HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 16, 1978 - 1 - 1/78 COUNCIL MEETING .. A Meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on MONDAY, JANUARY 16th 1978, at 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor J. Anderson Councillors L. Cahill G. Fisher N. Geraghty D. Kitchen K. Matheson A. Robertson ALSO PRESENT: N.C. Marshall - Bruce Taylor J.P. Mys1ik Town Manager Town Clerk Deputy Clerk (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of December 19th 197~. ( II) DELEGATION Mr. Bruce Freeman of Brama1ea Limited spoke on behalf of representatives of the construction and land development industry to discuss the implications of the Notice of Motion regarding lot sizes. A brief regarding this matter was submitted. ( III) REPORTS - See Appendix I - Ontario Humane Society Report for the month of November 1977. (IV) RESOLUTIONS REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF JANUARY 9th 1978 See Appendix II Resolution 1/78 Moved by Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor Cahill that the Executive Committee Report dated January 9th 1978, be adopted. CARRIED Resolution 2/78 Moved by Councillor Fisher, seconded by Councillor Geraghty that the Department Head Reports for the month of December 1977, be adopted: Town Manager's Department Treasury Department Legal Department Fire Department Public Works Department Recreation Department Transit Department Planning Department Clerk's Department CARRIED - 2 - 1/78 (IV) RESOLUTIONS (Cont.) Resolution 3/78 Moved by Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Geraghty that the report of the Town Manager dated January 2nd 1978, as amended during the Executive Committee Meeting dated January 13th 1978, dealing with the 1978 salaries for the non-Union staff be approved and that the 1978 salaries be implemented, effective January 1st 1978, or as indicated. CARRIED Resolution 4/78 Moved by Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor Fisher that the salaries of the Members of Council be increased by 4% to $6,760.00 per annum, effective January 1st 1978 and that the remuneration of the Mayor be increased by provision of a $600.00 car allowance, effective January 1st 1978, as recommended by the Executive Committee during their meeting of January 13th 1978. CARRIED Recorded Vote: Yea: Messrs. Anderson, Geraghty, Kitchen, Matheson, Robertson, Cahill, Fisher. (V) BY-LAWS Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Cahill moved for leave to introduce By-laws of the Town of Pickering: By-Law Number 750/78 To amend By-law Number 55/74. (Prohibits heayy traffic on certain highways within the Municipality, Sideline 16.) By-law Number 751/78 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Sub- division Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and Robert Braun Construction Limited with respect to Part of Lot 2, Concession 1, Draft Plan Number 18T-75016. By-Law Number 752/78 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 266/75 limiting the number of automobile service stations and public garages. By-Law Number 753/78 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Quit Claim Deed between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and Donshire Developments Limited. (922 Dillingham Road). By-Law Number 754/78 To exempt certain parts of Plan M-1059 from part lot control. - 3 - 1/78 (V) BY-LAWS (Cont.) By-Law Number 755/78 To authorize the borrowing of $1,500,000.00. By-Law Number 756/78 To appoint a Community Centres Board to manage and administer certain Community Centres and Athletic Fields within the Community Recreation Centres Act Regulations made thereunder. THIRD READING Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Cahill moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Numbers 750/78, 751/78, 752/78, 753/78, 754/78,755/78,756/78, be adopted, and that the said By-laws be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same, and that the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED By-laws read a first, second and third time and finally passed. (VI) NOTICE OF MOTION FROM MEETING OF DECEMBER 19th 1977 Resolution 5/78 Moved by Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Matheson that no legal action be brought against those persons listed on the report of the Town Solicitor dated August 24th 1977 with respect to certain exemptions to the Town's Fence By-law 425/76 until a new by-law is introduced, which may make those fences erected by those said persons conform to the Town's requirements. CARRIED Recorded Vote: Yea: Messrs. Geraghty, Anderson, Kitchen, Matheson Cahill and Fisher. Councillor Robertson. Nay: Resolution Moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Kitchen that the minimum frontage of lots in new plans of subdivision be twenty-two feet. LOST Recorded Vote: Yea: Nay: Messrs. Kitchen and Robertson. Messrs. Geraghty, Anderson, Matheson, Cahill, Fisher. - 4 - 1/78 (VII) 1. OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Anderson reported that the Town's budget was reviewed at a special meeting of the Executive Committee and he was pleased to report that no increase in the Town's portion of the mill rate was anticipated. (VIII) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-Law Number 757/78 Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Kitchen moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering at its meeting held on the 16th day of January 1978, and that same be now read a first, second and third time and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corproation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed. (IX) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at the hour of 8:20 p.m. Dated January 30th 1978 Clerk -:fir o~ '" ' 0 HUMANE SOCIETY . \..-- ~ /';;"'J , ,\ ACcourr STREETS PARTOLLED (miles) DOGS IMPOUNDED " RETURNED TO OWnER TAKEH TO SHELTER " " CLAIHED BY OWNER -: . ".1 -;-':"".,;:,~;.'-=C -:~, .-: .,'r~' ,'..:: IMPOUNDED DOGS ADOPTED it " DESTROYEC DOGS REMAINING AT SHELTER CATS SHELTERED CATS DESTROYED '11 SCELLAlfEOUS AH IìiAtS SHELTERED AiU MAtS RESCUED CALLS ¡. COtflLAU4TS "TTEUDED TO EMERGENCY CAllS AFTER 5:00 P.M. CHARGES LAU) IWOUtIDINGFE£S COLLECTED - Brw.,œ' REPORT FOR THE tÐHTH OF ~ CUftREHTYEAR Month Year to Date 5,659 41 4 37 12 5 14 5 13 10 5 1 140 21 $184.00 PREV' GUS YEAR Month Year t) Date --..-- . 30 l' 29 22 3 9 6 27 5 5 106 $251.00 /' APPEN1>IXI I 1/7'8 ~WN OF PICKERING The ExecutiveCommi ttee, having met January 9th 1". ,~.t8 its firstrepprt to the Council of the Town ~f Picker4nq and . recommends ': 1. 2. a) 3. Yo' 4. FAIRPORT COMMUNITY CORE AREA FILE NUMBER B 3400 That Council receive the Secondary Plan for the Fairport Community Core Area submitted by DeLeuw Cather Limited~ . UDEP Limited and Brook Carruthers, Shaw dated December 6t1) 1977; And that the Interim Head-Planning Department be authorized to circulate the said ~lan to all necessary parties for comment. OFF",STREET PARKING FI~NUMBER B 2400 That By-Law Number 711/77 is in conformity with the Official Plan of the Town of Pickering approved and in force at the time said By-law was passed, namely the 3rd' dáy of Octgb~r ~977; No f~ther Official Plan has been proposed by Council 'nor approved by the Ministry of Housing since the passing of said By-law Number~111/77 and which said by-law would not be in conformity, rncluding the District Plan of the Town of Pickering District Planning Area, Region òf Durham which was adopted by Council on February '1 7th 1975, ami recommended to the Region of Durham for approv.l. APPORTICH4ENr OF TAXATION REVENUE TO THE TOWN OF .AJAX FILE NUMBER C 5300 That the report of the Treasurer-Collector dated Janu!1!ry 3rd -1978, with respect to the apportionment oftaxat!on revenue on certain properties of the C.P.R. and the Consumer's Gas Company, be adopted. And provision be made :in the 1978 Budget under G/L 1599 "O~erMiscellaneous Transactions" for an amount of $lQ,OOO.OO.' ' . TRANSFER OF 1977 NON-RECURRING REVENUE FILE NUMBER C 2450 That the report of the Treasurer-Collector dated December 12th 1977, regarding the transfer of $500,000.00 to the Community Facilities Deve1op~ent Reserve Fund (G/L 4225) be adopt,fi!d; An~~,~<'1:hèse funds be used for, capital. expenditures for' 'ComìnUnlt:y Facilities in the Town of Pickering as stipulatèd in the Reserve Fund By-law 357/76. ' '\ - 2 .. 1/78 APPENDIX II 5. ACCOUN~ FOR APPROVAL a) That the Accounts dated December 16th 1977 " ~I) .~,',I)"..tAe amount of $2,053,092.02 as submitted by the~. ' Manager, be approved. b) That the Accounts dated December 31st 1977, in the amount of $706,S9l!17 as submitted by the Town Manager, be approved. $. PROPERTY SALES FILE NUMBER D 3360 That the report of the Town Manager dated December 14th . 1977, with respect to the sale ofa portion of Block T, Plan M-997 to the abutting property owners be adoptedJ And that he be authorized to direct the preparation of the necessary legal documents 1 !,. ~ And further that a By-law be prepared to authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute whatever documents are required in connection with the sale of these lands. 7. SNOW CLEARANCE ON SIDEWALKS FILE NUMBER E 5110 That the report of the Director ¡of Public Works with respect to winter control on,sidewalks, dated December 1st 1977, be adopted and the sidewalks identified be added to the Municipality's winter control operation. 8. TRAFFIC "PROBLEM - WESTtŒY ROAD & CONCESSION 6 FILE NPMBER A 2260 That the RegiorìalMunicipality of Durham be requested to install a four way stop sign at the intersection of Westney Road and Concession 6. 9. PI,CKERIUG PUBLIC LIBRARY - SIGN - FILE NUMBER A 2150 f That the Pickering Public Library Board be directed ,to investigate, means to designate the Library by a sign and the said sign not be located in an area that is subject to vandalism or which will interfere with . snow clearing. /