HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 17/99� . �pOFp� ,�O � , REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Denlse0ye DATE: Aprill,l999 Manager of Legal Services REPORTNUMBER: LI7/99 SUBIECT: Road-Dedicalion . part Lot 19, Plan 40M-1254, Pickering (SVOUd's Lane) designated es Part I. Plen 40R•7561 - File: W2304.358 RECOMMENDATION: ' A bylaw should be enacted to dcdicate thal Part of Lo1 19, Plan 40M•1254, Pickering, designuled as Purt I, Plan 401t•758I (Swud's Lene) as public highwuy. ORGIN: I. Registretlon ofSulxlivision Plan 40M•1254. 2. Requat from Nervey Storm, Oarristcr dc Solici�or, dated Much 29, 1999. 3 Approval from Public Works Departmem dated hfazch J0, 1999. AUTHORITY: hlunlclpal Acf, R.S.O. I990, chnpter M.dS, xciion 297( I Xo). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None. EXF.CUTIVESUMMARY: NIA OACKGROUND: When I�e ebove plan wm registercd, thc reserve blak rcferted to was conreyed to the Town along Stroud's 4anc. This rcserve wm Intended lo be dcdicalcd as pu611c hlghway upon Ihc devclopmcnl af ndjacent Innds In ordcr la provide xcceu to �he public. As aur Publ(c Works Dcpanmenl has advfsed �hat road work� in ihis plan and thc adjacent lands heve txen conswcted lo stenderds sulficient ta pertnfl pubNc access, lhe requircd dedication should Ihereforc be made. Enaclment of the attachtd byIaw will euthoriu that dedicetlon. ATTACHMENTS: I. DraR byluw. 2. Laation Mep/Site Sketch. prcpered py: Approved / Endarsed Dy: I( /�/g . —�G��.��%— Jody Panons ����3G DY� Copy: ChlefAdministretive0flicer Dircctor of Public Works Reeommended for the coneideretlon of Pickering Town Council ;C 6 ? 1, Quinn, hief Ad nistretiv «r � � ATTACHMENTNJ_TOREPORT��� THE CORPORA770N OF TNE TOWN OF PICKERINd 7 � Bctng a by-law to dedtcare rhar Parr ojlor i9, Plan 40M- 1251, P(ckering, deslgnaled as Par! !, Plan 40R-758/ as pu6lfc highway (Snoud's Lane). WHEREAS'fhe Corporation of the•Town of Pickering is Ihe owner of that Ptut of Lot 19, Plan 40M- 1252, Pickcring, designated as Pnrt l, Plan 40P.-7581(Stroud's LAnc) and wishes lo dedicatc it az public highway. NOW THGItGFORE, ihe Council af The Corporation of the Town of Pickering HCRGDY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. Part of Lot 19, Plan 40M•1252, Pickcring, dcsignatcd ac Part I, Plun 40R•7581 (S�roud's Lunc) is hcrcby dcdicatcd as public highwny. BY-LAW read a first, scconJ nnd Ihird timc and finally passcd this 191h day of April, 1999. Waync Anhurs, Mayor Drucc Tuylor, Cicrk w�a»�