HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 20/00, . �`,�� oF Pi�,� 19.4 H P REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor DATE: May 2, 2000 Ciry Cle�k REPORT NUMBER: CL 20-00 SUBIECT: Disposal of"Camp X Building" on Animal Shelter Propeny RECOMMENDATION: That Clerk's Report CL 20-00 regazding the disposal of the "Camp X Building" on the Animal Shelter praperty in Whitby be received; and That the Council of the City of Pickering hereby releases its one-third inrerest ir the "Camp X Building" in order for the Camp X Historical Society to rclocate thc building to the oripinal site of Camp X, now known as Intrepid Park in Whitby. �I:�C�Ti.F \tation passed by PAW Joint Animal Control Committce on April 19, 2000. AUTHORITY: Section 3(3) of Agreement between Pickering, Ajax and 1Vhitby dated December 31, 1984 respecting Joint Animal Control Scrvices FINAIvC1AL IM1IPUCATIONS: The "Camp X Building" has no monetary value. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A proposal has been received by the Town of Whitby from thc Camp X Historical Socicty to acquire the Camp X building at no cost and relocate it to Intrepid Pazk in Whitby to establish a museum at the historic Camp X site in Whitby. In accordance with the Agreemrnt entered into on Daember 31, 1984 to provide for e Joint Mimal Control Srnice, Pickering and Ajar must release its interest in this building in order for it to be moved from thc property of thc Animal Shelter and acquired by the Camp X Historical Society. BACKGROUND: Please be advised that the PAW Joint Animal Comrol Committee pacsed thc following motion at its meeting of April 19, 2000: T6�t subjat to t6e condwion of aa agretmeat betrreea Ihe Camp \ Nblorical Sociely �nd tde muofcipalitia of Plckeriag, Aj�a and Whitby, ld�t the Town of Wditby release t�e Camp X buUdiag lo �de Society for rclouHop to Csmp X, aow latrrpid Park, ia Whitby. � Report lo Council CL 20-00 Datc: May 2, 2000 19.4' Subject: Disposal of"Camp X 8uilding" Page 2 Attached to ►his Report is a copy of PAW Treasu�er's Report 4-00 which the PAW )oint Animal Control Committee considered in conjunction with this motion. Basically, there is a building on the property on ihe Animal Control Centre that was donated to the Humane Society in the 1970's by Muriel Sissons who was a renowned ce.t fancier in the Town of Whitby. This building was to be used for the education of children on animal care, however, it was never suitable for such us�:. This building has only been used over the years for storage by the Animal Control Centro. This building was originally located in what was known as Camp X during the Second World War and was used exclusively es the commanding oET'icers' quarters and served as a meeting place for dignitaries who visited the Camp. The Camp X Historical Scciety now wishes to establish a museum at the historic Camp X site in Whitby which is now known as Intrepid Park. This building is of no value to the Mimal Control Centre and is in such a state that it could not be reasonably used for any other purpose except as an historic building. The Town of Whitby will be acquiring a much smaller generic storage shed to replace this b��ilding. The acquisition of this storage shecl is accommodated in the Year 2000 capital budget of the Mimal Shelter. Pursuant to Section �(3) oP the Agrcement between Pickcring, Ajax and Whitby respccting Animal Control Services and the premises of the Animal Control Centre, before Whitby can dispose of the building, it will need the pernussion of the City of Pickering and the Town of Ajax. ATTACHMENTS: PAW Treasurer's Report 4-00 Prepared By: �_ ruce Taylor, AMCT, CMht City Clerk Attachmrnts Recommrnded for the consideration of Pickering City Council ' � .� i—'...'_ ri .i h rtld5�. IN1. t�F� I111IUSI(L ffl .. •' ATTAG�M��T # � 70 REPORT tt �!'_ 2 u, v0 I I L.: 7: i. :� : N 6 «, .► , il. U�f • ►1 : ► u • ►11' � • y u 1�1 � Ss��t; Camp X Building Recommendatlon: •�. � • �►� :.1ty11.•lt\a=r April 19, 2000 That, subJect to the condusion of an agreement between the Camp X Nstoricai Sodety and the Town of Whitby, Ajax, Picke�ing and Whitby release the Camp X bullding to the Sodety for relocadon to Camp X, now Intrepid Park, in Whftby. The only remaining original building from Camp X is lordted at the Plckering, Aiax, Wh�tby )oint Mimal Control Centr� (n Wh(tby, It is currently used for sto�age purposes, The Camp X Historipl Sodety, a registered not-for-proflt organizatlon, wishes to relocate the Camp X bu(Iding to the or(gfnai site of Camp X, now Intrep(d Park, in 4Vhitby. According to the Camp X Historlcal Society, the buildfng was used exqusively as tfie commanding officers' quarters and served as a meetlng place for dignitaries who visited the Camp. The Soqety belfeves the building is one of the most historicaity signifipnt and unique structures (� yyh�my and should b�r.ome a monument tn the Camp's Canadian, Bridsh and Ame�ican offloers a�id staff instructors and tF� more than 500 seuet agents who were trained at Camp X and served with unwmmon valour and distlndion abroad. The Gmp X HisGorical Society wishes to establish a mus�um at the historic Camp X site in Whittry, The Camp X butlding would be moved from �is aurent laatlon badc to the ariglna� site and renovated for the purpose of displaytng memorabilia and archives. BY a9reement, Akx, Ptdcering and Whitby each have a one-third interest in the buildings, stnuWres, equiPmentand related appurtenances at the Mimal C�ntrol Centre. The agreerr�ent of the three munkipaliUes is therefore required before the Camp X building can be rdocated. In view of the hfstorical signiflcanoe af the building and the serge of locai, natlonal and Intematlonal Interest in tlie Camp X site, ft fs fitdng that Ajax, Pidcering and Whitby release tlie building (or relocatlon to its his0oric Camp x tocaUUon. ru/a . ::y . ._ . . , .. . � . .'::�,'��`�'�' . {:' .�.r - . - . �, ATUCHMENT # I TO REPORT Y« z o• vD . g • •. � '1'9fi �����►�rs Reoort. Item 4-00 (Contlnuedl Existing Polia: N/A Ilnandal Conslderadons: As prevfuusly mentlaned, a small part of the Camp X building ts currently used for storage purposes. Most of the building is vacant and unused. The relocatlon of the Camp X building will neces�itate the acqufsidon of a smaller bullding for storege purposes. Witfi some reworking of the approved 2000 capit�l budget, staff shouid be able to aaommodabe the purchase af a small storage buiiding within the approved 2000 capital budget esUmates. . ; _' y. f t; ' i' �. :s' ' '_` 1 , . . � _ . .. . � . . - . , - . � . . �.. �