HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 08-16 ea,00 = Report to Planning & Development Committee PI KERI Report Number: PLN 08-16 Date: June 20, 2016 From: Thomas Melymuk Director, City Development Subject: Consultant Selection for Urban Design Review Services File: D-1220-007 Recommendation: 1. That the proposal in response to RFP-5-2016, submitted by John G. Williams Limited, Architect, to undertake Urban Design Review Services for a period of 3 years, commencing July 1, 2016 and expiring on June 30, 2019 be accepted; and 2. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: In March 2014, Council authorized the implementation of an Urban Design Review Services Program and retained John G. Williams Limited, Architect to undertake Urban Design Review Services on the City's behalf. This program has been successful in raising the level of urban design and architecture of new development and redevelopment of existing properties and buildings within the City. Given the success of the Urban Design Review Services Program and that the current purchase order issued to John G. Williams Limited, Architect is set to expire on June 30, 2016, a Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued on February 18, 2016. Three qualified proposals were received. A staff Evaluation Committee reviewed the proposals against the criteria outlined in the RFP. The consulting firm of John G. Williams Limited, Architect, received the highest average score and best met the City's need in providing Urban Design Review Services. John G. Williams Limited, Architect is a multi-disciplinary firm specializing in planning, urban design and architectural design control. They have extensive experience reviewing a variety of built forms including mixed use developments, medium and high density residential projects, as well as commercial and industrial buildings on behalf of municipalities within the Greater Toronto Area. This report recommends that Council accept the firm of John G. Williams Limited, Architect, to provide Urban Design Review Services for a period of 3 years commencing July 1, 2016 and expiring on June 30, 2019. Report PLN 08-16 June 20, 2016 Subject: Consultant Selection for Urban Design Review Services Page 2 Financial Implications: There are no financial impacts to the City as a result of retaining the services of the consultant for the Urban Design Review Services Program. The Pickering Official Plan and the User Fee By-law include provisions requiring an applicant to be responsible for the cost of the City peer reviewing studies and drawings, including site plan and architectural drawings. The 2016 budget for the Planning & Design section of the City Development identifies an expenditure line item for Urban Design Review Services in the amount of $80,000.00 (Account Code 2611.2392.0003) and a corresponding revenue line item (Account Code 2611.9990.0000) funded by developers, also in the amount of$80,000.00. 1. Background In March 2014, Council approved the implementation of an Urban Design Review Services Program to establish new and higher standards for urban design and architecture in the City. John G. Williams Limited, Architect ("John G. Williams") was retained to undertake Urban Design Review Services for the past two years to review all significant new development and redevelopment of existing properties and building that are prominently visible from a public street or highway. The Urban Design Review Services Program has been successful in raising the standard of architecture and urban design on most development projects. The consultant has provided valuable comments and advice regarding the design and layout of site plans, and enhancing the exterior appearance of new development through the review of material selection and utilizing current architectural trends. Since the implementation of the Urban Design Review Services Program, the City has not received any objections or concerns related to the additional cost incurred by the applicants. Some applicants have also provided positive feedback and comments that this service has significantly improved the overall finish and quality of their project. The existing purchase order issued to John G. Williams to provide Urban Design Review Services will expire on June 30, 2016. To help achieve and uphold new and higher standards for planning, architecture and urban design, the City would strongly benefit from the continued services of a qualified Urban Design Consultant to provide objective and professional advice on architecture and urban design. 2. Discussion 2.1 A Request for Proposal (RFP) for Urban Review Services was issued On February 18, 2016 the City issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Urban Design Review Services. The RFP was an open proposal call. A number of consulting firms were forwarded a copy of the RFP based on their experience with similar projects in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). In addition, a notice of the RFP was placed on the City's website. The RFP closed on March 15, 2016. Report PLN 08-16 June 20, 2016 Subject: Consultant Selection for Urban Design Review Services Page 3 Three proposal were received from the following multi-disciplinary consulting teams: • MMM Group • SGL Planning & Design • John G. Williams Limited, Architects 2.2 John G. Williams Limited, Architect is recommended On April 19, 2016, an Evaluation Committee consisting of the Chief Planner, the Manager, Development Review & Urban Design, and the Senior Planner— Site Planning reviewed the proposals against various criteria, as outlined in the RFP. Although the Evaluation Committee was impressed by the quality of all three proposals, the team that received the highest score and best met the City's needs in providing Urban Design Review Services, was John G. Williams Limited, Architect. John G. Williams Limited, Architect is multi-disciplinary firm specializing in planning, urban design and architectural design control. This firm is one of the few that is active as an Urban Design/Control Architect Consultant in many municipalities within the GTA, including Brampton, Markham, Mississauga, Hamilton, Oakville, Richmond Hill, Vaughan and Whitby. They have extensive experience reviewing a variety of built forms including mixed use developments, medium and high density residential projects, as well as commercial and industrial buildings. The firm employs a solution oriented approach to development projects and will work collaboratively with planning staff to continue to raise the level of planning, urban design and architecture within the City while balancing the City's goals against the applicant's requirements. 2.3 Urban Design Review Services Program The primary goal of the Urban Design Review Services Program is to establish new and higher standards for urban design and architecture in the City. To help achieve this goal, the Urban Design Consultant will be engaged in the review of all significant new development and redevelopment of existing properties and buildings that are prominently visible from a public street or highway, as well as any other proposals requested by the Site Plan Committee. Certain minor projects or additions to existing buildings not visible from the street would generally be exempted. For most proposals, a maximum three week review period will be given to the Urban Design Consultant to provide comments to City Development staff. The Urban Design Consultant will review the proposal and provide their comments and suggested changes with respect to, but not limited to, overall site layout, the pedestrian realm, building placement and massing, architectural design, and building material and colour. The Urban Design Consultant may also attend meetings with the applicants and municipal staff to further discuss their comments, as well as work with the applicants to resolve any concerns or issues with their suggested changes. Report PLN 08-16 June 20, 2016 Subject: Consultant Selection for Urban Design Review Services Page 4 The Urban Design Consultant may also attend Site Plan Committee meetings to provide advice with respect to architecture and urban design pertaining to a specific application or project. There will be no financial impact to the City as a result of retaining the services of an Urban Design Consultant. The City's Official Plan and the User Fee By-law require applicants to be responsible for the peer review cost of studies and drawings, including site plan and architectural drawings. The Urban Design Consultant will bill the City for the services, at the hourly rate noted in their proposal, and in turn, the City will bill the development proponent. Therefore, although the City retains the service of the Urban Design Consultant, the City is reimbursed by the developer for the cost of the service. The 2016 budget for the City Development Department— Planning & Design section, identifies expenditure and revenue line items each in the amount of$80,000.00 in order to implement the Urban Design Review Services Program. All applicants are made aware of the Urban Design Review Services Program at the pre-consultation stage. Prior to engaging the Urban Design Review Consultant, a cost estimated is provide to the applicant and a written consent is obtain from the applicant acknowledging that they agree to reimburse the City.of Pickering the full cost of undertaking peer review of any studies or drawings submitted in support of the application. For most development proposals, the additional cost incurred by an applicant as result of the City retaining the services of the Urban Design Consultant will be in the range of approximately $2,500.00 to $4,000.00. For larger scale and more complex projects, the cost could be approximately $5,000.00 to $10,000.00. Staff are sensitive to the additional cost incurred by the applicant and will work with the Urban Design Consultant to minimize the costs of the Urban Design Review Services were possible. Staff have not received any concerns or objections to the additional cost incurred by an applicant. 3. Conclusion Staff recommend that Council approve retaining the services of John G. Williams Limited Architect, to undertake the Urban Design Review Services in accordance with their proposal. Report PLN 08-16 June 20, 2016 Subject: Consultant Selection for Urban Design Review Services Page 5 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: f\( Nile IFS rti, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, R P Manager, Development Review & • Chief Planner Urban Design Thomas Melym , MCIP, RPP Director, City Development NS:Id Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council • 010. 3,Zoi6 6-fi Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer