HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 18/98� . .� .. � � : ,i :. a,, .. - : sa di�M a` � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, C�9�1 DATE: May 6, 1998 Town Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 18-98 SUBJEC7': Appointment of Municipel Isw Enforcement OfCicer RECOWA�NDATION: 7'hat the draft bylaw to appoint Kimberly Thompson as a Municipal I.aw Enforcement Officer and a Property Standards O�icer be tonvarded to Council for enactment. ORIGIN: Recruitment of Kim Thompson to replaa Terry Crosthwaite es a Municipal Law Enforcement O�icer AUTHORITY: Sectians 15(1) end (2) of the Policc Services Act and Section 31(1) of the Planning Act FMANCIAL IMPUCATIONS: Not Appiicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A bylaw to appoint Kimberly Thompson as a Municipal i,aw Enforcement Officer end Property Standerds Ot�iccr is required in order for her to legaily carry out her duues. BACKGAOUND: Pleasc be advixd that Kimberly Thompson commenced duties es a Muniapal Law Enforcement O�ccr (MLEO) on May 4, 1998. She was formedy a Secretary at the Recreation Complac and replaces Terty Crosthwaito who wes appointed as en MLEO by By-law 5t61/97 pes.aed on December t5, 1997 but who retumed to hia former position in f;, ; tha DepaRmrnt of Perks and Facilities on Januery 31, 1998. `;' . �'" ry, �� , t r � r ,.n �,� � _ ��; , > _ YiT� � - �v���f £' ����t� �y���l� _,�� f . j. A . t; � r ryU� rijs. }� Y . ; . t,�,���M1" 7 ��y�y,� 1���Y _�. ) -; � � i d � �� E � ..�i ._ �����..�!f:�.':w . 3?�a'h%� �k , �qF. . , . . ..r. ,�.,.r .r. �. ,.,. ..it .. .��.'�� .���,��i,�_ .o �... . ... - � 53 .Z This appointment will ellow Kim Thompson to legelly enforce all reguletory bylawe, including the Property Standerds By-law, and will allow ma to make application to the Region of Durham to have her appointed at that level to enforce the Regional Bylawa. ATTACf�tENTS: 1. Draft By-law Prepared By: Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk r� i i 1� � � `i Y { { � rf°'{�{Y j 2 �S �!_��i i � r�na ,', ez , ' .4 ��a� a � #I � {�. s�Xq 1JC(j� �..� L Y P L k !�� Y 1 n$�.z'�;,1,`. _iC �� t�r= � 1 ,,., : 5�', � _ ; '�H� CORPORAT[ON OF TE[E TOWN OF PICKERING �� � �Y•4AW NUMDER � Being a bylaw to appoint Kimberiy Thompaon as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer and a Property Standards OHicer WHEREAS pursuant to Section 15(1) and l5(2) ofthe PoGce Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapta P.IS, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enfora the by-laws of the municipality and municipal by-law enforament otHcers are peace of5cers for the purpose of enforcing municipal bylaws; end WFIEREAS pursuant to Section 31(1) of the Plenning Act, RS.O. I990, chapter P.13, as amended, en ofHcer means a property standards of6cer who has been essigned the responsibiGty of administering and enforcing bylaws passed under this Section; NOW TI�REFORE TFIE COUNCIL OF TE� CORPORATION OF Tf� TOWN OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: t. From and after the 4th day of May, 1998, Kimberly Thompson, af the Town of Pickering, in the Regionel Municipaliry of Durham, is hereby appointed as a Municipel Law Enforament 0t6cer, who shdl be a Peace Of6cer, for the purpose of enforcing the by-laws of the municipeliry af the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and is hereby eppointed as a Property Standazds Officer. 2. By-law 5161/97 is hereby emended by deleting therefrom ell references to Mr. Terena Crostheweite. Sylaw read a 6rst, second and third time and finaily p.ssed this 19th day of May, 1998. ; Mayor i � Clerk ; �'' }i � � � � � � 'I ',, ; :, , , ,� . � r4,