HomeMy WebLinkAboutL42/99a 126 �NOFp b ti� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Jnne Burton DATE; November I I, 1999 Town Solicitor REPORT NUMBER: L 42/99 SUBJECT: Road Naming and Dcdicntion - Parl Lat 20, Concession 8, Pickering, designuted as Pnrts 14 und 17, Plnn 40R-17151(Acom Lane) Pnrts 6 and 8, Pinn 40R-17520 (Acom Lnnc) Part 7, Pinn 40R-17520 (Nuthutch Strcct) - �ilc: W2306.41/W2306.42/W2304371 RGCOMMENDATION: By-luws should bc enucicd to namc and/or dcdicate as public highway thc subjecl Innds. ORIGIN: LD 136 to LD 138/96 und LD 69197 to LD 72/97, AUTHORITY: ,Llu�drlpnl �Icr, R,S.O. 1790, chnptcr MAS, section 297( I)(a). fINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not Applicablc. BACKGROUND: Approvnl of various Lnnd Division Applicutions in ihc Clarcmont urea were subject ta scvcral conditions. One of the conditions identificJ in each applicution was ihot thc owncr cnter into agrcemenis to provide for, (a) the construction of lhc subjccl lands; and (b) the conveynnce of the subjcct londs to the Town for road purposes. As Ihc road paticm to Sidelinc 20 has now bccn dctcrtnincd and thc devcloper of thc subject Innds has completed ihc construction of cuch of thc ronds described abovc, it is now oppropriutc to cnact thc necessary by-Inws to Icgnlly nnmc and/or dedicute ns public highway thc subject lands. lt should bc noted thut u prcvious DyInw was enacicd to dedicale PuAs I4 and 17 �s public highwny (Dy-Lnw 5046/97) howevcr the paAs have ncvcr bccn Icgally nnmcJ. It is now appropriate to enuct the attached by-law noming thesc parts as Acom Lanc, Re rt to Council I. 42/99 i 2� P° Novembcr I I, 1999 Subject: Rond Neming und Dedicntion Pegc 2 A By-law was also enacted to dedieate Pwis 6, i end 8 as Acom Lanc (By-1.nw 5047/97) however since ihat time, it hns bcen detertnincd that the Part 7 lends should be named Nuthatch Strcet rathcr than Acom Lane. Accordingly, new byInws should be enacted to numc and dedicnte each part in accordence with ihis report and Dy-law 5047/97 should bc repcnled. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map. 2. Sitc sketch. 3. Dmft by-laws (5). Prcpured By: �l'. � Denisc B DB:ijm Auachmenls Copy; Chicf Administmtivc Officcr Director, Planning und Development Rccommendcd for Ihc considcmlion of Pickcring Town Council � ri L. f o ios J. Qui , C ef Adn ' trnlivc ITiccr , � Approvcd / Endorsed Ry: � luec on . / �/�+ .� .� ix � � � � � � ATTACHMENT#.�TOREPORTtliy��4 13 O ATTACHMENT Il.�._TO REPORT ll�i ` THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKER(Na BY-LAW NO. /99 Being a 6y-!aw fo name lhose parfs ojB/ock 1J, Plan 40M-l538, Pickering, deslgnaled as Par1s /J and 17, Plan 40R-1715/ (Acorn LaneJ. WHEREAS pursuant to scction 210.1 I i of the Municipai Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, the council of a local municipality may pass by-laws for giving numes to or changing the nemes of highways on public praperty; NOW THBRGFORE, thc Council of Tlic Corporalion of thc To«n of Pickcring HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. The road comprising Ihosc parts of Dlock 24, Plan 40M-1538, Pickcring, designnted ns Pnrts 14 nnd 17, Plnn 40R• 17151, arc hcrcby named Acom Lnnc. I3Y•LA1V rcad a first, sccond and ihird limc and finally passcd Ihis 20Ih day of Deccmbcr,1999. Wnync ArlFurs, Mayor Untcc Tnylar, Clcrk wnoe.�i ATTACHMENT�� 3 _.rp;tEPORTrl�i�3�4 THE CORPORATION OF TNE TOWN OF PICKERINCi 131 BY•LAW NO. /99 Befng a by!aw to name lhose parls oj Lof 20, Conce.rslon 8, Pic,Fering, designa�ed as Parls 6 and 8, Plan a0R•17520 (Acorn Lane). WHEREAS pursuant to section 210.11I of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chopter h1.45, thc council of a local municipality may pass by-Inws for giving names to or changing thc names of highways on public property; NOW TH@REFORE, U�e Cauncil of The Corporalion of the Towm of Pickering HERGDY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. The road comprising those paAs of Lot 20, Coneession 8, Pickering, designated ac Pans 6 and 8, Plnn 40R-17520 arc hcreby namcd Acom Lnnc. BY-LAW rcnd a first, sccond and thirJ timc anJ finally passcd ihis 201h day of Deccmbcr, 1999. w:�on.a �. (I Waync Arthurs, Mayor Ilcucc Taylor, Clcrk lia ATTACHMENT��_3_ ic;i,.EP0�i7lil,�;j�j THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERINC; BY•LAW N0. /99 Being a bydaw fo name fhaf parl oj Lof 10, Concesslon 8, Pickering, deslgnaled as Pur1 7, Plan a0R-i7510 (JVurharch S�rerl). WHEREAS pursuant to section 210.1 ll of ihc Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, thc council of a local municipality may pass by-laws for giving names to or chnnging the nnmes ot highways on public property; �.; NOW THGREFORE, the Council of Thc Corporation of the Town of Pickcring liEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Thc raad comprising thnt part of Lot :0, Conussion 8, Pickcring, dcsignalcd as Part 7, Pinn 40R•17520 is hereby namcd Nulhatch Slrcel. BY•LAW rcad n first, second nnd third timc and finally passcd Ihis 20th day of Dccembcr,1999. Wnync Arlhurs, Mayor Drucc Tnylor, Clcrk w��o�.�� A1'1 i�CNi•IFi�11' rt..�__ "f0 {IEPORT �i� THF, CORPORATION OF TNE TOWN OF PICKERING 133 BY•LAW N0. /99 BeJng a by-1aw ro dedlcafe !ha► par! oj Lor 10, Concesston 8, Plckerb�g, desJgnaled as Parf 7, Plan 40R-17510 (Nurha�ch S�reel) ns pu611c hJghway. WHEREAS The Corpomtion of the Town of Pickcring is the owncr of that part of Lot 20, Concession 8, Pickcring, designated as Part 7, Plan 40R-67520 nnd wishes to dedicate it as public highway. NOW THEREFORE, thc Council of Thc Corporetion of thc Town bf Pickering fIEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That part of Lot 20, Conccssion 8, Pickcring, designalcd ns Pan 7, Plan 40R-17520 is hereby dedicatcd ns public highway (Nuthatch Slrceq. 2. Dy-luw 5047/97 is hcreby rcpcaled. BY-LAW read a first, second anJ third time and finally passed �his 20th dny of Dcccmbcr, 1999. Wa��nc Anhurs, Mayor . � Druce Tuylor, Clcrk w�aa�� ATTACHMENTti 3 ,fUIIEPORTtI� 1`� � TNE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERINa BY-LAW N0. /99 Being a 6y-!nw fo dedlcale fhose parls ojLol 10, Concesslon 8, Plckering, deslgnafed as Parrs 6 and 8, Plan 40R-/7510 (Acan LaneJ as public htghx�ay, WHEREAS The Corporation of the Town of Pickering is the o�mcr of those pnrts of Lot 20, Concession 8, Pickcring, dcsignatcd ns Parls 6 and 8, Plnn 40R-17520 and wishcs to dedicote them os public highway. � NOW THEREFORE, the Council of Thc Corporation of thc To�m of Pickcring IIERGBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Thosc parls of Lot 20, Concession 8, Pickcring, dcsignatcd as Pnrts 6 nnd 8, Plnn 40R- 17520 are hereby dcdicnted ns public high«�ay (Acom I.nnc). 2, Bylaw 5047/97 is hcrcby repcalcd. BY-LAW rcad u first, ucond nnd third timc and finally passcd Ihis 20th day of Dcccmbcr,1999. �1'nync Anhurs, Mayor I3rucc Taylor, Clcrk I x.�a�i� -