HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 20, 1978 - 104 - 25/78 COUNCIL MEETING A Meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20th 1978 at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Mayor J. Anderson COUNCILLORS: L. Cahill G. Fisher N. Geraghty D. Kitchen K. Matheson A. Robertson ALSO PRESENT: N.C. Marshall - Town Manager B. Taylor - Town Clerk (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Executive Committee Meeting of October 23rd 1978 Council Meeting of Octoèer 30th 1978 (II) RESOLUTIONS Resolution 155/78 Moved by Councillor Geraghty Seconded by Councillor Cahill That by-law 893/78 is in conformity with the Official Plan of the Region of Durham and in force at the time said by-law was passed, namely the 18th day of September 1978¡ And that no further Official Plan has been proposed by Council nor approved by the Ministry of Housing since passing of said by-law 893/78 in which the said by-law would not be in conformity. CARRIED Resolution 156/78 Moved by Councillor Geraghty Seconded by Councillor Matheson That By-law Amendment Application A19/78 by the Durham Separate School Board on lands being part lots 64, 65, Plan 350, to amend restricted area By-law 2511, as amended from R4 to R4 (Specific)to also permit a Separate School, be referred back to the Planning Director for a further report. CARRIED Mr. Savage, 572 Oakwood Drive, addressed Council and stated that if a school is permitted at this location it will be to the detriment of surrounding properties. - 105 - 25/78 (II) RESOLUTIONS (Continued) Resolution 157/78 Moved by Councillor Fisher Seconded by Councillor Geraghty That Application M19/78 to L. & M. Dennis to modify the Minister's Order with respect to lands being Lot 8, Registered Plan 538, to permit the construction of a single family detached dwelling on a lot with 28.956 m (95 feet) frontage and .2007 ha (1.496 acres) area be approved. CARRIED Resolution 158/78 Moved by Councillor Fisher Seconded by Councillor Geraghty That application M20/78, submitted by 'The Trustees of the Congregation of the United Church of Canada at Greenwood' with respect to lands described as Part 2 of Plan 40R-969 to allow the existing church to be used for residential purposes be approved. CARRIED Resolution 159/78 Moved by Councillor Robertson Seconded by Councillor Matheson That the report of the Director of Public Works with respect to street lighting replacements in the Bay Ridges Area, dated October 27th 1978, be approved¡ And that the Treasurer be authorized to pay Ontario Hydro the residual value of street lights replaced by the Municipality and in particular an amount of $3,363.30, representing the replacement of 74 lights in the Bay Ridges Area during 1978¡ And that this amount be charged to the Street Light Budget. CARRIED R~solution 160/78 Moved by Councillor Kitchen Seconded by Councillor Matheson That the Town Manager be authorized to make application to the Canadian Transport Commission to establish a new crossing at the proposed re-aligned Liverpool Road (Road N/S 6) crossing of the Canadian Pacific right-of-way as shown on Plan #8 - Appendix I to the draft proposal prepared by Totten, Sims, Hubicki Associates Limited, dated October 2nd 1978. CARRIED - 106 - 25/78 (II) RESOLUTIONS (Continued) Resolution 161/78 Moved by Councillor Robertson Seconded by Councillor Geraghty That the report of the Treasurer-Collector dated October 24th 1978 with respect to the Replacement of Capital Equipment Reserve Account G/L # 4611 be approved. CARRIED Resolution 162/78 Moved by Councillor Cahill Seconded by Councillor Fisher That tender 36-78 submitted by K. Line Maintenance and Construction Limited in the amount of $2,195.00 for removal and installation of street lights within the Town of Pickering, be approved. CARRIED Resolution 163/78 Moved by Councillor Robertson Seconded by Councillor Matheson That the Accounts dated October 31st 1978, in the amount of $1,327,020.40 and November 14th 1978, in the amount of $1,098,016.15, as submitted by the Town Manager, be approved. CARRIED (III) BY-LAW ~y-Law Number 892/78 - THIRD READING Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Robertson moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law Number 892/78, to stop up a part of Sideline 22 from Concession 3 Road north to the Canadian Pacific Railway right-of-way and to authorize the sale thereof to the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, be adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a Third time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - 107 - 25/78 (IV) 1. OTHER BUSINESS Council approved a quarter page advertisement in the Kinsmen newsletter. 2. Council considered a request from Mr. Fred Beer, President, Pickering Hockey Association, for the suspension of public skating at the Don Beer Arena on January 28th 1979 and a waiver of th~~ice rental fees. Resolution 164/78 Moved by Councillor Cahill Seconded by Councillor Fisher That public skating at the Don Beer Arena be suspended on January 28th 1979¡ And that the Pickering Hockey Association be permitted to use the Arena on that day at the normal rental rate for a Tournament. , CARRIED 3. The Town Manager requested permission to poll Counèil for authority to sign an amending subdivision agreement with Bramalea Limited upon distribution of the said agreement by the Town Solicitor. The permission was granted. 4. Council established the dates for Christmas holidays as follows: a) b) c) d) e) all employees will work a full day on December Monday, December 25th 1978 will be a holiday Tuesday, December 26th 1978 will be a holiday Friday, December 29th 1978, will be a holiday Monday, January 1st 1979, will be a holiday. 27th 1978 5. Councillor Cahill inquired into the bus stùdies being conducted in regards to linking with the Toronto Transit Commission and Ajax Transit. The Town Manager replied that with respect to the T.T.C. study, this will be forwarded to Council shortly and with respect to Ajax Transit, this study is being conducted by the Social Planning Council. 6. Councillor Cahill requested the Town Clerk to investigate the feasibility of shifting the boundaries of Ward 1 to follow natural boundaries. 7. Councillor Geraghty requested information on the types of garbage Metro is hauling to the Brock West Landfill Site and further requested that the Ministry of the Environment monitor the dumping at this Site and that the Ministry of Natural Resources conduct tests on the garbage currently dumped. Councillor Fisher requested that the Crown Game Commission issue hunting licence to residents only and that the permission of property owners south of Highway #7 be secured prior to the issuance of a licence. 8. - 108 - 25/78 (IV) 9. OTHER BUSINESS (Continued) Mayor Anderson read a letter from the Glendale Tennis Club requesting a grant of $50.00. Resolution 165/78 Moved by Councillor Robertson Seconded by Councillor Cahill That the request of the Glendale Tennis Club for a grant of $50.00, be denied. CARRIED 10. Mayor Anderson thanked Councillor Robertson for his services as a Council Member. Councillor Robertson replied that the previous Councils have worked well and he hoped that all future Councils' would act in a similar business-like manner. (V) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW NUMBER 916/78 Councillor Cahill, seconded by Councillor Geraghty moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering at its meeting held on the 20th day of November 1978, and that same be now read a first, second and third time and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed. (VI) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at the hour of 8:50 p.m. Dated December 11th 1978 Acti~ ~ f3. Mayo <r-~ - . - Ú__::..:J Clerk