HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 02/00 (2). �or?v 5 � REPORT TO COUNCIL 35 �s FROM: Neil Cartoll DATG: January 10, 20U0 Director, Plmning and Dcvclopment PLANNING R�PORT NUMUER: 02-00 SUBIECT: Commenis on the DraR Town of Ajax OFficial Plen RECOMMLTIDATIONS: I, That Ciry Council endur?c Planning Fcport No, 02-00 as thc Ciry of Pickcring's comments on the drnft Tow� of Ajax Official Plan; nnd 2. That the Ciry Clerk be direct��d to fonvard a copy of Planning Report No. 02-00 to the Town of Ajax und Region of Du�ham. ORIG(N: Thc Town of Ajnx hns requcstcd commenls on thcir drnft O(licinl Plun, which wns relcased for public review and comment in November, 1999. AUTHORITY; Thc Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 FINANC►AL IMPLICATIONS: No dircct costs to thc City are nnticiputed as a result of thc ndoption and approvnl of the new Ajax Oliiciul Plan. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Town of Ajax has circulnted n drnR Official Plun for public and ngency comment. Upon review of the Ajnx Plnn. it is clear thot minar revisions nro rcquircd in order for the Plnn to better mesh within the lund use, transportation and policy framework estublishcd by the Durham Regional OtTicinl Plun und the Pickering Officinl Plan. This includes revisions to its Land Use Schedule regnrding Open Spnce designutions ulong ihe north Ajax/Pickering boundury, ns well as revisions to the Transportution Schedule rcgarding futurc roed conncctions with thc City of Pickering. BACKGROUND: I.0 Overview Thc Town of Ajax initiated a revicw of their Officinl PI¢n in thc rall of 1997. Thc Town cstnblished a Stekcholder Advisory Committcc, held seveml public opcn houscs and workshops, and produced u scries of discussion papers, Thcse effotts cuhninnted ��ith thc relcusc this past Novcmbcr of a draII Officinl Plnn. 36 • PLANNINQ REPORT NUMBER 02•00 Date: lanuary 10, 2000 Subject: Comments on Ihc Town of Ajex DraR O�iciel Plnn Page 2 Thc drnR Oflicial Plan has beon circulated to edjecont municipnlities, commenting agencies, end membcrs oP the public. Following a review of comments received on the Plan, Ajex staff intcnd to prcpure s sccond drafl O�cial Plen for additional public review in mid Febnwry. It is enticipated that a recommended Ofticial Plen will be thc wpic of a stntulory public meeting in March, and the Plen would be prcscnted to Ajex Council for adoption et their subsequent meeting. The pwpose of this Report is to provide Ajax with the City of Pickering's comments on lheir dreft Officinl Plan. Copies oFthe drell Ajax Officiel Plen arc available for review at the otiice of the Pickering Planning and Development Depaztment. 2.0 Discussian The current Ajax Officinl Plan consists of n District Plan (npproved in 1986), which conlains lhe core policy directives for the municipulity, es well es several "Community Plans" which are individual secondnry plans for mnny of the Town's neighbourhoods, and are amendments to the District Plun. Other neighbourhoods within the Town are guided by "Development Plans", but these Plans do not constitute fortnal components of thc District Plun. The drnR Official Plen would replaca the Disuict Plun, Community Plons and Development Plnns with a single document. Campnrcd to the current Officinl Plan, the new dmft Plan is brief, concise, and nvoids lhe redundnncies nnd discrcpancies emong tha existing set of documenls. Thc Plan is organiud within five mnin chnpters, sevcrnl of which were the subject of discussion papers rcleascd by the Town of Ajax during its OfEicial Plan revicw. City oC Pickering sNff commented on lhc discussion pnpers on Novcmber 2, 1999 (seeAttachmcnt #1). Seveml of our commcnts on the discussion papers continuc to npply to the dr� l Otlicial Plan. Thc dmR 011icinl Plun hus been rcvicwcd by stu[f of thc Planning nnd Developmcnt, Operations nnd Emergency Scrvices, and Corpornte Projecls ond Policy Deptutmenls. Thc following discussion providcs smff s commcnts on cuch of the chaptcrs, 2.1 Draft Ajux Oflicinl Plan - InVOduction Smff hsve no specific comments on this chapter. 2.2 Drnfl Ajnx Ofticiul Plan - Land Use Plan The lend usc chepter consists of policy dircctives for the PId,.'s gicenlands framework, rcsidentiat areas, employment areas, and the rurnl nren. The drnft Ajnx Plnn pmposes an urban boundary, populetion targels (120,000 pcople by the ycnr 2021), and employment targets that arc consistent with Ihosc of thc Durham Regionnl Officinl Plan. Staff do not have nny concems wiUi lunds designnted for growth in the draft Plen. With respect to non-growth rcleted design¢tions, n discrcpwicy mny cxist bctwccn the Pickcring Official Plun and the draR Ajox Plan. Thc mnjority of lends bchvccn Fiflh Conccssion Road and Highwny No, 7, cnst of Sideline 16 nre dcsignatcd "Opcn Space Systcm — Naturel Area" in the Pickering Plnn. Thc dcsignation is duc to thc mnny end vnried naturnl features in this arca, including: wetlands; groundHVtcr mhargc and discharge wncs; aggregate dcposits; and largc forests tracts. Thc soacherlyabutting land use designations in the drnR Ajux Plan prlmnrily consist of "Rural Arca", which pcmiits uses that may jeopordiu the future of theso sensitive natural feutures. PLANNINd REPORT NUMDER 02•00 Date: Jenuary 10, 2000 37 Subject: Comments on the Town of Ajau DreII Officiel Plan Pnge 3 2.3 2.4 Staff recommend thAt AJo: review Ib propoud I�nd we daign�tion� for thb ara, �Od COqlldll' IOCfi17I0g (i10 �p10U�I O� I�01I Ilqlgpqild wEpVI�00mtp►ii P�OItCIIOO~ to beHer complemeat lhe �buttloQ PlckerinQ Oftici�l Pian daignatione. Of additionel notc, the Land Use Schedulc idcntifies lends east of Notion Road as "Employment Policy Arca 2". Section 2.4.1 I.l of the draII Plnn provides details on the land use and urbun design study mquired for thosc londs, to be undertalcen by the Town in cory'unction with the Region, Pickering, nnd Ihe Conservation Authority. The study, known as the "Notion Road Land Use and Dcsign Sludy", is currently undenvay and is anticipated to be completed later this Spring. Draft Ajax OfTcial Plnn • Urban Design and Heriwge Prescrvation Staff hnve no specific comments on �his chnpter. DraR Ajax 0(ficinl Plan - Transportation and Infraswcture Schedule 'C' of ihe drnft Plnn establishes a tronsportation network for the Town, and designntes freeways, artcrinl rouds, nnd collector rouds. In reviewing the previausly- released discussion paper on trunsportntion, sta1T determined that several inconsistencies cxist bctween thc proposcd network and thnt eswblishcd by the Durham and Pickering Officinl Plans. A fcw discrcpuncies continue to appcnr in the dmR O(Ticial Plun, as foilows (also rcfer to Atwchment �2, which numcriculiy idcntifics swfl's concems with lhe Ajnx proposcd Unnsportntion nctwork): Easdtives� ar�erlal between Rossland and Taunlon Roads The draR Ajnx Plan designntes un ensUa�cst Typc 'C' Artcrial Road that would truvel from Church Strcet to Audley Rond. This futurc eazUwest road is situated mid-conccssion bctwccn Rossiund und Tnunton Roads. A similur mid•concession easUwest Type 'C' Arteriul Road is dcsignated in the Enst DufTins Arcu (EDA) Study of Pickcring, running Gom the Ajax/Pickcring boundery westward through ihc Duffin Heights and Lnmorcaux ncighbourhoods. If the Ajux Plan was revised to e:�lcnd ils Type 'C' Artcrinl west to lhe Ajax/Pickering boundnry, n connection would be made between the two arterial roads, and a logicnl ultcmative to Rossland Rond nnd Tnunton Roud would be provided for easdwest inter-municipnl trnfiic (see O on Atwchment �2). Thc Durham Regicnal Officiel Plan also designates a Type 'C' Arterial Rond in this location. The master transportation smdy prepared far Ajnx mcommends the future arterial road terminute ut Church SVeet, due to environmentel constraints of crossing Duffins Crcek. In our view, it is premnturc to make this conclusion without Ihe benefit of undertnking an environmenlal nssessment. Thc environmental asscssment would cvaluate the benefits of such n conncction, against its potential environmenWl, socinl nnd fiswl impacts. If a futurc evaluntion detertnines the cannection is not rcquircd, Official Plans could be amendcd, ond the undertnking abandoned. However, the evaluation must occur Grst — not protccting for the conncction now could preclude u potentially impoMnt east•west trnnsportation link in the future. Regardtog n future ea�t•west road located mid•conccaaion behvecn Taunton and Roasland Roada, etaft recomroend: the Traoeportatian Schedule of the Ajoz Otficlal Plan be revlecd to e:tend tda east-west future road from Church 5trcet to the AJaslPlckertng boundary; and that the ea�t-we�t roed be de�lgnated ae a Type'C' Arterlat. 38: PLANNINd REPORT NUMBER 02-00 Subject: Commenis on the Town of Ajex DreR Officiel Plen }; ��� � ,'1 ::->� . , . Eltzabefh Slree! / Rlversfde Drlve Datt: le��unry 10, 2000 Page 4 During the EDA Study, a smull pocket of potentinlly dcvelopabic lend was identified ndjucent to lhe Ajax/Pickering boundary, and sepnreted from other Pickering lands by thc Urfe Creek (see 9 on Atwchment N2). A future nonh/south Type `C' AAerial Road connection thnt would run from the ea�dwest conncction in Pickering diuussed in the previous section, to en extension of Elirabelh Strecl / Riverside Drive in Ajex (sec � on Auachment #2), was wntemplsted during the HDA Study to provide acccss to this pocket of potentially developable land. Such a connection would require a broad crossing of the Urfe Crcek. Considcring the limited siu of ihe developnbla area, and the fact that abutting lands in Ajnx would provide a more nppropriate menns of accessing and servicing the site, a crossing is not likely wnrranted. Rether dwn rcquesting an extcnsion of Eli7nbeth Street / Riverside Drivc northward to lhe fulure cASda•est Arterial Rond in Pickcring, slnff will closely monitor development applicnlions in Ajax to ensurc lhat futurc access to lhe Pickering site is provided lluaugh the southedy and/or eastedy nbutting lands in Ajax. Nollon Road/flighx�ay d01 Overyxus The Ajax master Vansportation study suppotis an overpass of Highwuy 401 lo connect Notion Road with Squircs Bench Rond. 'fhc overpass is fenturcd within the Durham and Pickering OfTicinl Plnns; however, ihe drafl Ajax Plan is uncicnr on its suppoA for a Notion Rond ovcrpazs (sec m on Attnchmcnt i12). Sta(f recommead thot an overp�n rymboi for Nolion Road / Iltghway 401 be added to the Transportalioo Schedule, or � tex! policy added to clarify thc Plan's support for Ihe overpass. Clements Road The Pickering Officinl Plan dcsignatcs u futurc cxtcnsion of Clemenls Road Gom its curtent terminus cast of Squircs Dcach Ruad, to thc Ajux/Pickering Boundary nt thc Church Street righl-oC-way. 'fhe Durham Regionui Officiel Plun designatcs Clemcnts Roud as n Type "C" Arterinl Roud connecting Ajnx with Pickcring, but thc drnil Ajnx Plun docs not accommodntc thc connection (scc m on Atwchmcnt N2). If U�c Ajnx Plnn was reviscd to add n connection betwcen Westncy Road and thc municipal boundary, a logicnl altemntivc lo Bnyly Street end Highwny 401 would be provided for casdwest intco-mwicipal trafTia ln panicular, a better conncclion would be achicved betwecn thc Brock Road cmployment tveu in Pickcring, and thc South Ajux rcsidentiel ereas. The master transportation study prepnred for Ajux does not recommend an extension of Clemenls Road into Pickering due to the environmentnl constraints of crossing thc DufTins Creek. In our view, it is prematurc to mnkc this conclusion without lhe benefit of underinking an environmenml ossessment. The environmental assessment would evaluetc the bencfits of such n connection, ngainst its potentiol environmentol, social nnd fiscal impacts. lf n future cvuluntion dctermines thc connection is not requircd, Official Plens could be umendcd, ond the wdertaking ubandoned, However, the eveluation must occur first - not protccting for thc conncction now could preclude a patentially imporinnt enst•west trunsportntion link in thc futurc. Staff recommend fhat f6e Tmnaportation 5c6edule be rcvbcd to extcnd Ciementa Road from Weetney Road to the A)as/Pickeriog boundAry. • PLANNMG REPORT NUMBER 02•00 Date: January 10, 2000 3� Subject: Comments on the Town of Ajax Draft Officiel Plan Pagc 5 Church Sheel The Church Street right•of-way serves as ihc Ajex/Pickering municipal boundary soulh of Highway 401. The road curtenAy tertninatcs as a public road just soulh of Bayly Strcet; however, a future southerly extension of ihe road is designated in Ihe Pickering end Durhem Official Plans, to intersect with the extension of Clements Road (see � on Attechment N2). The extension of Church Sircet will provide an additionnl opportunity for notth•south travel in ihe Brock Road industriel erea, and will ossist in nccessing and servicing ihe lands. There is no discussion in the Ajax mnstcr transportution study rcgarding �hc extension of Church Street. Statt recommend that the Tnnaportattoo Schedule be revL+ed to e:tcnd C6urch Street from Bayly Street to Clemeots Road, aod designote the road as x Type'C' Arterial. F�h Concesslon Road The Fiflh Concession Road right-of-wny scrves ns lhe northcm Ajax/Pickering municipal boundary. The Pickcring end Durhnm O(licial Plans designntc ihc roud ns a Type "D" Artcrial Roed; howcver, thc Ajux Plan dces not dcsignate ihe unopened ponion of the road (scc � on Annchment k2). Extension of the Fifth Concession Road will provide nn ndditionai cast•wcst link to ►he Pickering/Whitby boundary. Thc master transponation study prcparcd for Ajax does rellcct the Regional dcsignation, so lhe omission from the drnfl Plam m�y bc due to a dra(ling crtor. Staff recammead the Tran�portatioa ScheJulc be revfsed to extcnd Flflh Coocesaion Road ea�tward lo fhe AjAZ/Whilby border as a Type 'B' Arfer(al Road. Lakerldge Road /nlerchange Thc Transportntion Schedulc of 1hc Duthnm Rcgionnl Officinl Plnn designates n full interchnnge at Lakeridge Raad und Highwuy 401, but thc intcrchonge symbol is missing from this location of thc Ajax Plnn (ue � on Atmchmcnt N2). Sta(t recommend t6e TronaportaHon Schedule be revi�cd to designate a full interchange at Lakeridgc Raad and Highway 401. 2.5 Implementetion and Adminisiration Staff have no specific comments on this chepler. 2.6 Minor Revisions The north•west corner of the Ajnx/Pickering boundnry on cuch of thc draR Oliicial Plnn's schedules is incorreclly identified (sce 0 on Atutchment N2, which corcectly identifics the boundnry). Sta(f recommend that the Ajax/Pickering boundary tdenHticd io the north•wcst corner of all dreft AJa: Of(ictal Plan achedules bc revised fo ahift t6e boundory to t6e eaat, eltgning wilh tde Sideline 16 right-of-way. '. _ � , // � 4 �� PLANNMCi REPORT NUMBBR 02-00 Subject: �omments on the Town of Ajnx DraR OlTiciai Plan 3.0 Other Matters Date: January 10, 2000 Page 6 Pickering stnff have met with Ajex stal'f to discuss these comments, end other minor suggesdons. They indicated that staff's commenis would be considered in the preperulion of lhe sccond dralt Officiel Plan. Ciry steff will rcview the second drnft lo evaluate the menner in which stafi's comments erc addressed, and continue to pursue the Ciry's interests. �1�L�7:1u1�►y1�� I. City of Pickering Stnff Comments on Town of Ajax Officiel Plan Review - Policy Dircction Papers 2. Transportation Schedule of tBe Dmtt Ajax OfEiciel Plan Prepared By: I � off ight Pinnner 2 �Gi%ti�rl�--�/��-� Cathcrine L. Rosc Managcr, P�licy Division GM/nb Attnchments Approved / Endorsed by: / cil Cucro Dircctor, P eanin�d Dcvclopmcnt Copy: ChicCAdministrntivc0�cer Division ! Icnd, Corporatc Projects and Policy Division Hcnd, Municipal Property end Enginccring Rccommcndcd for thc considcmlion of Pickcring City u 'I ' '� uo � omas J. Qw m, Chicf Administrative Officer q(iACHMENIN i TO �� :'! ANNIN6 REPORT aQ_ � '"'�r � � � �� � � o 0 The Corporation of the Town of Pickering PLANNING DEPARTMENT Novembcr 2 1999 Mr. l'. Tollefsen Manager, Community Planning To�m of Ajax 65 Hanvood Avenue South Ajax, Ontnrio LIS 21i9 Dcar Mr. Tollefscn: RE: Pickcring Planning Departmcnt Commcnts on thc Policy Direction Papers rcicascJ as part of thc Ajar Olticial Plan Rcvicw To�m of Pickcring In May, 1999, you fonvardcd to the To«T a numbcr of Policy Dircction Papers prepared as part of the Ajax O�cial Plan Rcview. This Depanmcnt has now had an opportunity to revicw the documeNs for the Toµ�n, nnd has the following comments for your consideration: A Pol7cy Direcd�n Paper an Transporla�inn, prepared by iTrans Consultunts, Mny 5,1999 Pnge 8, Sectlon 7.3, East/West Artertal behvecn Rosslond and Tnunton Rond: This section discusses a Future Type C Arterial designated in the Durham Rcgional Ofiiciai Plan. This Artcrial is proposed to connect from Ajax through Pickering's East Du(Eins Arca to Drock Raad nnd further west. The Policy Pnper proposes deletion of nny rond connection west oC Church Street, nnd reclassificntion to n Collcctor east of Church Street. 'This Dcpartment is opposed to this position, and requcsts thnt the Type C Arterinl connection be ret�ined in the Ajax (and Durham) Ofticinl Plans. The tuture Type C Arterial is in un essentiul mid-block locntion that will ullow movement between the DuRin Heights Neighbourhood in Pickcring and adjacent neighbourhoods. Through Pickering's Enst Duffins Areu Study, the Town has adopted amendmcnts to its Transportution Schedule implcmcnting the Type C Arierinl connection. Thc Notice of Dccision to approvc thc amendmcnt is pending resolution of an nppcal oFthe npprovnl of othcr related Regional Pinn Amendments. ...continued Departmmt (905)120-1617 � Fax (9QS)1267W8 &m+ll pl+nnln�t6tm�T.picAerinFortn PlckerIng Civic Complex, One the Esplanade, Plckerin�, Ontnrto, Cnnade L1V 6K7 DirectAccess (905) 420-4660 www,town.pickering,on.ca , 4'' • �.�i�.Lnr n � io ,. .'� nrpORT p �L"� u Mr. P. Tollefsen c' November 2,199� Re: Pickering Planning Department Comments on the ` Page 2 Policy Dircction Papers rcleazed as pnrt of the Ajax Official Plan Review It is prudent ro protcet the option to build ihe connection. The main branch of the East Duflins Creek must be crossed f'unher east in Ajae. 7'he Urfe Creek must be crossed to make the connection to Pickering. IC the results of a futurc Gm•ironmcntal rlssessment suggest ihere is no need for this connection, or that the ent•ironmenlal impacts ate too great, or that the costs are prohibitive to construct ihe conncction, the designation can b: ddeted nt that time. Page 10, Notion Road: This sectian of the Policy Paper suggests ndding a Notion Road crossing of High�vay 401 to thc Ajar O(licial Plnn. This Dcpartment suppons this pro�sal, ns it would bc consistcnt �vith the designations of a fumre Notion Road Oecrpass that csist in both the Pickcring nnd Durham Official Plans...•• Page 12, Elizabeth Strcet/Riverside Dri�•e: This road is designated in the Durham Plan as a Type C Arterial. It runs betH�cen Kingston Road and Rossland Road. The Policy Paper suggests that, due to environmental constraints norih of Rossland Road, Eliz�beth StreeURiverside Drive south of Rossland Road should be reclassified in the lower Collector category. While there may be merit from n local perspective to doa�ngrade the clazsification to a Collector category, it should howcver be extended north of Rossland Road to connect to the future east-�vcst mid-block Type C Arterial discussed above. Given the Department's commenis on retaining the east•west Typc C Arterial connection located mid-block between Rossland Road und Tnunton Road, it follows that Eliwbeth Street/Riverside Drive should be extended north to connect to ihe future east-wcst Type C Arterial connection, thcreby creating n narth-south mid-block connection. Pnge 13, Church Street: 71�is road is designated us n Type B Arterial. It extends from south Ajax and is proposed to connect with n Highway 407 interchange in Pickering. The Policy Paper suggests the road be reclassified in the lower Type C Arterinl category. Tlie Policy Pnper fnils to identify Church Street in nn Arterial category south of Bayly Street. The Depurtment has serious concems with these chunges end omissions. ...continucJ AITACHMEIli M�Tp Q � �lAllf�i�lG AEPORT a —�Yl bir. P. Tollefsen November 2, 1999 P.e: Pickering Planning DepaRment Comments on the Page 3 Policy Dircction Papers relensed as pan oCthe Ajax OfEicial Plnn Review The Region modified the To�m's O(ficial Plan to add a i'uture Type D Anerial Crom the Fifth Concession to a Future Interchange at FIiEh«ay 407. The rationale given aas thc need to provide nrterial access to a Future Flighway 4071nterchange for «�est Ajar. It is this Department's position that it ���ould be prudent to maintain the Type F3 Arterial designation ihrough Ajax to D�yly Street, to protect the oplion for ihe Futurc Type D ArteriaIW011ntcrchangc. Hou�ever, if ihe results of n future [m�imnmental Assessmcnt suggest there is no nced, or that the em�ironmental impacts ure too grcnt, or that the costs arc prohibitive to construct the exicnsion, the designation in the Pickering Plan can be dcicled and thc rcclaasificatian in the Ajax Plan can takc place at that time. Furthcr, in Pickcring, Clements Road is Jesignatcd as a proposed Type C AAerial ben�•een Squires Deach Road nnd Church Strect. The Regional Ofticial Plan nnd Pickering Oflicial Plun designatc Church 5trcct, south of Bayly Strect to the fuwre extension of Clements, as a fuWre Typc C Artcrial. The Ajax Oflicial Plan should reflect this Type C Aricrial design�tion. Following Pagc 16, Schedule 1, Future RoaJ Network Clussification: The Policy Paper susgests various future road netw•ork classifications reflecting the tert discussions. This Department requests that the Schedule be revised to re0ect our comments above respecting the designations of Church Strcet, Ihc extension of Elimbeth Street/Riverside Drive norlh of Rossland Road, nnd thc mid•block nrterial benveen Rossland und Taunton Roads. Other Matters: 1Ve notice there is no discussion of connections to Highwny 407 in your transportntion paper. Also, we notice there is na discussion of the proposed Higha�ay 401 — Highw•ay 40T freeway to freeway connection that is in the vicinity of the Aja�clPickering/Whitby boundary. What is the Town of Ajax's position on Highway 407, and the treeway to free«ay connection7 A Pollcy Dlrecllon Paper on Cnmmercia! & Enipfaynienf Areas, prepared by Dave Meredi�h and Doug Llndeblom, Muy 5,1999 Page 14, Section 2.1, 4'" Dullet Polnt: This section of the Policy Paper proposes that a joint Pickering • Ajnx study of the Notion Rond Arca be completed, ...continued 44 � AttA�HMENTp � T� �lAyqlyG qEPOqT � (�_ 2-m hir. P. Tollefsen November 2,1999 . Re: Pickering Pianning Department Comments on ►he Page 4 Policy Direction Papen rcleased as part of ihc Ajax Ofiicial Plan Review This Dcpartment concurs uith the need for a joint Notion Road Area 5tudy. To this end, a Tertns of Refercnce for a joint Pickering/Ajar Land Use and Design Srody has been pre�red for our respecti�•e Council's consider�iion. A Polic�� Dlrrction Paper on Urban Deslgn, prepared by Ron �1'arne, �tay 5,1999 Page 19, Seetian 6.13i): This section of thc Pnlic}• Paper deals �eith recognizing the importance of highly visible inJustria! lands ��hich either f�„„� or back onto major ancriai road�eays. 'Ihis Department suggests }•ou consider aJding "Notion Road" lo the list. A Policy DlreclFon Paptr on /n�cgraftJ Ecainglcal Revie���, prepareJ hy Carolyn liart, Ainy,1999 This Depanment has no specific comments for your considem�ion. A Policy DJrrcllon Papa on RuralArca, prepared hy Peter Tollef�en, M1fay 5,1999 This Department h�s no specific comments for your consideration. Poficy Direclion Paper on Restdenlinl 11'eigliboiirGonds, prepareJ by David Forget, A1ay 5, 999 This Department has no specific comments for your consideration. We would apprcciate the opportunity to discuss these matters with you prior to preparation of the dmft Oflicial Plan. We will be conwcting you in about n weok to artange a mecting on these transportation issues. ]f you have any immedinte questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at extension 2038. Yours very wly, L�Z�t ��'.t'%�l�— Catherine L. Rose, (Miss) �P��� Menager, Policy Division � • AttACH1AENT ��TO � i PLANNINO REPORT r �_�