HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 56/9890 O��OFp4 �; "'�� a REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny l.. Wyger DATE: May I,1998 Town Solicitor REPORT NUMBER: L 56198 SUBIECT: Regulatory By-Law - Parking - UyLaw 2359/87 - Portion of Glenanna Road (Enlrance to David Farr Memorial Park) - Eile: CI303 RECOMMENDA7'ION: A bylew should bc enactcd to amend Schedules A and B to By-Low 2359/87 which bylaw regulates stopping end pazking restrictions/prohibitions on ccrtain highways. ORIGIN: Request from Ihe Dircctor of Public Works dnted March 25, 1998. AUTHORI7Y: Munlcipaf Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, scction 210.123. FINANCIAL IMPLICA170NS: None. BACKGROUND: During thc summer monlhs, a largc numbcr of pcople visit Ihe David farr Mcmorinl Park to utilizc the playground equipment, tennis courts, soccer and bazcbull fields. The pnrking facility provided for ihis park is ihe adjacent school, howcvcr as the amcnitics in Ihe park are situetcd closcr to thc pedcslrian entrances, motorisls frcquently use on•strect pnrking. This prnctice causcs a majar concem for ihc safe movement of pedeslrinn and vehiculur trnflic in Ihc ereo. In an effort to provide safer peEestrian and vchiculnr movemcnt in thc nrca, it is recommended that: (a) Schedule A to OyLaw 2359/87 be amcnded to includc thc nonh and south sidcs of Glenannn Road from Dixie Rond to 35 metres casl of Wulnut Lane; and (b) Schedule D to Dy-Law 2359187 be umended to shiR the existing "no parking" zone Gom tha noAh side of Glenenna Road to Ihe south side of Gicnannu Road in the azea of the cntrancc to Ihe David Ferr Memorial Park. Thc period of prohibition would be 24 hours per day, 365 deys a year. ATTACHMENTS: 1. DreR Bylaw. 2, Site Sketch • Schedule A- No Stopping Prcpared by Denisa Byo Anechments Copy: Oenerel Meneger Dlreclorof Planning Dircclorof Public Works ` Fire Chief t,; 3. Site Sketch - Schedule 0• No Parking 4. Locetian Mep Approved By "'7 i � Penny L r �i'�� 11► �' � J� 1• •� ► 91� BY-I.AW N0. Bef�ig a by-law �o amend By-!mv 1359/87 rebnifaffng parking, sfanding and slopping on hlghways and on prlvale and munlc(pal property. WI IGREAS, pursuant to the MunlcJpal Acl, R.S,O. 1990, chnptcr M.45, acctions 218.52, 210.73, 2I0.123•126, 210.131, 310, 314,7 and 314.8, the Council of Ihe Corporation of ihe Town of Pickcring cnactcd Dy-Inw 2359/87 rcgulnling porking, stonJing nnd slopping on liighways anJ on privnte and on municipal property; NOW THEREFORE, tha Council of the Corporntion of the Town of Pickering HERGDY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: !. Schedule A to By-law 2359/87, as amended, is hereby emended by adding thereto the following items: liiahwnv S'i e f3clwecn/And Prohihiled Times nnd L�nY.s'. (7lcnnnna Road North Dixic Road and 35 metres eusl See Nale I'• af Wnlnut Lnnc Soulh Dixie Rond and 24 metrcs easl Sce Note 1�• of Dixic Road Sou1h � 24 metres enst af Dixie Roud S:OD o.m. to 5:00 p.m. und 1 I I melrcs enst of Dixie MonJuy lo Friday RouJ Soulh I 1 I metres east of Dixie Rond Sce Nolc I'• ond 35 melres east of Walnut Lane 2. Schedule D to By-latv 2359/87, as amended, is hereby amendcd by dcleting therefrotn Ihe following item: j]l�ypy Sjcle I�etween/And Prohibited Times nnd Dnvs (ilenannn Rond North Uowler Drivc nnd Dixie Roud See Note 1" 3. Schedule 0 to I3y-Inw 2359/87, as amended, is hereby omended by adding thereto Ihe following ilems: � llighwnv '�i e Aetwecn/And ProhibitcJ Times nnd L�9Y� alenunnn Road South 35 metres eust of Wnlnut I.ane Sec Note I•• and 35 mctres enst of Stortington Street 92 •�Unles� otherwise apecified, the pe�king/atopp(ng prohib(lions abovic ehall bc fn efCcel twenty- four (24) hou�s per doy, yenr round. BY-LAW rcad a first, aecond and th(rd time end 6nally pussed this 151h day ofJune,1996. J' Waync Arthurs, Mnyor Bruce Teylor, Clerk s,- .., Y 3�i - . . ' . . . . . . . . � �� � �. . . � . . � � wd . `� � . . .. . . - . . . . ' 1 9� INTER-DEPARTMENTALCORRESPONDENCE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Bruce Taylor , DATE; June 3,1998 Town Clerk FROM; Richnrd W. Holbom Dircctor of Public Works RE: Parking Bylaw Amendment S6adybrook Drlve at S6adybrook Park Please be advised that our depaAment has delivered infortnetion bulletins, as per the attached copy, to the homes located in the immediete aren of Shadybrook Park which may be affected by the passing of the above rcferenced parking by-law emendment. The delivery of these bulletins has resulted in the receipt of a number of telephone calls from residents who both support and oppose the propased by-law. Of the eleven (1 I) contacts made, two (2) residents which front onto Shndybrook Drive between SVouds Lene und Belinda Court voice oppasition to specific aspects of the initiative. The main concem of these residents involves the privilege of parking on-sveet at the front of their home and the imposition of a full time restriction. As a means to reflect the needs of these residents and of ali �oud users and pedesvinns we have revised the proposed by-law amendment to set preuribed times on the no-pnrking regulations, The revised bylaw, as nnached, will prohibit on-stmet parking in the nreas es designated between the hours of 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. In nn eUort to fwther improve the safe movement of trafic in the area of Shndybrook Perk it is further recommended thet the no-perking zone nlong the north und wost side of Shndybrook Drive be extended to 46 metres south of Belinda Court. This ndditional area will ensure the sufe movement of trnffic through the bend in Shadybrook Drive. Given that notification has been urved with resolved opposition, we now recommend that this bylew amendment be introduced at the lune B, 1998, Executive Council Meeting for Town Cowcil's consideration nnd subsequent approval. [f you have uny questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. •�� � �.".." � � Richnrd W. Holbom CSB/�..�...�..,, Copy: Customer Care Division S. Brake, Traffic and Waste Manegcment Coordinetor S. Forsey, Operations Supervisor �%�N�� 95 "PARXlNG BY-LAW AMENDMENT" „/�/ /' /_ / ; ,� , , _ r./ �� �. �_ . _ r.:. � ��_ :�i_ Drar RrrJdenf: Thls is fo advlse fhat an amendment of ►he Town's Parktng By-law !s being constdered jor Shadybrook Drlve fn the area oJthe pedestrian entrance to Shadybrook Park a� lhe Execu�ive Commil�ee meeling on June 8, 1998. The on-street parMng resrricllons as shown an Ihe dtngram below are proposed fo erlend along fhe norlh, wesl and sauth sldes of Shadybroak Drtve. The regulartons wJl! speclfically prahlbil the parMng ojany vehlcfes along ►he nor�h and wesf sldes of Shadybrook Drlve belween Slrouds Lane and Belinda Court and a(ong !he soulh slde ojShadybrook Drive behveen 19 metres west and 28 me�res east of Meadowvrew Avenue. /jappraved, Ihese on-srree� parMng restrlctions wlll be in edec� !n fhese areas 14 hours per day 7 days a week On-s�ree! pnrking wll! fhen only 6e permitted along �he unrestrlc�ed porlions of Shadybrook Drive and Ihe nelgh6ouring s�reefs jor a marlmum oj fhree hours. 8� ;� n —:.�,' ' I ,, �: C �'` r!' t � i � y�� �° �i fl AtlPAl0C/M0 �: i �..�: i #� ,,.;,,BYLiWLOGiNM{i i'.. � . �r, ��., 1� � � � '�I �'I � \ The on•street porMng restrfcttons descrt6ed above have 6een recommended as a means �o respond to the numerous conce�ns recetved over vehfcle �urntng and pedes�rlan crossing d!,(jicuUles (n lhts area. The vehicles oJvtslrors �o �he park and !IS amenilies conNnually Impalr the sight!lnes aj�hose pedesfrfans a«empfing to cross over 5hady6rook Drive and oJ thuse moforlsfs fravel!!ng along Shadybrook DrJve or complefing a�urning movemen� onto Shadybrook Drive from Meadowview Avenue. {Ve belteve lhat Ihe a6ove measures wJll provfde jor minimum sfghfllne requtremenls Ihereby reducing the rlsk ojcalllstons behveen pedesntan and vehlc/e movements, Should you have arry questlons or concerns wUh this Initla�tve, please jee! free to con�act Sfephen Brake, TraJflc and Wasfe Managemen! Coordinafor af J10•4660, ex�enstan 1064. CSBm�e.,.d..�,....