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FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: May I5, 2000
City Clerk
SUBIECT: Licencing and Regulating Norse Riding Establishments
Thai Cink'� Report CL 7-00 rcyuding Ihc licencing and reguleting of horsc riding cstablishments
bc rcecived; uid
1. That thc draft bylaw to licrncc end tegulete I loru Riding Establishmcnts bc fonvardcd to
Council for eructmem
2 That the ari�inal licence fee of S:SO 00 be useJ tu purchasc end instell "Ceulionary" signs
un public roads usal u � ruute by � liccncni horu riding cstablishntcnt.
3. Tlut the Graia Toronw Smica Ucurd be requcsted to endorse ihe concept of licencing
and regul�ting harsc riding e+ublishmems uid requcsl othcr municipalitics in lhe GTA lo
cmct similu byliws
ORIGIN: Rewlution a IOI/� passed on Afiy 7, I'KI�
I.clicr from P�ul �_ I ladn dated November I S, 1999
AUTHORITY: Sation 257 2( I) of Ihc Municipal Act
Licence fees at Ieast 52,000 based on a minimum of eight horse riding establishments
A by-law to provide for the licencing and regulating of horse riding establishments is being
recommended in confortnity with the resolution passed by Council on May 3, 1999 to request the
Provinciel Govemment to initiate legislation that would make it mandatory for all equestrian
facilities to require that helmets be worn by ell riders using their facilities and in response to a
request from Mr. Paul Hader whose daughter wes killed in an equestrien accident.
92 --2--
Please be advised that Council passed the following resolution at its regular meeting of May 3,
WNEREAS over the yan lhe Pravincial Govemment du enuted various
le`i�lation to prolat penon� from lifo-thrcalening iitu�tione, �ome e:amples
beln` t6e rcquircmenl to �ar iatbeld w6ea driving or being � p�s�enger in
a ve6ick, hdmeb tor penoo� under IR yan of �ge wdea u�iog a bicycle or
lifeju4eu �6en opentioa a motorboa�; and
WHEREAS t6en 6�ve beea faldities or se�ous iojuria by equqirian riders
wden lhey 6ave f�lkn from or l6rowo by a hoRe; ind
WlIEREAS Ihen b a reponsibility for owners and/or operatan of
equalrian facililte� to eaiurc 16a1 p�lrom of l6eir fuililie� are prolected
wheo ridlo� hona �t 16e1r faililier
NOW TIIFREFQRF. tAe Coueeil of 16e Corpantion of lhe Town of
Piekeria� hercby rcqunu tAe Provincial Covemmeal to iniliate legi�lolion
Ih�l �ould mike it a�nd�lory for �U equal►i�n f�cililie� lo rcquirc thd
hrlraeb be worn by �U ridcn u�iaR lhelr faciliUes; aad
TIIAT � topy of IAb rnolu�ba be forwarded lo IAe Ilonour�ble Janet Ecker,
DIPP. Uurhaw K'nl.
AllachcJ to thi� Rr�rt i� tlk ra�wnu of ihc then Alinistcr of Ciliunship, Culturc and
Rccrcaliun lo thie rrsolulio� Eiasinlly, �hc \linistM statcs Ihat Ihe I'rovincial Govemment
prefcrs to proride funJing l0 1'ro�incial spon� organi�alians, wch es thc Ontario Equcstrian
Frdcration, lo initiate sa&ty muwres uithin lheir oryaniulion 'fhe Minisicr clearly states that
Atinislry Jocs nat wanl to pro�ide ukty meawros throuyh Govcmmcnt rcgulatian.
In a icttcr datni Noacmber t8, 1999 to �fiyor Anhurs, e copy of which is attachcd hcrcto, Paul
A Hadcr of thc Town of �\uroa stncd that his daughtcr was ki�lcd in an cqucstrian eccident on
April 18, 19�9 et a horx riding establishment in Whitchurch•Stou(1'ville. tle goes on to slale that
hursc riding cstablishmcnte arc not wbjcct to eny fortn of Govemmcnt regulalion with respect to
safcty dcspitc thc rccommendations of Coronas' Inquats thal dale back to 1977. Mr. Hader was
able to work with Ihe municipalily in which hc lives, namely ihe Town of Aurora, and the Council
of Ihat municipality paucd a bylaw in luly of 1999 to provide for the licencing and regulating of
horse tiding establishments. Since that time, the Towns of Geor�ina, Merkham and Whitchurch-
Stoufiville have also passed similer bylaws. 1 understa�id that e number of othcr municipalities
are in the process of enacting a similar by-law.
A meeting was held an April 20, 2000 with representatives from the Pickering Horse Riding
Centre, SLO Acres, tha Omuio Equestrian Federation and Councillor Brenner and myself in
attendance to review a draft by-law to licence and regulate horse riding establishments. Attached
is a draft by-law thet reflects the commrnts from that meeting and is very similer to those by-laws
pazsed by the three muniapalities in York Region with respect to safety measures and licence
requirements. I believe this bylaw also retlects Council's concems with respect to safety at horse
riding establishment as expre+sed in its resolution of May 3,1999.
The following are the main fcatures of the attached by-law:
l. The two types of horse riding establishments, nemely a trail riding establishment and an
instructional riding establishment are recogniud. The by-law provides not only for safety
regulations that ere common to both types of establishments ns noted below but also
sefety reguletions that ere unique to that particular type of horse riding esteblishment.
..3-- 93
a) For a trail riding estabGshment, no trail ride will be conducted unless led by e head
trail guide and auistant trail guide deprnding on the number of people being led.
Also, the guide is required to carry a twaway communication device while
conduaing the ride.
b) For an instructional riding atablishment, the safety regulations are weived for ihe
purposes of drusage or precision riding perfortned as pert of a speciai event where
ceremonial dras is wom by all riders.
2. All riders under the age of dghteen years will be required to wear en approved helmet
before bring ailowed to ride to protect ihe rider from potential head injuries.
3. Proper footwear is requircd for riders of all ages to keep the rider's foot from slipping
through the stirrup which reduces the chance of being dre�ed by Ihe horse should the
ridct fall. In the absence of proper footweu, ihe option arisis to use a safery stirrup.
4, The byI�w provida fur a preuribed instructor to ridcr tatio of no grcalcr than 1:6 and
requires instructors to meet minimum stindards before bcing able to lead e irail ride.
5. The minimum age Wr riding � hotx is trn years but children a� young es six will be
permitteJ tu ride {wnia with �irict wpmisiun
6 Licences will be �pptovnl by Ihe City Clal, houever, only Council ia allowed to revoke
or refux to iswe � licence wbjnt tn � haring
7. Thc licencc fees ue 5250.00 fot the first �ear anJ S 100 00 for all subscqucnl ycars.
I. Lctter Gom Alinistcr of Citizcnship, Culture k Recrcation datcd lune I5, 1999
2. Lettcr datcd Novembcr IS, I'M9 Gam Mr. Paul llader
3. Dralt dylaw
Prepared By:
� �
Brucc Taylor, AMCT, Ch4N
Ciry Clerk
Copy: Manager of By-law Enforcement Servicea
RecommendeJ for the consideration af Pickering
Ciry Council
u ,,
� u pBd
Th l. uin Chie dminist ' e 0 ce
9�MW�try of Cltlun�hiP, Mlnialln dn ANdm cirlqun, '"��
Cultw�andfNcrutlan d�laCultunNM�Loiiln JUN 171999 �
�,�.� ��. � -
sm Floor s�+up� CLERkS DEPARTMENT
n eaa so-ee� wesl � n nie 6wor a,ect .�,
� ToronbON M7A2f19 ToronbON M7A2R9 � • •
Te1.:1�16�32f6200 T64:p�8�3156200 � .
Fax:(tl6)�25�6�A5 TAkc.:(/16)92'r8�95 ..
June 15.1999 . . • . � . .
• Bruce Taylor AMCT, CMM � „ , ,
Town Clerk ' `
The CorparnGon of thc Towa of Pickering .
Pickcring Civic Complex, One Ihc Esplanadc
Pickering, ON LIV GK7
Dcar Mr, Taylor.
Thank you for your lettcr reganling du rcsolulion pused by thc Council of thc To�m of
Pickcring rcguJing thc manJatary usc of hclmcls Cor riders at cqucslriw� centres,
'fhc Govcmmrnt eiilumccs safcty in sport anJ �ecrcation by working wiQi its panncrs in tl�c
sccWrs.'Ct�c hiinisuy uf Citizcrohip, Culuvc and Recrcatiu�i s Svutcgy jor A�nn(cur Sporf Li
Onfurtu idcnlifies du crcation of safc mul �ccicuming s�wtt cnviruim�cnls us uttc of its fivc
priori�ics in iu support uf spurt. As such, �hc miaistry providcs linnncinl gmnts lo provincial
sport orgunizntio�u, for initi�tivre that improvc s;Jrty in s�wrt scrviccs Iliat full within Aic
jurisdiclion uf Ihc Provincial SEwrt Organi�atiuns Jclircry• system. I'or �hc sport uf I�orscbuck
riJing, thc ministry tunJa thc Unuriu I:yuutri�� f�cdcr�tion (OGf) whicl�, mnong uther Uiings,
undcrtakca u aufely cu��ununiratiun proyrrm for its mcmlxrs. 'llic OGI� also proviJcs n couching
ccrlificution program at�l sa&ly ie unc uf thc topiu uddrcsscd in tl�is program.
For community recrcalion prograrns, cs{�c�ially thosc Il�at scrvc chiWrcn, thc ministry proviJcs
granu in support of du rcacatiun scctuls ctfuru Io impro�•c thc quality und t6c safcty uf
l'�ll��(Cf1�S fCCfCAl10I1 Sl'(YICC�.
'llic ministry'� opproach lo improving safcty in sport nnJ rccrcaliun is onc oCcnabling, nol
rcgulalory. Inatmuch ac cnmmcrcial utablishmcnL^, providc horscback riJing opportunilics, the
Town of Pickcring midht wisl� to punuc thc mattcr ��ith minisUics that rcgulatc busincsscs, •
mm�cly, dic blinisuics of Consumcr and Commcrcial Rclmions, nnd Lnbaur. '
Tlmnk you for bringing tliis maucr to my nttcntion.
-�-.� �� .
tsabc► easscu �
> :. �.
MoK• 1999
Honour�bleWaynaArthura • • ��� ��
Mayor–Town of Pickerinp ' ; d +'}�i..°• -�
1 The Esplanade • !�'
..: ,
Pickering, Ontario :,��,�� �,-�
L9L 1A7 -' ;
.._ \�.._�- y°� ,
, ,.,..
Re: Personal Appeal tor Immediate implementatlon of Safety Measures for
Horseback Ridinq Stables and Ridinq Camps in the Tawn of Pickerinq
Dear Mr. Arthurs,
Seven months ago, on Sunday, Apri116, 1999, my family and I drove to lhe
Town of Whitchurch-Stouftville in York Reg(on to enjoy a family day at lhe Wagon
Wheel Ranch. Our day turned into a living nighUnare because while horseback riding
our ten year old daughter Elizabeth Hader died. Elizabeth was killed when she fell from
a horae (hat boltod out o( Iho group and galloped to Iho slorling eroa. She hung on
screaming for help but fell when tho horso turned. Her (oot got entangled In the slirrup
and she was dragged over 15U meters by tho galloping horse. She siruck her head
and died from Iraumadc hoad injuries.
Tho purposo of this lattor is lo communicnta to you Mr. Arthurs, your colleagues and
councillors that my wito and I beliovo llia'acddent' lhal claimed Elizabeth's life could
hovo and should have bcen provonled. Elizabelh, a young novice r(der, should never
havo beon put on lhis tour yoar okl horsa. I nsk that lhe Town af Pickering take
immadiato ecUon lo minimlzo tha potontial for a similor lragedy occurring within its
boundarios. Over alx lhousand olhar paopb (rom across York Region and the Greater
Toronto Area, aiso (eol this way and havo documonled lhefr support.
Every community ac►oss Ontario, where horaeback ridfng safety measures have not
been fmp�emented - despilo lho racommendnlions of Coroners' Inquesls lhat go back
as far as 1977 - failed our Elizabolh. Had Wagon Wheel Ranch been forced to comply
with even ihe most basic of salety measures sucFi as an oppropriate level of
supervision, ridfng helmels and proper fc�otwear, Flizabeth would be with us today.
Numerous studies of horseback riding deaths have concluded that head injury, often e
result of falling or being dragged, is the cause of dealh in 80% or more of lhe cASes. As
a result of lhese studies the Canadian Medical Associat(on, BriUsh Columbia Medical
Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Medical Equeslrian
Association have fully endorsed the use of approved horseback riding holmets as well
as other safety measures.
Horseback riding associatlons also recognize the risks. Associations such as the
Ontado Equestrian Association, Ce�ified Horseman Association, British Horse Society
and American 4H Clubs, have established comprehensive m(nimum safely standards
for horseback riding stables.
These organizaGons recommend the use of approved riding helmets, riding boots,
certified Uail ride leaders and other safety measures; however, they are powerless to
act if an irresponsible operator chooses to ignare the advice of responsible
�nowledgeable professionals.
The Town of Aurora has done an amazing amounl of work in a short time and passed a
bylaw lhat is a major first step towards ensuring the sa(ety of ail tamilies who choose lo
enjoy horseback riding as a recrealional pursuit. Please contact Councillor Phyllis
Morris (905-727-1375) for a copy of the by-law. The Towns of WhitchurchStou(fville
and Georgina have aiso implemenled a similar by-law. I ask that you and the
councillora for the Town of Pickeriny implemenf lhis by-law (or your municipality.
My wife and I would Iike to be able to lell all o( our relatives and friends lhat each of lhe
communities of Ontario where Elizabeth apent her short life took action and
implamonlod bylaws roquiring minimum snfoty monsuros for horaeback riding.
My wife and I, and our familios and friends, sincerely hope that no other chfld has to die
tragically as a rnsull of horseback riding. Safe communities for aur children across lhe
Grealer Toronto Aron ond Onlario Is our goal.
Thank you, (or your considorolion in lhis maller.
� �
Paul A. Hader
228 Timpson Orivo
Aurora, Ontario L4G 5M7 ---
. ATTACHMENT ti '?- TU RE?OR7 #« 7�vD �
Elizebeth dfed April 18,1999 while horseback dding when the horse she
was riding bolted for the stsrting area. She died of traumadc head
Injuries when her toot bacame entengled in the stirtup and she wes
dragged by the runaway horse.
I auppart the Mayor and Members ot the Aurora Town Councll In ail
of fheir ei(orts tawards making commercial horseback Hding
establishmenb safer.
I am commftted to aupporting all tnitladves that will conMbute to
prevenUnp a aimllar Uagedy from happentng to ANY child or adult
ln ANY Fpmmunity (n the (uture.
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9 a ATTACHMENT tc 3 TQ REPOftT K���^�
Being a by-law to regulate horse riding establishmente in
the City of Pickering and provide safety measures for
persons while riding et those estabGshments.
WHEREAS pursuant to Section 257.2(1) of the htunicipal Act, RS.O. 1990, c. M.45, as
amended, every council may pass by-laws for licencin�, reguleting and govcming any
business carried on within the Municipaliry;
t. Uefinilbw
In Ihi� liylaw,
a) "assistant instructor" mcans a perum who has attaincd the agc of sixtecn
years anJ Iw at least thra cunsecutivc ycar's cxpericncc in thc
immeJiatcly praeJing fivc y�ears riding horscs and whu is directly
auprniseJ by en irolruclor.
b) "auisunt trnil guidc' meam e�xrwn who has attainccf Ihc agc of sixtccn
ycars aruf hu at least Ihree consecutivc ycar's cxpericncc riding und
working with horx� �t a trail riding cstablishmcnt, in thc immcdiutely
prcceJing five yars.
c) "City" mearo Ihe Cor�ration of thr Cily of Pickcring.
d) "Council" means Ihc Council of Ihc Cor�wralion of thc Cily of Pickcring.
c) "drug" mcans � substancc as li�tal in SchcJulc� I, Il, Ill, IV or V of the
Controlled Drugs and 5ubslences Act S.C. 199G. c.19, as may be amended
from timc to timc
Q "hcad trail guide" mcans a peraon who has attained thc age of cightccn
yearo and has at Ieast three cansecutive year's experience in the
immediately preceding five ycars leading trail rides or cross-country
B) "horse" means eny animal of the equine species.
h) "horse riding cstablishment" means the cartying on of a business in the
equine industry and is further divided into the following disciplines:
i) "trail riding establishmenf' means the carrying on of a business
where horses are let out for hire for recreational riding for
payment, dthcr at a pem�anent or temporary location.
ii) "instructional riding establishment" means the carrying on of a
business where horses are let out for hire for providing inst►uction
far payment, either at a permenent or temporary location or where
insUuction is provided in horsa riding where the horsc is owned
and boerded or pert boarded.
ATTACHMENT # 3 TO REPORT �i« �' "� 9(�
i) "inswcto�' means a person who has attained the age of eighteen years end
lus at least five wnsxutive year's experience in the immediately
prx,eding seven years riding horses or a person who has been certified by
the Ontario Equestrien Federadon, Canadien Equestrian Federetion,
Cenadian Therapwtic Riding Associelion, Certi6ed Horseman's
Association or the British Horse Saiety or other credited Equine
Associalion or [nsdlution
j) "lead line ride" means a single horse led by a walking adult holding the
horu'� Iwd rope.
k) "Municipal Clerk" means the hfunicipal Clerk for the Corporetion of the
Cily of Pickering.
I) "pamn" includa a natural individual, a corporation, association or
m) "Provinci�l ORrnca O�cer' means a pe�son appointed by by-law of the
Corpor�tion of the City of Pickering as e Provincial O(Cences OlTicer
purwant to thc �uthority unJa �.IS uf �hc Police Scrvices Act. R.S.O.
1990, c. P.IS ot daignaicd in writing by a �finistcr undcr 5cction 1(3) of
lhc Pru�inci�l 01Trncd Act, R.S.O. 1990. c. P.]].
2. Lkeare Nequired — (1Reace
No perwn ehall corufuct �ny business in or upon any premise� or parl lhereof, or
catry on eny trade or alling in the Cily of Pickering for which a licence is
rcyuircJ undcr 5cc�ion ] hcuvf unless thcy hold a licence iuued thcrcforc by the
City end Iw pud Ihe liccncc fcc thercforc, rcquircd by lhis Uylaw, in acwrdencc
wilh 5cheJulc "A" herdo.
3. Licence Requircd — Ilone Rldiag Ei►abluhroeale
A liccncc shall be obteincd by cvery person who carries on thc busincss of a horse
riJing cstablishmcnt for the purpose of instructiond or trail horsc riding within
lhc limita of thc City of Pickcring.
4. Applialion—Time For
Applications for the iswance or renewal of a licence for a horse riding
establishment Cor arry given year must be received by the Municipal Clerk, in the
fortn prescribed by the Municipal Clerk, on or before the 3l° day of December
for the next ensuing liunce and calendar year.
5. Licence — Muat Comply Wit6 Zooing
No Gcence shell bc issued for a horse riding estabGshment on premiaes where thc
Ciry's Zoning By-laws do not pem�it the use of those premisea Cor such purposes.
• _.3..
6. Litenee—D'uplay
Each horse riding estab6shment Gcence, when issued, shall be postcd in a
canspicuous placc on the premises so Gcensed.
7. In�unoce Cerlifiule— Requircment
Gvery applicant for a horse riding establishmcnt licence must produce a ccrtificate
signed by a licenscd insurence broker certifying that the premiscs in respect of
which lhe licence hae been applicd for has been insured for generel liability and
perwnal injury in the sum of not less than two million dollars for any one
octurcence prior to Ihe date of the application and be endorsed to provide that the
policy will not be altered, cancelted or allowed �o lapse wid�au� thiny (30) days
prior wriurn naticc to the City.
8. I.iceace — Requlnmenu
(I) No person shdl be rniideJ to obtain a liccnce whcrc:
e) thc put cunJuct uf dk epplicant or liccnscc afl'ords rcasonuble
ground� Wr Ihe belief tlut Ihc applicant or liccnscc will nol carry
on the utivity fur which the applicanl is IicenseJ ur tu be licensed,
in uwrd�nce with law;
b) the iuuu�cc of thc liccnsc or rcncwal uf :�ic liccnsc woulJ bc
cuntruy to thc public inlcresl;
c) thc applicam or licrnxc is carrying on activitics Ihat arc, ar will
bc, of Ihe ipplicant i� liccnud, in cantravcnlion of Ihis 13y-law;
d) �hac erc reasonablc grounds for bclicf that Ihc prcmises,
accommod�lion, equipmcnt or facilitics in respect of which the
licrnx is rcquircd do not comply with the provisions of this By-
law or othcr epplicablc law; or
c) if the applicant or licensee is a corporation, the past conduct of the
ofiicus or dirators all'ords reasonable grounds for thc bclief that
the applicant or licenxe will not carry on lhe activity for which thc
applicant is to be licensed in aceordence with law.
9. Llcence Revocatioo
A Gcence granted pursuant to this By-law may be revoked where the licensee
does not comply with the provisions of this By-law or where auch licence has
been issued througl� error.
10. Liceoce Swpenaion
Whcre any licensee in wnvicted of an ollence under this By-law, the licence shall
be auspended forthwith and ahall not bo reinstated until a Provinciel Offences
Of6cer certi6es in wridng that the condition� resulting in the convicAon have
been remedicd end that the premiscs and its proposed operation comply with this
ATTACHMENTtt 3 TOREPOiiTii« �'''� lOi
11, Lieence—E:pintlon
Licen;.es issued under the provisions of this By-law, unless othenvise expressed
to be grented for a shorter period, shall expire on December 31° of the ycar for
which they have bcen issued.
12. Lieeuce—Noo-tnmfenbie
No Gccnce iuucd pursuant to this Bylaw is usignablc or trensfcrable.
13. l.leence — Partncn6ip
(1) Prnons essocieted in a partncrship epplying for e licencc under this By-
law shell Glc with their application a statutory Jcc:laration in writing,
signeci by all mcmbers of Ihe partnuship, which declarelion shall statc;
(s) Ihc fuli nanie of cvcry partncr anJ address of his, her or its
ordinary residcnce;
(b) ihe wnc ur nama under wluch thcy carry on or inlcnJ to carry on
(c) t}ut the perwns thcrcin nnmal erc Ihe only membcrs of the
putnetship, �nd
(J) ihe miiling address nf thc partncrship.
14. l.icence — Corponlioa
(1) Gvcry corporation applying for e liccncc shall filc wilh tlicir application a
copy of iu anicics of incurporation or othcr inwrporating document and
shall filc a statulury dcclaration, in writing, signcd by an o(ticcr of the
corporation, which dcclazation slull slatc:
a) the full name of every ofBcer, director and ahazeholder and the
addrw of each o(Gcer'a, director's and shareholder's ordinary
b) the name or names under which it carties on or intends to carry on
c) that the persons therein named are the only o�icers, directors and
shereholders of the corparation; and
d) the mailing address for the wrporation.
10 2 ATTACHMENT # 3 TO REPOR7 #« �"�
I5. Hearing
(1) Where the Municipal Clerk beGeves that the epplicant or licensec would
be disentitled to a Gcense or a renewal thereof for any of iha reasons sct
out in this By-law, thc Municipal Clerk shall not issuc the liccnse end lhc
Municipal Clerk shell recommend to Council that Council shall refuse to
issue or refuu to renew thc license, or that Council suspend or revokc the
license, or recommend that e licence be issued subject to terms and
(2) Before Council refuses to issue or refuses to renew a license, or revokes or
suspends or cancels a licenx, a written natice advising the applicant or
liceruee of Ihc raommendation bcing made by the Municipal Clerk to
Council with rupecl to the license shell be given lo Ihe applicant or
licenxe by the Municipal Clerk.
(3) The writicn notia to be �ivcn hcrcunder shall:
a) xl uul thc gruwids Wr thc «�onmundation;
b) givc reasonablc particulnra ul'thc grounds;
c) bc signcd by the �tunitipal Clcrk; and
J) infurm Ihe npplicant ur liccnsec tl�et thcy arc cntilleJ to a hearing
befurc lhe Council, if thcy dclivcr, wilhin scvcn (7) days a(tcr Ihe
Ja1e of scn�ice of Ihe wriucn nutice, ur the date of personal service
of thc wriucn nolicc, whichcvcr is lalcr, a wriltcn rcqucst for a
hcazing bcforc thc Council.
(4) On rcccipt of a wriltcn rcqucst for a hcaring from an applicant or licenscc,
thc htunicipal Clcrk shall adviu Council and requcat Council lo convcnc a
mceting and shall give the appliwnt ur licensee rcasonable written notice
(5) Thc applicant or liccnscc shall have thc right to makc submissions in
support oC an appliwtion or rrnewal or rclention of a license at such
hearing and when the applicant or licensee who hes becn �iven written
notice of thc hearin�, doa nat attcnd at 1he proper timc and place, lhe
Counril may procccd with the hearing in thc applicanPs or licensee's
abaence and the applicant or licensce shall not bc cntitled to any further
noticc of the proccedings.
(6) At the conclusion of the hearing the Muniapal Clerk shall, es soon as
precticable, prepare a written report on thc hcaring, which shell summarize
the evidence and the arguments presented by the parties ro the hearing, sct
out tha findings of fact and the dxisians made by the Council end set out
the reason for ttie dceision.
(7) If the applicant or licensee signifes that hc is prepared to aceept
conditions upon lhe license and to make no objection to such conditiuns,
Council may grant a license or the renewal of a license upon such
wnditions as the Council wnsider apprapriatc.
ATTACHMENT �t � TO REPOftT H« 1' ^� 1 � 3
16. Inepecliou� of Premi�a
The Municipal Clerk or a Provincial 0�'ences OQ'icer may, at any time during
regular business hours, enter upon the business premises of any Gcensec to ensurc
that the provisions of this By-law have been complied with.
17. Regulalion of Carryiug on Bueinw
(1) No person shali carry on the business of a trail riding estnblishment, and
a) rent a horse to a person unde� ihe age of eightccn years unless that
person is wearing a designed riding helmct which is properly fitted
and fasiencd securcly upon thc rider's hcad by a harness, at all
timca whilc that person is mounteJ on a horsc;
b) rcnt a hurse to a person unless that person is wcaring properly
fitlin�, hard and smoolh soled foolwear with a defined hcel or
pruper riding footwear wilh a dcfincd hccl;
c) canduct trail riJing wilh Ics:� than onc hcad treil guidc for ihc first
six persuns anJ an assistanl Iruil guidc for evcry additional six
d) cunJuct Irail riJing wilhuut a hcad treil guidc ar assistent trail
guide cartyin�, at ell timcs, a nvo-way communication Jcvicc
whcrc its signal will bc rcccivcJ by anothcn c�ad trail guiJc, or
auislant Irail goiJc who is nat also on Ilic samc Irail ridc;
c) pcmiit morc than onc perwn to riJc a hurse ut thc semc timc
escept for Ji.wbinl ridero with special needs within a desiynaled
controllcd cnvironmcnl;
Q rcnt a horsc unlcss Ibat horu is known lo bc safc, sound end
schooled for the purposes intcndcd and appropriately suited to Ihc
ridcr's siu and ability;
g) rcnt a lame, sick or blind horse;
h) rent a horsc unless lhe horse is e minimum of thrce years of age
and the horse has one year of schooling unless that person is the
owner of that horse and provided that horses rented betwxn thrcc
years of age and six years of age shall have proof of an ennual
dental inspection by an equine dentist or veterinarian;
i) perntit any person with less than 52 hours riding cxperience to
mount or dismount a horac far lhc purposc of trail riding unlcss
thet horsc is held at the bridle by en employee or voluntar of the
person carrying on the business and who is supervised by a head
trail guide; or
j) rent, loen or otherwise allow a person to ride a lame, sick or blind
harse, and for the purposu of cross-country instruction or trail
riding a atallion or a horsc undcr fiva ycars of agc, unless that
peraon is the owner of thet horae.
rlOi ATTACHMENT# 3 TOREPORT# << 7` �'"n
(2) No person shall carry on the business of an instructional riding
estabGstunent, and
a) instruct a person under the age of eightcen yeara to ride a horsc
unless that person is wearing a designed riding helmet which is
properly 6tted and fastened securely upon the rider's head by a
hamess, at ell times while that person is mounted on a horse;
b) notwithslending Section 17(2)(a), for the purposes of dressage or
precision riding performcd as pert of a speciel event where
ccremoniel dress is wom by all riders, the rcquiremenls under
Section 17(2)(a) will not apply;
c) rent a horse to a person uniess that persan is wearing properly
fitting, hard and smooth soled footwear with a defined heel or
proper riding footwcar with a defined heel;
d) pemtit more than one person to ride a horse at the same time
exceot for special necds instructions for disnbled riders;
e) rcnt a horsc unlcs� if�at horsc is known to bc safc, sound end
schoolr.d for the purposcs intended end appropriatcly suited to thc
ridcr's siu anJ ability;
Q rcnt a lame, sick or blind horsc;
g) insiruct a person to ride a horsc unlcss the horse is e minimum of
thrcc ycaro of agc and thc horcc haa onc year of schooling unless
that person is the owncr of ihat horsc and provided thet horses
rcnlcJ betwecn ihrcc ycats of age and six ycars of age shall havc
proof of an annual (minimum) dcnlel inspeclion by an cquinc
dentist or vcicrinerian;
h) pcmut any perwn with Icu than 52 hours riding expericncc to
mount or dismount a horsc for thc purpose oFinslruclional riding
unless that horse is held at the bridle by an cmployce or volunteer
of lhe person cartying on the business and wha is aupervised by an
inslruclor, or
i) rent to a person to ride a horse where that person is teking,
consuming, possessing or is, or appcars to be, intoxicated by
alcohol or a drug on any premises used for the carrying on of thc
business of an instructional riding establishment.
18. Footwwr—E:ception
Provided that Sections 17(1)(bj and 17(2)(c) of this By-law shall not apply where
a rider has been provided with proper functioning nnd nppropriately sized hooded
stirtups, e safety stirtups which ere designed to prevent a rider's foot Gom pauing
through or becaming wedged in the stirtup or stirrups which aie designed to
break-away whcn s rider feUs from the horsc.
� ATTACHMENT �I 3 TO REpORT #�'- 7^`�
, --e--
19. Inatruelors—M1olmum Qudiflcalfona
(I) No person aheil instruct peraons in thc riding of horses at an instructional
riding establishment unless:
a) they have attained thc egc of eighteen years and they have e least
Gve consecutivc year's experience in riding or training horaes
during the immediately preceding seven years; or
b) they heve atteined the age of cighteen ycars and they have becn
certified by the Canadian Equeslrian Federetion, Ontario
Equeatrien Federation, Csnadian Therepeutic Riding Associetion,
Certified Horseman's Association ur British Horse Socicty or other
credited Equine Auocietion or ]nstilution.
20. Asat+laql Instructon — Mioimum Qu�l(fiation�
(I) NotwithstanJing thc provisions of Scction 19 of lhis Dy-law, e person
shell bc pertnitted to assist in the instruction of persons in the riding of
horocs at an instructional horsc riding establishmcnl where:
a) thcy have attained thc egc of sixtecn ycars;
b) lhcy havic et Icast thrce consa:utivc ycar's with horacs in thc
immediatcly preccding five years; end
c) thcy erc undcr thc supervision of en instructor who mcets thc
qualifications es provided for in Section 19 ofthis By-law.
21. Head Tnil Cuide — Minimum QurlifiaUons
No person shall conduct or Icad a lrail ridc at e horsc riding esteblishmcnt unlcss
they havc atlained the age of cighteen years and they have a least thrce
consecutive year's experience nssisting or Ieading trail rides in the immediatcly
prcceding five ycars. All head trail guides employed by a trail riding
cstablishment must hold a current certification in first aid end cardiopulmonary
resuscitetion end shall maintain a fully stocked first-aid kit on the premises.
22. Aesi�tant Trail Guide—Minimum Qu�lificatfone
No peraon ahall assist the head trail guida on a trail ride at a trail riding
establishment unless they hava attained tha age of s'ixlecn years and they have at
least three consecutive year's experience riding ar working with horses at a trail
riding establishment in the immedialely preceding five years. All assistanl trail
guides cmployed by e trail riding establishment must hold e current certificstion
in firat eid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
23. Inalructore — Prohibltion from Conauming Alcahol or Druge
No peraon ehell instruct or assist in tha instmction of peraons in thc riding of
horses at an instructional riding eslablislunent whila taking, consuming,
poss�ssing or being, or eppearing to be, intoxicated by dcohol or a drug.
I, '106 ATTACHMEMTr,_3 r��acNOnr��« �-�
24. Miaimum Age For Tr�ii liiding E�tabliehmeola
No peraon sF.all cerry on the business of a treil riding establishment and rent to a
person under the age of ten yeare a horse for the purposc of trail riding.
25. MinimumAge—E:ception
a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 24 of this Bylaw, a peraon who
carries on the business of a trail riding establishment may rent to a person
who has atteined the age of at least six years to lead Gne ride a horse
where the horse is led by a capable welking adult who is in con►rol of the
b) Where the person is under the age of six years, the lead line ride will be
led by a capable walking edjust who is in control of the horse and
acwmpanied by a waiking spotter.
26. Condltion of Grounde
No person shall carty on the business of a horse riding establishment on premises
without keeping the portion of the said premiscs ordinerily used for the riding of
horses clear af all graund and over-han�ing obstructions. Where said obsuuctions
cannot be cleared, the person carrying on the business of a horsc riding
establishment shall barcier these obstructions such that horses and riders will not
comc in contact with them.
j� j, 27. Coaditian/FitofTrck
Prior to begiiueng instructions of conducting or Ieading a trail ride, the inswetor,
head trail guide or an assistent instructor assigned to tha instruction or ride, as the
cese mey be, ahall exemine the fit and condition of ell equipment to be used by
each rider to ensure that it is clean, supple, well•fitting, sccure and fully
28. Initial Informalioa For TrAil Riding
Prior to conducting or leading e trail ride, the head trail guide or en essistant trail
guide assigned to the rider, es the case may be, shall provide basic informadon on
the handling of a horse and the basics of riding a horse.
29. Signage
a) A premises which contains a trail riding establishment shall contain a sigq
to be created and erected et the expense of the licence applicatian holder,
with (ettering a minimum of one half inches in height and the location of
which ahall ba epproved by the Municipd Clerk, and which is in the fortn
es prescribed by Schedule "B".
b) A premises which wntains en instNCtional riding establislunent shall
wntain a aign, to ba crented end erected at the expense of the licenced
eppllcetlon halder, wilh lettering a minimum of ono halF inches in height
and the location of which ahell be approved by tha Municipal Clerk, and
whlch ia in tho fottn as prescribod by Schedule "C".
-- �o..
30, Firat Aid CerNRcatton
All hesd trail guides end essistant treil guidw employed by a trail riding
establishment must hold a curtent certification in fuat eid and cardiopulmonary
resuscitation end ehali maintein e fully etocked first-aiJ kit on the premises. A
qualified firet eid provider, with wrtent certi6cation in fust aid and
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, must be availeble whenever leasons ere being
conducted at en instructionel riding estebGstunent and a fully stock 6ret-aid kit
must be meintained on the premises.
31. Fal�e Informrtioo — Prohibited
No person shell knowingly give false information when applying for a licence
under this By-law.
32. Conirrvention — Fine
Every person who contravenes a provision of thia By-lew is guilty of en offence
and upon conviction is Geble to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars
(55,000.00) exclusive of wst, pursuent to the provisions of tha Provinciel
OfTenccs Act, as amended.
33. Sevenbilily — Vdidity
Each and cvery one of the provisions of this By-law is aeverable end if any
provisions of this By-law should, for any reason, be declared invelid by any court,
it is the intention and desire of this Council that each and every of the lhen
rcmaining provisions hereof ahell remein in full force and etl'ect.
34. Nading�
The headings in lhe body of Utis By-law form no part of this By-law but shall be
deemed to be inserted for convenience of reference only.
35. Short Tille
This By-law may be referted to as lha "Horse Riding Establishment By-IatW'.
Bylew read a fust, second and Utird time and flnelly passed this Sth day oflune, 2000.
Wayno Arthuro, Mayor
Bmce Taylor, Clerk
'-:�- i a . .' � . .. . .. . . . . . .
,�i ATIY,CHME�ff tt � To NGPOftT # cc 9- ov
108 _
Original Licencc 5250.00
Mnual Renewal 5100.00
Other Fees
I,ate Renewal Fees S25.00
' ' ATTACHP�E�1T�� 3 fOREPpRTq�7—�-a
The following regulations are imposed by City of Pickering Bylaw Number
which govcros thc operation oFthis business:
Patrons are advised that evcn with this safcty equipment, horae riding wntains inherent
risks which may result in serious injury or death;
Maximum six riders per leader
Minimum agc for trail riding is ten yesrs;
Lead 6ne riding is permitted for children under the age of ten;
Helmets to be wom by all persons under age 18 and strongly recommended for persons
over l8;
Hard and smooth soled shoes with a defincd hecl must be wom by all riders unless using
hooded, safety or break-away stirtups;
Inexperienced riders are asked to identify themselves to the instructodleader; and
Patrons must disclose any medical problem ar condition which may cause risk during tha
treil ride.
The following regulations ere imposed by City of Pickering Bylaw Numbe� which
govems tha operation of this business:
Patrons aze advised thet even with this safety equipment, horse riding wntains inherent
risks which may result in serious injury or death;
Helmela to be wom by all persons under age 18 end atrongly recommend for peraons
over 18;
Hard and smooth soled shoes with a defined heel must be wom by aU riders unlcss using
hooded, safety or break-away stirtups; end
Patrons must disclose any medieal problem or condition which may cause risk during