HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 105/981 : . 4� . �.. �NOFp�' � " . . . . � .� ; . � . . . . � . . . - . . . � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny L. Wyger DATE; Ortobor 23,1998 Town Solicitm REPORTNC'MBER: LI05/98 SUBJECT: Increuse of set fines for regulating the retail sale of goods on highwnys or on vacnnt lots adjncent to them - Bylaw 1660/83 - File: C1310 RECOMMENDA'TION: Council should pass u Resolution directing staff to inke the necessary steps to commence thc process to increase the set fine in Bylaw 166U/83 (regulating thc retnil sule of goods on highways), in order to remain consistent with thc Rcgion. ORIGIN: Regionnl Municipnlity of Durhnm's incrcnsc of set finc for rcgulnting snle of goods on highways to 5250.00 on Muy 19,1988, AUTHORITY: I. Municlpaf Acl, R.S.0.1990, chnpter M.45, scction 210.73 2. Existing ludicial Order dated December 5, 1985. FINANCIAL [MPLICATIONS: Nonc. BACKdROUND: On December 5, 1985, the Town was granted a ludiciel Order from the Ministry of ihe Attomey General for short form wording and e set fine in the amount of SI05.00 (including costs) for cherges laid pursuant to By-law 1660/83. We huvc been advised Uwt recently the Region of Durham's set fine has been increosed for charges Inid in contmvention of the sale of goods on Regional highways to E250.00. (n order to remain consistent with the Regional fine amount of S250.00 nnd lo deter the street vendors from selling goods on Town roads, stn!'f recommend thnt the set fine for Byla�v 1660/83 be incrensed from �105.00 to 250.00. Thereforo, Council should pass a Resolution dirccting staff to lake the ncccssary stcps to wmmence the proceas to incrcnse thc set fino in By-law 1660/83 (regulating the rct¢il sale of goods on highways), in order to rcmuin consistent wlih the Region. Repott to Council L105/98 October 23,1998 � .5 Subject: lncrensc of sct fine for B�-Iv,w I660/83 Pagc 2 ATTACHMENTS: t. By-law 1660l83, 2. ' Existing Judiciel Order end Sc6edule: Prepnred By, CX �lody Pnrsons JEP:Ijm Atlachmenis Copy: Gcneml Mnnager Recommended for the considcmlion of Pickering Town Council ' �f ,� amas J. Qu , Gcne I Mana Approved / Endorsed By: / Penny W r :� ; � rxs co�ow►rioN or sxs � a�:cuu�a '�� BY-LAII NUMBER 1660/�� ATTACHMENT tt I i0 R�PORT ti hiny a by-law to r�gulet� th• r�tail �al� oi qood� on hiqhway� or on vac�nb lot� adjaant to khem. WHLREAB pursuent to the provi�ion� of ��ction 230,66 of thi Hunicipal Act, R.8.0. 1980, chapt�r 302, by-law� mey b� peseed by ths cowcil� of locel municipalitie■ tor prohibibing salee by ratsil in th� highwaye or vacant lot� edjec�n! to thami HON THEREFORE the Co�mcil o! th� Cosporation o! th� Town oi Pickering HEREBY EN11CT9 a� follow�� 1. In thi� by-lew, tha te ne� (a) "hiqhway° meen� a co�non �nd publia hiqhway, �nd inoludes a�tre�ti end a bridq� Coseiiny p�rt oi the hiqhway pa����� (b) "�ell• include� axpoes for �al� u►d olier tor •el�. 2. Ho person eha21 eall by retail an� qood�, wer�o or merchandies includinq produce, o! any netur� end kinE, in any hlghwey or on any vacent lot adjec�nt to eny highway. 3. This by-law ie applicabl� to all highwaye pithin th� I� bo�nderiee ot the Town of Pick�rinq end to ell vacent lots adjacent lhereto end within th� bounderie� oi tha !' . Tawn ot Plckering. i� 4. Lvsry p�reon who contreven�� any provi�lon o[ thio i by-law i� quilty oL an oLlence, �nd upon conviation !� th�raot, i� liebl� to • lin� oi not mor� 6hen 1�,000.00� �� �xalueiw oi ao�t�. a BY-LRM READ a lir�t, �scond �nd third time end finally PASBED thi� 3nd day oL Msy 1983. � �_ Yo= � . �,, J j.!! 4I �'1 . Clerk � I� � . . � . . , �i . , . . ��� 1 _ i . CERT A TRU ' �, �� ; ,.' � BfiUCE TAYLOR i � ' . TOIM COF�PICNERIN� ..,' e ` ;� ., 9M �'7 , . r �.. , ,� � ntrncHrteNr u a ro a�ronr n�,1��i8 � , �7 � . � � � $� � � � O � O � � • � b 3 � � � � a O � H s° �o� y �1 . � � -. � � � � - . . �� �.. � . � � � .�. � � � W O a 0 � H .� � ^ . � . .. i �� � A � . � . . . . � � .� o� ' $ 0 �� . o 53 � M VJ V) � . . . . . . . W R O N N •� ��. .- . . .. . �� �� a�� • � .i rt � z° �.i r _ t rf:� �, ��" . � �. , t L.�• �' f t �'. ' r r" �.h�., 1:. . x� � 1, � - J t,', { � �, r . �_ � � cY, . ��{ �4 t.,� , .> r � �., _ • .. . � � � � ATTACHMENTq� TC)I�EpOR7ll1.�p51�j8 pROVINCIIIL OYYENCRO 11CT IT IS OADERED purauent to the provisione of the Provincial Offences 1►ct and the rules !or the Ontario Court (Provinaial Division), that the amount set opposite each oi the offences in the attached schedule of ottances under the Provincial Statutes and Regulations thereunder and Nunicipal By-law No 1660-83 as ama��ed ot the Corporation ot the Town o! Pf•;�cering attached hnreto, is tho aet line, Por thoee otfences to take effect December 8th� 1995. DATED at Lindsay this Bth day oi December, 1995. i . 7' • � — �. i" •� �'.�—r `--� Jo �n D� D. EVana RegioQal Senior Judge Central Eaet Region ontario Court (Provincial Division) C , - ��,� � � wx �• ° i ��e �,r i L -� � . i y tI , �� � ��{� x� y l����� t A dF � �� • 1 i � ,i'� � p 'n 2� ��ti"`v i � t .. ti �t � � �� ' i �r��� S 1 . �} G � � t {' % : � 4 4 ' T{� t� �� �t�.� ;�;7 + s.���'��k�`"r�4�� i � a� t � ���-,�.,'�i;' �2�+°„�� � �3��4 +. 1 ��daj� p':� � �L� �[� e7lt `r� i, . :. s s�'� � wi� �� 3 �,Y�'.Yv.c s} t�tA$� r uh�_�i��3 r � �- �'K < w f 4 £i� � t . � �d�'�������,.t�v�����s�n ��.� � �";: ��'��� ���,� , x � t , � ,�� "� ��'��t iFF:y���fi; � i y ��r . . �. �.- � +�1���}�'' 'ti �d,§� �y*l7x%'�t7'k�,�rr �, t� � t ����,��rw>„�, �..� ,,". �,. • . , Ofi�CEOifNER[OqH�LRM01iJU00[ " CEMML WI IUWON orrwwcama�usrct � � � . IvPO�WCU1.dVibOM �,. �4% uoic[MS�rcnwes � i0 E0�I/000 � IINDS�Y.ON1ARq 1�l6►7 Uecamber 6th, 1995 ATTAEbM€Mfi il��, Tf� il��Ei�� ti�lo��q� . CAMNEf WJUOEMY11Li►�lPC6qNAL HEOqN W UMR[{St canx�usr�ccacart�na Ij9 (DrviSON iROVC�CULLE) 1qNUE IUM WESf C P �000 � LV/06AYIOMAPoOII�15Pt TEIEPIqNflIELEAqHE 1�5177��U W � fA%lIhECOVKlN1(ID511N.u11 lir. Thomes H.11. Howard, CD,.AHCT, CP&0, Hunicipal Lav Entorcement Oflicer Pickering Civic Complex One the Eeplanade Pickering, Ontarlo Liv ex� Dear Nr. Howardt g�, ,�g* Fines - Town of Pickerina Enclosed herewith ia a copy o! an ordor and a copy oP the schedules of eet Pines Eor Bylaw No. 1660-89 ae amended the � Hylaw indicated in the schedule. The settinq of the fines dons not constitute my approval oi tha ehort lorm of wording used to describe tha ofPences. I have forwarded a copy oi the Order and the echedules oP tha set fines to the Ontario Court (Provincial Division) in Oshawa. Yours� ly, � ��`/-+~ - - John . D. Evana Regi nal Senior Judge Cenfral East Region EncloeLree : �. �. : z.' ' i,2 < t S;l� � � �� � � '� � L F S ��CC�j �jj ! '��} � ''�L} d;`tt f ; i f X� �-'' �' l t ,�g� t . ��$ ���� �µ� ,` 1 1 � �y ' .. � . . . . , . . . . . "ss����;� f�� �� �'r y f � j x L � �.� ��tD�r.a.: r�nr .� �� '`4, .. , � t�•�� . ., ? _ . _ .