HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 04/00., � ,�- , ,� �' : 040 �,o�►,� � � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Noil Carroll DATE: January 25, 2000 Dircctor, Planning end Development PLANNIN6 REPORT NUMBER: PD04-00 SUB]ECT: Request for Council's Permission to Develop Lands by Land Severance J. and J, Donaghey Part of Lot 3, Plan 505 (in conjunction with Pari of Block 165, Plen 40M-1810) (West side of Rosebank Road, south of Foxwood Trail) City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. Thet the request made by David Brand, of Ceder Oak Development Corpomtion, on behalf af the properry owners, J. and l. Donaghey, to permit the division of the subject lends, being Pari of Lot 3, Plan 505 (proposed severed lands of Innd severance application LD 16/00) nnd Pert of Block 165, Plen 40M-1810, into ten residentinl lots through future land severance epplicutions, mther than by draft plan of subdivision, be APPROVED. 2. That City Staff udvise the Durham Region Land Division Committee, and the propeny nwnor thut a developmcnt agreement will be required betwcen the City and the owner prior to the finnli�ntion of uny scverancc applications to dcvelop the subject lands. This ugreement will eddress those mntters commonly addrcssed in subdivision agreements, nnd wili includc, among other things, a rcquimment for u Siting und Architectural Design SWtement. ORIdIN; Written request madc by Duvid Brand of Ccdar Oak Development Corporation, in essocieUon with Lend Severnncc Application LD 16/00, to the City of Pickering Planning and Development Department, requesting that Ciry Council ssnction thc development of the subject land by lend severance rnther than by plan of subdivision. AUTHORITY: The Planning Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 and Section 15.25(b) of the Pickering Official Plan. FINANCIAL IMPL[CATIONS: No direct costs to the City are anticipated es a result of the proposcd development. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Tho epplicant rccently receivcd wndidonel approval of Land Severance Appiication LD t6/00 from the Durhem Region Lend Diviston Comminee, to scver the rear portion of Lot 3, Plen SOS. The rosultent scvercd lends ero intended W be combined with Pert of Block 165, Pien 40M-1810, end doveloped through lend severencc to create ten fulure residendal lots fronting onto Foxwood TraiL r✓ , `. ,`. `, • ' ' PLANNMd REPORT NUMBER PD4•00 •. Subject: Land Severnnco Appl(cadou I.D 16/00 1o��,�y zs, s000 041 Page 2 Section 15.25(b) of tho Plckedng O�cinl Plen rcqu(rcs thet eny propedy which ls cepabie of being divided into moro then threc additionel lote bc dcveloped by plen of aubdivision, excopt where it is dcmonsUated to CounciPa saUefacdon that a plan of aubdIvision is not appropriete or necessary, in which casc Council may aulhoriu tha development to proceed by lund sevcrance. It is considered approprietc to allow tha subJect lands to be developed tluough the land severancc process. The lunds ere zoncd to permit lhe lot siva proposed by the applicant. The proposed lots wili front onlo Foxwood Trnil which is built to full urban standards nnd is pre-serviceA to support the proposed lotting pattcm. The applicanYs proposnl will not prejudica the viability of future road connections or rosidentiai lots anticipated to be devcloped in thc neighbourhood, All mquiremenu of the City cen be uddressed through a development agre�ment which will cover those arens typicnlly addressed through development by plan of subdivision. DACKGROUND: The applicant recently received conditional epproval of Land Severnnce Applicntion LD 16/00 from the Durham Region Lnnd Division Committcc to sever the rcnr 0.44 of a hecterc from Lot 3, Plan 505 (nlso known ;is 1764 Rosebank Roud). The nppiicant intends to assemble these severed lands with a podion of Eilock 165, Plan 40M-1810, and crcate ten residential lots. The proposed lots, intended to support delachcd dwcllings, would providc minimum lot fronteges of 1 I.0 metres on Foxwood Tmil, nnd minimum lot arcas oP approximntely 370 squnre metres. A propMy location map and sitc plan illustrating thc npplicant's proposcd dcvclopment are includcd es Attnchments Nl and k2 respectivcly to this Report. Section 15.25(b) of thc Pickering Official Plan rcquires that any property which is cnpnblc of being divided into moro than thrcc ndditional lols be devcloped by pinn of subdivision, except whcrc it is dcmonstra►ed to Council's satisfaction thn► a plan of subdivision is not appropriatc or nccessary, in which cnse Council mny uuthorize thc dcvclopmcnt to procccd by land severanse. The subject lands, to be crcuted through the finulimtion of Land Severancc Applicution LD l6/00 and the futurc nmolgumation of these scvercd lunds with Part of Block I65, Plen 40M•l810, will be approximatcly 0,47 of a heclare in size, and provide upproximntcly 110.0 metres of lot frontage onto Foxwood Tmil. The surrounding neighbourhhood to thc north nnd west was devclopcd through plan of subdivision, supporting dwellings on lots that are similur in siu to those proposed by the applicant. The two deep propertics immediately south of the subject lands, and the eastcrly ebutting retained lends each support a dcmched residential dwelling. Wc arc not awnre of nny immediate pinns for devolopment of the two southerly propeAies, [t is enticipnted thnt these three properties will ultimntaly be developed to complete the surtounding subdivision and anticipnted road connections, nnd support similar types of dwellings nnd lot sius. The subject lands are dcsignated "Urban Residentinl - Low Dcnsity Aren" in the Amberlea Neighbourhoad within the Pickering Officiel Pinn. The applicant's proposed development conforms to tha policies of the Pickering Officiel Ylan, and does not pmjudice the viebility of future road connections anticipated within this neighbourhood. ' 7'he subject lands arc wned "S-SD-SA-t" — Residentisl Detached, Semi•Detsched and Single Atteched Dwelling — by Zoning Bylaw 3036, as amended by Bylaw 4286/93. This zoning requires a minimum lot area of 250 squere metms, and a minimum lot frontege of 9.0 mcros for lots supporting deteched dwellings. All proposed lots in thc applicanPs severance proposai e�cceed these existing zon(ng rcqutrementa. Foxwood Ttail ie an exist(ng roud constructed to full urban standerds end is currcnQy pro-serviced elong the frontegc of the aubject lends to support thc number of lote proposed by the 4i � �. �.. . . .. , ` PLANNINQ REPORT NUMBBR PD4•00 ' Q 42 Subject Lend Soveronco AppltceHon LD 16/00 January 25, 2000 Page 3 applicant, Tho proposed severences reprosent andc{pated deveiopmcnt elong Foxwood Trail that is in keeping wiU� the cheracter of exisdng lotting provided by surtounding rcsidentiel properties. In order to provide thc City with suitable controle over thc development of these lends, it is necessary that the owner be required to enler into a davelopment agreement with iha Ciry prior to thc finolization of any severonce epplicatfon to creato additionai lots from the propeny, The development egreement will cover thoso ereas typicslly addressed ttvough development by plan of subdivision. A condition requiring a development pgreement with the City will be requested through the City's comments to the Durham Lnnd Division Committee. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Property Locntion Map 2. ApplicanPs Proposed Site Plan Prcpared By: C� Ron Tay r Plenner 1 � ur-� . Lyndu D. aylor Manager, Curnnt Operntions Division Approvcd / Endorscd by: l NCI C -' Diroctor, Plan g and Dcvelopmcnt RST/LDT/ph Atinchmcnts Copy: Chief Administrntive OlTicer � Recammended for ihc considerntion of Pickering Ciry Council � M .� , '-�� �1 DU mes J. Q , Chi A tivc icer , � _ Y = � ' 3 ?` '� ... ,': _ . . , . . i . , .. . . .. . . -. y ,.� „ ' , ' .. �. . . � � � � � t�TTA.CH�AEfIT't 'z TO .'' 044 a���u�ir�n a.�o�T :i�A 4-00 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S PRaPOSED PLAN LD 181200D 4� Y I� R .�� - 8i. f �p �n'� • -'" w`r.�:ieuw. �_� I '°•. 1 •. .In � Nin 3: I� ir r r �. �. r IR.IN � .. . �.. }��� 5 �� �Y�m i'- I �l91� x a � s e � e u �o • I Q 3 BLOCK 17b k� — � � � • ru...nu.. [ y ��}� mm � Q , ro Devebpmen Obdc la be induded In b110 -- ----- I � —� � � PROP0.SED&EVEREDUINDS PROPOSEDRETAINEDLANDS I Y C+ CRE/1TED THROUGH LD t&00 CREATED THROUGH LD 18l00 � kar PMT OF LOT 7, PU1N 505) m 'q y .s,. we. �»w I � �� Q� � O � �����_��_ � ��_� �_�� N � MI. w. /1f0� � o LOT � e�ouc i7s (� I�� � N J�.'''�f'"� %—�`^ ��_ �� �� n�w'wR Pt� 9C � � Yr 1 A � N 7 71'60 [pWl y� nm � t0l.fit� Il.1N II.1W li 1.1w i.lv 1]ao ��.Iro Il. 11N/ K11- 1115.9 IMQ� (pl. ll�l� 1[t191 1� I S ! ! ! � I f��p'1�M7�iFCmeN e I ,m��,`,?��?��i��ag���a���� �;_ �'_�_. 9���I � �g� � , . . . — . .— ,�, , ; �� � r= �� .�.a•. i a� �p � „�. �..,.. �,.� �,.� �,.a ��.,. �..�. �..,e, � H L n• ��� w � �_� � rs �iia� N �� �.� 8 �� nu ►w w�e maaKxa er �a an a r�mea nNe�a iwo o4vna�o�roenvmcraa�are�aw�noh�v�as ' a� wwwa Mo i�on �wnoHt+NUrm+�, moo.