HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 49/983o�pOFp � � � PROM: Penny Wyger Town Solicilor REPORT TO COUNCIL SUBIECT: Ronds-Dedication - Lot 61, Plan M-90, Pickering (Fairview Avcnue) - Files: W2304.344 DATE: April 14, 1998 REPORTNUMBER: L49/98 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should be enacted to dedicnte as pu6lic highway Lat 61, Plan M-90, Pickering (Feirview Avenue). URIGIN: I. LD 107/98 end LD 108I98 2. Approvai from Public Works AUTNORITY: bluniclpal Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chnptcr M.45, scclion 297( I xu). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc. BACKGROUND: Lot 61, Plan M-90, Pickcring, Fairvicw Avcnuc (formcrly Maplc Avenuc) wns convcycd to Ihc Town by Instrument No. 184450 on June 20, 1969, however hns never bcen dedicatcd as public highwny. Approval of Land Division Applications 107198 and 108198 is subject lo sevcral conditions, one of which requircs that Fairvicw Avcnue (fortnerly Mnple Avcnuc) be dedicnted as public highwny in ordcr to provida legel access to thc newly created lols. As our Public Works Departmenl has adviscd that Ihc road is constructed to n standnrd sufficient lo permit public nccess, the requircd dedicalion shauld Iherefore be made. Enactment of the atlached bylaw will authoriu thet dedicution. It should be noted that the width of ihe road allowence is less than the standerd 20 meters, thereforc, this bylaw will only come into e(fect afler it hns been approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ATTACHMENTS: 1. I.ocation Mop/Site Sketch. 2. Dre4 bylaw. Prcpamd By: Jody Petson IEP/Ijm AtlachmenLa Copy: Qenoral Managor Director of Plenning Dircctor of Public Works Approved / Endorsed Dy: ���/ Penny L. Wy . , �4, . , . � . . .�