount • any .`p,� rei bursement cannot be reasonably estimated. The nature of these indemnification -•reements�.• -ve s the City from making a reasonable estimate of the maximum exposure due to the •ifficulties in as e ing the amount of liability which stems from the unpredictability of future events - d the unlimited c• erage offered to counterparties. Historically,the City has not made any signific. t payments unde such or similar indemnification agreements and therefore no amount has bee accrued in the b. ance sheet with respect to these agreements. 17. Contingent liabilities Litigation O The City has been :med as -fend..nt in certain legal actions in which damages have been sought. The outcome oft -se actions is it •eterminable as at the date of reporting and accordingly, no provision has b--n made in these •onsolidated financial statements for any liabilities which may result. 18. Contractual :rrangement The City e tered into a provi-onal license agreement with the Pickering Soccer Club(PSC)for the PSC to occu• and operate the 'ickering Indoor Soccer Facility(the Facility). The term of the agreement is 15 ye- s f`•r7isi ovember 2014 to November 4, 2029. Under the terms of the agreement, the PSC shat ep:r °of •e City's total cost of purchasing the land, constructing the Facility and the related imp -nt . In 2015,the City recorded a receivable from PSC in the amount of$4,550,000 •-sed on preli • a- project cost figures,with a 15 year repayment term at a variable interest rate ranging from 1.2% to 3.8%. This amount will be adjusted for the total project construction costs,once they are finaliz:•, in the final agreement. In 2015,the City received all of the required payments based on the prelim' ary figures. PSC has •mmenced its soccer program operations and is operating the Facility at its own expense includin• all repairs and maintenance. Once a final form of agreement is executed the total amount of the PS''s obligation will be re-calculated, as agreed,to reflect any adjustments to the total project cons uction costs. Page 23 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY • - The Corporation of the City of Pickering • Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2015 19. Budget figures • The 2015 Budget adopted by Council on March 23,2015 was not prepared on a b.:is consistent with that used to report actual results.The budget was prepared on a modified accrua •asis while Publi Sector Accounting Standards require a full accrual basis of accounting.The bu.•et figures treate• all tangible capital asset acquisitions as expenditures and did not include amorti .tion expense on -ngible capital assets or post-employment benefits expenses.As a result,the budget fiat es presentee in the consolidated Statements of Operations and Change in Net Financial Ass- s rtin -nt the b •get adopted by Council on March 23, 201,5 with adjustments as follows: 2015 2015 Council Non TC: Post-employm nt Budget approved expenditu -s benefits/ presented in budget from c.pital am or zation statements • $ $ $ $ Revenue Taxation 61,400,159 61,400,159 Capital 9,471,274 9,471,274 Other 14,973,13 14,973,132 85,844, •5 - - 85,844,565 Expenditures General government 1.,258,357 1,55,000 824,835 17,648,192 Protection to persons and property 22,• 4 777 30,000 871,062 23,355,839 Transportation services 9, Np j - 3,817,955 13,018,967 Environmental services 1,70 ■7 - 2,229,711 3,934,888 Social and family services 749,1•' - - 749,197 Recreational and cultural services 21,949,361 391,000 2,990,759 25,331,120 Planning and development 3,427,0.4 - - 3,427,064 74,74445 1,986,000 10,734,322 87,465,267 Annual surplus(deficit) 11 99,620 (1,986,000) (10,734,322) (1,620,702) Capital expenditures ( 4,984,853) 1,986,000 - (22,998,853) Transfers from reserve . d reserve funds 9,889,360 Dividend from Veridi-n Corporation 1,927,000 Principal repayme, of debt (3,316,961) Debt proceeds 5,260,834 Prior year op= sting fund surplus (125,000) • Page 24 • FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY • • The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2015 20. Segmented information The City of Pickering is a diversified municipal government that provides a wide ra •e of services to it: residents. Distinguishable functional segments have been separately disclosed i he segmented information.The nature of the segments and the activities they encompass are :s follows: General Government This item relates to revenues and expenses of the City itself and cannot •- di ttribute. to a specific segment. • Protection to Persons and Property Protection includes fire services,animal control, bylaw services, • ilding inspection •-nd enforcement of the building code to ensure the safety and protection of all citiz- s and their prope-y. Public Works Services • Public works includes construction and maintenance of th- C 'r•adways, • cluding snow removal, sidewalk repairs, street lighting and maintenance of the .torm •44 r syste •. Social and Family Services Social services for assistance or services for seniers. Recreation and Culture Services Recreation and cultural services include re eation programs, aintenance and rental of facilities and parks,operation of the City's museum an• ib ary services. Planning and Development Planning and development provide a number of :rvi•es including municipal planning and review of all property development plans. Segmented information has be-n provided in the •flowing pages. • Page 25 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 1 ID N . i in to O O h h O ' M O L r r 0 N O r M CO r y eN r to 10 eN eN CO r Is CO N N` O CO CO Cl m 0 � 10 0 CO to CO CO 10 r N e! CO CD M N M C) ) .d N O OD r 1ff N tt O M M N O N eN CO eF eN N C1 N C) M O r C1 4 N- M M 141 M 4) , O r N CO Co) CO M CO LO et ^ O et r 10 N C� 4 e' M C1 6 ai M O1 r N 00 C co 0 U +' CA 00 r ti b ' Co) r CO Co) h M N- M C) CO at CO C r 0 CO r eN M O h C) CO '1 O O M M O C) 00 O M CO r N- CO 0 CO CO r CO N` N C E N I CO 0 N N e' Ti- ti 00 10 of O M N 1q y N 0 O 0 co) r 1O Co) N` CO is P 0 r N O I- P N r CD CO h h 1O N- eN N C0 O > CD M N ^ DD T 10 O 1 ' ' ' CD M O O f` r - CO C9 M M CO C V N N e< O CCD N CO CO CO f0 Ey CO U) T N LO O O C') N Ri N N. M r M r N f` N O CO C C0 O CO ' ' ' ' ' 0 CO eN CO N 1O LO LO C Y O N— O 0 r LO N 00 of of N CD �\d O r CO O h 1O N 00 CO M N O a N M M CO n N ti O eN O C O CO CO N r r CO O C N N N C 4) CO 0) a -a CO e,E» Or comet U) COLC) C) C) 10 r �N CO CD M eY CO r C`9 0) CO 4) CO 0 z C 3 ^ M N O h CO O eF e! CO ti O O O O 4 r N N- b N N r N O U) +' p N. 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