HomeMy WebLinkAboutL001/98�� �N OF p� i ~ REPnRT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny L. Wyger DATE: Junuary 2, 1998 Town Solicitor REPORTNUMDGR: L001/98 SUE3JECT: Roads - Dedication - Part Lot I I, Plnn 282, Pickcring designntcd ns Parts 3 and 6, Plun 40R• I 1206, Oukbum Street (Matharu) - Files: W2304.339 R�,COMMGNDATION: A by-Inw should bc cnacteJ lo dcdicatc as public high�vuy thosc parts of I.ot I I, Plan 282, Pickering, dcsignatcd us Par1s 3 and 6, ('lan 40R-I 1206 (Uakbum Strcct). ORICIN: Durham Lnnd Division Committce Dccisions LD 31/97, LD 32/97 nnd LD 33/97. AUTHORITY: Alunfcl�xd Acr. R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr MAS, scclion 297(1)(u}, �INANCIAL IMI'LICA'1'IONS: Nonc. DACKGROUND: One of thc condilions sct out in Land Scvcrencc Applications LD 31/97, LD 32/97 nnd LD 33197 was thnt thc applicant comributc its shnrc of Ihc Oakbum Strcet scrvicing construction wsts to Nug�ct Construction Co. Ltd. prior to access to the new Oakbum Sucet road nllownncc bcing permittcd. As thc applicant hns made thc financial paymcnls respecting thc shared scrvice costs, the rcscrvc precluding ncccss to Onkburn Strcet adjuccnt to the sevcred lands should now bc dcdicntcd as public highway. ATTACHMENTS: I. Location mapping. 2. Sitc sketch, 3. Drnit byluw. DD;Ijm Attachmcnts Copy: DireclorofPlanning DircctorofPublic Works <%� Pcnny L. Wy a , , ,�t - . . � � , • ° , . , . .. �. . . . . � �3 ._ �..�:.+ � � ,_ • � ' ►L� f'•�d. :�fi:'i`►G� Being a by!aw fo dedicafe fl�ose par�s uJLof /!. Plun 181, Ptckerfng, drslgna�ed as Parts 3 and 6, Plun a0R• ! 1106 (Oakburn Sfreet) as publlc hlghway (LD 3l/97, LD 32/91 and LD 33/97). WHEREAS, The Corporntion of the 'Cown of Pickering is the owner of those parts of Lot 1 I, Plan 282, Pickering, designnted as Parts 3 and 6, Plan 40R-11206 (Oakbum Street) and wishes to dedicate them ns public highway; NOW THEREFORE, ihe Council of thc Corporation of the To«n of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Those purts of Lot I I, Plan 282, Pickering, dcsignated as Parts 3 and 6, Plun 40R-I 1206 are hereby dedicnted az public highway (Oakbum Street). �� BY-LAW rend n first, second nnJ third timc and finaliy passcd ihis 19th day of Jnnuary, 1998. Waync Arthurs, Mnyor Brucc Taylor, Clcrk TO:YN r,F