HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 57/989� ���OFp� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny L. Wyger DATE: Mey I, 1998 Town Solicilor REPORTNUMBER: L57/9B SUBIEC7': Reguletory By-Law - Parking - ByLaw 2359/87 - PoAion of Shadybrook Drive (Entrence to Shadybrook Pazk) - File: C 1303 RECOMMENDATION: A by-luw should be enected to amend Schedule E3 to Dy-Law 2359187 reguleting parking rcstrictions end prohibitions on ccrtnin highweys. ORIGIN: Request Gom thc Director of Public Works datcd March 25, 1998. AUTHORITY; Munlcipal Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, scction 210.123. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: During the summer months, o large number of pcople visit the Shadybrook Park to utilize thc playground equipmont, lennis courts, soccer and bucball ficlds. Thc parking facility providcd for ihis park is thc area school, howevcr as ihe amenities in the park arc situated closcr to Ihe pcdcslrian entmnces, motorisis frequently usc on-slrccl pnrking, This practice causcs a major concem for the snfc movement of pedeslrian end vchicular tmtlic in the arca. In an effort to providG safcr pedestrian and vchicular movcmcnt in the nrea, it is recommcndcd ihat an emendment to By-Law 2359187 be cnactcd to prohibit parking along the north, west nnd south sides of Shedybrook Drivc in Ihe vicinity of thc entrance to Shadybrook Park. Thc period of prohibition would be 24 hours per dny, 365 days a year. ATTACHMENTS: I. DraR By-lew. 2. I,ocation maplSitc Sketch. Preparcd by Denise B Attachmcnis Copy: General Manager Dircctor of Plenning Dirccror of Public Worke Firo Chief _� � Approved f3y%' Penny . gerf ,• � �:.'�:: M �� � .' � ,l► • � . �t BY-LAW N0. � Qeing a 6y-la�v 10 amend Qy-law 1359/87 regulafing parking, sfanding and sfopping ai htghways andon prJvale and munlcipal properly. WHEREAS, pursuant lo lhc Mtmlctpal Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter M.45, seclions 218.52, 21U.73, 210.123-126, 210,131, 310, 314.7 and 314.8, the Council of the Corpomtion of lhc Town of Pickering enacted Eiy-Iow�2359/87 rogululing pnrking, sinnding and stopping on higliwnys nnd on privale nnd on municipnl property; NOW THEREFORE, Ihe Council of thc Corporation of the Town of Pickering FiEREDY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: • I. Schedule B to By-law 2359/87, ns nmended, is hcreby nmended by ndding lhcrclo thc following ilems: i hwav �$j�o I3elweer✓And Prohibiled Times and � Shndybrook Drive Norlh and Slrouds Lnnc and 46 metres S:OOp.m. lo I O:OOp.m. Wesl soulh of [ielindn Courl Monduy to �riday Shadybrook Driva Soulh 29 metres wcst and 28 ntclres Sec Nolc I'* cast of McnJo�wicw Avcnuc " Unless olhenvise specified, the pnrking prohibitions nbo•:c shnli be in cfCect twentyfour (24) hours per day, year round. BY-LAW read a first, sccond and Uiird tima nnJ finally passcd this 15th day of June,1998. Wayne Arthurs, Muyor •^ Bruce Tnylor, Clerk ' �. O�N OF p� 1 � The Wrporatbn of the Tavn of Pidcaing Uerk's Uepartment �v rnx tanpu one me tstwiaae �nau� orcsa llv 6K7 d�..,�c.0 roos��m.aea ao.cmm� rooe��n+aii Fd6�md�' 190f1/70�06lS � 190711N7777 190fI6q�I7l0 ���M.' 190f1/70-0flf tmat aMSSto.mo�cncmn June 5, 1998 Regionel Municipaliry of Durham 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario. L1N 6A3 Attention: Pat Madill __ Re¢ional Cierk Dear Ms. Madill: Please be advised that the Council of the Town of Pickering paased the fallowing resolution at its regular meeting of lune I, 1998: WHEREAS the Regtoad Tnmit Co-ordtn�Nng Committee hA� endoRed Ide Term� ot Refercnce far the Htghway 2- Highwoy 40l Corridor Tnosit Servlce Review; �nd WHEREAS an uput limit budget of 548,000 d�� been at�bluhed for ide Trsoeit Service Review; �od WHEREAS funding for the Tmnait Servtce Revtew is to be �hared by the Towne of Pickeriog, Aj�:, Wditby And the City of Oadrwa at 57,500 eac6; t6v Muntefpality 0� CIi�IO�Oq at 53,000; and GO TMIIlIf Ai SIS,000� ��d WHEEtEAS t6e Planatng Committa of RegionAl Councii ha� approved the Regioaal Tnnilt Co-ordlnating Committee rccommendallon� in Commbeioaer'e Report N98-RTC-1; ..,./2