HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 11/00•127 ���oFp,�,� � h Q CONFIDENTIAL REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: Merch I7, 2000 Ciry Clerk REPORTNUMBER: CL II-00 SUBJECC: Selection of the Tmnsportation Master Plan Communiry Advisory Committee RECOMMENDATION: Ttiat thc confidential letter from thc Rcgioml Municipality of Durhum dated Merch 14, 2000 regerding ihe sciection of the Transportation Mnster Plan Community Ad�isory Commitlee be received; and 7'tiat the Region be edvised thet Paul White is hereby naminnted for appointment to the TranspoAation Master Plnn Community Advisory Committee. ORIGIN: Resolution of the Regianal Council dutcd March 8, 2000 Al1THORITY: Scction 105 ofthc Municipal Act FtNANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Region of Durlwm is requesting Council to norrwwte a representative of the community to sit on the Trnnsportation Mester Plen Community Advisory Committee. BACKGROUND: The Region of Durham established the Trnnsportation Mester Plnn Community Advisory Committee in 1999 for the purpose of providing input Gom a cross•section of stakeholders in the Transportation Mester Plan process. The Committa is to be wmprised of 24 members, being 8 representatives of the nrca municipulitics, 6 pcople sclected nt-large from the general public and 10 individuals representing four theme groups (Mobiliry and Acccss, Environnxntal, Economic end Business Devclopment and Network EfTciency) Advertisementa were placed in thc lowl mcdia betwecn Janusry 26 and Fcbniary 18, 2000 inviting epplications from residents to sit on this Committee. The only respot�e from the Ciry of Pickering was Pnul White and the Region is encoumging Council to consider his name for nominetion becnuse he hes becn screened for this position. This matter should be considered at u Spccial [n Camcra Council Meeting on Morch 27, 2000 becausc the Region is rcqucsting a response by March 31", 2000, Report to Council Ct I 1-99 Date: March 17, 20W Subject: Transportetion Mester Plen Communiry Advisary Committee p��e 21?$ A'ITAC[�fENTS: I. Letter from the Re�ion of Durham deted March 14, 2000 Prepazed By: � Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Ciry Clerk Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ciry Council . .� ...� // Th mas 1. uin Chief Adminis ' e 0 er i f• ,.� � ;� � }� � � , �'� � _��_ - �. ; ''� �i�f�; ,'i t� } ' ;' : `r . r S. f ! i 1.29 '. . � � . . � ATTACHMENT#_LTOBEPORTq C< �/— f � ' Rc� ' � , ' • . � . , • CITY OF PICKC-RINO • • . ' � �'J10� � � March 14; 2000 ' , ' rn. pwi,�,i . . ' �' . CLERK'S DIVISION � uun�o�{Wky , . � .. .. � .. . ' � .. olDurham. ' � ' . . . . . . . . . � • � . . . . . • • derK� Dapertmenl . . . . � • � . .. .. . sas rws��a nn. �,� • Mr. 8: Teylor . P.O.Bar62� � ri�BfiC . . , . . . . . � °n�do Town of Pickering . ' � Caneda L1N BA7 � . . . . .. �eoe�cse•nn 1 The Esplanade , • � ��1 �� • . Pickering, Ontario • � ' . a.x.wam,�a. .' L1V 6K7 , Roplaieldek' , ' . . - � ' . Confldendal Reparf #2000-TMP-3 - Selection of the TranaportaYion ' Master Plan Communilv Advisorv Cominittee — Our File• C07-T •Mr. Taylor, at a ConfidenGal meeting of lhe Transportetion�Master Plan ' Steering Commftlee meeNng held on March 8, 2000, the following . recommendations were approved by the Commitlee: • "a) THAT the individuals lisled in Altachment 3 lo ConfidenUai Report . #2000-TMP-3 be inviled lo partidpete as members of the Transporialion Master Plan Community Advfsory CommiUee;. ' b) THAT the area municipalities be requested to nomfnate one � • . representalive each to the Transportation Masler Plan Cammunity Advisory Committee; , � . • c) THAT lhe lisl o� respondents appended es Attachment 2 to • • . • Confidentiel Report #2000-TMP-3 be considered by the area � • municipaiitiea when nominating members; and � d) THAT Confidential Report #2000-TMP-3 be.fonvarded to the area � . municipal clerks, with, a request for e response by March 31. 2000."' • . , ti.,... . �� . . • . r ' ' � �axao�icw�,«� � , . .. . ,. . . , 130 ; .. . . . . . 2 . . � .. � �.��� All applicenla for the Transporletion Master Pian Community Adviaory • � . Committee aubmitted lhei[ namea in confidence for the selectlon procees, . ,' and iCwould be appreciated ff you would•lreat lhe report confidenUal, in � • •. ' ' accordance with the Municipal Freedom of IMormation and Protection of ' • ' Ptivecy Act. � � . • . . . • • � . � Should you require further informellon wilh regerds lo the applicants, ' •,; pleese do not hesitate lo conlect Mr: Gene Chartier, Meneger of , �, ' Transportation Planning and Design,•at 668�-7721; extenslon 5254. � . , ., ` � • • • . . , . Debi A. BenUey, CMO � • • . • , Deputy Clerk � . ' DABIdb . • Encl. . . • � cc: G. Chartier, Manager of Transpartation Pianning end Design, '. • ;�, r � 131 � LCONFIDENTIAL Transportatlon Master Plao Project Manapement Team Report to Transportadon Master Plan Steering Committee Report: 2000-TMP-03 Date: March 8, 2000 SUB]ECT SELECTION OF THE TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE BECOMMENDATIONS A. THAT Ihe individuals lisled in Attachment 3 be (nvited lo parUc(pate as members of lhe Transporta�on Masler Plan Community Advisory Comm(Qee; B. THAT the area municipali6es be requesled to nominale one tepresenlaUve each to ihe TransportaGon Masfer Plan Communily Advisory Commitlee; C, THAT Ihe lisl of respondents appended as Attachmenl2 be considered by Ihe area munkipaliUes when nomina6ng members; D. THAT this report be fonvarded to Ihe area municipal clerks, wilh a requesl for a response by Marc,h 31, 2000. REPORT Introducfion The purpose of thfs reporl (s: • lo provide an overview of lhe Transporta6on Master Plan (TMP) Community Adv(sory Cammillee (CAC) sUuclure and inival(on process; • lo presenl Ihe lisl ot (ndividuals and organizaUons Ihal have expressed an inlerest in par�cipating on Ihe CAC; • lo recommend members lo represenl lhe Mo611ity andAccess and Environmenfal lheme groups; and • lo requesl the area munidpali�es lo nom(nale members. 2. �ommunitv Advisorv Commitlee Slruclure and Initiapon Process At ils meeting of December 15,1999, Ihe Sfeering Commilfee adopled Ihe recommendations ot Report No.1999-TMP-04, which defined the role and sUuclure of the CAC, The repori noted lhat Ihe CAC would be respansibie for guiding Ihe Pu61ic InvoNemen( Work Path of Ihe TMP Study. The group will be asked lo inlerpret lhe views af Ihe different slakeholders and faclar Ihe fnpul received info Ihe decis(on�naking process, The CAC model endorsed by the Steedng Commfttee Is illuslraled (n Altachment 1, The model is composed of 24 members, being 8 represenlaUves of lhe area municipatiUes, 6 people ' 132 Page: 2 ReporC 2000-TMP-03 Dale: March 8, 2000 selecled al•large (rom Ihe general public and t0lndividuals represenUng four iheme groups (Mo6ilily end Axess-4, Environmenlel— 2, Economk and 8uslnesa Devebpment —2, and NefworkE�clency-2). Report No.1999-7fiIP-04 recommended Ihat applicants (or Ihe at-large posiUons and ihe Mo6ifrty endAccess and Environmentallheme groups be solicited Ihrough a public invitation process. Tha Steedng Commiltee also suggesled Ihal applka�ons tor Ihe area municipal posiUons be sought through the same process, and fonvarded lo the area municipaliUes tor lheir consideralion. In tolal, respondents to Ihe no8ces could fill up l0 20 of lhe 24 posi6ons. 3. Individuals and Omanizatians Inleresled fn Participatinq The CAC pu6lic invila�on process was conducled belween January 2B and Febmary 18, 2000, Ihrough no�ces placed fn the Iocai media, on the projecl inlemet sile and in Newsletler #1(Study Introduc�on). The 32 respondents ezpressing an inlerest (n Ihe CAC were sent formal applicaUon fortns, wilh 23 rotuming compleled ques�onnaires. In reviewing the list of respondenls summarized in Altachment 2, lhere appears lo be a broad cross•seclion of candidales inleresled in pa�icipa6ng on lhe CAC. However, lhere were no responses received from lhe Township of Uxbddge, and only one each from Ihe Township of Brock, Ihe City of Pickering, and Ihe Townsh(p of Scugog. The tour organizalions largeled on Altachment 1 were also wnlacled lo delertnfne Iheir inlerest In parUcipaUng on Ihe CAC. To date, the Canadian Automobile AssociaUon, lhe Onlado Tmcking _ Association and the Jofnl ChamberslBoards o( Trade have confirtned lheir willingness to parlicipaie. A response from General 6lotors is pending. 4, Seleclion af Communitv Advisorv Commiltee wlh lhe pubiic fnvilalion process now complele, Ihe Projecl Managemenl Team is seeking lo begin Ihe selecUon process. The first lask is lo recommend members lo represenl the Mobility and Aceess and Environmenlal lheme groups. In selecting any members for Ihe CAC, Ihe Projecl Managemenl Team will consider Ihe tollowing hvo faclors, which are similar lo the principles which were applied lo choase members tor lhe Waste Management Advisory Committee: • The composiUon ol Ihe CAC should be sufficienUy diverse to represenl Ihe range of differenl geographk and (ssue-based perspectives on the Region's lransportaUon fulure. This fncludes people trom the rural and urban areas, wi�h mobilily and environmental interesls, as well as represenlaGves from educaUon, business, the user communfty, and from Ihose that are reUred or work al home. • Members shouW not have direcl vesled or commerdal inleresls lhat could prejudice lheir pedarmance or creale the percepUon ot bias or conflict of fNeresl. _ 133 . Page: ' 3 ReporL• ZOOO�TMP-03 ' Dale: Mardi 8, 20�0 Based on these ciileda and the specific Iheme group responaibililies noled in 1999�TMP-04, the ProJect Management Team has selected the 8 applfcants psted (n Altachmenl 3, and recommends Ihal Ihese fnd�fduals be Invited lo paNdpale as members of the CAC. It b also tecommended Ihat the area mun�ipaliUes be requested lo nominale one represenlalive each lo Ihe CAC. These represenlalives shouid nol be members of munidpal slaH or elecled a�icials, s(nce Ihe Inter•agency Team and the Sleedng Commitlee, respecGvely, wiu represent Ihese stakeholders, The area mw(cipatiUes are encouraged to consider the C�st of respondenls presenled (n Aflachmenl 2 when nomina6ng Iheir members to Ihe CAC. Represenlalives for the al-large posiGons will be selecled from lhe remaining applicanls in Allachmenl 2, once Ihe area munidpali�es have compleled Ihe(r nominaGons. 5, ext Sle s � Wilh ihe Sleering CommiRee's endo�semenl, lhe ProJecl Management Team will: • (onvard a copy of this report lo the area municipali�es, wilh a request for a response by March 31, 2000; • invile ihe individuals lisled in Attachmenl 310 parUcipale as members of lhe CAC, represenQng either Ihe Mo6ility andAccess or Environmenfal Iheme group; • presenl a subsequent repod lo Ihe Steedng Cammitlee lo advise of lhe area munkipa� nominaGons and lo recommend Ihe al•large members; . invile selecled respondenls lo parlidpale; , • convene the firsl CAC meeUng, likely in mfd•April, 2000; and • advise Ihe unsuccesstul candidales. Respectlully submilled, , ������ 9 � TtansportaGon Masler Plan ProJect Management Team G. Cha�ier, P.Eng, Chair—�lanager, TranspodaUon Plann(ng and Design, Works Deparlment N.P. Chomobay, M.C,I.P„ R,P.P. —Direclor, Stralegicplanning, Planning Oepartmenl T, Prevedei, P.Eng. — Direclor, TransporlaUon and Conslruc6on Services, Works Departmenl M.E. Simpson — Manager, Special Projecls and FlAancial Planning, Finance Departmenl Attachments; 1. Communily Advisory CommiAee Slruclure 2. Cammuniry Advisory Commillee Candidales 3. Recommended Community Advisory Commiltee Mambers . `� 0 139 ATTACHMENTI COMMUNTTY ADVISORY COMMTfTEE STRUCTURE COMMUNITYADVISORY COMMITTEE . (24) AreaMunicipal ThemeGroups Public Nominations (8) at Large (6) Mobflity 8 Access Emironmental Economic & Business Network E�iciency (4) (2) Development (2) (2) - select at Iarge - select at large -1 General Motors -1 CAA -1 Cham6ers/Boards -10TA , _ ,; ;�: �� , �. � �� i€ ''� .: , . .. . �135 � REVISED ATTACHMENT 1 COMMUNTTY ADVISORY COMMTiTEE CANDIDATES Name m�� Id Springer n Vincent ue Wilson red Gillberty hael Hartley t Kelly :r Mueller d Pigden I While n McMullen �h MacKay Smilh Commenb ncial planner, GO commuter, member o( Ajaz Offxial Plan Slakeholders fsory Canmklee sportatbn enginaering consulhant, rrved (n diBerent areas a( Dufiam, unuter v commissbner, Interested in overall Uansportatfon issues er-operalor ot McDonakf's Ganchise, chair of Lakeridge Heallh SVategk mirg Cammittee ced tor 25 years in Uansporlation industry In Canada and overseas, WUa uoss-lake vehkular ferty uial planner, avid cyclisl, bng term Durham residen4 fortner GO commi devebper and memberof UDI, bng lerm Durham resident c driver, underslands curtent kansportaUon conditions ;d, inwlved (n Uanspoda0on (a over 36 years ic health inspeclor, co�chair of Committee ol Adjustmenls ner for the City of Pickering, landscape architecl, worked in Durham and :d Slales d, involved in Vanspo�tatbn for over 30 years :r ol IT consulGng firm, bng lertn reskfenl and commuter er Engr�sh MagisUate, memberal8roo�in Downlown Developmenl ; . 136 . ATTACHMENT 3 RECOMMENDED COMMUNIiY ADVISORY COMMTiTEE ' MEMBERS MOBILITI'ANDACCESSAND ENVIRONMENTALTHEME GROUPS 1; � � i* t ;s.,