HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 20, 1978 - 9 - 3/78 COUNCIL MEETING A Meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20th 1978, at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Mayor J. Anderson Councillors L. N. D. K. A. G. Councillor Cahill Geraghty Kitchen Matheson Robertson Fisher ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT. Bruce Taylor J.P. Mys1ik Town Clerk Deputy Clerk (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of January 30th 1978 ( II) REPORTS - See Appendix I Ontario Humane Society Report for the year 1977. (III) RESOLUTIONS REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF FEBRUARY 13th 1978 See Appendix II Resolution 10/78 Moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Geraghty that the Executive Committee Report of February 13th 1978, be adopted, with the following amendments: Item #1 was deferred Item #16 was lost on a recorded vote. CARRIED Recorded Vote - Item #16 Yea: Nay: Messrs. Messrs. Kitchen, Matheson, Cahill Geraghty, Anderson, Robertson. Resolution 11/78 Moved by Councillor Geraghty, seconded by Councillor Robertson that the tender for the replacement of street lights submitted by Black and McDonald Limited in the amount of $12,265.00, be accepted. File #E4600. CARRIED - 10 - 3/78 ( III) RESOLUTIONS (Cont.) Resolution 12/78 Moved by Councillor Cahill, seconded by Councillor Matheson that the tender for the supply of Fire Department uniforms submitted by the following firms be accepted: Firth Bros. $ 29.00 - trousers 1. 50 - ties 80.00 - Fire Fighter Tunics 83.50 - Officer's Tunics Caldwell Industries $ 7.33 - Shirts 30.66 - Parkas Stoke's Cap & Regalia $ 11.40 - Fire Fighter's Caps 17.85 - Officer's Caps CARRIED Resolution 13/78 Moved by Councillor Geraghty, seconded by Councillor Robertson that the Council of the Town of Pickering hereby supports the Town of Ajax in requesting the Ministry of Culture and Recreation to relocate the Region of Durham District Office within the Regional Municipality of Durham. File #A2310. CARRIED Resolution 14/78 Moved by Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor Cahill that the request of the Kinsmen Club of Bay Ridges Inc. for Mayor Anderson to proclaim the week of February 20th through to February 27th as National Heritage Week and more specifically February 20th 1978, as National Heritage Day, be approved. File #F2600. CARRIED Resolution 15/78 Moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Geraghty that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to petition the Minister of Transportation and Communications for subsidy in the amount of $1,341,401.07 for 1977 expenditures in accordance with the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. File #C2220. CARRIED Resolution 16/78 See Appendix III Moved by Councillor Geraghty, seconded by Councillor Robertson that whereas Section 636a of the Municipal Act as enacted by Statutes of Ontario, 1973, c.124 transfers the responsibility for the hearing of the applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes to the Council of the Municipality; - 11 - 3/78 (III) RESOLUTIONS (Cont.) Resolution 16/78 (Çont.) AND WHEREAS notices in writing of application have been received by the Clerk of the Municipality for the cancellation, reduction and refund of taxes for various reasons; AND WHEREAS upon investigation and receipt of reasonable explanations all claims have been substantiated; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Council of the Town of Pickering accept the following list of applications and authorized the adjustment of taxes to be made accordingly. File #C5380. CARRIED Resolution 17/78 Moved by Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Geraghty whereas the Durham Regional Plan has been adopted by Regional Council on July 14th 1976, and forwarded to the Minister for approval immediately thereafter; AND WHEREAS the Durham Regional Plan has been before the Minister for more than one and a half years, creating a confusing and frustrating situation, not only for the Municipal Officials employed by our Municipality but also for Industrial, Commercial and Residential Developers; AND WHEREAS the Durham Regional Plan provides this Council with much needed guidelines necessary to manage present and future development; AND WHEREAS the approval of the Durham Regional Plan is of utmost importance and urgency to this Council; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING requests the Minister of Housing The Hon. Claude Bennett, to forthwith approve the Durham Regional Official Plan. File #A2240. CARRIED Resolution 18/78 Moved by Councillor Geraghty, seconded by Councillor Cahill that whereas Metropolitan Toronto operates a Sanitary Landfill Site, known as the Beare Road Sanitary Landfill Site in the Borough of Scarborough; AND WHEREAS this Landfill Site is regulated by an agreement between the Ministry of the Environment and Metropolitan Toronto; AND WHEREAS the Ministry of the Environment wishes to extend the date for the dumping of liquid industrial wastes pursuant to the aforementioned agreement; AND WHEREAS the residents of the Town of Pickering are detrimentally affected by the noxious odours from the liquid industrial wastes; - 12 - 3/78 (III) RESOLUTIONS (Cont.) Resolution 18/78 (Cont.) NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING HEREBY requests that the Minister of the Environment and the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto not extend the date for dumping liquid wastes at the Beare Road Sanitary Landfill Site. File #5510. CARRIED Resolution 19/78 Moved by Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Matheson that the following reports of the Department Heads for the month of January are hereby received: File #A3115. Town Manager Treasurer Fire Chief Clerk Director of Transportation Director of Parks and Recreation Director of Public Works Town Solicitor Interim-Head Planning Department CARRIED (N) BY-LAWS Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor Robertson moved for leave to introduce By-laws of the Town of Pickering: By-Law Number 761/78 To adopt the 1978 Budgets of the Town of Pickering and to provide for the levy of the required rates. By-Law Number 762/78 To levy such rates against all of the assessed properties in the Town of Pickering as will be required to cover the 1978 requisition from the Regional Municipality of Durham. By-Law Number 763/78 To authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Town of Pickering and Memme Holdings Limited with respect to Part of Lot 27, Plan 350, Pickering (LD 71/77) By-Law Number 764/78 To amend By-law Number 421/76 to number the houses and lots in certain Registered Plans. - 13 - 3/78 (IV) BY-LAWS (Cont.) By-Law Number 765/78 To amend Restricted Area By-law Number 3036, as amended and to implement the Township of Pickering Official Plan on Block W, Plan M-1058, in the Town of Pickering. By-Law Number 766/78 To amend By-law Number 195/75 respecting the regulation of traffic (Parking) THIRD READING Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor Robertson moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Numbers 761/78, 762/78, 763/78, 764/78,765/78,766/78 be adopted, and that the said By-laws be now read a Third Time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED By-laws read a first, second and third time and finally passed. <,V) 1. OTHER BUSINESS The following resolution was proposed by Councillor Matheson and after a discussion, was carried unanimousJ,y: Resolution 20/78 Moved by Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor Cahill whereas the Town of Pickering spent approximately $14,752.00 in 1977 to repair or replace Town property damaged as the result of vandalism; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING hereby offers $100.00 as a reward to any person who supplies information which will lead to the conviction of any person destroying or stealing Town owned property. CARRIED 2. Councillor Cahill requested that corner house numbers be indicated on street signs in order to identify the location of individual homes. He suggested that all new signs have this indication and that all old signs be replaced over a period of several years. 3. Councillor Cahill further requested that all Town vehicles be identified by having a large number affixed on the side of the vehicle. - 14 - 3/78 lVI) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-Law Number 767/78 Councillor Geraghty, seconded by Councillor Robertson moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering at its meeting held on the 20th day of February 1978, and that same be now: read a first, second and third time and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed. (VII) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at the hour of 8:07 p.m. Dated March 6th 1978 Clerk 1. 2. 3. A})PENDIX 1 I, 3/78 TOWN OFF ICKERING ) The Executive Committee, having met February 13th 1978, present. its third report to the Council of the Town of Pickering and recommends: APPLICATION FOR REZONING BY U. WÇ>ITZII< ON PART LOT 33, CONCESSION 1, ALTONA ,ROAD FILI:!IUM8ER B 2310 -. A 12/77 !hat the application A 12/77 by U. Woitzik, as outlined, be .RBPUSED on the grounds that the application i$ not in compliance with the Official Plan of the Township I of Pi~kering or the Region of Durham adopted Official Plan. '-, APPLICATION FOR REZONING AND OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT BY BRAMALEA LIMI'1'ED ON PART LOTS 29 and 30, RANGE 3, FILE NUMBER B 2310 - A 1/77 - O.P. 1134 , -' That Offi.cial Plan Amen_nt Application 1134 to amend the Township of Pickering Official Plan, submitted by Bramalea Lai ted with respect to Part of Lots 29 , 30, Range 3, to delete the existing residential and part of the Greenbelt designation on the subject lands and sub- stitute an Industrial designation be APPROVED. APPLICATION FOR REZONING AND OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMEIft' BY BRAMALEA LIMITED ON PART LOTS 29 and 30, RANGE 3, FILE NUMBERB 2310 - A 1/77 - O.P. ~134' That the By-law Amendment Application A 1/77 by Br.-alea Limited to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 3036, wi th respect to lands being part of Lots 29 and 30, Range 3, be APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the Amendment to the Official Plan of the Township of Pickering to designate the sub;ect property from "Residential" and part of the ~reenbelt Conservation" to "Industrial" as submitted. 2. '!'hat a satisfactory Development Agreøent be entered into between the owner and the Town of Pickering; the aqreement shall include but not be restricteå to control of grading, drainage, architectural design, fencing, lightinG, landscaping. That the Applicant satisfy the Region of Durham Works Department with respect to dedication of road widenings, servicing and any other matters required. 3. 4. That arrangements be made to the satisfaction of all the appropriate authorities such as the M.T.C., the Region, and the Town with respect to obtaini~g proper access to- service the site. '" "'i' c t. v APPEND IX 1 ¡ - 2 - 3/78 4. , HOUSING POLICY STUDY FILE NUMBER B 3500 '.Thatthe Housing Policy Report, prepared by IB1 and dated September 27th 1976, be received; M AND FURTHER that the planning Department be instructed to prepare a consolidated Housing Policy Statement based on the two previous reports for consideration by the Executive Committee within 60 days of receipt of the ( said Report. 5. HEMME HOLDINGS LIMITED - 382 TOYNEVALE ROAD FILE NUMBER' B 2310 - LD 71/77 ' That the report of the Town Solicitor dated February 8th 1978, regarding an application for land severance by' ,Hemme Holdings Limited on Part of Lot 27, Plah350, 382 Toynevale Road, be adopted; AND that the Land Separation Agreement attached to this report be approved. ' PUB-LIC TRANSIT FILE NUMBER F 4100 That the report of the Director of Transportation dated January 23rd 1978, with respect to the Public Transit System in the TOwn of Pickering be adopted; AND that the Transportation Department be authorized to participate in a joint study between the Municipality and the Operations and Control Section of the Ministry of Tr~sportation and Communications to deteraine the future transit needs of the Municipality. 7. THE 1978 AND FOUR YEAR CAPITAL FORECAST FILE NUMBER C 2230 That the report of the Treasurer-Collector dated January 30th 1978 with respect to the 1978 and Pour Year Capital Forecast for the Town of Pickering, be a.pproved. 8. PURCHASE OF CAPITAL EQUIPMENT F.ILE ,NUMBER C 2200 That the report of the Treasurer-Collector dated January 19th 1978, and dealing with G/L 2823 - Transfer to Capital Fund - Purchase.. be approved. 1978 BUDGETS FOR SPECIAL AREAS F XL! NUMBER C 2200 'l'h.t the report of tbe Treasurer-Collector dat:ed January 30th 1978, with X'e$þect to the 1978 Budqeta for the Sanitation Area, street Li.qhts (Urban' Rvral) 1:8 approved. . ~ ) 10. 11. 12. 14. , 15. 16. APPENDIX 1 - 3 - 3/78 GRANTS TO ORGANIZATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS FILE NUMBER C 2163 That G/L Account *2195, Grants to Organizations and Individuals be adjusted to accommodate miscellaneous grants of $4,650.00. PICKERING MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD FILE NUMBER F 2200 '!'hat the Council of the 'l'own of Pickering hereby endorses the proposal of Marshall, Macklin and Monaghan, dated Au<1'1st 12th 1977, aas recCIIDIDended by the Pickeril\9 Museum Advisory Board, to carry out the relocation of the P,icker ing Museum to Greenwood. 1978 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS FILE NUMBER A 2112 , '!'hat the report of the Town Clerk dated January 30th 1978, outlining the electoxal polls for the 1978 Municipal Election, be adopted. ' ACCOUN'1'S FOR APPROVAL ~at the Accounts dated December 31st 1977, in the amount of $103,477.17, as submitted by the Town Clerk, be approved. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FILE NUMBER F 2700 That the Council of the Town of Pickering hereby Í'8q\a8ab a meetine¡ with the Ministry of Energy to discu8s the possibility of a Public Utilitieø Commission .erviarthe electrical needs of the Town of Pickering MUNICIPAL FIRE PROTECTION SURVEY FILE NUMBER F 2420 '1't)at the r-eport of the Town Manager dated February 2nd, 1978, regardine¡ the Municipal Fire ,Protecti~n Survey' be received. REOUBSTFOR MAINTENANCE OF SIDELINE 8 FILE ,NUMBERE 4000 ' That the request of Mr. Carl F. Cunningham dated November 15th 1977 that the Town of Pickering assume minimal maintenance of S,ideline 8, Concession 8" be REFUSED. . l. OI'fI'~'~H!/IIAHE .SOCIETY ,~""11 (2,,«.,..... . BRANCH. ACCOOO CUltR:ENt YEAR Mon th Year to Date ~ ,\ ""-ÕWN OF R ~~tæ.'ÑCìr .: APPEND IX II ANWu",," REPORT FOR THE . ~~ Kot.t~ I øfl' - 1".2:.1 . PR£vìOus YEAR ttonth Year t L!!!!.e. STREETS PAATOLLED (miles) ---_.,----.,--- -- ~~"'8' DOGS I MPOUNOE 0 -.., -_. "'.""'-'---- " R£1URHED TO OWNER " tAKEN TO SHELTER .. CLAIMED BY OWNER --.--..- -'. I MPOUNDE D DOGS ADOPTED '---..-. II .. DESTROYED '-- DOGS REMAtNIWG ,AT SHELTER .. - CATS SHELTERED CATS DESTROYED ---......--,..-.-... .--.---- MISCELLANEOUS AHlliALS SHELTERED MIMAlS RESCUED --,.- --.... ..... -..'....'.'...-.-.,"---- CALLS ¡. COWLAU.TS ATTENDED 10 ,; EMERGENCY CA~lS AFTER 5:00 P.M. --.,------ -"-'-- .. CHARGES lA ID _.._~.. IWOUNDING FEES COllECTED WARNING GIVEN ANlHAlS' QUA~,.tl"E;Ô 4qq 588 ~o 25 14. '1Q 563 ,qb. 271 5'0 96 ~&8 192 5 4 144 272 1"30 250 -58 71 '3'+ 93 , Co 3' 1,176 Iß 14 U~5. ' 81 ~S41 $3,470 > 52 ~ ø;~"'", ~ .9.'>.~~~.~~-;~ ~.~.,' "'. A " \~ \\-\1 ~ -.,.~ ,'Ii" .. §-' '~'."'" .....\~1fõ" ;;Jc~ß ,.1 ~"'" ~ of '. ....-', 'to"" ~\~G '~Ä.. ¥~":.,,~~ o,v<' ,,(~ "z'ìT;!:;r \' /J ,~; #,~;,"'r ~... ~ 11, KuJd.... :~,.,...,..,.......,~d;. ROLL # 030-004 ,429-0()~ 0001 3't117 } 030-020 199;"00 35/77 " ,cnO-019 , .1"417-00 '.'.:, , 36/77 Oler019 387~oO 37/77 '020-017 ,'21J-OO- , :OOH ',,' -38177 . , ~~ Ol? : :1'11..ò (1().- , to1'4- " '39/17 ' 020-024 OOS-OO- 0001 40/77 OJÐ-O29 . tltl~OÓ. ,."4fr:J1."." T ' , '"¡, -","," '. ' . 020-01-6 ,131-00 ' 0001 -42/7) - l'" 020-017 2$5- 00- '~7 , ","-It,}!77, ~.' ::i: 020-017 , ' 285-00~ .0088 43A/77 030-009 266- 00- \ " 000 1 " 44/71 . ,U.O22~ " ,:::'~O. 45.'/77 ASSESSED W~.Horrlsh Lqt31,Con.3 , Ch.,rrywood P leker I ng Brama1ea Ltd. 1894 A 1 tona Road Pickering, Ont. Brama 1 ea L td. 1770-1800 Rai1 Cres. PI ckeri ng, Ont. Brama1ea Ltd. 1865 Whites Road Ptekerlng, Onto Woo Won Shin 136,0 Kingston Road ~Ickerlng, Ont. Woo \ron Sh In 1360.,: Kings ton Road P ¡eker I ng, Ont. A. Agoston 1322 Bayly Street Pickering, Onto Ceèt1 Garrett 692H 111 c res t Road Pickering, Onto J. McPherson 1950 Notion Róad Pickering, Onto Soupcoff Enterprises 1355 Kingston Road Pickering, Ont. Soupcoff Enterprises 1355 Kingston ROad P Icke ri ng ,Ont . K & E. Vonmayde 11 Pt. 10, Lot 53 & Pt. L. 52. Ikougham, Ont. Plc!<,erlng Marine & .SpOrts L td . 1644 Bay 1 y S tree t ,Pickering, Onto APPELLANT Same R.R. #3 Cavan, Ont. Same 1867 Yonge St. Toronto, Onto Same 1867 Yonge St. Toronto, Ont.' Same 1867 Yonge St. Toronto, Onto REASON Out of Business . APPEND'IXII I ADJUSTMENT REQUEST EO " ... Decrease 1977 taxes for 5 months on an aS$essment of $8,980, adjustment of $139.60 ' Building Reduce 1977 taxes for Demolished 4 months on an assessment ,of $12,180, adjustment of $134.68. Bui1 ding Demolished Building Demo1 ished Same Closed 31 Amber-Jack Blvd. Scarborough. Same Closed 31 Amber-Jack Blvd. Scarborough. Same Out of 1994 Faylee Cres. Business Picked ng. Same Same Town of Pickering Town of Pickering Same, Brougham Town of Picker! ng Building Demol i shed Moved Charged Twice C ha rged Twice Out of Business Bankrupt Decrease 1977 taxe$ for 4 months on an asseS$ment of $13,125, adjustment Qf $145.16. Decrease 1977 taxes for 4 months on an assessment of $8,800, adjustment of $97.32. Decrease 1977 taxes for 4 months on an assessment of $11 ,070'~ adjuStment of $136.92. (B) Decrease 1977 taxeS for' 4 months on an ass~ssment of $1,105. adjustment Qf $13.64. (p) , Decrease 1977 taxes for 3 months on an assessme~t of $18,415, adjustment of $174.93. Decrease 1977 taxes for 4 months on an aSSeS$lnent of $6,865, adjustment of $75.88. Decrease.1977 taxes for 11 months on an assessment of $4,435, adjustment of $147 . 17 . Decrease 1977 taxes for, 12 months on an assessment ~ of $5,640, adjustment of $204'.93 (B) Decrease 1977 taxes for 12 months on an assessment of $380, adjustment of $13.81. (P) Decrease 1977 taxes for 7 months on an assessment of $815, adj us tment -of $17.43. Decréase 1977 taxes for 12 months on an assessment of $11 ,980, adjustment of $455.25. ~ ()2o-022~ , .4:'-00 , øoø: 1 ' ..6/17 02.0-01 7 . - 285-00 ()I$8 .",If?']7 " - -02Ø-0 17 . .i~285-00 :0189 }f 48/77 , 010-039 0' flJ)~OO- 0001 it,177 ',01'-'039 , t~,-OO -0082 ' "'SOI17 " , :' oO.-.oit ',.l/Jø;.DO " /; OØCtl "0' 51/71 -020-022 , 243-00 0001 51A/77 ,.::', , ,,017 , ',00 ,:':or!, 52117: 020-017 , '2_&5~OO' Ól30 ' 53/77 " ,...017 ~i' 272-00- 3f~: "54/77 <' .'---, ;j , . f" Q)O-OO3 355-00- 0001 55/77 .' Ól1)-QI8 ' ~. " . " -,,~1-6$" ","'lJ6:n1' . ..' . , ASSESSED , a.llyel Iffe Lodge Ltd. 'R.2i. Pt. Lot I] PI~kerlng, Onto K.P. & S. Zabaneh 1355 Kingston Road .Plckerlng, Ont. , K.P. & S. Zebaneh 1355 Kingston Road ,Pickering, Oot. Wh I teha 1.1 Homes 345 Kingston Road Pickering, Onto Wh Iteha I I Homes 345 l<'lngs ton Road Plckerlng,Ont. PIckering Pools Ltd. C.3. PtN! Lot 18 Broc.k load. N . , Plci!-erlng, Onto ( - 2 - APPELLANT REASON ,APPENDIX III ADJUSTMENT R£~ Same Expropriated Decrease 1977ta)(e,s.for " c/o Newton & Co. I month on an assessment of 705 Progress Ave. $21,670, adjustment of ' Scarborough. Onto $64.16. c/o J.B. Hodgson/Moved 2346 Danforth Avenue Toronto, Onto c/o J.B. Hodgson/Moved 2346 Danforth Ave. Toronto, Onto Same Moved 2100 E 11 esiíltt[e Rd. Sea rbol'OÙ,h Same Moved 2100 Ellesmere Road, Scarborough. Same Not Used. 451 Hanse Road Vacant Sea rborough . Hln. of the Environment Same Exempt. R. 2 Pt. Lt. 17 5~ Wellesley St. W. Pickering, Onto Toronto. ,D. Hartin 1355 Kingston Road Pickering, Onto D. Hartin , 1355 Kingston. Road Pickering, Ont. Canadian Tire Liverpool Road Pickering, Onto E. Plnarreta C. 5, Pt. Lot 35 Greenwood, Ont. Paul Bel dan, 1787 Foleyet Cres. ~Ickerl ng, Ont. Town of Pickering Moved Town of Pickering Moved Same Buildings c/o Nùtt-Wel1 Ass.Demol tshed Suite 812 67 Yongè St. Toronto, Ont.. Same Moved c/o Mrs. D. Priebe Greenwood, Ont. ' Same Over Assessed Decrease 1977 ,ta~es for 8 months on an assessment of $10,240, adjustment of $259.3~. (B) , Decrease 1977 taxes for 8 months onanassessm.nt 01 $1 ,155, adjustment of $29.20. (p) Decrease 1977 taxes for 8 months on an assessment of$15,375, adjustment of $389.44. (B) Decrease 1977 taxes for 8 months on an as s-essmen t) : of $405, adjustment of . $10.24. (p) Decrease 1977 taxes fO'r 12 months on an assessment of $14,730, adjustment of $533.23. Decrease 1971 taxes for 12 months on an assessment of $21~670, adjustment of $823.46 (Buslne$s). and $72,235, adjustment of $274" .93 (R.tty) " Decrease 1917 taxes for 5 months on an assessment of $3,715, adjustment of $58.80. (B) Decrease 1977 taxes for' 5 months on an assessment of $420,~ adjustment of $6.65. (p) Decrease 1971 taxesifór "." 7i months on ana~ses$",.nt of $19,395, adj ustment~f $402.3-. . Decrease "977 taxes for 5 months on an assessment of $~,360, adjustment of $60.50. Decrease 1977 taxes for 12 months on an assessment or$5,700, adjustme~t of ~$lg9.12. ROLL # 010..022 ,069-32- 0001, S7/77\ 030-003 355-00 0001 58/77 , ,.YÞ30-008 .1f:'355-00- ~ 0001 ,~,~" 59/77 1f1 0-°"0 023"OO~ , 6Øl17 ,,','020-016 ,:~~50 " 0001 "'in7"',., ',', (",;, "',. ,': .:0..0:.2/ , ~S"2.1'" "9' 62/77 02a-017 299-00 0001 63/77 ASSESSED Ro~tfodge 880 Dillingham Road Pickering, ant. WIn. V I rd I ramo Con. 5. Pt. Lot 35 ,p Ickerlng, Ont. John Cameron Ltd. W/Greenwood Road Pickering, Onto J. Olmltdevskl 512 Rosebank, Road Pi'ckerlng, Onto Ambro Materials & Construction Ltd. C.2. Pt.N!- Lot 20 Plçkerlng, Onto J. 1'. As t 1 ey Assc. 895 DIllIngham Road Pickering, Onto London Life tns. Co. 1783 LIverpool Roèd Plckerlng,Ont. ,~t~ot~ VenIce PIzza 2"j~.. 930 Kings ton Road *J,,~^ , PIckering, Ont. '/ ", (¡~'"ii ' ,010-041 203..00 , 65/77 . , ,Q.O22 , :JOIt,-OO f-,lOOO 1 :t ,,66/77 030-020 324..00 61177 R.Banman 388 Woodgrange Ave. Pickering, Onto B. Blsse11 Buick 1640 Bayly St. PickerIng, Onto Canadian Pacific Ltd. 1790 Track St. Claremont, Onto - 3 - APPELLANT Town of Pickering ,Town of PIckering REASON Reduced Space Moved Same Out of T-H-222 Business 2 Fo res t Laneway WI11owda Ie, Ont. Same Fire 58 Chesterhlll Or. Toronto. Ont. Same P.O. Box 1000, Brampton, Onto Moved Same Moved 910 Dillingham Road Picked ng, Ont. Same Moved 187 King St. E. Oshawa, Onto Same c/o Cozzi & Cozz I , 2017B Danforth Ave. Toronto, Onto Same Same Mona rch St. Ajax, Ont. Out of Business Garage Demo I I shed Moved Same Building B. Remington Demolished Marathon Realty Co. ' 40 University Ave. Suite 300 Toronto, Onto ,.- l\PnND"IX ~rX I ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED Reduction of taxes (1977) for 12 months on an assessment of $7,300, adjustment of $277.40. Decrease 1977 taxes f,or 9 -months on an assessment of $4,360, adjustment of $118.35. Decrease 1977 taxes for 4 months on an assessment of $2,225, adjustment of $26.84. Decrease. 1977 taxes for 9 months on an assessment of $7,385-, adjustment of $183.69. Decrease 1977 taxes for 6 months on an assessment of $2,250, adjustment of $42.75. Decrease 1977 taxes for 4 months on an assessment of $16,570,a~Justmentof $262.35. Decrease 1977 taxes for 2 months on an ass~ssment of $38,075, adjustment of $241.14. Decrease 1977 taxes for 2 months onàn assessment of $4,590, adjustment of $29.06. Decrease 1977 taxes for 3!- months on an assessment of $2,025, adjustment of $19.56. Decrease 1977 taxes for 3i months on an assessment of $27,285, adjustment of $302.40 ,.' \ . No Tax adjustment required. ROLL # 020-017 285-00 . 0-166 68177 020-017 , 285-00- 0167 69177 é(ijÐ-O40 ~.f40-00 , ~70/77 ., , 020..025 422-00 0033 ~ 7'177 , .0:tO-Ot5 ' "422':'00: ' . c "O()," , 71177', .O2t 10 / :0002 73/77 ,020-022 065- 2,3- , 0003 74177 0.20-022 cO4S-~3 ,.:00. "151:77 , , / O-):tr 001 . :3'&;-10- .OO(U , 76/77, J) 10- 009 237-00 0001 77/77 " t ( .~ ^! 020-01 7 , '>'2~5"00- .0089 , 78/77 020-017 28S-00/ 0090 '79/17 ~~3O-oOt, " '45-00 ' 000) . 80/77 " AS,SESSED T.N. Shea Ltd. 1355 Kingston Road PI cke ring, On t . T.N. Shea Ltd. 1355 Kingston Road Plckerlng,Ont. I.. Gehrhardt 473 Rougemount Drive PIckering, Onto F. Sch 1111 ngs 1203 Bayly Street Pickering, Ont~ F. Scht 11 Ings 1203 Bayly Street Pickering, Onto P. Shirley 'R'.3, PT., Lot 19 Pickering, Onto . ' B. EI bers 926 DI 11 Ingham Rd. Pickering, Onto B. Elbers 926 Dll1lngham Rd. PI.ckerlng, ~t. F. Draper Con. 7, Pt. Ni Lot 29 Pickering, Ont~ (" 'R. Fournier C~5, Pt. Hi Lot 18 Pt. 10, L ts 5, 6 & '1, Pt. 14, P I eked ng. H. & G. Haler 1355 Kingston Road Pickering, Ont. H.& G. Maier 1355 lUngs ton Road Pickering, Onto Charterways t. 6~ Pt. Si Lot 18 Picker I ng, Ont. - 4 - APPELLANT RUSON Same Moved 72 Wellington St. Markham. Same Moved 72 Wellington St. Markham. Same Bul Idlng Demo 1 Ished Town of Pickering Out of Business Town of Pickering Out of Business Same Out.. of 804 Batory Ave. Business Pickering, Ont. Town of Pickering Out of Business Town of Pickering Out of B:Jslness Town of Pickering Out of Business Town of PI ckerl ng Moved Town of Pickering Moved Town of Pi ckerl ng Moved \ Same P.O. 847, Station B, , Lonc;Ion, On t . Moved " APPEND'IXII I ADJUSTMENT REQQ.ESTED Decrease 1977 taxes for. 2 months on ~n assessment of $9,625, adjustment of $61.32. (B) Decrease 1977 tåxes 'for 2 months on an assessment , of $650, adjustment of $4. 14. (p) 1)ecrease 1977 taxes for 11 months on an assessment. of $7,240, adjustment of $220.20. Decrease 1977 ,taxes for 10 motJtns on a" assessment of $15,965, adju'stmentof $505.50. (B) , Decrease 1977 taxes for 10 months on an assessment of $1,125, adjustment of $35.60. (P) Decrease 1977 taxes for 1 month on an assessment of $4,075, adjustment of $10.57. Decrease 1977 taxes for 12 months on Ian assessment of $5 .4~0, adJ....s tment of $205.97. (B)' Decrease 1977 taxes for 12 months on an assessment of $100, adjustment of . $3.80. (p) Decrease 1977 taxes for 12 months on ,an assessment of $2,.415, adjustment of $87.42. "- Decrease 1977 taxes for 12 months on an assessment of $9,860, adjustment of $362.85. Decrease 1977 taxes for 9 months on an assessment of $7,295, adjustment of $207.27. (B) Decrease 1977 taxes for 9 months on an assessment of $820, adjustment of $23.31. (p) Decrease 1977 taxes for 3 months on an assessment of $6,385, adjustment of $64.40. ROL.L'# oto-Q¡\8 168-00 .. ~/18 020-022 '043-00 ,)O()02 ' ,"118 .,f 020-022 060-10- , 0008 >118 ,020..022 060-10 0001. 6/78 ,020-022 ,'\ ' :.06S-2~ :~';m.,." , , " ':"::'Øåìr-Ö#2 , 065-:23- 0008 8/18 020-016 , ~4 3-00 1000 91.18 " ,',,; /~~ÕU ,{;; :P:f4/ § J0I1& ,," , ',Ò2,O-O22 .043-80 0001 , 11/78 - 5 - \ ASSESSED, APPELLAHT \. ' -teeT1 T. Turner 115lFai rport Rd. Pi.c-ker lng" Ont. ,REASON APPENDIX III ~ADJUSTMENTREQUESTED Same Demo' i shed 1153 Fairport Rd. Shed P . A. S . E 1 ec t ron I c t nd . 1650 Bayl y Street' Pickering; . Onto Same Moved 3595 Kingston Rd. Scarborough. Durham Insulation 955 Brock Rd. S. Un It #4 Pickering, Onto Town of Pickering Vantario Onto Ltd. 955 Brock Road S. Unit #4 Pickering, Onto Town of Picked ng Darhall Typesetting Ltd. Town of 926 DI11ingham Road Pickering Unit #3 ' ,Pic~ering, Onto Dathall Typesetting ltd. Town of 926 Dillingham Road Pickering Unit #3 Pickering, Onto East End Autos Fina 1650JKfngston Road Pickering, Onto Town of Pickering Terrlan Market~ng Co. Ltd. Town of 968 Dillingham Road Pickering Pickering, Onto J. & H. Slowikowskl 1018 Salk Road Pickering, Ol'\t. Town of Pickering ~ Moved Moved Moved Moved Moved Moved Out of Bus i,ness Decrease 1977 taxes for 12 months on an assessment of $1,090, adjustment of $36.16. ' . Decrease 1977 taxes for 3 months on an assessmentC of $23,)40, ådjustmerrt of $221. 73 . Decrease 1977 taxes for 12 months on an assessment of $5,330, adjustment of $202.54. Decrease 1977 taxes for 12 months on an assessment of $5,330, adjustment of $202,.54 . Decrease 1917 taxes for 12 months on an assessment of $5,420, adjustment of $205.97. (8) Decrease 1977 taxes for 12 months on an assessment of. $100, adjustment of $3.80. (p) Decrease f917 taxes for 12 months on an assessment of $9,695, adjus~mentof $367.25 Decrease 1911 taxes for 12 months on an assessment of $21,575, adjustment of $fU 9.84. .. ' Decrease 1977 taxes for 1 month on an asSeSsment of $59,520, adjustmentof $178.9~. .