HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO 03/00. i' � 002 c""°� REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Wayne Arthurs DA7'E: Septcmber 19, 2000 Meyor REPORT NUMBER: MO 03-00 SUIIJECT: "Made-in-Durham" Govemence Study - Berkeley Consulting Group— Options Paper - File: I(i 3400 RECOMMENDATION: 1. Thut Report to Council MO 03-00 canceming the "Mnde-in•Durhnm" Govemancc Study be received. 2. 71iat Cowcil endorse ihe Options Paper duled July 24, 2000, prepared by The Berkeley Consulting Group, nnd advise the City of Oshnwa ihnt the City of Pickering is prepnred to conlribule up to 537,000 townrds the cost of the [ierkeley sludy. 3. Ttwt n copy of this Report be fonvardcd to ►he City of O:howa nnd The Berkeley Consulting Group. ORIGM: Pickering Council Resolution NI I 1/00, item 9 endorsing Thc Derkeley Consulting Group's proposnl in principic, subject lo Cauncil confirtning u specific financiul commitment nt a Intcr dalc. AU7'FIORI7'Y: The Munlcipul Act, R.S.O. 1990 FMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The totnl cost of underluking the "Made•in-Durhnm" govemuncc sludy with two participating municipalities (Oshawa and Pickering) is 590,000, plus expcnses. The City of Oshawu hns asked that participnting municipalities consider conUibuting to tha cost of the study on n weighted assessment basis. On this basis, Pickering's share of the study cost would bc E37,000. In ihe event the Region also agrees to paAicipate in the study, Pickering's share of the study cost would be proportionately reduced. The study cost wauld be charged to Account 2126-2392, Gencml Govcmment, Purchased Services. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not epplicnble BACKGROIJND: On August 8�, 2000, Pickedng Council passed Resolution HI11/00, item 9, endorsing in principle The Berkeley Consulting Oroup's proposal to undertakc the "Madain•Durham" (3avemance Swdy, subJect to confirming n specific financial contribution nt a Inter date. .^, . -. �.. , , • , .:�:.. . . �. ;Repor� to Council M0 03-00 Dete: Sepkmber 19, 2000 •'3ubjcet: "Madain-Durham" Oovemencc Soludon � � 3 - Be�Celey ConsulGng Group • Optiore Paper Page 2 Oshawa has asked that perticipating municipalities consider contribudng to the study on a weighted assessment baais. This appen�s lo be a reasonable rcquest, and should Council concur, Pickering's share of the study cost would be 537,000. , Work on ihis govemance study haa alrcady wmmenced. In July, Berkeley identified five possible govemance options for deteiled evaluation in the study. Oshawa Council esked Uiat an additiona! option also be includ-cl in the evaluadon. This brings the totel number of options for consideretion to six. These six options ere identified in Berkeley's "Options Paper" e copy of which is attached to this Report, and hes been circulatal earlier to all members of council. The six govemance opdons for detailed evaluation ere: • Option 1: UniCity • Opdon 2: Two Single-Tier Cides (North end South) • OpUon 3: Two Single•Tier Cities (East end West) • Option 4: Three Single-Tier Ci6cs • Option 5: Tluee Single-Tier Urban/Rurai Cities [ItiJs fs ►he new optlon] . Option 6: Modified Two Tier With Pickering's recent dccision to pnrticipate in ihe study, it is approprinte £or Council to roview and provide comments on the Options Paper. The Berkeley Consulting Group hes becn osked to present thc Paper ut ihe September 25° Gxecutive Committee meeting, in order to hear Counci!'s comments, and respond to questions on the study. ATTACHMENTS; l, Berkeley Consulting Group's "Options Paper" dated July 24, 2000. Prepared By: Wayne Arthurs Mnyor Copy: Chief Administrative Officer , ,' � , ' - I , _ . - . : . _ � t r. � � r. � } , � , :.. t 4S : �� � i � � � � r, _ .'.tF t �_ , _ ; , - t ' " - ,f _ � -` :_�_. . ' � �r . � /%, ���/ � . ' i , /� � ,:�� �/ � /' . . / , _ .._•./ 1 . , � �jj�� , ,� �� �� � � �� .. . i .. . � . . r� ' � • � � �, 1� n • 7. � .� 111����a ..� i���s"'`" n � � �. o ��~�► r ;�.,- ,;�• 5e 7�y� � y} C . �`'*'�fy��� t rv.� -'� � �:.� ,t4 �5 {; .1rt 5, t ��� ��� . . .,�t^ y �, ; ' ,r . ! * ii��i �iii�� �' � � ' � �'�'��s �_ �� . . , ,uj9��u�� •�. •i. e -.} ��r'h�' �O 'S , �11> ��r�ll��� . . ����.� i�'�~`.�"�ii :i��i!�`i�di;i� . . .. . .. ATTACHMENT#�TO AEPOATti �o3-er.� �olo�' \1 Durham Go�remenee Revlew _ OpBona Peper—Juy 24, 2000 — Pepe 1. A'Made-in-Durham' Governance Solution — Options Paper— In June, 2000 Oshawa Cily Council approved a study oi opUonal govemance sUuctures tor Durham municipaiities submitted by The Berkeiey ConsulGng Group. In this document, Berketey seeks approval hom the Cfty of Oshawa of Ihe following: • Revised Gmetable for lhe Dufiam Govemance Study. • The set of Options to be studied and evaluated. • The evaluation criteria to be used. Revised Workplan The (ol�owing key dates are proposed for the proJect: • Approval by Ciry Council and Release of Options Paper D July 24, 2000 • Council•(acilitated Public Session, late September/early October date to be detertnined • Draft Final Report on Govemance Options D Presented lo Special Councfl MeeGng, October 12, 2000 ➢ Follow-up discussion at regular Council Meet(ng, October 18, 2000 • Revised Final Report D Revisions based on comments recelved D Submitted October 30, 2000 Set of Governance Options to be Studied In the study proposal approved by Oshewa City Council, a'sterter-kiP Iisling five options was provided: • Option #1: UniCity • Option #2:Two Singie-T(er Cities (North and South) • Option #3:Two Single-Tier CiGes (East and West) • Option �4:Thres Single-Tier Cides • Optfon #5:Modlfied Two Tier After fu�lher considaratfon, Berkeley is proposing lhe study of s(x options described below. • OpBon #1: UniCity , • Option #2:Two Single-Tier CIAes (North and South) • Optlon #3:Two S(ngle-Tier CIUes (Eest and West) • Optfon #4:Three Sfngle•Tfer Cities � • OpUon #5: Three Single-Tier UrbaNftural Cities — thJsls ournew opUon for study . • Oplion �B:Modifled Two Tier �7fie Berkeley Conwl�ing O�oup , 005 ATTACHMENT#_l._.TO AEPORT��o3•� ' Oo� ' c�,3 � �-, Dwhem Govemance ReNaw OpUona Paper- Juy 2�, 2000 — Pepe 2. Du�fng the course of lhe eveluaGon, the optlons could expand sfnce some contaln potenUal sub-optlons, e.g., possfbly have the East City in OpUon #3 separeted. For ease of analysfs, all oplions assume the maintenance of exist(ng munfctpal boundaries. Hence, no exisAng local municipalities are di�ded up for pu�poses of analysis. This does not mean lhat changes should not be considered for any proposed new municipalfry. The populaUon and househoid data are based on area municipality flgures from the 2000 Ontario Munictpal D(rectory. Wh(le ihe flgures are out of date, ihey provlde a relaUve sense of size. We will use updeted informatlon in the next verslon. Il should be noted that lhe data in the d(re:tory for Durham Regfonal Municlpalfty does not equal the sum of the ind(vidual municipa�(tles in the reglon. � �_ 7fia Uerkelry Cauuldng Omup � � .t � '�i� � i - f: 4 f s�•� _ ft 'f ��`'� }i 1%`7 z sf '� t t i e ' 1 ��f ATTACHMENT#�.TOREPOAT� moo3_�, 007 R�4 0 � �� . Durham Govemance ReNew OpQone Paper—Juy 24, 2000 —Pepe 3. Option #1: UniCity Govemance Bounda�lea • UnlClty ➢ Amalgamation into one city — Region and lhe existing eight munidpalilies become one city. ➢ PopulaGon: 458, 616 D Households:154,310 Electoral Structure • Mayor elected at-large. . Councillors elecled by wab. • Numbar to be specifled. Service Allpnment Assumptlons and Isaues • Ali services delivered within one adminlstraGon. • Satellite of�ces will be requtred to ensure access avoss Durham. Financial Arrangements • Area rating for u�ban services. • Poolfng of sxial services/social housing wilh GTA conpnues. i i i o , i � ` � �The Beikciry Consultinp Omup .,. . .. . .; -':, ., ? , ... . . , _ _ OOS ' � ATTACHMEM#..J_TOAEPOAT#i�1n5�3-o0 �,5 0���. Durham Gmremance ReNew . Optlons Peper— Jufy 21, 2000 - Pepe �. Option #2: Two Single-Tier Cities (North and South) Govemance Boundarles • Norfhem Rural Clry D One noAhem rural municipaifty comprised ot Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge. ➢ Populat(on:45,952 ➢ Households:17,954 • Southem Clty D One southem u�ban lakefront municipality compAsed af Pickaring, A)ax, Whitby, Oshawa and Clarington. ➢ Population:406,654 Y Househalds:145,564 Electoral3hucture • Mayors elected at-large in each. • Councillors numbers and etecQon melhod to be specified, Op11on /t Two SNpN�TNr CItlM (Uonh md soWh) NoM�rn Runl Clly Pop: 45,952 wii► o�o Househdds:17,954 8oWwrn CNp , " . Pop:406,654 I ,,,.^;. , Haseholds:145�564 ' RnnlGly i/ a.` ... — — ar - . ;: w .-..T . . . . � -�r - -�� S01ldIM11CAy. °�� '.. ;. . � . M � : . . ,'. . . _ . . . � . . . . . . � ...����..� The Berkelry Conaul6na Omup ::�'' �s�: ATTACHiNENT#�TO REPORT�,'�9,0."i-oo • (����� 009 Du�ham Oovemance RoNew : Optlone Peper—July 24, 2000-Pepe 6. Service Alignment Assump2lona and Issues • The bias for this modei fs to have each city be self-sufficlent to the degree it makes economic and service sense. • Given the size difference, it Is likely lhat the Southem City would assume mosl region-wide funclions and conlract to provide them to the Northem Rural Cfty as agreed, Flnancial Amangements • Pooitng of social services/social housing wilh GTA cont(nues. • Inter-municipal service agreemenls for mandatory (e.g., social services) and other speciBed services (e.g., waste management). a� " �- 71w Detkelry Consulling 6mup ~ ;: A 'i . .. . . . . . . . . _.n :�R'-� . �. . .. _ .. O10' ' ATTACHMENI# � TO AEPAAT#�o�-� Pc�10� \'1. Durham Gavemanee ReNew Opfions Peper—Juty 24, 2000 — Pape 0. Option #3: Two Single-Tier Cities (East and West) Govemance Boundarles • Eastem CIty ➢ An eastem city comprlsed of Oshawa, Whitby, Clarfnglon, Scugog and Brock. D PopulaQon:296,804 ➢ Households:110,792 • Westem C!ty ➢ A westem city comprised of Picke�ing, AJax, and Uxbridge. D PopulaGon:155,802 . D Households:52,726 Electoral Structure • Mayors eiected at-large (n each. • Councillars numbers and etection melhod lo be specifled. Optloe p: Two BhqN�TMrCltla fEutand Watl Eahm CRy Pop:296�804 Households• 110,792 Wahm CMy Pop: i55,B02 Households: 52,728 'P �r f _!� ��� _ � . �'Ihc Oedcelty Cansulling Omup . ATTACHMENT#�TO flEPOATi�.4�-� ' � � R�8 � �� 011 ; _ Du�ham Govemanee RaNew Optlona Peper—Juy 24, 2000 — PaQa 7. Serviee Allgnment Asaumptiona and lasues • Each city will be self suflicient to the degree It makes economlc and service sense. Each municipalily can decide lo contract extemally or with another municipality for services where benefiGal. • Assumptions will need lo be devised on how services cuRently provided by the Region will be delivered. . Some services, such as police or soc(al services, can continue to be dellvered reglon•wide through inter-municipal service agreemenls — i.e., one munlcipaflty provides servfce to others or they are govemed by a servfce board. Financtai Arrangements • Area rating for urban services. • Pooiing of social services/social housing with GTA conGnues. _ 7fie Berkdcy Cauuldng dmup � t, . .t. .. ' " % .` -. .: � .: . • .. `' :'.. ,,i ' .. O�2 , ATTACHMENT#�TOREPORTii'�5�3•00 Q9 `l o�' �"1 Owhem Garemancs Ravlew OpUonaPepo� Ju�yY1, 2000—Pege 8. Option #4: Three Single-Tier Cities Govemance Boundaries • Rural NorthemlEastem C!ty D One northem/eastem rural municipality comprised of Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge. D PopulaGon:45,952 ➢ Households:17,954 • Wesfem Lake/ront Clty ➢ A westem lakefront city comprised of Ajax and P(ckering. D Population:139,992 D Households:48,910 • Eastem Lakefront Clty ➢ An eastem lakefront ciry compr(sed of Whitby, Oshawa and Clarington. ➢ Population:266,662 D Households:98,654 Electoral Structure • Mayors elecled at-Iarge in each. • Councillors numbers and election melhod to be speci8ed. Opflon i4: iMn 84ipIFTNrCitla Runl North�mlEahm CNy Pop: 45,952 Housdrolds;17,954 Wabm lakMmM Cily Pop:i39,992 a.. .a Households:46,910 Eatbm lakdioet Clhr , _ P Pop_266�662^^.., j i I.. �� ��� __ �� �, _ ',.I�[�� „ , . . '' ' �� , � 77,e eerketey cauu�ltng amup _ , �.. , , . � . . . . .. : . • . ., .: � - .' , . . },; o .. , ; . . ,.. � ATTACHMENT#�TO REPOAT�i�CS3-oo ' ' ' R)�ovC�-1. 013 Durham Govemance ReWew OpUont Peper— Jury 21, 2000 —Pepe �. Rervlce Allgnment Assumpdone and Issuea • The bias for thia model is to have each city be self•sufficlent to the degree It makes economic and service sense. • While each municipality can decide to coniract exlemally or with other municipality tor services where benefldal, it is clear that lhe Rural Norlhem/Eastem City may conVacl wilh one of the others for services, which offer econamies of scale. • Assumptions will need to be devised on how services curtently provided by the Reglon will be delivered. • Some services, such as police or social services, can continue to be delivered reg(on-wide through inter-municipat service agreements — i.e., one munlcipality provides service to others or they are govemed by a serv(ce board. There Is a sub�oplion wfthtn this option whereby the Eastam Lakefront Ciry becomes a separaled city dislinct from lhe GTA: • Pooling of soc(al end related services may or not Include lhe Eastem Lakefront City. • The other two cipes may still conUact with lhe Eastem Lakehont City to manage certain servlces under contract, e.g., police, waler, etc. Flnanclai Arrangements • Note potenlial change In pooting of social services for Eastem Lakefront City. ' �7lieBedcdcyCauuldngOmup ' "€ , • ATTACHMENI#�TO REPORT��Bn.q�pO 014 �j\\ 0�`�1. Dwham Govemance Review OpBauPeper—Juty2�, 200�0—Pepe f0. Option #5: Three Single-Tier Urban/Rural Cities Oovemance Boundarles • Wesf Munlc/psllty D A west city comprised of Pickering, Ajax, and Uxbridge. D PopulaUon:155,802 D Househoids:52,728 • CenUal/No►them MunlclpaBty ➢ One urban and rural municlpaliry comprised of Whitby, Brock, and Scugog. D Populapon:103,728 D Households::i7,510 • Eastem Munlclpellty D An eastam lakefront city comprlsed of Oshawa and Clarfngton. ➢ PopulaGan:193,078 D Hausaholds:73,282 Electoral Structure • Mayo�s elected at-large in each. • Caunciilors numbers and elect(on melhod lo be speGfied. • RuraUurban mlx versus split wards to be considered. Oyfkn /� ThrN Sirql►TNr UrbrYRurY Cltla � �P�Y "' Pop:155,802 Housdwlde: 52,7Y6 C��nYNortl��n YunldpYlyr Pop:f03,728 aw e�n Houselwldt:37,510 Erhm YunfdptOtp Pop:193,078 <.o`.:n; Households:73,282 N_�.'11r�' ..� ; �� �' c�►�a�n, -° �; Y �, Ea�-���- ��-""'t . — �. j w�s r--.. ;� Tha Deikelry Cawlling aroup ,ry . ATTACNMENT#�TD FEPORT#L'�43-00 015 • � ' (�j �a ��� Durham Govemence ReWew ' Opdone Peper—Jufy 24, 2000—Pepe N, Service Allpnment Asaumptions and Isaues • The bias for lhis model is lo heve each city be selt•sufBcient to lhe degree it makes economic and service sense. • Assumptions will need to be devised on how services cuRenGy provided by !he Region will be delivered. • Some sarvices, such as police or social services, can conUnue to be delivered region•wide through inler•municipal servfce agreements — I.e., one mun(cipaHty provides service to others or they are govemed by a service board. Financtal Artanpemente • Area rating for urban services. • Pooling of soclal services/social housing wilh GTA conUnues. �The Berkelry ComulQng a�oup i ' 'i `, _ % : ' ATTACHMENT #�TO REPGAT tt ilas�oo 016' . ,� ��3os, �1 Durham Govemance ReNew Optlons Peper— Juty 2�, 2000 — Pape 12 Option #6: Modified Two Tier Govemance Boundarles • Region oi Durham with defined upper-tier responsibilities. • Current eight area municipalities: ➢ Oshawa — population:134,364; househoids: 51,900 D Pickering — poputatlon: 76,440; households: 25,368 D Clarington—population:58,712;households:21,382 ➢ Ajax — populatlon: 63,552; households: 21,542 ➢ Whilby—population:73,586;househoids:25,372 ➢ Brock — population:11,637; households: 4,810 D Scugog — population:18,505; households: 7,328 ➢ Uxbridge — populatfon:15,810; households: 5,816 • This opt(on fs consistent with Ihe Regional Council's resolution (January 26, 2000) that formally endorsed the direction of the Regfonal Council Study Retreat at Fem Resort in early January. • It may fnvolve lhe status quo with some modi8cations in number of elected officials and some shifts in responsfbilities for service delivery. Electoral Structure • Conlinue extsting aystem, potentially with fewer numbers o� Councillors. Opfian /6: YodMNdTwoiir f -- -�-� : ,a ` —_� : � --�.1 �The 8erkelry Coneulting Omup , ATTtiCHMENTIk � TOREPORT���O° O17 ' ��yo� ��. ,,, � Durham Govemanco Redew OpUona Paper— Juy 24, 4000 —Pape 13. Service Alignment AssumpUona and Isaues � • There needs to be dlscussion wfth lhe appropriate offictals (including the Regional Chair) lo underatand what servfce alignment assumpUons are involved (n lhis opUon. Flnancial Arrangements • Pooling of soclal services/socfal housing with GTA conUnues. • To be specified. _ 7La 9etkdey Cmwldng Oroup � ' .t, � . ,.; . " .. :: ., -. f " . - '� P. '