HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommunities in Bloom May 28 2007 Page 1 CORP0228—2/02 Minutes / Meeting Summary Communities In Bloom Advisory Committee May 28, 2007 11:00 am Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Bill McLean, City of Pickering (Co-Chair) left the meeting at 12:20 am Tom Melymuk, City of Pickering John Hannah, City of Pickering Steve Reynolds, City of Pickering Lynn Winterstein, City of Pickering Dorsey James, Sculptor Jim McCafferty, Durham Separate School Board Kathy McKay, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Lorna Murphy, Pickering Town Centre left the meeting at 11:55 am Larry Noonan, Altona Forest Stewardship Committee Julie Oakes, Bloomers & Britches Sigrid Squire, Pickering Horticultural Society Marla Shim, City of Pickering (Recording Secretary) Absent: Mayor Dave Ryan, City of Pickering (Chair) Alan Arsenault, Pickering Town Centre Mike Bender, Toronto Region Conservation Authority Chris Braney, Durham District School Board Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Update on Work To Date Profile Book  Currently in the draft design stage and will be completed by the end of the month  2,000 copies are being printed  Councillor McLean will distribute at the “Making Cities Livable Conference” in Portland, Oregon on June 9th  Copies will be available for Councillors to take to other conferences/events Sustainable Pickering Day (Success of CIB Display)  Tom thanked everyone for participating. He also thanked Lorna for the Pickering Town Centre’s partnership with the City in making the day a great success Page 2 CORP0228—2/02 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate)  Lorna reported that 30,000 people visited the Town Centre on Saturday  Excellent CIB display that attracted many kids, who planted sunflower seeds  A lot of interest in the Garden Competition, but not too many people were willing to commit on the spot Participant Registration / Door Knockers  Door knockers (letter and registration form) were given to members for distributing in the community  Gail was very impressed with photographs of Bayridges Neighbourhood Gardens that she saw at a recent PESCA event  John has been communicating with PESCA regarding placing hanging baskets north of Liverpool Road  20 to 25 registrations have been received to date  CIB will be promoted at the June 16th Father’s Day event at the Pickering Town Centre, as well as in their June newsletter, which is circulated to 8,000 people  Sponsors will be recognized on the City’s website  Need to encourage commercial and industrial participation Judges Tour Steve circulated a draft of the Proposed Judges Tour and gave a detailed overview of the program. The following comments were noted:  Judges scheduled to come on July 23rd, but due to conflicting Council meeting, will look into possibility of moving the date to July 24th  Make sure that they feel welcome and are introduced to the community on the first day  Accommodations should be in a hotel with internet capability for access to the CIB website, instead of overwhelming them with paper  It was agreed that a hotel is more private and would be a better choice over a Bed and Breakfast  Looking at Comfort Inn as a likely choice  Set-up CIB banner bug in the hotel lobby  Place welcome baskets with various items (History of Pickering book, umbrella, water, etc) in rooms  Julie will donate a recipe book that was developed at the Museum for inclusion in baskets  City staff responsible for picking up and setting up Dorsey’s sculptures in Altona Forest Make sure that PESCA is included in follow-up calls Steve to add Dorsey to the program for the Altona Forest tour Page 3 CORP0228—2/02 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate)  Arrangements will be made for a concert to be taking place during the waterfront tour  Due to large numbers, it was recommended that a bus should be used for the tours, instead of the hybrid vehicles. The hybrids would be used to shuttle people to/from the bus  Prepare a brochure with details of tour and also add a link to City’s website  Make sure that refreshments are provided on bus and tour locations  Arrange for a Dragon Boat tour on 3rd (last) day Garden Competition  Waiting for delivery of self watering planters that were ordered for the bridges  Lawn signs can be delivered to participants, if they are unable to pick up from City Hall  Registration deadline has been extended to July 1st Sponsorship Update  Sponsors to date include: Purdue Pharma, Veridian, Allan’s Independent, Pine Ridge Garden Gallery, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade and Arnts Topsoil  Pickering Town Centre has registered as an orchid sponsor  Gail volunteered to speak with OPG regarding sponsorship 3. Next Meeting Monday, June 18th at 11:00 am in the Main Committee Room 4. Other Business  Members will be advised of events that they might like to participate in or attend  Woodstock event details will be added to the next agenda  John would like to use Dorsey’s sculptures at two other City locations Lynn will order umbrellas, as well as additional tee shirts for participants Meeting Adjourned: 12:30 pm Copy: All Members Chief Administrative Officer Directors City Clerk