HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 109/98O��OFP� . . � . . � ' REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Dcnise Bye Manager, Legel Scrvices SUDJECT: Road-Dedication(CloudbcrryCourt) • PaA of Lot 25, Concession I, Pickcring - �csisnated as Parts 7 and 9, Plan 40R-15364 - File: W2304352 i� DATE: Novcmbcr I I, 1998 REPORTNUMBER: L 109198 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should bc cnectcd to dcdicute as public highway thosc Pans of Lot 25, Conccssion 1, Pickcring, designated ns PnAs 7 nnd 9, Plan 40R-8386 (Cloudbcrty Court). ORIGIN: I. Region of Dur6am Tmnsfcr to Tuwn of Pickcring 2. Approval Gom Public Works Department. AUTHORITY: Alunfcl�xil.lcr, R.5.0. 1990, chaplcr M.dS, scclion 297( I xn). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc. UACKGROUND: Section 610 ihe SuMlivision Agrecmem rcspecling Plan 40M•1272 requlrcd that the Owner construct o pertnanenl tuming eircle on the lands adjacent ta Lols 38, 39 nnd 40 wilhin thc Plan (Claudberty Court formedy Dunbanon Rwd). As Ihe bawidary of Ihc lands within thc plan o( Subdivision were not suflicienl lo nccommodaic a luming circic, �hc Owncr acquircd land� from Ihe Region in ordcr lo comply with thc candilion on �hc undenianding that oncc Ihe tuming circic ���as completed la a standard suffclrnt to dedicatc a public highway, the Reglon would convcy Ihc lands to the Tmvn for road purposes. That conveyance wu finalfzed on October I, 1998. Enactmenl of Ihc altached liylaw will dedicale us public highway the tuming circle landt. ATTACHMGNTS: I. Locntion Map/Sitc Sketch. 2. Dra(1 bylaw. Prcparcd Dy: ,1 n �.C� Dcnisc Byc DD:Ic Attechmmts - Copy: Grnernl Meneger Dirccror of Planning Dircctor of I'ublic Worke Recommended for Ihe con�ideraqon of Pickedng Town Council 'Ih mm 1. Qui enera enager � E ., i � ' .. � � . . . � �, , . 73 ' TNE CORPORATION Of THF TOWN OF PIGKERIN6 , �Y•LAW N0. i . Being a by-Inw to dedicate those Perts of Lot 25, � Concession I, Pickering, designated as Parts 7 and 9, Plen 40Rd 5364 as pubiic highway (Cloudbe�ry Court). WHEREAS, The Corporntion of the Town of Pickering is the owner of those Pwts of Cot 25, Concession I, Pickering, designated as Parts 7 and 9, Plan 40R-15364 end wishes to dedicate them as public highway. NOW 7'EIEREFORE, ►he Cauncil of the Corporntion of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Those parts of Lat 25, Concession I, Pickcring, designated ns Parts 7 nnd 9, Plan 40R-15364 are hereby dedicuted as public highway (Cloudbecry Court). BY-LAW read a first, second and third timc and finnlly passed this 21st day of December, 1998. � �Vayne Anhurs, Mayor ,j Bruce Taylor, Clerk � � flir wvaau �� �'> r #f" V'i�' f 7 , �y,•o . .. � ' , _. .._ . .. _ ... . . . . . . . . ., . . . ..