HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 106/98� , ��OFp �0 � � FROM: Penny Wyger Town Solicitor REPORT TO COUNCIL SUBJECT: Rond - Dedication (Fewndule Road) - Part Block 33, Plen 40M-1304, Pickering - Designeted as Part 4 on 40R-8386 - File: W2304.351 DATB: Oclober 27, I998 RLPORTNUMBER: L 106I98 RECOMMENDATION: A by-lew should bc enacted to dedicate as public highway Ihat Part of E31ock 33, Plan 40M-1304, Pickering, designateA es Part 4 on Plan 40R-8386 (Fewndale Road). ORIGIN: I. Rcquest (rom Murtay Slroud, Dartistcr and Solicitor. 2. Approval from Public Works Dcpartmcnt. AUTHORI7Y: MunJclpal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, seclion 297(1 xn). FINAT'CIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc. BACKGROUND: Block 33, Plun 40M-1304 is a rcserve block which wus conveyed to ihe Town Ihrough Plnn of Subdivision 40M- 1304. In ordcr to provide legnl nccess to thc newly crealed lot abutting Dlock 33, Plnn 40M-1304, it is nccessary to dedicate it as pubiic highway. Our Public Works Department has advised thet this poAion of roud within this plan has bcen constructed to a standerd su�cient to permit public eccess, therefore, thc rcquired dcdication should bc mede. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Mep/Site Sketch. 2. DreR by-law. Preparcd Dy: %%�/ Jody sans IEP: Attachments Copy: Generel Menager Direcror of Pienning Director of Public Worke Rewmmended for lhe cc Ptckering Town Councfl � � � ... �� A � � 1 Approved / Endorsed By: � ?/� Per,ny L. Wy er� _ � .. . � � , . . . �.a- � � . . � ' � . . ' � � � . .. � � � . ' , � . , . .� .. , .. .. . . . . •i