HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 11 2014 Page 1 of 5 Minutes/Meeting Summary Advisory Committee on Diversity Thursday, September 11, 2014 7 pm Main Committee Room, First Floor, Pickering Civic Complex Attendees: O. Ekenkwo M. Jackson K. Mark M. Odle C. Reidt D. Garland D. Record T. Ryce, Staff Representative R. Michaud, Recording Secretary Absent: K. Ashe A.Jacobs Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Introductions Tanya Ryce welcomed everyone and introduced Dane Record, from the Aids Committee of Durham Region. Dane provided a brief overview of his role as the Black, African and Caribbean Outreach Coordinator for Aids Committee of Durham Region. He is actively involved with various organizations and individuals in creating awareness and eradication of the HIV/AIDS virus in the Oshawa area and is hoping to expand to the Durham West area community groups. The goal is to provide education to as many groups as possible, including university and high school students. 2. Review and Approval of Minutes Moved by K. Mark Seconded by C. Reidt That the minutes of the February 13, 2014 meeting be approved. Carried Page 2 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Business Arising from the Minutes Moved by K. Mark Seconded by C. Reidt That Item 3 in the February 13th minutes be referred as an action item for the next committee. Carried 3. Review/Revisions to Race Relations Policy Committee members reviewed the Race Relations Policy document which was prepared as a result of collaborative team effort by students from Dunbarton High School, Pine Ridge Secondary School, and St. Mary Catholic Secondary School. T. Ryce requested that each committee member comment on whether they felt the policy required revisions, or was still relevant. C. Reidt noted that the direction for the committee over the past year has been rather vague and that she struggled to identify her role and noted that committee members lost interest. She stated that the policy no longer provides a clear understanding of race relations today. K. Mark noted that the wording in the current policy is outdated and suggested that the next committee should revise the policy to more accurately reflect what diversity is in our community. M. Odle suggested that there should be greater focus on the groups and new residents moving into Pickering to break the cultural barriers. T. Ryce noted that the mandate of this committee has been completed and activities and events have been held by City Staff over the past year as funding had already been committed. Council has adopted a new Cultural Plan and developed a Community Engagement Strategy which includes a Cultural Advisory Committee with the various community organizations and groups. 4. In Your Words and Expressions 2014-2015 Program & Heritage Day T. Ryce mentioned that the budget for this event has already been approved and is seeking the committee’s input on operation and statement for the coming year. Noting the Page 3 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) richness of diversity programs in the schools, and the new regional council. General discussion ensued about the relevance of these events/programs in today’s environment of acceptance. What’s been missing was full engagement in neighborhoods in City events and programs. Committee members discussed the emergence of insulated communities within the City, and whether this could be seen as a positive or a negative. Several Committee Members noted that they had concerns with the operation of Heritage day, and the submissions from the In Your Words and Expressions contest, and would like to see a more relevant celebration of Diversity and Culture in our Community, where all community members were more likely to participate and benefit. T. Ryce suggested that full engagement from Cultural Groups through the Cultural Plan networking sessions coming up would assist with increased participation from all neighborhoods. An invitation will also be extended to the members of the Diversity Committee. K. Mark suggested that inviting known student leaders in diversity to participate in In Your Words and Expressions contest would be a way of increasing the relevance of the submissions. T. Ryce proposed requesting [YOU]nity work with winners on a PA Day to further develop their ideas during one day workshop, inviting past contest winners to participate. K. Mark suggested bringing in a Celebrity to make the event attractive. M. Odle stated that he would like to hold an event that more people would be interested in, noting the lack of interest at the Pickering Town Centre. C. Reidt commented that she felt that Heritage Day no longer fulfilled the needs of today’s community, and that it was in need of reinvention. C. Reidt commented that what seemed to be relevant in all of the committee’s discussions was community engagement. Agreement from all committee members Page 4 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) K. Mark commented that while parents may have a distorted view of what Diversity is, children are the life-blood and fully understand what inclusion and diversity is. T. Ryce proposed having the topic of In Your Words and Expressions be “If you were planning an event celebrating Diversity in Durham Region what would you include.” Discussion between all committee members that judging would be on the ideas included in the work, and that those with the best spark and ideas would be invited to the workshop to reinvent heritage day as a Diversity Festival. T. Ryce pointed out that monies for the Forum and Heritage Day would need to be reinvested into the workshop and event. The committee members endorsed this type of event. T. Ryce noted that it wouldn’t be acceptable to completely erase Heritage Day and suggested promoting opportunities for cultural and heritage groups to promote themselves, and get involved in Community events and programs as a media campaign around Heritage Day. As recommended by T. Ryce, the committee agreed that the funding for the Heritage Day event be redirected to “In Your Words & Expressions” event and that the City launch a new program “Celebration of Diversity” in partnership with cultural groups. The event to be determined by the outcome of the “In Your Words and Expressions” entries and student workshops, and for City staff to initiate and organize the event with the participation of the winners, and local cultural organizations. Moved by K. Mark Seconded by O. Ekenkwo Carried 5. Diversity Display – Lobby 2014 Diversity Display will go ahead the same as last year – no discussion took place. Page 5 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 7. Other Business D. Garland provided an update on the Drum Social event held in the Esplanade Park on June 14th. Over 300 people were in attendance including Members of Council and other dignitaries. The desire is to partner with the City of Pickering in cost sharing. Tanya advised that she will be sending the organizing committee an invitation to submit a grant application, which can be found on the City’s website. T. Ryce noted that the City has received other requests for cultural festivals in Pickering. These are on the agenda for Council approval at the September 15th meeting. This completes the committee’s mandate for the 2010-2014 Term of Council. Meeting Adjourned: 8:45 pm Copy: City Clerk