HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 22-15 cap 00 k Report to Council l4 PICKERING Report Number: CR 22-15 Date: October 26, 2015 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Culture & Recreation Subject: Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services for Delaney Arena Improvements - Request for Proposal No. RFP-12-2015 - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Proposal No. RFP-12-2015 submitted by Barry Bryan Associates in the amount of$237,752.00 (HST included) be accepted; 2. That the total gross project cost of$285,212.00 (HST included), including the amount of the proposal and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of$256,842.00 (net of HST rebate), be approved; 3. That Council authorize the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer to finance the net project cost of$256,842.00 as follows: a. The sum of$185,000.00 as provided for in the 2015 Capital Budget Recreation Complex Arena to be financed by undertaking an internal loan for a term not to exceed five years; b. The sum of$4,782.00 to be funded from property taxes; c. The sum of$67,060.00 for the optional scope of work from the Federal Grant-Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program Grant (CIPG); and 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: The renovation of the Delaney Rink is in the City's forecasted 2016 capital budget ($1.9 million) and includes the replacement of the refrigerated rink slab and piping, replacement of the dasher board system, relocation of the players bench, acoustic treatment, renovation of the public washroom and dressing room to achieve accessibility standards, completion of the seating replacement program and general upgrades to the referees rooms. Many of the features of the Delaney Rink are original to the building dating back to 1983 and exceed the expected 25 year life cycle. The arena renovation project will provide staff with the opportunity to replace end Report CR 22-15 October 26, 2015 Subject: Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services for Delaney Arena Improvements Page 2 of life systems, realize energy savings by using energy efficient systems, achieve accessibility standard compliance and enhance user experience by modernizing the existing facility infrastructure. In order to meet the 2016 project construction schedule, staff must confirm the services of an architectural consultant in 2015 as provided for in the 2015 Capital Budget Pickering Recreation Complex Arena. In this way, the construction tender can be released in January 2016, awarded in March 2016 and construction can commence in April 2016. The proposal submitted by Barry Bryan Associates in the amount of$237,752.00 (HST included) is recommended for approval. The total gross project cost is estimated to be $285,212.00 and the total net project cost is estimated at $256,842.00 (net of HST rebate). Financial Implications: 1. Proposal Amount Proposal No. RFP-12-2015 $210,400.00 HST (13%) 27,352.00 Total Gross Proposal Cost $237,752.00 2. Estimated Project Costing Summary Project Cost Optional Scope Total of Work RFP-12-2015 $144,500.00 $65,900.00 $210,400.00 Miscellaneous Costs 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 Inspection & Testing 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 Contingency 25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 Total Cost $186,500.00 $65,900.00 $252,400.00 HST (13%) 24,245.00 8,567.00 32,812.00 Total Gross Project Costs $210,745.00 $74,467.00 $285,212.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (20,963.00) (7,407.00) (28,370.00) Total Net Project Costs $189.782.00 $67,060.00 $256,842.00 • Report CR 22-15 October 26, 2015 Subject: Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services for Delaney Arena Improvements Page 3 3. Approved Source of Funds 2015 Capital Budget— Recreation Complex Arena Approved Code Source of Funds Budget Required 5735.1506.6230 Internal Loan 5 Years $200,000.00 $185,000.00 Property Taxes 0.00 4,782.00 Federal Grant - CIPG 0.00 67,060.00 Total Funds $200,000.00 $256,842.00 Project Cost under (over) approved funds by ($56,842.00) The over expenditure is 100% funded by the Federal grant, therefore, there is no fiscal impact to the City. In June, Council approved report CR 09-15 for the City's application to the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure grant. The proposed project work includes the modernization of the Delaney Rink public entrance; a new elevator that will replace a dated and difficult to use concrete ramp entrance to the second floor of the Delaney Rink, and the addition of multi-purpose accessible community meeting rooms. The design work associated with this grant application is $67,060.00 and would be 100% funded by the grant. At this time Council approval is being sought for the project design cost and the optional scope of the work in order to provide sufficient time to complete the design work while awaiting the announcement from the federal government on the grant application. The combined total project costs including the optional scope of work has exceeded 10% of the 2015 Budget approved amount. The optional scope of work was not originally included in the 2015 Budget. In accordance with Section 11 of the City's Financial Control Policy, Council approval is required for over-expenditure exceeding 10% of the approved budget. Council approval is being sought at this time for this over- expenditure, and will be funded from the Federal Grant-Canada 150 CIPG. Discussion: The Delaney Rink renovation project was initially envisioned in the 2016 capital forecast budget to address an immediate need to replace the existing refrigerated rink slab and piping and the dasher board system which are the original to the building dating back to 1983 and exceeds the expected life cycle of 25 years. However, since the work is extensive and disruptive, staff have planned other arena life cycle replacement projects to be consolidated into this single project during one shut down period. Report CR 22-15 October 26, 2015 Subject: Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services for Delaney Arena Improvements Page 4 As such, the current scope the Delaney Rink Renovation project includes: • Replacement of the refrigerated rink slab and piping • Replacement of the Dasher Board system • Moving the player's benches to the east side of the rink • Sound system upgrade • Addition of acoustic treatment • Completing the seating replacement program • Renovation public washroom to current accessibility standards • Making one dressing room barrier free compliant • Improving barrier free viewing • Upgrading the referee's rooms The consolidated approach is also beneficial when retaining the services of an architectural consultant. Through this approach, the procurement of one architectural firm to design and manage the Delaney Rink Renovation project will maintain a single source for design responsibility, eliminate coordination errors, and make efficient use of the project schedule. Subject to being awarded funds from the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure program, the design and construction of the renovation project will be expanded to include the modernization of the Delaney Rink public entrance with the elimination of the dated concrete ramp entrance to the Delaney Rink and the addition of an elevator, and a second floor with multipurpose community meeting rooms in its place. At this time, City staff have been advised that all funding announcements will be suspended during the federal election. Therefore, for the purposes of this report, the design costs identified include all associated costs to complete the Delaney Rink Renovation Project with the expanded scope of work. The City of Pickering will require confirmation of Canada 150 Community Infrastructure program funding by December 1, 2015 in order to complete the expanded renovation project during the planned 2016 summer construction schedule. In the absence of confirmed funding, city staff will proceed to complete the Delaney Rink Renovation Project without the expanded scope of work in 2016 as originally planned. In other words, if the grant is not approved, the City will not spend the $67,060.00 for the additional design work. The City's affiliated ice user groups have been notified of the Delaney Rink Renovation project and planned shutdown period and have been pleased to work with the City to rearrange their program schedules. The affiliated ice user groups will also be consulted during the design phase of this arena renovation project to ensure that their input is received and considered. Report CR 22-15 October 26, 2015 Subject: Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services for Delaney Arena Improvements Page 5 No. RFP Q-5-2015 was prepared as a request for pre-qualification of Architectural & Engineering Design Services — Renovations to Delaney Rink and advertised on the City's website and closed on Tuesday, April 21, 2015. Five consultants were pre- qualified and subsequently invited to submit a proposal to RFP-12-2015 Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services — Delaney Improvements, Pickering Recreation Complex which closed on Tuesday, September 15, 2015. All five pre-qualified Consultants submitted a proposal. The highest scoring interviewee, Barry Bryan Associates, has submitted a copy of the Health & Safety Policy, the current WSIB Workplace Injury Summary Report and Clearance Certificate. Certificate of Insurance is deemed acceptable to Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit. In conjunction with the foregoing approvals, staff have reviewed the previous work experience of Barry Bryan Associates, the references provided and the proposal is deemed acceptable. Upon careful examination of all proposals and relevant documents received, the Culture & Recreation Department recommends the acceptance of the proposal submitted by Barry Bryan Associates for Proposal No. RFP-12-2015 in the amount of$237,752.00 (HST included) and that the total net project cost of$256,842.00 be approved. Attachments: 1. Supply & Services Memorandum dated October 6, 2015. 2. Report CR 09-15 Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program. 3. Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program Grant Application. Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Pi" i Vince Plouffe Marisa Carpino Supervisor, Facilities Operations Director, Culture & Recreation Brian J. Duffiel•A Stan Karwowski Manager, Facilities Operations Division Head, Finance & Treasurer Report CR 22-15 October 26, 2015 Subject: Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services for Delaney Arena Improvements Page 6 Vera A. Fe ge acher C.P.P., CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M., CMM III Manager, Supply & Services BD:mc Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 60246fejel 15, 2oZ5 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT# I It REPORT#cRo?c —(5 + iiq ex J of • CULTURE&R Cti ATION DIVISIM e m O RECEIVED U1/40 7015 FIL F ND. ABEY TO To: Marisa Carpino ❑FWD o COPY CIRCULAT DctSber 6, 2015 Director, Culture & Recreation MAYOR _- COUNC L CAO 1-;CLERK _CUL&REC CORP SERVICES MPE HUMAN RESOURCES From: Vera A. Felgemacher .- MPE OPS CENTRE LEGAL Manager, Supply & Services FAC OPERATIONS OFFICE SUSTAIN C&R SUPERVISORS PLAN&DEV Copy: Manager, Facilities Operations Supervisor, Facilities Operations Subject: Request for Proposal No. RFP-12-2015 Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services - Delaney Arena Improvements File: F-5300-001 Further to the memo dated September 30, 2015, two proponents proceeded to Stage V— Interview. Barry Bryan Associates and AECOM Canada were invited to attend interviews on Monday October 5, 2015. Two staff members from Culture & Recreation and one staff member from Supply & Services participated in the interview process. In accordance with Terms of Reference Section 3.7 Stage V— Evaluation of Interview, Item (a) — the proponent with the highest ranking Stage V score, exclusive of Stage II and Stage III scoring, may be selected for contract negotiations in accordance with Part 4—Terms of Reference of the RFP process. The highest ranking proponent determined solely by the interview scoring is Barry Bryan Associates. Please advise if contract negotiations are required. A budget amount of$200,000.00 was provided to Supply & Services for this procurement. The proposal submitted by Barry Bryan Associates is in the amount of$210,400.00 plus HST. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 06.12, where the compliant quotation or tender meeting specifications and offering best value to the City is acceptable and the total purchase price is over $125,000, the Manager may approve the award, subject to the approval of the Director, Treasurer, CAO and Council. Do not disclose any information to enquiries during this time. Proponents will be advised of the outcome in due course. If yo require further information, feel free to contact me, or a member of Supply & Services. VAF/sb Attachments • • ATTACHMENT# 1 TO REPORT#GL 22"IS a - 2oF I 1 � Memo • To: Marisa Carpino September 30;2015 Director, Culture & Recreation • From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Copy: Manager, Facilities Operations Supervisor, Facilities Operations Subject: Request for Proposal No. RFP-12-2015 Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services - Delaney Arena Improvements File: F-5300-001, ' • Further to the evaluations memo dated September 21, 2015. ' • Stage II consisted of the Evaluation Committees combined average score for all the proposals being determined and calculated for each submission. Stage III consisted of a scoring of the price submitted by Supply & Services which was added to the Evaluation Committee consensus scores. At the conclusion of Stage III, all scores from Stage II and Stage III were combined and up to the three (3) highest ranking proponents may be selected for an interview in Stage V. This was completed on Tuesday, September 29, 2015, of which the results are attached for your review and consideration. Stage V will consist of a scoring of the interview which will determine which Proponent will be recommended for award:At the conclusion of Stage V, the highest ranking proponent determined solely by the interview may be selected for Contract negotiations in accordance with Part 4 — Terms and Conditions of the RFP process. Please review the combined evaluation results in Stage IV and confirm in memo form, which of the Proponents are to be invited to be interviewed for Stage V. Respondents will be advised of the outcome in due course and all enquiries can be directed to Supply & Services. If you require further information, please feel free to contact me, or a member of Supply & Services. • VAF/rr td Attachment • • ATTACHMENT# TO REPO Z t# CR Z —/ S Architectural & Engineering Con°sulti g Services Delaney Arena Improvements RFP-12-2015 • Stage II - Evaluation of Rated Criteria Stage II will consist of a scoring on the basis of the Rated Criteria. Subject to the Terms of Reference and Governing Law, the top-ranked proponent as established under the evaluation will be selected to enter into a contract for the provision of the Deliverables. The selected proponent will be expected to enter into a contract within the timeframe specified in the selection notice. Failure to do so may, among other things; result in the disqualification of the proponent and the selection of another proponent, or the cancellation of the RFP. The following is an overview of the categories and weighting for the rated criteria of the RFP. -- Appendix F — RFP Particulars C. Rated Criteria The following is an overview of the categories and weighting for the rated criteria of the RFP. Rated Criteria Category Weighting (Points) Stage II Understanding of Project 15 Work Plan and Deliverables • 30 Quality of Proposal 5 Stage Ill Pricing Table#1 Project Cost 40. Pricing Table#2 Professional Services 5 Hourly Rates Pricing Table#3 Sub Consultant Hourly 5 Rates Total Points 100 Stage V Interview 20 Understanding of Project= 15 Points The Proposal shall include information that provides: a. Information that the Proponent understands the objectives and requirements of this project; Proponents must relate these objectives to past experience or expertise of the Proponent and/or their team; b. Identification of"value-added" services brought by the Proponent's team; and . c. A summary of the risks, problems or issues associated with the Work and how they will be mitigated. Work Plan and Deliverables = 30 Points The Proponent is to articulate, clearly and concisely, the following: I ATTACHMENT# f TO REPORT#J Z2- 4o F7 ' a. An indication of how soon the Proponent can commence the work; b. A detailed work plan indicating the method, tasks, deliverables; c. A schedule that identifies Work phases (by Gantt Chart or other similar illustration) including key dates for major deliverables (design development, working drawings, tender documents, tendering, construction administration and post construction) in the Proponent's detailed work plan; d. Proposed staffing roles and the amount of time, shown in hours, they will be dedicated to this project; e. Detail how the proponent will manage their fee and deliverables to ensure that there are no, or minimal, claims for extra fees. f. Identification of the experience/past projects of the cost consultant and their success rate; and g. State the assumptions regarding the roles and involvement of the City staff. h. Summary of quality assurance manual and procedures. i. Explicitly identify any Deliverables and/or Services which are a part of the RFP but are being excluded by the Company during the term of the contract. Quality of Proposal —Total Points = 5 Presentation of proposal, examples, details, content organization and how well instructions are followed. Pricing Provide a lump sum price (excluding HST) for Architectural & Engineering Design Services for the Delaney Arena Renovation and as further described in Appendix F - RFP Particulars, Section A Deliverables Pricing -Total Points = 50 Points Pricing will be scored based on a relative pricing formula using the Total Project Cost set out in the Rate Bid Form Pricing Table #1 and the average of all hourly rates provided in Pricing Table #2 and Pricing Table#3. Proponents must complete the Rate Bid Form -Appendix D. Each proponent will receive a percentage of the total possible points allocated for each Pricing Section for the particular category it has bid on by dividing that proponent's price for that category into the lowest bid price in that category. For example, for pricing if a proponent bids $120.00 for a particular category and that is the lowest bid price in that category, that proponent receives 100% of the possible points for that category (120/120 = 100%). A proponent who bids $150.00 receives 80% of the possible points for that category (120/150 = 80%), and a proponent who bids $240.00 receives 50% of the possible points for that category (120/240 = 50%). Lowest lump sum price x Total available points= Score with second-lowest lump sum price Second-lowest lump sum price Lowest lump sum price . x Total available points = Score with third-lowest lump sum price Third-lowest lump sum price RFP-12-2015 Page 2 of 3 Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services Delaney Arena Improvements {ATTACHMENT#_ I TO REPORT#Cf _z2 "Is • 5 Or 7 And so on, for each Pricing Table for each proposal. • Interview Evaluation Criteria—Total Points = 20 Rated Criteria Category Weighting (Points) Responses to interview questions 10 . Overall project suitability 10 The City may choose to conduct interviews with up to three of the highest scoring proponents prior to making its final selection. The highest ranked proponent for the interview stage will be recommended for award. • • • RFP-12-2015 Page 3 of 3 Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services Delaney Arena Improvements • ( ATTACHMENT i__I u REPORTt#C 2-2-i S owl ,0 b 6 _ Memo gem 1131-Allef To: Marisa Carpino September 21, 2015 Director, Culture & Recreation From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Copy: Manager, Facilities Operations Supervisor, Facilities Operations Supervisor, Supply & Services Subject: Request for Proposal No. RFP-12-2015 Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services = Delaney Arena Improvements - File: F-5300-001 RFP Q-5-2015 Pre-Qualification of Delaney Rink Architects was advertised on the City's website on April 21, 2015. Proposals were received from eight (8) companies by the official closing date and time. Language was provided in the RFPQ document to enable the City to choose up to five(5) of the top- ranked submissions. The evaluation committee recommended acceptance of the first five ranked proponents being, in alphabetical order: AECOM Canada Architects Ltd. Barry Bryan Associates • Invizij Architects Inc. KNY Architects Inc. Salter Pilon Architecture Inc. The second phase is a Request for Proposal (RFP) process, with only the pre-qualified Proponents being invited to submit a response to the RFP. There are five (5) stages in,the evaluation process which are outlined in Part 3 — Evaluation of Proposals of the RFP document. Stage I determines which submissions satisfy all the mandatory requirements and provides the Companies the opportunity to rectify any deficiencies. Two (2) of the five proposals required rectification, and have now all satisfied the mandatory requirements. Five (5) proposals will proceed to Stage II, which consists of scoring each qualified proposal on the basis of the rated criteria outlined in Appendix F - Part C of the RFP document. Stage II consists of scoring by the City of each qualified proposal on the basis of the rated criteria. Refer to Appendix E - Part C, Page 37 for instructions on how each of the proposals are to be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee. Please coordinate an appropriate date and time to arrange a meeting for the Evaluation Committee. Each member should review the submissions individually according to the criteria, before the meeting time. Once completed, please return the original dated and signed evaluation forms to Sue Burgess. • ATTACHMENT# L TOWORT# 22 -1 S Stage III will consist of a su,ring of the pricing submitted."'f he evaluation of price will be undertaken after Stage I and II have been completed. Stage IV will consist of combining all scores from Stage II and Stage III. Up to three (3) of the highest-ranking Proponents may then be selected for an interview in Stage V. _. Stage V.will consist of a scoring of the interview which will determine which Proponent will be recommended for award. At the conclusion of Stage V, the highest-ranking Proponent determined solely by the interview may be selected for Contract negotiations in accordance with Part 4 —Terms and Conditions of the RFP process. The following list of attachments has been provided to assist the Evaluation Committee to complete their individual evaluations: 1. Stage II—Evaluation of Rated Criteria; 2. Evaluation Form; 3. Copy of the proposals received (hard copies will be sent via inter-office mail); and. 4. Copy of Request for Proposal Document. . Please direct enquiries to Supply& Services. Respondents will be advised of the outcome when the contract has been awarded. If you require further information, please contact me or a member of Supply&Services. c261, I' 1. .. . VAF/sb Attachments I . • • • Request for Proposal No. RFP-12-2015 Page 2 of 2 Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services - Delaney Arena Improvements ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# C1? Z2 — IS or tS Cui 00 . Report to Executive Committee PICKERING Report Number: CR 09-15 Date: June 8, 2015 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Culture & Recreation • Subject: Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program - Endorsement of Proposed Pickering Project - File: A-1440-001-15 • Recommendation:. 1. That Report CR 09-1,5 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program be approved; 2. That Council approve the participation of the Corporation Of the City of Pickering in . the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program: a) through the submission of an online application by the deadline of June 9, 2015; b) that the City's application for the grant consist of the Renovation of the • Delaney Rink at a.total estimated cost of$2,900,160 with a net estimated City cost of$1,934,407; • 3. That staff be given authority to prepare and submit the necessary documentation for the online application including a resolution of Council; 4. That staff be given the authority to apply for any future.grant applications; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect hereto. .Executive Summary: On May 15, 2015, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program. The program provides $150 million nationally over two years to support the rehabilitation, renovation and expansion of existing community infrastructure. The purpose of this report is to seek Council endorsement of the renovation of the Delaney Rink as the municipality's project in the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program at a total estimated cost of$2,900,160 and a net estimated City cost of $1,934,407. 175 ATTACHMENT#2 TO REPORT#CA 2-2-'1 CR 09-15 A a R r5 June 8, 2015 Subject: Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program Page 2 The renovation of the Delaney Rink is in the City's forecasted 2016 capital budget and includes the replacement of the refrigerated rink slab and piping, replacement of the dasher board system, relocation of the players bench, acoustic treatment, renovation of the public washroom and dressing room to achieve accessibility standards, completion of the seating replacement program, general upgrades to the referees rooms, and finally, the modernization of the Delaney Rink public entrance with the elimination of the dated concrete ramp entrance to the Delaney Rink and the addition of an elevator, and a second floor with multipurpose community meeting rooms in its place. Many of the features of the Delaney Rink are original to the building dating back to 1983 and exceed the expected 25 year life cycle. The project will provide staff with the opportunity to replace end of life systems, realize energy savings by using energy efficient systems, achieve accessibility standard compliance and enhance user experience by modernizing the existing facility infrastructure. Financial Implications: The Renovation of the Delaney Rink is estimated to cost approximately $2,900,160 of which $965,753 (33.3 percent of total project cost) will be requested of the Federal Government through the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program. The current financial plan is to have the City's share estimated to be $1,934,407, funded from external debt charges. It is anticipated that when the 2016 budget is submitted to Council, this project's financing strategy will be finalized. • Discussion: In 2017, Canada will mark the 150th anniversary of Confederation. This milestone is a historic opportunity for Canadians to connect with our past, celebrate our achievements and create a lasting legacy. On May 15, 2015, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced $150 million for the new Canada 150 Community.lnfrastructure Program, which will provide significant support for community and cultural infrastructure across the country to celebrate Canada's sesquicentennial. The program will provide support for the renovation, expansion and rehabilitation of existing infrastructure that provides community and cultural benefits for the public. The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) is delivering the program in Southern Ontario with an allocation of$44 million over two years. Eligible recipients may receive a non-repayable contribution of up to 50 percent of total eligible project costs to a maximum of$1,000,000, with recipients providing the remaining balance. However, priority may be given to projects that require a federal contribution of only 33.3 percent. Projects must be completed by the end of 2017 to best support the Canada 150 celebrations. CORP0227-07/01 revised 17R ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# G� aa�! s 3 OF 15 CR 09-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program Page 3 The Delaney Rink renovation project is identified in the 2016 Capital Pickering Recreation Complex Arena Forecast, is approximately$1,800,000, and includes: replacement of the refrigerated rink slap and piping, replacement of the dasher board system, relocation of the players bench, acoustic treatment, renovation of the public washroom and dressing room to achieve accessibility standards, completion of the seating replacement program and general upgrades to the referees rooms. Currently, staff are preparing the project scope and have consulted our ice sport users groups to adjust 2016 ice permits accordingly. In addition, City staff are working to. procure the architectural services for the Delaney Rink improvements which is included in the 2015 Pickering Recreation Complex Arena Capital Budget at$200,000. As a result of the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program announcement, City staff will be expanding this renovation project to include the modernization of the Delaney Rink public entrance that includes: a new elevator that will replace a dated and difficult to use concrete ramp entrance to the second floor of the Delaney Rink and the addition of multi-purpose accessible community meeting rooms. The modernization of Canada's Infrastructure is a key assessment tool in the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program and these arena upgrades address the much needed modernization of the arena which will also provide long term benefits to the community. At this time, City staff seeks Council endorsement of the renovation of the Delaney Rink as the municipality's project in the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program as it is a requirement of the application process. • A further report will be submitted to Council once the results of the application are known and the tender costs have been received as costs and debt financing for the City's share must be approved by Council. Recommendation 4 of this report seeks Council's authority to apply for any future grant programs. In many instances, grant programs such as these require a resolution of council to support the municipality's project or application. During summer recess or a t other times of the year, there may be situations when Members of Council may not be readily available to attend a special meeting of Council to endorse and approve such grant applications. For this reason, staff seek Council's authority to apply for any future grant programs. In these instances, staff will inform Council through a memorandum at the earliest opportunity. . Attachments: •1. Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program; Program Guidelines. CORP0227-07/01 revised • . 177 ATTACHMENT TO ART# az" r-(- or' CR 09-15 June 8, 2015 Subject: Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program Page 4 Prepared/Approved/Endorsed By: Marisa Carpino Director, Culture & Recreation :mc - Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council • 0°Alg‘idi itt. Z(, 206 . • Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised 178 • TTACHMENT# 1. TO REPORT# C(� o ( S 5oF (s rat is .. s i ,i. I I • Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program • PROGRAM GUIDELINES • • e® Agency four Southern 0 Irttapi10 a Awn mique etrdle le Sud ldopme ;o Canad`a 179 • ATTACHMENT# c;2- TO REPORT °2•=2 • c3' 15- 141 FAegdeenrcayl for Southern Development Agencc,ren!lidIrpaloeucrt coil:peg:at •• ifiditkoKtoNttNits,. Background 3 Eligibility 3 Funding 6 .Application Process S 6 Assessment Process 7 Other Requirements • 8 • . . • • • • • • • • . 2 • • 180 • • ATTACHMENT#. _TO REPORT# Cf 62°2 ^/S —7 oFrS • 14P Federal Economic Development Agence federate de developpement Agency for Southern Ontario economique pour le Sud de('Ontario • • Background - .Economic Action Plan 2015 announced$150 million nationally over two years for the new Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program (CIP 150).The CIP 150 is part of a coordinated • federal approach to celebrating Canada's 150th anniversary. Under the then"Giving back to Canada" —shaping the future,leaving a lasting legacy and • giving a gift to Canada—this program will support the rehabilitation,renovation and expansion of existing public infrastructure assets such as community centres,recreational facilities,,local • • arenas,cultural centres and other community infrastructure.This commitment is expected to • strengthen public infrastructure and provide economic benefits in communities across Canada. The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario(FedDev Ontario)is delivering the program in southern Ontario with an allocation of$44.4 million over two years. Eligibility . I. Eligible Recipients Eligible recipients under the program include: • a municipal or regional government established by or under provincial statute; • a band council or an Aboriginal government authority established by a Self-Government Agreement or a Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement; • • an incorporated not-for-profit organization; • a provincial entity that provides municipal-type infrastructure services to communities, as defined by provincial statute;and • • a public-sector body that is established by.or under provincial statute or by regulation or is wholly owned by a province,municipal or regional government which provides municipal-type infrastructure services to communities. . II. Eligible Projects Funding is for the rehabilitation, renovation and expansion of existing community infrastructure assets that are non-commercial in nature and located in southern Ontario.Please see the Application Process section for a list of eligible communities. Ineligible projects include construction of new infrastructure,temporary installations,or facility • expansions that would result in a significant increase of the asset(i.e.more than a 50 percent increase in square footage). . • 3 181 ■ ATTACHMENT# I c; REr'ORT# C 0°2—/S 6 o1= IS • ®aV. Federal Economic Development Agence federale de developpement Tff Agency for Southern Ontario economique pour le Sud de 1'Ontario • Eligible projects must: • fall under an eligible category and be proposed by an eligible recipient; • • be for the rehabilitation,renovation or expansion of existing community infrastructure assets; • be open for use to the public and not limited to a private membership; • leverage a minimum of 50 percent of funding from other sources. Priority may be given to projects that leverage 66.6 percent or more;and • be substantially completed by March 31,2018. For the purposes of the program,"substantially completed"has the same meaning and shall be determined in accordance with how the term"substantially performed"is defined in subsection 2(1)of the Construction Lien Act,R.S.O.1990,c.C.30,as amended,and"Substantial Completion"shall have a corresponding meaning. Projects must fall within the following project categories to be eligible for funding under the program: • community centres(including Legion Halls); • • cultural centres and museums; • parks,recreational trails,including fitness trails,bike paths and other types of trails; • libraries; _ • recreational facilities including local arenas,gymnasia,swimming pools,sports fields, tennis,basketball,volleyball or other sport-specific courts,golf courses,ski hills or other types of recreational facilities; • tourism facilities; • • docks; • cenotaphs;and • other existing community infrastructure assets for public benefit that have a local community impact,such as local roads,drinking water treatment and distribution systems,connectivity and broadband,local airports,solid waste management and wastewater infrastructure. • • Examples of eligible projects include: • expansions such as new entrances and ramps to improve accessibility to a facility; • replacing windows and doors in a community centre to improve energy efficiency; • upgrading heating,cooling or electrical.systems to meet safety standards; • adding a roof or lighting to an outdoor rink;and • extending a trail or bike path by no more than 50 percent of its existing length. • 4 182 - ATTACHMENT# 02 fU REPORI:# c c2—(S 1+1 Federal Economic Development Agency federate de developpement Agency for Southern Ontario economique pour le Sud de('Ontario 111. Eligible Project Costs • • Eligible costs are costs considered to be direct and necessary for the successful implementation of an eligible project and are paid by an eligible recipient under a contract for goods or services, excluding those explicitly identified in section IV below.Eligible project costs can only be reimbursed to the recipient if a contribution agreement is signed by both parties.Costs must first be incurred and paid by the recipient,and if deemed eligible,will then be reimbursed at the prescribed percentage of the federal contribution. • Eligible costs for support under the program are as follows: • costs that are incurred between April 1,2016,and March 31,2018; • • • costs to rehabilitate,renovate or expand fixed capital assets of community infrastructure; • • fees paid to professionals,technical personnel,consultants and contractors specifically • engaged for the purpose of the rehabilitation,renovation or expansion work; • costs of environmental assessments,monitoring and follow-up activities as required by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act(CEAA)2012 or equivalent legislation; • costs of any public announcement and official ceremony or of any required temporary or permanent signage that includes the cost of creation and posting of signage; • other Costs that are considered to be direct and necessary for the successful implementation of the project and that are approved in advance;and • .Employee salaries and other incremental costs(i.e.materials or equipment)of the recipient may be included in eligible costs under the following conditions: . o the recipient is a local,regional or Aboriginal government;and o the.recipient confirms and substantiates that it is not economically feasible to • tender a contract;and o costs are employed directly in respect of the work that would have been the subject of the contract;and o the costs are approved in advance and are included in the contribution agreement. • FedDev Ontario reserves the right to make the final determination on the value of contributions and to exclude expenditures deemed to be ineligible or outside the scope•of the project. IV. Ineligible Project Costs Costs related to the following items are not eligible costs under the program: • • project costs incurred before April 1,2016,or after March 31,2018; • temporary installations and moveable equipment,including but not limited to, motorized vehicles,furniture,computers and sports equipment; • services or work that is normally provided by the recipient or a related party; 5 • • • 183 ATTACHMENT# 02 TO REPORT#C 10 oris • ® Federal Economic Development• Agency federale de developpement Agency for Southern Ontario economique pour le Sud de'Ontario • • salaries and other employment benefits of any employees of the recipient except as • • . outlined above in Eligible Project Costs; _ • a recipient's overhead costs,its direct or indirect operating or administrative costs,and • more specifically its costs related to planning,engineering,architecture,supervision, management and other activities normally carried out by the recipient's staff; • in-kind contributions; • the cost of feasibility and planning studies; . • taxes,such as GST and HST,for which the recipient is eligible for a tax rebate and all other costs eligible for rebates; • the cost of land or any interest therein,and related costs; • cost of leasing of equipment by the recipient except for as indicated in eligible costs, above; • legal fees;and • routine maintenance costs. Funding . Eligible recipients may receive a non-repayable contribution of up to 50 percent of total eligible project costs of an infrastructure project,with recipients providing the remaining balance. However, priority may be given to those projects that require a federal contribution of only . 33.3 percent. Eligible recipients may receive contributions of up to a maximum of$1,000,000. However, priority may be given to smaller-scoped projects to ensure projects can be completed within the required timeframes and to ensure that the program benefits are shared broadly. The total funding from all federal sources (including the CIP 150 and other sources such as the Gas Tax Fund)will not exceed 50 percent of total eligible project costs. All projects are required to begin and have substantially completed construction prior to March 31, 2018.Should this condition of funding not be met, FedDev Ontario shall have the right to cancel funding in whole or in part,and to be repaid any funding advanced,in whole or in part, for any project that is not completed by the end of the program. Application Process Applications and supporting documentation must be submitted to FedDev Ontario no later than 5:00 p.m.EDT on June 9,2015. An application form and supporting documentation must be submitted for each project. Incomplete and late applications will be deemed ineligible. • 6 • • 184 • ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT#C� o?ot— ( 5 11 oars 1+1 Federal Economic Development Agence federate de developpement Agency for Southern Ontario economique pour le Sud de('Ontario Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply online at www.FedDevOntario.gc.ca/CIP150. If you are unable to access or submit your application online,please call the toll-free line at 1-866-593-5505. In order to apply to the program through FedDev Ontario,the project location must be located in southern Ontario within one of the following 37 Statistics Canada census divisions: Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry;Prescott and Russell;Ottawa;Leeds and Grenville;Lanark; . Frontenac;Lennox and Addington;Hastings;Prince Edward;Northumberland;Peterborough; Kawartha Lakes;Durham;York;Toronto;Peel;Dufferin;Wellington;Halton;Hamilton;Niagara; • Haldimand-Norfolk; Brant;Waterloo;Perth;Oxford;Elgin;Chatham-Kent;Essex; Lambton; • Middlesex;Huron;Bruce;Grey;Simcoe;Haliburton;and, Renfrew. A list of the communities that form each census division is available online. Assessment Process FedDev Ontario will review all applications following the application deadline.Applicants will be notified of the results of their application in writing. Projects will be assessed on the eligibility requirements described above,as well as the following priority areas and selection criteria: Project Readiness:Applicants are required to provide information necessary to determine if the project is construction-ready and will be substantially completed by March 31,2018.Priority may be given to projects that can be completed by June 30,2017. Project Scope: In order to ensure that projects can be completed within the program timeframes and that the program benefits are shared broadly,priority may be given to smaller- scoped projects. Extent to which Other Funding is Leveraged:The ability for a given project to leverage • 66.6 percent of project funding from other sources may be considered when making project decisions. , Link to Canada's 150th Anniversary:Applicants are asked to outline-how their infrastructure improvement project is linked to Canada's 150th anniversary.For example,does the project . contribute to modernizing Canada's infrastructure,do the upgrades provide long-term benefits to a community,does it have historical significance related to Confederation,or will its improvement contribute to celebrating Canada's 150t'anniversary. Incrementality:Applicants are required to attest,in conjunction with their project application, that the work to be undertaken is an incremental construction activity that would not • 7 • • • 185 ATTACHMENT# 02 TO REPORT# C2 c2 15 (.2 oFIS ® ® Federal Economic Development Agence federate de developpement Agency for Southern Ontario economique pour le Sud de('Ontario otherwise have been constructed or constructed as quickly,were it not for funding from the CIP 150. • Other Requirements • Endorsement Proposed projects must be duly authorized or endorsed by a resolution of Council,Band or • Board of Directors,as applicable.The resolution is enco.uraged at the time of the application and must be received before a contribution agreement can be executed. In addition,not-for-profit organizations must provide the following documentation electronically with their application: • • Certified copy of their articles of incorporation;and • List of current Board of Directors and contact information. Ownership of Asset -If an applicant does not own the asset for which C1P 150 funding is requested,the applicant • must complete an Applicant Declaration and Landlord Authorization form at the time of • application. If at any time within six(6)years from the date of completion of the project,the recipient sells, • leases,encumbers or otherwise disposes of,directly or indirectly,any asset funded,in whole or in part,with the financial assistance contributed under the terms of the program,the recipient must repay the federal government,on demand,a proportionate amount of the financial • assistance,as follows: • • • Repayment of Contribution Amounts • Where Project asset is sold,leased, Repayment of contribution! encumbered or disposed of: (in current dollars) Within 2 Years after Project completion 100% 'Between 2 and 6 Years after Project completion 55% • 16 Years after Project completion 0% Environmental Assessment • • Projects that are defined as"designated projects"under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act,2012 and those located on"federal lands" may require an environmental assessment or review."Designated projects"include major projects such as electrical generating stations and transmission lines,oil and gas mining and processing facilities,metal and mineral mines,major railway lines,and all season highways.Applicants should • • • 8 • • 186 . ATTACHMENT# 02 TO REPORT#CR c? I S • 13 OF 15 • 1+1 Federal Economic Development Agence federale de developpement Agency for Southern Ontario economique pour le Sud de('Ontario communicate with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency for more information on • "designated projects".For projects carried out on"federal lands"(which are not"designated projects"), FedDev Ontario will have to determine if the project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.Eligible project costs cannot be reimbursed until this review has been completed. 0 Reporting • All approved recipients will be required to submit progress reports until project completion. The progress report should detail progress on the implementation of the project,and amounts received through the agreement,amounts expended on approved projects,and an overall update on the project status.Details of this reporting will be provided to recipients in their contribution agreements. Contact Us For more information on the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure.Prograrn,please email or call 1-866-593-5505. • • • • • • • • • • 9 • 187 ATTACHMENT# -2 TO REPORT# CR. a�--( 5 14 IS Legislative Services Division Clerk's Office Directive Memorandum June 17, 2015 To: Marisa Carpino Director, Culture & Recreation From: Debbie Shields City Clerk Subject: Direction as per Minutes of the Meeting of City Council held on June 15, 2015 Director, Culture & Recreation, Report CR 09-15 Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program -Endorsement of Proposed Pickering Project Council Decision Resolution #56/15 1. That Report CR 09-15 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program be approved; 2. That Council approve the participation of the Corporation of the City of Pickering in the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program: a) through the submission of an online application by the deadline of June 9, 2015; b) that the City's application for the grant consist of the Renovation of the Delaney Rink at a total estimated cost of$2,900,160 with a net estimated City cost of$1,934,407; 3. That staff be given authority to prepare and submit the necessary documentation for the online application including a resolution of Council; 4. That staff be given the authority to apply for any future grant applications; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect hereto. ATTACHNENI# 0 10 REPORT# C .,20?— / S Is" or is Subject: Report CR 09-15 June 17, 2015. Page 2 Please take any action deemed necessary. Debbie Shields /lr Copy: Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT#CK as 1 S I aFaL. • Federal Economic Development Agence federale de developpement Agency for Southern Ontario economique pour le Sud de('Ontario • CANADA 150 COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM • Please refer to the Application Guide on the website as it contains additional information that will assist you as you prepare your application. • Please submit your application form and supporting documents online by selecting the"Add Attachments"and"Submit"buttons directly on the form. • An applicant may submit multiple applications.A separate application must be submitted for each project,indicating the priority of each application in relation to the others. • If you have any questions,please call 1-866-593-5505. Questions with an asterisk*are mandato . APPLICANT INFORMATION 1. Legal name of applicant:* 3. Last name of authorized person who will be the main contact for the The Corporation of the City of Pickering project: * Is operating name same as legal name? * Carpino Salutation: * First name: * ()Yes *No Operating name("if different): Ms. Marisa City of Pickering Organization(if different from applicant): • Headquarters Address:Street,Unit Number,etc.* One The Esplanade Title: Director, Culture & Recreation Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Business Telephone Number: * Extension Country: Province: (905) 420-4660 2025 Canada Ontario Mobile Telephone Number: * City: * Postal Code: * Pickering L1V 6K7 (905) 7b Fax Numbee-4149 r: 2.Is the mailing address the same as the headquarters address? (905) 420-2596 *Yes 0 N E-mail: * mcarpino @pickering.ca Website: pickering.ca ORGANIZATION 4. Applicant Type:(see Application Guide for additional information requirements) *a municipal or regional government established by or under provincial statute; Q a band council or an Aboriginal government authority established by a Self-Government Agreement or a Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement; (Dan incorporated not-for-profit organization; Q a provincial entity that provides municipal-type infrastructure services to communities,as defined by provincial statute;and Qa public-sector body that is established by or under provincial statute or by regulation or is wholly owned by a province,municipal or regional government which provides municipal-type infrastructure services to communities. 5. Band Number/Incorporation Number 6. Multiple Applications:If you are submitting more than one application,please Priority Number of 1 indicate the*doll of this •ro'ect in relation to the others.* . PROJECT INFORMATION 7. Project Title(use drop down list): * • Renovation of the Delaney Rink. 8. Is the project address the same as the headquarters address?* ()Yes *No Project Address:Street,Unit Number,etc. * 1867 Valley Farm Road Country: Province: City: * Postal Code: * Canada Ontario Pickering L1C 3Y7 FD00068E(2015/04),Page 1 of 7 Canada 1+1 ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# CR c,12 —16 a0F ay 9. Project Category: * Q Community centres(including Legion Halls); Q Cultural centres and museums; Q Parks,recreational trails such as fitness trails,bike paths and other types of trails; Q Libraries; ()Recreational facilities including local arenas,gymnasia,swimming pools,sports fields,tennis,basketball, volleyball or other sport-specific courts,golf courses,ski hills or other types of recreational facilities; Q Tourism facilities; 0 Docks; Q Cenotaphs;and, • QOther existing community infrastructure for public benefit such as,but not limited to,local roads,connectivity and broadband,drinking water treatment and distribution systems,local airports,solid waste management and wastewater infrastructure.Please describe below: 10. Do you own the asset in which the infrastructure investment is being made?If the asset is not owned by ()Yes QNo the applicant,you must provide an Applicant Declaration and Landlord Authorization form for the project. (see Application Guide)* 11. Does the project result in an increased footprint to an existing infrastructure asset?If yes, ()Yes ()No identify the percentage(%)increase to the infrastructure.(must not exceed 50 percent)* 12. Project Description:Provide a description of the works to be c6mpleted.(see Application Guide for a sample) (500 characters or approximately 100 words)* Renovation of the Delaney Rink at the Pickering Recreation Complex. The work will include: • upgrading public washrooms, public & referees change rooms to meet Ontario Disability Act Standards; • removing lobby pedestrian ramp & installing new public staircase, elevator & 2nd floor with new community rooms to improve accessibility; • replacing arena seating for improved public viewing; • replacing refrigerated rink slab/dasher boards; • enhancing acoustic treatment & relocating players bench. 13. Provide a rationale describing the specific problems or objectives this project will address._(500 characters or approximately 100 words) * The 1200 seat rink was built in 1983 & doesn't meet Ontario Disability Act Standards. This project will eliminate barriers & provide full access for visitors of all ages and abilities to all areas of the arena including public washrooms, change rooms, arena viewing & new community rooms on 2nd floor. The renovation project will expand arena programs, enhance visitor experience, provide new accessible community meeting space & modernize aging/original infrastructure that exceeds lifecycle. 14. Briefly describe the economic benefits to the community that will result from the project.(500 characters or approximately 100 words) * Economic benefits that will result from the project may include, but are not limited to, the following: • increased attendance & improved user experience at Delaney Rink • increased access for persons with disabilities, seniors & parents with children • increased services for all public users, 6 sports organizations & other groups • Improved regional tourism draw by hosting tournaments/events etc. • Increased rink safety by relocating bench & replacing boards • Extension of rink's useful life • 15. Describe how the project is linked to Canada's 150th anniversary of Confederation.(500 characters or approximately 100 words)* The Delaney Rink is home to 6 sport organizations & welcomes over 90,000 visitors annually from pre-school to seniors. ' Rink activities include ice hockey games/practices, public skating, learn to skate, ringette, lacrosse, ball hockey, broomball & galas. This aging infrastructure requires modernization to improve accessibility, increase programs & enhance user experience. The newly renovated rink will provide long term benefits to this community & will host Canada 150 anniversary events. 16. Is the asset open for use by the public?If yes,please describe the extent to which it is open to the public ()Yes QNo and identify any restrictions,existing or planned,to its use.(250 characters or approximately 50 words) * The Delaney Rink is available to the general public free of cost or for a fee. The municipality seasonally hosts free public skate & general events. Registration in a city programs (learn to skate, camps)or rink permits (sport groups)are at a fee. • 17. Describe the extent to which regional community-based partnerships will be formed as a result of this project.(500 characters or approximately 100 words) * City staff have partnered and consulted with our sport user groups over the past five months to prepare for the Delaney Rink renovation. Delaney rink is home to six ice FD00068E(2015/04),Page 2 of 7 • ATTACHMENT# .3 TO REPORT#ci2 as -(s 3ora4 sport organizations including Pickering Hockey Association, Durham West Girls Hockey Association, Ajax Pickering Ringette, Skate Canada Pickering Skating Club, Pickering Old- timers Hockey j,eague & Pickering Panthers Junior A. Others include West Durham Lacrosse Assoc., GTA Ball Hockey Assoc., Ladies Broomball,Oshawa Generals. 18. Project Start Date(YYYY-MM-DD)* Project End Date(YYYY-MM-DD)(Cannot be after March 31,2018): * 2016-04-04 2017-03-31 19. State of Readiness ' Expected Date/Explanation(mandatory if yes or no) a)Are plans and specifications of the project. ()Yes QNo QN/A The City has pre-qualified prepared? * architects to bid on the design of the renovation project. The RFP for the design of the rink renovation will be released to pre- - qualified architects by September 2015. b)Is the project ready for tender? * OYes *No QN/A Design of the Delaney Rink renovation will be completed by December 31, 2015 and will be funded 100% by the City of Pickering through the City's approved 2015 budget at an estimated cost of $200,000. c)All necessary environmental approvals have ()Yes QNo QN/A been secured. * d)All necessary municipal,provincial and federal OYes ®No ON/A City staff will apply for a permits and approvals have been secured. * municipal building permit prior to construction commencement in April 2016. e)Has construction already started? If yes, ()Yes QNo ON/A Tender for the construction of the provide details on the status of construction renovation project will be released and clearly explain why government funding is required. * by the City in early 2016 and will be ready for construction • commencement on Aril 4 2016. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS AND ABORIGINAL ENGAGEMENT 20. Environmental Considerations (If yes,please provide an explanation) Explanation (mandatory if yes) a)Is the project located on federal lands?* ()Yes O No b)Is the project deemed to be a'designated °Yes ONo project'under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act,2012?* 21. Aboriginal Engagement (If yes,please provide an explanation) Explanation (mandatory if yes) a)Are Aboriginal groups or communities in the °Yes QNo project area? * b)If yes to(a),could the project have an impact ()Yes ®No on those Aboriginal groups? c)Have Aboriginal groups been consulted about` OYes t'JNo the project? * PROJECT COSTS AND PROPOSED FUNDING 22. Have you previously received funding for this asset from another federal government program(s)?If yes, °Yes Q No • from which program(s)?Describe how the funding was used.(250 characters or approximately 50 words)* 23. Does your organization owe money to the Government of Canada?If yes,please indicate to which °Yes Q No department or agency and list amount(s).* FD00068E(2015/04),Page 3 of 7 ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# - !S o F Z(-f- $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL $ 24.Project cost(s)to be incurred(HST rebate excluded)and Proposed Funding(see Application Guide for list of eligible and ineligible costs) Type of Activity Total Eligible Project Costs Planning/Design/Engineering* $ 0.00 Repair/Construction* $ 2,500,000.00 Project Management* $ 80,000.00 Other(specify) Testing & Inspection. $ 40,000.00 Other(specify) $ Other(specify) $ Other(specify) $ Other(specify) $ Other(specify) $ Other(specify) $ Other(specify) $ Other(specify) $ Other(specify) $ Other(specify) $ Other(specify) $ , Other(specify) $ Other(specify) $ Other(specify) $ Other(specify) $ Other(specify) $ FD00068E(2015/04),Page 4 of 7 • ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT#CR a1-I 5 OF acf. Contingency(up to 10%of the project subtotal)* $ 230,000.00 TOTAL $ 2,850,000.00 Source of Funding Funding FedDev Ontario funding requested* $ 965,753.00 Applicant funding* $ 1,884,247.00 Other government $ funding(specify) Other government $ funding(specify) Other government funding(specify) Other government funding(specify) Other government funding(specify) Other government funding(specify) Other government funding(specify) Other government funding(specify) Other government funding(specify) Other government funding(specify) Other government funding(specify) Other government funding(specify) Other government funding(specify) Other government funding(specify) Other government funding(specify) Other government funding(specify) Other government funding(specify) Other funding(specify) $ Other funding(specify) $ Other funding(specify) $ Other funding(specify) $ Other funding(specify) $ Other funding(specify) $ Other funding(specify) $ Other funding(specify) $ Other funding(specify) $ Other funding(specify) $ Other funding(specify) $ Other funding(specify) $ Other funding(specify) $ • FD00068E(2015/04),Page 5 of 7 • ATTACHMENT#3 TO REPORT# as -IS G of a4 • Other funding(specify) $ Other funding(specify) $ Other funding(specify) $ . Other funding(specify) $ TOTAL $ 2,850,000.00 25. Projected cash flow of FedDev 2016-17*$ 965,7 5 3.0 0 2017-18*$ 0.00 Ontario Funding 26. Official language preferred for correspondence:* f English O French CERTIFICATION TO THE MINISTER FOR FEDDEV ONTARIO: On behalf of the Applicant,I hereby acknowledge and certify that: (a) I have read and understand this Application and Program Guidelines,and will submit all the required information with this application. I understand that incomplete applications cannot be assessed and will be deemed ineligible. (b) I have authority to submit this application on behalf of the applicant. (c) The information provided herein is complete,true and accurate and I covenant that any other information given in the future in connection with the carrying out of the project will also be complete,true and accurate. (d) Financial assistance from FedDev Ontario is a significant factor in the decision to proceed with this project,and I represent that this project would not otherwise be completed by March 31,2018,without the federal funding requested. (e) Project costs incurred by the Applicant in the absence of a signed funding agreement with FedDev Ontario are incurred at the sole risk of the Applicant and,even if the project is approved for funding any such costs may not be considered eligible for FedDev Ontario assistance. (f) I authorize FedDev Ontario,its officials,employees,agents and contractors to make enquiries of such persons,firms,corporations,federal, provincial and municipal government departments/agencies,Band Councils or Aboriginal government authorities established by a Self-Government Agreement or a Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement and not-for-profit,economic development or other organizations as may be appropriate, and to collect and share information with them,as FedDev Ontario deems necessary in order to assess this application,to administer and monitor the implementation of the project,and to evaluate the results of the project and this program. (g) Information provided to FedDev Ontario will be treated in accordance with the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.These laws govern the use,protection and disclosure of personal,financial and technical information by federal government departments and agencies.Information provided to FedDev Ontario is secured from unauthorized access. (h) The Applicant has not engaged any person to solicit financial assistance for a commission,contingency fee or other form of consideration dependent upon the approval of this application for financial assistance. (i) Any person who has been lobbying on behalf of the Applicant to obtain a contribution as a result of this application is registered pursuant to the Lobbying Act and was registered pursuant to that Act at the time the lobbying occurred.Where the lobbying duties of the employees of the Applicant constitute a significant part of the employee's duties,the Applicant is in compliance with the Lobbying Act. (j) Any former public office holder or public servant employed by the Applicant is in compliance with the provisions of the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector,the Policy on Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment and the Conflict of Interest Act. (k) The Applicant agrees to comply with the Official Languages Act as may be required,and specifically where a project involves services to or activities with the public. (I) As part of its project assessment process,FedDev Ontario requires that all projects conform with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. (m) Funding of the project may be subject to prior consultation with Aboriginal communities by FedDev Ontario. (n) The Applicant is not in default under any funding agreement with the federal government. I have read and understand the Certification.I voluntarily consent to the collection,use and disclosure of information as described.(You should keep a copy for your records). Name: * Marisa Carpino - Title: * Director, Culture & Recreation FD00068E(2015/04),Page 6 of 7 ATTACHMENT#_3 TO REPORT# CR as - S 0. • Date(YYYY-MM-DD): * 2015-06-08 REMINDER: INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.PLEASE REFER TO THE APPLICATION GUIDE ON THE WEBSITE TO ENSURE YOU HAVE SUBMITTED ALL OF THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS. PROJECT APPLICATIONS AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION MUST BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M.EDT ON June 9,2015. • • • • • • • FD00068E(2015/04),Page 7 of 7 ATTACHMENT#3 TO REPORT# $ or--acs May 26, 2015 • The Pickering Hockey Association is very excited about the possibility of further expansion of the Del ney Rink at the Pickering Recreation Complex. The Canada 150 pommunity Infrastructure Program is a perfect opportunity to improve our Community. There is a need within the Pickering Community for these Federal • programs to improve our Recreation Facilities without placing the full cost of the projects on.the commitinity to which they serve. The Youth of our City will beliefit for,years as will both local volunteer sport groups and City of Pickering programs. Improvement to our Facilities will allow us to continue to provi e opportunity for physical activities, youth and community groups, future adult leaders and community members. The City of Pickering has alvvays been an excellent supporter of the Pickering Hockey Association as we work together to provide youth programs. It is our hope that the Canada 150 Community Program will provide the funding required o continue our growth. On Behalf of the Members of the Pickering Hockey Association Don Linthwaite Pickering Hockey Assoc. S President • cc- PHA Files ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# CR ad -1 S OFa4 • Pickering Skarng Club • Tel: (905) 420 4117 PO Box 215 Fax: (905) 420 4119 Pickering, ON L1V 2R4 • SKATECANADA Marisa Carpino - Director,Culture&Recreation City of Pickering June 1,2015 Re:Letter of Support: Dear Ms. Carpino, • The Pickering Skating Club is a not or profit organization that teaches youngsters the skills of skating. These skills are used to a.vance to other recreational sports including Ringette, Hockey,Speed Skating,and Figure kating. Each year we register over 300 youth skaters from the Pickering area to learn to skate in our-programs. The Delaney Arena at the Pickering Recreation Centre has been our home ice for over 40 years. We recognize that the arena is past due in need of renovations and modernization. This facility especially needs better accessibility to meet with current standards. We support the.City of Pickering in its renovation project for the Delaney Arena;including: 1. Replacement to the refrigerated rink slab and piping, 2. Replacement of the dasher board system.; 3. Relocating the players bend 4. Acoustic improvements 5. Renovation of the washroo s 6. Renovation of the dressing rpoms 7. Completing the seating replacement . 8_ Upgrading the referees roori. 9. Modernizing the entrance 10.Installation of an elevator to the second level 11. Installation of multi purpose meeting rooms 12. Removal of the outdated concrete ramp -We hope that the capital budget is approved to allow for the completion of this project. Sincerely, . '. � . Benjamin Hamburger President,Pickering Skating Club . info @skatecanada-pickering.com • www.skatecanada-pickering.com • ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# CR as -JS t b ura 1-4- • • .4 WES �L%GHTNING►�� 4 x a°Ar snag GALS HOdS4 DURHAM WEST GIRLS HOCKEY ASSOCIATION • May 25,2015 To Whom It May Concern: Durham West Girls'Hockey Association(DWGHA)is excited to support the City of Pickering's initiative in applying for the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program. The City of Pickering understands the importance the Recreation Complex holds in supporting local ice groups in our community. The Pickering Recreation Complex is the primary facility for DWGHA in Pickering. We offer recreational, competitive,and adult programs as part of our association. Because of this,we have many teams that come to this location regularly for events,not only within our local community,but from around the province. • The Pickering Recreation complex is a great facility. Unfortunately,it is starting to show its age. The City has already committed a significant capital expenditure to improving this wonderful complex but there is so much more that needs to be done. The Pickering Recreation Complex would benefit greatly from being a recipient of a grant from the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program. The DWGHA is fortunate to be a part of the essential fabric that comprises the Pickering community. The city provides wonderful opportunities for its citizens and is very supportive of their local recreational groups. There are many people who would benefit from Pickering being awarded funding as part of the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program. If I can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact me. • Sincerely, Evan Jones President President @DWGHA.com www.dwgha.com II ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# - (S (( tEat- Excerpt from the Executive Committee Meeting minutes of June 8, 2015 6. Director, Culture & Recreation, Report CR 09-15 Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program -Endorsement of Proposed Pickering Project Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report CR 09-15 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program be approved; 2. That Council approve the participation of the Corporation of the City of Pickering in the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program: a) through the submission of an online application by the deadline of June 9, 2015; b) that the City's application for the grant consist of the Renovation of the Delaney Rink at a total estimated cost of $2,900,160 with a net estimated City cost of$1,934,407; 3. That staff be given authority to prepare and submit the necessary documentation for the online application including a resolution of Council; 4. That staff be given the authority to apply for any future grant applications; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect hereto. Carried ATTACHMENT#3 TO REPORT#C/ c-U -(S taxi=a4- Cifir e4 _- : L��!'illf - '. , Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program ., - . ^ PT PI CIIK__ITE City of Pickering application for the Renovation of the Delaney Rink ,, Page 2 Bleachers R ry stt Page 3 Dasher Boards Page 4 Existing Players Benches r 'I Page 5 Header Trench „ i Page 6 Lobby Flooring and Ramp s. Page 7 Lower Delaney Washrooms Page 8 Referee Room _ ;_, Page 9 Delaney Rink Slab Page 10 Sound System RI4 Page II Typical Changeroom a ' "-''.1 ' ' ( Page 12 Upper Delaney Washrooms page 1of12 ATTACHMENT#_3 9 O REPORT#Q as -1S. r3o ay- Cif,/ v -21,. 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' k #9 ray a. � .ii ya ■ iisi ..., .... . -- ,, ,• _, i......., •,..9& •••••... ,,,,,— • 4' AP' , # R.a ' s ■ page4 of12 ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# o?.)-fS 16 oral Gig' e -, -IR'r Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program PI City of Pickering application for the Renovation of the Delaney Rink Item: Header Trench i ,r "' - may, f �t fit (i + + .$.; t 1Y N. , 4, .. .., yreysez s i . "�., _ , 0,',* *-110W, �` i ' ,A 17 , =�, -1 - i 1, ',/.4 l .Y�j J i #� . d -,..- ■ s , '.r ... F. ,r .. , -vim - Rv' -___ -.mi, ;. page 5 of 12 ATTACHMENT#3 TO REPORT#CR - Is t7bFa - CLfi` Oq g Ec-' ^;' Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program PI 11W- TIr City of Pickering application for the Renovation of the Delaney Rink Item: Lobby Flooring and Ramp 4ip t; s ". A ° ,; ig,rik- t :Lr. 4 1 a 0, F 11111106 i vi ..... r- ' +! a I\ ier "1. a tt -- 1111111111* Mow i l ...... rye 12 .... .. I 1 ttr°c-, \ au.S i r Ili f. pr ., ..# fir 1 ct ' page 6 of 12 ATTACHMENT# 3__r... 10 REPORT i CR ,� - Is rt 0:---nnn----- Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program PI S ► 4 i\ City of Pickering application for the Renovation of the Delaney Rink Item: Lower Delaney Washrooms r- - . ,„ i ; a't5 ' e U • l sk a `buf. J .,M__ I I i' �:,gam f . I ` 55 2 ,r F .' s il ' '' i page 7of12 ATTACHMENT# 3 To REPORT#CR o?� -15 19' or ay- Cif,/ a w -"'�� ' ' Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program PT SI 4 1\ City of Pickering application for the Renovation of the Delaney Rink Item: Referee Room z /(-4_._.. 1 i I , : 2 .. f t k. i .s t 4 ems.. t _ - r , 1 , vor,,., ,,,' ..,i 04 10 - r 1 t 1 , f ' I.' I 1. 3 kv a ( y- I y , f„,,,,,. ir .t t 4 • _ to it .,... ,; ' , . 1. ti l page 8 of 12 ATTACHMENT#3 rCz itEPORT#GR S ad OFc . Cif,/ 4 Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program PI City of Pickering application for the Renovation of the Delaney Rink Item: Delaney Rink Slab RpN M s , 777 A 3 it d.+ }M Y �k IF aR t t� waima page 9 of 12 ATTACHMENT#_3 T O REPOR r#.�z�a2-1 Cat,' O Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program City of Pickering application for the Renovation of the Delaney Rink Item: Sound System a?n..tz,g 0 1.2 lift"! ,. k. • C 4rt pagel0 of 12 ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT##R'23°2-15 C1t<< 4 `- - r=-== Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program yaw ���=-�_- PI 11 -1111' City of Pickering application for the Renovation of the Delaney Rink Item:Typical Change Room 1 v *,- ::: I. ' '-- nlius, g 11 PO i to 11111 P".11."11."1.11111.1111111 n vii'•. ax $'y ii:fiti ni,:f44 r,yrf,- 4 rj - . ,1' x firs 5 4 . "'"_',,P,S'Ai' +' t e ', Ai' ,. i,' '' 141"'''A , _/.4., 1 page 11 of 12 I .3._.TO REPORT#a R 07‘2.-f - 023 orb Cif,' e = d"'= 'i = Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program PI ► i\ City of Pickering application for the Renovation of the Delaney Rink Item: Lower Delaney Washrooms - iiiii • - 1 g I I 'c„go -1\ \ \\-- a I ,."- ii7:1. ''''''''' - ,f, 1 1 I Ri ferisio il, ,,.., , . 1 x , x _ .*:._---- '� ' t ''k' p it_--_ t,,ei I( z. k ill 440' l - i I - )!Iii„„IA x r v mar t page 12 of 12 . I I Federal Economic Development Agency f&rale 1e devefopi emen,t Agency for Southern Ontario a nnmlque pour le Sud de ('Ontario ATTACHMENT# 3 10 REPORT# ' —I5 024 o�a� Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) Your form has been successfully submitted to the FedDev Ontario Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program. Application Number: Please save this confirmation for your reference and note the above application number in future • • correspondence. Thank you for your interest in the program. J