HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 101/980 o�N OF P� �, ?3 ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny Wyger DATE: Septembcr 17,1998 Town Solicitor REPOR"f NUMBER: L 101/98 SUBJECT: Road-Dedication (Rosebank Road) - Part of Lot 11, Plan 505, Pickering designuted es Pnrt 1, Plan 40R-16152 - Part Lot 12, Plnn 505, Pickering designated as Part 1, Plen 40R-15461 - Purt of Lot 13, Plan 505, Pickering designated os Pnrt 1, Plnn 40R-15419 - Pile: W2304.350 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should bc enacted to dedicatc as public highway thnt part of Lot 11, Pinn 505, Pickering designated as Part 1, Plon 40R-16152; thut purt of Lot 12, Pinn 505, Pickering designnted ns Part l, Pinn 40R-15461 and that purt of Lot 13, Plan 505, Pickering, designatcd ns Part I, Plan 40R-15419 (Roscbank Road). ORIGIN: Request from Hnrvey Stortn, Dnrtistcr and Solicitor dated Septcmbcr 14, 1998. AUTHORITY: Mnntcfpai Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, scction 297(1)(a). FINANCIAL 1MPLICATIONS: Nonc. HACKGROUND: On June 19, 1995, Council enucted By-law 4625/95 which by-luw was enncted for the purpose of dedicating cerinin portions of Rosebank Rond as public highwny. Through inadvertence, ihnt by-law failed to sintc thc warding "is hereby dedicuted as public highway" in thc mnin body. It is therefore necessary at this time to enact ihe utmched by-luw which sets out the purpose of the by-law in proper form and repenls By-law 4625/95. ATTACHMENTS: 1, By-Inw4625/95, 2. Draft By-Inw. Prcpnred By: Denise Bye . DB:Ic Attachmcnts Copy, Ocnoral Manager Approved/Endorsed By; � enny L. ygcr • 2,4 ATTACHMENTti�I_. rUi�.t:�•!�i�i �,Uol/q8 I I 1 THR CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PI kF IN � I BY-LAW NO. 4625/95 � I Being a by-!aw �o dedfcate rhat pal ojLot !l, Plan 505, Plckering, deslgna�ed as Part 1, Plan JOR-!6/31; �hal par� ojLor 11 Pfa SOS Pi k i d! d P 1 PI ' n c er ng, es gna�e as art , an JOR-lS46! and rha� port ojLot 13, Plan SOS, P/ckering, deslgna�ed as Par� /, Pfan 40R-/54/9, as pu6llc hlghway (Rosebank Road). WHEREAS, The Corporation oFthe Town of Pickering is the owner of thet part of Lot l 1, Plun 505, Pickering, designated as Part 1, Plen 40R•16152; thnt part of Lot 12, Plan 505, Pickering, designated as Part 1, Plan 40R-15461 and thet part of Lot 13, Plen 505, Pickering, designat^d as Part l, Plan 40R- 15419 and wishes to dedicate them as public highwuy; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corpomtion of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. That pnrt of Lot I I, Plan 505, Pickering, designated as Part I, Plan 40R-16152 (Rosebank Road). 2. Thnt pFUt of Lat 12, Plan 505, Pickering, designated as Purt 1, Plun 40R• 15461(Rosebank Road). 3. That part of Lot 13, Plan 505, Pickering, designated as Part I, Plnn 40R-15419 (Roscbnnk Road). BY-LAW reud a first, sccond nnd third time and finnlly passed this 19th day oCJune, 1995. �I TOWN OF I PICKERINO i A?PPOVEO AS TO FORM I LEQAL6:f�T� i����j •;., - � . . � , Wayne Arthurs, uyor ��_ Bruce Taylor, Clerk �� �.un �c� �.-� � 5, I R 9 i �t�t ��t � �� �153 9L3 � ATTACHMEN7n, Z TOREPOATq� 7'FlE CORPORATfON OF THE TOWN OF PICKERMG 7� f:Id�l:t'T ►�%`C�� Being a by-!aw fo dedlcafe Ihaf par! ojLot / 1, Plan SOS, Plckering deslgnaled aa Pmr l, Plan 40R-16/51; ►ha� par! ojLot 1?, Plan SOS, Pfckertng deslgrrured as Part l, PJan 40R-1546/ and lhal parf of Lor !3, Plan SOS, Pickering deslgnated as Par! 1, Plan 40R-/54I9, as pu6/tc hlghway (Rose6anA RoadJ. WHEREAS, The Cotporation of the Town of Pickering is the owner of that parl of Lot 1 I, Plan 505, Pickering dcsignated as Part 1, Plan 40R-16152; thut part of Lot 12, Plun 505, Pickering dcsignnted es Part 1, Plan 40R-15461 and lhat paA of Lot 13, Plan 505, Pickering, designated as Part I, Plan 40R- 15419 nnd wishcs to dedicate them as public highway; NOW TfIEREFORE, the Council of thc Corpomtion of thc Town of Pickering IiEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. thnt part of Lot 11, Plan 505, Pickering designated us Part I, Plnn �!OR-16152, is hereby dedicated as public highway (Roscbank Road); 2. that part of Lot 12, Plan 505, Pickcring designnted as Pnrt 1, Plnn 40R-15461, is hereby dcdicntcd ns public highway (Rosebank Road); 3. thnt part of Lat 13, Plan 505, Pickering dcsignated as Part l, Plan 40R•15419, is hercby dcdicated ns public highway (Roscbank Rond). 4. Bylaw 4625/95 is hcrcby rcpcalcd. BY-LAW rcad a first, second nnd third time and finully passed this Sth day of October,1998. Waync Arthurs, Mayor TOWN OF' P��:�r_"�_� Bruce Taylor, Clerk L•�: r'..'� .:J lw i:; ; ,..::.i LF.i3ALDCi T. W110U50