HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 02/98�� OF p� ti0 � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richerd Holbom MEF.77NG DATE: Januery 12/98 Dircctor of Public Works REPORT NUMBER: PW 02198 SUBIECT: Approval of ihe Town's portion oF lhe cost of storm sewer end urbanization of Ooniw Avenue from FnirpoA Road to the east limit of DraR Plan 18T-95001. RECOMMENDATION: That Council epprove an expenditurc of SI30,000 ns thc Town's portion of thc aost of storm sewer and urbanimtion of Bonitu Avenue. ORIGIN: Request Gom Devclopmenl Canlrol Supervisor, dated Jnnuury S, 1998. AUTHORI7Y: Subdivisian Agreement betwccn Ihc Town of Pickering und 672003 Ontario Limited deted June 16, 1997 - Schedule C-2, The Town agrees to bc rcsponsiblc for cosls relntcd lo urbnniwtion fronting Blocks 31 and 32 of this devclopmenl. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 1998 Dudget • Account H2321 Tmnsportation - Exlemol Subdivision Works. Maximum contribution SI70,000.00. BACKGROUND: The development of Dmlt Plan 18T-95001, (672003 Ontario Limitcd) nnd Dmlt Plnn IST-94022, (Dnrc Dale Developments Limitcd) is schcduled to procceJ an Jnnuary 19, 1998. Scrvicing far thesc sites localed on both sidcs of Donilo Avenuc rcquirc the (nsinllntion of thc storm sewer from Feirport Rond to the new strcet proposed to Ihc north (18T-94022) and sanitery sewcr from Fairpart Road to the east limil of Dra(t Plen 18T•95001 an npproximate distancc of 140 metres. Thc inslullntion of these services requires ihe closure of this portion of �onitn Avcnuc; and provides an opportunity to completc ihe rcmaining storm sewer to thc eust limit of prnit Plan 18T-95001 nnd Ihe urbanizntion of Bonita Avenue from Feirport Road casterly approximately 140 metres. The urbunization will includc a sidewalk adjacent to the proposed park. The poAion of storm scwer and complete urbanizntion of this poAion of Bonim Avenue is a Town cost and wns identified in thc Town's 1991 Development Charges Bylaw. Completing ihe work in conjunction with the servicing of thesc developments provides u reduced cost to the Town through economies of scalc. It elso climinates the need to further disrupt this portion of Bonita Avenue and inconvenience thc futurc residents thnt access from this poAion of Bonitn Avenue at a Intcr dute. 7'hese costs havc been identified as a high priority itcm in the proposed budget for 1998 - Account N2321• TranspoAetion - Extemel Subdivision Works, but due to the timing of construction, cnnnot wait for the approvnl of the 1998 6udget. This rcpoA has been revicwed wilh the Director of Finnnce who concurs with lhe recommendation. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map RS/cb Attechments Copy: denerol Meneger Direcror of F(nance Dircctor of Plenntng Town Solicitor r. ��'��' . � � Ri erd W. Holb i � ti� , .'�� �"""^�_ � 1 � Attachment For Report to Council PW02/98 Road Urbanization - Bonita Avenue PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LOCATION MAk' PROPOSBD BUDdET AMOUNT; Extemul Subdivision Works (Account �12321) 5130,000 LOCA7'ION; Bonitn Avenue - from Fairpott Road, to the enst limit of development (18T-95001 and 18T- 94022) on Bonita Avenue. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES; Rond Urbnnization (asphnit, curb nnd gutter, storm sewers and sidewalk) . Bonita Avenue - from Fnirport Road, to the east limit of development (18T- 95001 and 18T- 94022) on Bonita Avenue. , Complete Landscape Restomtion (grading and sodding where required) • to all areas affected. nmixnawr rsaorrconr �coo . � �'k . . . , .