HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 1, 1978 - 38 - 10/78 COUNCIL MEETING A Meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on MONDAY, MAY FIRST 1978, at 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor J. Anderson Councillors L. Cahill G. Fisher N. Geraghty D. Kitchen K. Matheson A. Robertson ALSO PRESENT: N.C. Marshall - B. Taylor J.P. Mys1ik T.J. Quinn Town Manager Town Clerk Deputy Clerk Director of Parks and Recreation ( I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of April 17th 1978 Special Meeting of April 24th 1978 ( II) PRESENTATION To Mr. Andrew Collie for his achievement and participation with the St. Andrew's Soccer Club which won the National Soccer Title for 14 year old boys in Vancouver in the Fall of 1977. ( III) DELEGATION Mr. Doug Dickerson and Mr. Mike McPhar1and, representing the Citizens for Energy, were present to support Council's resolution for the,~ab1ishment of a public utilities commission and to explain the objectives of the Citizens for Energy. They requested Council to appoint at least one Member to sit on the Citizens for Energy Committee to formulate a request to the Minister of Energy for a feasibility study on a Public Utilities Commission. (IV) REPORTS Ontario Humane Society Report for the month of March 1978. (V) RESOLUTIONS REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF APRIL 24th 1978 See ~ppendix ~ Resolution 53/78 .. Moved by Councillor Robertson Seconded by Councillor Fisher That the Executive Committee Report of April 24th 1978, be adopted. CARRIED - 39 - 10/78 (V) RESOLUTIONS (Continued) Resolution 54/78 Moved by Councillor Matheson Seconded by Counci1~or Robertson That tender T-9-78 submitted by Ontario Motor Sales Limited in the amount of $43,468.80, for the supply of 2 four ton trucks complete with Dump Body and Hoist, togethe~~with 100 Amp Alternator, be accepted. CARRIED Resolution 55/78 Moved by Councillor Cahill Seconded by Councillor Matheson That By-law 789/78 is in conformity with the Official Plan of the Town of Pickering approved and in force at the time said by-law was passed, namely the 3rd day of April 1978; AND THAT no further Official Plan has been proposed by Council nor approved by the Ministry of Housing since the passing of said By-law 789/78 and which said by-law ~ not be in conformity, including the District Plan of the Town of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham, which was adopted by Council on February 17th 197ß and recommended to the Region of Durham for approval. CARRIED Resolution 56/78 Moved by Councillor Geraghty Seconded by Councillor Fisher That the Mayor be authorized to proclaim May 8th - 13th 1978, as Cystic Fibrosis Week. CARRIED (VI) BY-LAWS Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Geraghty moved for leave to introduce By-laws of the Town of Pickering: By-Law Number 799/78 To stop up a part of Bayview Road and to authorize the sale of that part of the said road to abutting property owners. ~-Law Number 800/78 To authorize the erection of a Fireha11 on Part of Lot 30, Range 3, Broken Front Concession (Part 1, Plan 40R-3552) , Town of Pickering, at an estimated cost of $375,000.00, to be financed from the "Lot Development Fee Reserve Fund". - 40 - 10/78 (VI) BY-LAWS (Continued) ~-Law Number 801/78 To dedicate certain lands as a public highway (Part 2, Plan 40R-4203). By-Law Number 802/78 To authorize the execution of a Demolition Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of pickering and Harold Brunner respecting Lots 105 and 106, Plan 331. By-Law Number 803/78 To authorize the execution of a Lease Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of pickering and Blades Summer Hockey School Inc., respecting the use of certain facilities at Don Beer Sports Arena. By-Law Number 804/78 To authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and 377876 Ontario Limited relating to a proposed restaurant at 1322-34 Bayly Street (Part Lot 22, Concession 1). By-Law Number 805/78 To authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and Brama1ea Limited respecting Part Lot 18, Range 3, Broken Front Concession (Part 4, Plan 40R-3303). By-Law Number 806/78 To amend By-law 733/77, respecting the licensing, regulating and governing of taxicab and limousine drivers, owners and brokers. By-Law Number 807/78 To authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering?and E.R.S. Holdings Limited, respecting the restoration of the gravel pit in Part Lot 2, Concession 9, Town of Pickering. ~-Law Number 808/78 To authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and Reed Lumber Company Limited respecting Part Lot 18, Range 3, Broken Front Concession (Parts 2 and 3, Plan 40R-3158). By-Law Number 809/78 To extend half-load restrictions upon certain public highways until May 15th 1978. - 41 - 10/78 (VI) BY-LAWS (Continued) THIRD READING Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Geraghty moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Numbers 799/78, 800/78, 801/78, 802/78, 803/78, 804/78, 805/78, 806/78, 807/78, 808/18, 809/78, be adopted, and that the said By-laws be now read a Third Time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED By-Laws read a first, second and third time and finally passed. Recorded Vote: By-law Number 807/78 Yea: Nay: Messrs. Messrs. Kitchen, Matheson, Cahill, Fisher. Geraghty, Anderson, Robertson. (VII) OTHER BUSINESS Councillor Cahill stated that he concurs with the recommendation of the Director of Public Works that the north section of the retaining wall in Lookout Point be removed and replaced during the month of May. (VIII) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-Law Number 810/78 Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Fisher moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering at its meeting held on the 1st day of May 1978, and that same be now read a first, second and third time and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed. (IX) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at the hour of 8:35 p.m. Dated May 15th 1978 1. .. tP. A ~. '.. 2. 3. 4. .. fl. ,-I<. .' s. TOWN OF PICKERING APPENDIX I The Executive Committee, having met April 10th 1978, presents its seventh report to the Council of the Town of Pickering and recommends: PICKERING BLUE DOLPHINS SWIM MEET FILE NUMBER F 2200 That the report of the Director of Parks and Recreation dated March 28th 1978 with respect to the Pickering Blue Dolphins Swim Meet be adopted; And that a grant equal to the normal rental charge for the Dunbarton Indoor Swimming Pool covering June 17th and 18th 1978, be made to the Blue Dolphins Swim Club, with the cost charged to General Ledger Account # 2195. BEERFEST AT DUNMOORE PARK FILE NUMBER F 3220 That the request of the West Shore Softball Association to hold a Beerfest at Dunmoore Park on July 8th 1978 and August 12th 1978, be approved; And that this organization be given permission to utilize the concession booth for the purpose of selling soft drinks and food, subject to the approval of the L.L.B.O. EXTENSION OF GLENANNA ROAD FILE NUMBER E 4400 That the Director of Public Works be authorized to secure a survey of the required extension ðf Glenanna Road over the Hydro service corridor lying immediately west of the Brock Subdivision and north of Highway 401, And that the Town Manager be authorized to continue negotiations with Ontario Hydro with a view towards acquiring the required road allowance. Er.ærRICAL SERVICE TO SAND DOME AT WORKS CENTRE FILE NUMBER C 4300 That the normal tendering procedure be waived in the instance of the electrical supply to the salt dome at the Pickering Works Centre; And the written quotation of Start Electric in the amount of $4,520.00 for this project be accepted. FLOODLIGHTING OF KINSMEN PARK FILE NUMBER C 4300 That the supply and installation of floodlighting in Kinsmen Park be retendered. As Amended Councillor Kitchen declared a conflict of interest with respect to Item #5. 6. 7. J ,,~ .~ ". 8. : ~ " - 2 - APPENDIX I ROOF REPAIRS FOR WEST SHORE COMMUNITY CENTRE FILE NUMBER C 4300 .\, That tender T-7-78 submitted by Pollard Industrial Roofing in the amount of $6,366.00 for roof repairs to the West Shore Community Centre, be accepted. AMENDMENT TO ZONING BY-LAWS FILE NUMBER B 2300 WHEREAS the Town and other public agencies require, from time to time, by expropriation and otherwise, the transfer of parts of lots from residents of the Town; AND WHEREAS, in some instances, when a part of a lot is so transferred, the remainder of the lot no longer conforms to the requirements of the Town's Zoning By-laws; AND WHEREAS the resulting non-conforming status of the remainder of the lot requires the owner thereof to obtain the approval of the Committee of Adjustment, should the owner wish to obtain a building permit, mortgage financing, or wish to convey such remainder to a third party; AND WHEREAS it is deemed to be unnecessary and undesirable to require such approval to be sought in such instances; NOW THEREFORE the Executive Committee of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering recommends to the Council that the Interim Head, Planning Department and the Town Solicitor be directed to prepare for Council's consideration, a By-law amending By-laws 2511, 2520, 3036 and 3037, the purpose of which shall be to deem the remainders of such lots to be in conformity with the Zoning By-law where they would otherwise not be in conformity by virtue of an expropriation or acquisition by a public authority. SERVICE STATIONS FILE NUMBER D 2300 THAT, WHEREAS the number of service stations licensed for the purpose of dispensing gasoline in the Town of Pickering is 35; and WHEREAS the population of the Town of Pickering is presently 31,541, as determined by the Region of Durham Assessment Division of the Ministry of Revenue; and WHEREAS the ratio of the service stations to the number of residents is approximately 1:1000; BE IT THEREFORE RECOMMENDED that the number of service stations in the Town of Pickering dispensing gasoline not exceed the ratio of one service station per one thousand of population, as determined by the census of the Region of Durham Assessment Division of the Ministry of Revenue. Councillor Fisher declared a conflict of interest with respect to Item #8. 9. 10. J r .j 11. ; ~ - 3 - APPENDIX I ACCOUNTS FOR APPROVAL That the Accounts dated March 31st 1978, in the amount of $3,631,170.86, as submitted by the Town Manager, be approved. SAFETY COMPARISON TEST FILE NUMBER A 1000 That the request of Volvo Canada Limited to conduct a Safety Comparison Test on June 5th and 6th 1978, at the Sheridan Mall, be approved. RECREATION PROGRAMME FILE NUMBER F 3300 That a grant of $60.00 for every retarded child living in the Town of Pickering who participates in the summer programme offered by the Ajax-Pickering and Whitby Association For Retarded Children, be approved; And that these funds be charged to G/L Account # 2195.