HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 33/98�,�oFp,„ 1.t3 � ~� REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Pcnny Wyger DATE: Mnrch 9,1998 Town Solicitor REPORTNUMDGR: L33/98 SUB7ECT: Roud - Dedicalion - Ptvt Block 176, Plan 40M-1630, Pickering (Part I, Plen 40R-17926) - Part Lot 7, Plan 282, Pickering (PMs 4 nnd 1 I, Plnn 40R-17926) (comcr of Luwson Strcet and Oakbum Strcct) - Filc: W2304.342 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should bc cnacted to dcdicalc that part of lilock 176, Pinn 40M-1630 dcsignatcd os Pnrt l, Plan 40R•17926 and thosc parls of Lot 7, I'lan 282, Pickcring, Jcsignatcd as Pnr1s 4 and I I, Pinn 40R-17926 (Luwson Strcct) as public highway. ORIGIN: L LD I IZ/97 and LD 113/97. 2. Approvnl from Public Works Departmcnt da1cJ March 3, I998. AUTFIORITY: Alunlcfpul Act, R.S,O. 199U, chaptcr M.45, scclion 297( I)(n). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc. GXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Thc subjcct Innds wcrc convcyed to thc'Potim pursuant to thc Devclopmcnt Agrccmcnt for road purposcs. As lhe road hns been conswcicd to a standurd sufficient to effcct dcdicution, thc atmchcd by-law shouid be enucted. DACKGROUND: Approvnl of Lnnd Division Applications LDI12/97 and LDI13/97 is subjcct �o ccrtnin wnditions. Oncc of thosc conditions is thnt thc applicant entcr into an Agrccmcnt with thc To��n to provide for thc devclopment of 3 dwelling units, thc conswction of thc portion of ro�J fronting them and thc instnllation of scrviccs. On Scptember I5, 1997, thc Owncr - Nuggct ConsWction Co. Limited, complicd with that condition by cntcring into thc uppropriatc agrecment with the Town. Schedule A to Itwt agrccmcut provides for thc convcynncc lo Ihc Town, at no cosl to thc '1'o��n, of the Iands dcsignntcd av Parts 1, 4 and I l, Plon 40R-1792ti fur road purposcs, onrc Ihc �xirtiun of road was conswctcd to a stnndard satisfactory lo thc Town's Director uf Public Works. � 14 Repott to Council L33/98 Subject: Road Dedieution Mnrch 9, 1998 Page 2 As Public Works havo advised Uwt ihe subject poAion of rond has becn constructed to a sufiicient standard and the conveyance of thc lands to thc Town has becn eflected, dcdication is nuw required. Ennclment of the otteched by-Inw will uuthorize that dedicatiun. ATTACHMENTS: l. Drnft by-Inw. 2. Sitc Sketch/[.ocution Map. Prcpared By: Dcnisc 8 c DB:Ijm Atinchments Copy: Gcneml Managcr Dircctor of Plnnning Uircc►or of Public Works Approvcd / Endorscd Dy: /C!� � �h. Pcnny gcr G "' AITACHME�7 tr1,, r � ,�EppRTM� r�;ix•n�z�»��c��.r�r� :r• • .�. • � . . ; �► � .� Being a bylaw to dedicate part of Block 176, Plen 40M•1630 (Part I, Plen 40R-17926) and Parts of Lot 7, Plan 282, Pickering (Parts 4 and i l, Plen 40R-17926) as public highway (Lawson Street). WHEREA3 The Corporution of lhe Town oC Pickering is ihe owner of that part of Block 176, Plen 40M-1630, designated as Part I, Plen 40R-17926 end those patis of Lot 7, Plan 282, Pickering, designated as Parts 4 and 11, Plen 40R-17926, and wishes to dedicale them as public highway (Lawson Stmet). NOW T7IEREFORE, the Council of The Corpomtion of the Town of Pickcring HGREBY ENACTS AS FOI.LOWS: I. Part Block 176, Plan 40M-1630 (Parl I, Plan 40R-17926) is hereby dcdicated as public highwny. (Luwson Strect). 2. Part Lot 7, Plan 282, (Parts 4 nnd I l, Plan 40R-17926) ure hcreby dedicated as public highway. (Lawson Strect) BY-LAW rcnd a fi�st, sewnd and third time end finully passed this 6th day of April, 1998. w»aw Waync Arihu�s, Mayor ' Bruce Taylor, Clcrk