HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR 16/98�� j ':J ��".°" _ 1�� � REPORT TO CO , , UNCIL FROM: (3iWs A. Paterson DATE: May 6.1996 Director ofFinance REPORT NUMBER: TR 16/98 SUBlECT': 1998 Final l.evy Due Dates RECOMMENDATION: That Report �TR 16/98 be received; und That By-law 5183/97 to eslablish Instalment Due Dates for the 1998 Tnterim and Final I.evy be amended by deleting the Finnl Tex Notice due dates ofJune 25,1998 end Septembc� 25, 1998. ORIGM: DirectorofFinance AiJT'HORITY: Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990, ns umetided. FINANCIAL IMPLICATTONS: None in of itself, however, later due dates will adversely afTcet interest income in 1998, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: n/a BACKGROUND: On Decembcr 22, 1997, Report Numbcr TR 27/97 regarding 1998 Interim Levy, Tax Instnlment Due Dates and Imposition of Pemlry anJ Intercst for 1Jon-Payment of Ta�ces, wns fonvarded to Cowcil for consideration and approvel. Attechcd to this rcport was By-luw N5183/97 which sct the Interim end Final Tax Notice due dates. At i}tis tune, we ere asking Council's approval to emend By-lew #5183/97 to dcktc thc Finel Tax Notice dua dates of]une 25,1998 end Septemlxr 25, I998. Due to the uncertainty of thc efTects of Provincinl downloading, the late retum of the Assessment Ro�, which is expected at thc end af June, and the extension of the appeal period to the end of July, it is not possible to mcet thcsc fu�al due dates. Once we ere awarc of our Smncinl position ard budgets havc bcen approved, wc will again approach Council with proposed 6nnl instalment due dates. ATTACHMENTS: I. Report Number TR 27/97. ;,• - _ ii �' ??i�, �S�S" i5 Y 1 �, lT � r.. s� t �� ,., �;o� i-�� r�, Reponto�Coimcil'TR ,, May6, t998 .'� •i' � ,122 � �: _'; . } � Subjoct 1998 Finel I.ovy 1}ae Data � �_. Pagc 2 31f„v ! . � .� !. . � . .. � 1 '. Prcnered BY -. +APtrcoved By; . ^� , � �; � � � l�i,lr(xe_. liia.,,,.��. 1 Debbic Kearnv _. DQector of Finance " , QAP/dk' Altachments Copy: General Maneger _ s . I �> � � � i II f �, ; � i. } J: } � l � [ i� # Y '� � r t . i k f _l2`, �J � i1 'tt i .. 1 ( . t . h. � H T } S -f t /.` t: - } y� # .?�-��,<.i�4=� . 1� " _ �., t :.! - ,s' F .. �. _._� F � _ __ 5�.• , � . �. � .. . � . . .. . ..