HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 29/00, ,,e, . . �,�yOP?� Y � ° REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Cutroll DATE: lune I5, 2W0 Director, Plnnning and Development REPORT NUMBER: PD 29-W SUBJECT: Zoning By-Inw Amendment Application A 30/99 Fred Campitelli in trust Block 11, Plan 40M-1231 (South-east comer of Vailey Fartn Road & Diefenbaker Court) City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Zoning By-Inw Amendment Application A 30/99, submitted by Frcd Campitelli in trust, on Blcek I I, Pian 40M-1231, to amend thc zoning of thc subject lands to the "RFUMU-2" zane as estnblished on the southcrly-abu:ting property, to pertnit the devclopment of high density residentinl and mixed uses, be APPROVED, 2. That thc amending zoning by-luw to implcmcnt Zoning Byluw Amcndmcnt Applicution A 30/99, as set out in dra(t in AppcnJix I to Planning Repon Number PD 29-00, be fonvardcd to Council for passing. ORIGIN: Zoning By-law Amcndmcnt Application A 30/99 submitled lo thc City of Pickcring. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr P.13 F[NANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct cests to the City are nnticipated as n result of thc proposcd devclopment. EXECUI7VE SUMMARY: Znning By-law Amendment application A 30,'99 has been submitted to mzone thc lunds at thc south-enst comer of Vullcy Furtn Roud and Diefcnbaker Court to the same zoning as prcsently applies to the immediute-abutting southerly lund. The zoning on the southerly-ubutting property provides for development of nn npartment building with limited com►r.ercial uses on thc lowcr levels, as well as vnrious fortns of condominium townhouses furthcr south. A Propcny Location Map und Conceptual Site Plan nre included ns Altnchments #1 nnd N2 to this Rcpon. It is upproprinte to eatend the eaisting zoning of the udjacent pnrcel to include Ihe subject property to provide for development in conjunction with thc southerly lunds. Thc construclion of a low-rise base building (or pnrt of u building) is consistcnt with the City's Downtown Core Guidelines ond represents orJerly and co-ordinated development of the subjcct propcny with nbuttfng Isnds. 051 � 5 2 REPORT N[JMBER PD 29-00 Junc 15, 2000 Subjxt: ZoninR BY-Inw Amendment Applicution A 30/99 !'a�e 2 The applicadon is �commcnded for upprovnl, and the approprinte implcmenting amending zoning by-Inw included in Appendix I nttnched to this Rcport is recommended for Council's consideration nnd npprovnl. ��7 {�fTii��1� l.0 information Meetin.g A Public Infortnation Meeting for this development proposal was heid on Februury 17, 2000. Information Report No. 4-00, which summarizes the applicant's proposal and outlines the issues and commcnts identified to that dnte through ci�ulation o! the application, was prepared for that Meeting. The text of the Information Report is provided for roference (see Attuchment #i5). At the Public Information Meeting, the applicant was prcsent to answer any questions regarding the proposal. One nrca residcnt, Mr. Ferguson, asked if thcre wcre any plans to erect a building on the subject property, but no other comments or inquiries werc made. 2.0 Additionnlln(ortnation Following the Public Infortnation Mccting, writtcn and vcrbal comment wcre rcccived from two rcsidents of thc condominium apanmcnt building locatcd directly ca:t of thc sitc. The written comment (uc Attnchment #3) exprcsses concem with Jevelopment of a highrise apartmcnt building on thc sitc which would block residcnts' vicws to thc wcst, "crowd" the stmtsc•rpc, anJ dcvaluc thcir propcny. The concems expresseJ verbally are in objection to a new access being provided to thc proposed builJing from Die(enbakcr Court, as thc busy ro•rd is rcgularly congcsted by on- strect parking and heavy bus trrffic scrving the Pickcring Rccrcation Centrc, and uccommodates a subsmntial amount of pedestrian and bicycle tra(fic of children going to thc Dinnu, Princcss of Wnlcs Park furth�r cas�. Also received since thc Public Information Mecting, is u commcnt from the Regionnl Munlcipallty ot Durham Planning Department stating that the policics of the Durham Regional Officiul Plan support thc typc af mixcd use dcvelopmcnt proposed, and that no provincinl intercsts appear to be affecled by the subject applicalion (see Attachmcnt #4). It is �Iso stated that the Regional Works Depnrtmcnt has no objection to thc zoning amendment considering that snnitury scwer and water supply facilities arc nvailable, pnyment of the Region's developmcnt chargcs for the proposed buildings will be required ut the dme of issunnce of n building permit, and that their review of site servicing and muhanical pluns will be required prior to their npproval of urvicc conncctions. 3.0 ' cussi 3.1 Co-ordinntion of Development The aubject lands nrc nnticipated to be developed in conjunction with other lunds owncd by the sume owners of the land located immedintely south of the subjcct property. A Propcny Location Mnp nnd Conceptuul Site Plnn nne includcd ns Atluchmcnts NI and N2 to this Rcport. The conceptual site plan for the totul land holdings (npproximntcly 1.76 ha) provides for the development of 73 condominium townhousc units of various typcs in Phase I(the southerly portion af the totul site), and n mixed•usc building on the nonhcrly ponion (Phose 2) which immedintcly nbuts the subject propc►ty. Thc subjcct site would be incorporated with Phase 2 on devclopmcnt. The caisting zoning for Phuse 2 provides for development of a 6 to 10 atorey upnAment building of at Icast 99 dwelling units, with non• rcsidential usea pertnittod on the first two Iloors to un uggrcgutc mauimum of t000 squaic rnatrcs Icnsable (loor arcn. Thc nomtcsidcntial uses pertnitted in thc caisting REPORT NUMBER PD 29-00 Junc 15, 2000 Subjcct: Zoning By-lnw Amendment Application A 30/99 Page 3 053 zoning by-law include busincsa nnd professional o�ce, conveniencc atorc, day nurscry, and personul service shop uses, The development potrntial oC the subject site is limited due to its irregular shapc and relatively amall site arca (0.14 ha). The site (arca and shape) is insufficient on its own to accommodate a separate building in conformity with thc Pickering Official Plan, thercCorc, development of the site depends on its incorporation with devclopment on the adjoining properly. The owners intent is tliat this site be joined with the largcr devclopment to thc south which has its zoning ulrendy in place. This approach provides for the orderly development of the total site. Additional site design matters, such ns thc locution, necd nnd desirability of any futurc access point to Diefenbaker Court witl be reviewed further during the subsequcnt detailed Site Plan Review process. 3.2 The Pickering Downtown Core Development Guidelines The property is located within a residcntial area in the Pickering Downtown Core Development Guidelines. "Point tower" building(s) and "basc" building(s) along Valley Farm Road nnd Diefenbakcr Court nrc encouraged. Basc buildings ure to have o minimum hcight of 2 or 3 storeys to "contnin" thc strcet, are to cnsure solar acccss, pedestrian comfort and scale, to minimize wind eflects, und where located nt a comer, should occupy most of thc frontage along both strcets. Point rowcrs arc to carry higher densities in locations whcre they act as landmazks and arc visiblc ovcr a larger urea as a focal point, rising nbovc und sct back from thc perimctcr of thc basc buildings to reducc thc impact of thcir density und muintain thc continuity of the strcct wall. In addition, "vicw corridors" to certain community focal points such as thc Civic Complcx Clock Towcr, are illustrated in the Guidelincs. The cxisting zoning on the southcrly-abutting dcvelopmenl lands provides for dcvelopment complying with thc intcnt of the Downtown Corc Guidclines. Thc "RH/MU- 2" Zone in By-law 5416/98 providcs for the apartmcnt building to be setback from the outer edge of the base building along the north and west edgc, and includes a minimum 12- metre height for thc entirc Vallcy Farm Road Gontagc. By adding lhc subject property into the scheme, nn opportunity to extend the base building concept north along the Diefenbaker Court Gontnge is provided. This application, thcrcfore, presents a further opportunity to implement the Downtown Corc Guidelines and complcment thc adjacent public open spaces within thc Civic Complcx Precinct. 3.3 Amending the By-law Local concem has been expressed regarding the impact of a building of 6 to 10 storeys on existing views to the Civic Complex over the subject site from rcsidential development cast of the site. Limiting the development of the subject sitc to that of a low basc building assists in maint�ining these views while still implementing the Downtown Corc Guidelincs and containing the street at this important comer locution. A building envelope providing Cor a 5-metre yard depth for the Diefenbaker Court frontagc is recommended. This dcpth will provide area Cor additional landscaping, better visibility given the angled delineation of Diefenbaker Court, and a more open atmosphere. Revicw of the currcnt zoning by-law indicates that the most efficient und effcctive wuy to incorpornte the subject site within the existing zone is to providc for thc dcvclopment of n 2 to 3 storey baze building within thc subject property. This site could accommodatc o basc building wilh a maximum height of 12 metres and threc storeys, and u minimum height of 8.5 metres end 2 storoys, adjoining the abutting poinl tower. Limiting the height of thc base building will also aim at preserving views to the Pickcring Civic Complex of rcsidents located east of thc site. It is recommrnded that the existing by-law provision pertaining to the location of non- residrntial usea be re-worded to clarify lhnt auch uses urc restrictcd to the first 2 Iloors of eny building. � 0 5 4 ��RT NUMBER PD 29-00 Junc 15, 2000 Subjxt: ZoninQ By-law Amendment ApplicnUon A 30/99 Pagc 4 The application is recommcnded for npprovnl. A drnft zoning by-luw to implement this rxommendadon is provided in Appendix I to this Report. The cross-hatchcd area of Schcdule I nt the end of this Appendix illustrates the portion of the subject site recommended to contnin the base building extending from the north side of the proposccl apnriment building on thc southerly-ubutting development Innds. 4,0 Applicant S Comments The upplicant genernlly concurs with the recommendations outlined in this report. ATTACHMENi'S: 1. Property lACation Map 2. Conceptual Proiiminnry Site Plan 3. Resident Comment 4. Agency Comment – Region of Durham Planning Department 5. Informntion Report Prcparcd By: Vnlerie Rodrigues, IP, RPP Senior Planncr �� G�— Lyndn D. Tqy or Munnger, Current Opc ions Division VRR/pr Attnchments Copy: Chief Administrntive Officer Recommended for the considemti;,n of Pickering City Council, . ,� ��C ' a--- rd omas J. Qui , Ch f A inistrutive O �cer Approved / Endorsed by: ,.!I,D/�'��, �r Nei� carrou� -'._ Dircctor, Plunning and Dcvelopment , 055 APPENDIX 1 TA REPORT NUMBER PD 29-00 DRAFf IMPLEMENTING BY-LAW FOR ZONING BY•LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 30/99 i�� ; ��� � 056 . o��r ��i:�� •c••.: r• •• .• �- . f]�_ : • � � Bcing a By-Inw to amend Restrictcd Aren (Zoning) By-luw 3036, as nmended by By-Inw 5416/98, to implament the Officinl Pinn of thc City of Pickering District Pianning Aren, Region of Durham, in Pnrt of Lot 20, Concession 1 in the City of Pickering. (A 30/99) WHEREAS the Council o[ the Co►porntion of the City of Pickering passcd By-law 541G/98, amending Zoning By-luw 3036, to permit the development of high dcnsity residcntial and mixed uses in Pnrt of Lot ?0, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering now deems it desirable to amend By-law 5416/98 to e.•.tend the "RH/MU-2" Zone onto tha nonherly-abutting ponion of Innd, being Blcek 11, Plan 40M-1231, in order to ullow it to be dcveloped in conjunction with the southerly-abutting site; AND WHEREAS amendment to By-law 5416l98, which amended Zoning By-law 3036, as nmended, is therefore dcemed necessary; NOW TI-IEREFORE THE COUNCII. OF THE CORPORATION OF THG CTTY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: TEXT AMENDMENTS (1) Section 5(2)(ii) (PROVISIONS) Zonc Requircmcnts ("RH/MU-2" Zonc) BUII.DING HEIGHT is nmendcd by adding thc following subsection: D Despite subsection B nbove, no building, part of n building, or structurc icss thnn 8.5 metres and 2 sto��eys in height, or grentcr ►han 12 metres nnd 3 storeys in height shall bc erectcd within thc "cross-hatchcd" area of the 'RH/MU-2" Zone on Schcdule I nttnched to this By-law; (2) Section 5(2)(v) (PROVISIONS) Zone Requircmcnts ("RH/MU-2" Zone) SPEC[AL REGULATIONS is nmended by substituting clause D with the following: D Non-residentinl uses shall only be pertnitted within u buiiding contnining dwelling units. The non•residential uses shuli bc limited to the first 2 storeys of n building which has a height of 6 storeys or grcntcr. 2. SCHEDULE AMEND114ENT Schedule I to By-Inw 5416/98 is hereby repealed nnd repinced by Schedule I uttachcd to this By-law. 3. BY•LAW 3036 By-law 3036, as umended by By-luw 5416/98, is hcrcby funher umcnded oniy to lhc extent neccssnry to give effect to the provisions of this By-Inw as it upplics to the arca sct out in Schedule I attnched to this Hylaw. Definitions and subject mutters not specificully denit with in this Bylaw shall bc govemed by rclevnnt provisions of $y-Inw 3036, as amended, , . 2 057 4. EFFECTIVE DAT . This ByInw shnll tnke effect from thc dny of pn§sing hereof subject to thc upproval of the Ontnrio Municipnl Bourd, if requircd. BY-LAW reud a first, second nnd third time nnd finally pnssul this dny of , Zppp, ��I Fi' Wnyne Arthurs, Mayor DI P�#�FT Bruce Tnylor, Clerk s t158 � 16.Om MINIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT � BUILD-TO•ZONE — — BUILDING ENVELOPE SCHEDULE I TO BY-LA � PASSED THIS DAY OF 2000 MAYOR � O� CLERK � c� 0 , � ' �� -.. ... � . . ... . .. . . . .. . . . . . . ' .. . . . , p,� ' .�� oso ATTACHMENT/ n 10 HEPOHi r PD ZONING 13Y-LAW AML=NDMCN'I' AI'PLICA'f10�1 /� ,3 0/99 CONCCPTUAL PRCLIMINARY 51TL= I'L/�N , -----riuiee i �ioini uiiu�=rsj ---- �I•etmq'6wig�bd'tanAauxs (.1 uAte) Mlb Mo 3��lary toMdyniees wnlop (0 uiile) � 2• �taey tomAwee� p�J uAte) REC � D• �I.xry tumaauie� (42 mYtr) (IAD � S,� 1��i. / --------. _ _ _ . � _ ..__ Ilhqenilvr k�. I'I IASC 2 (IUTAI UNIIGQ�JJ) � �� � Apailauut�llbl(H)t)oqukdes �el�Nperwml uei�ke uee Ituu• ��ew IUI�LGIIL' UAIA lalel uib (�I ��IuraQ.V2 1u1a1 Mta sma.l.d � (dRwe�) Ms. Vnterie Rodrigues Senior Plonner Pickcring Civic Compicx Planning and Dcvclopment One The Esplanndc Pickering, Ontazio LlV 6K7 Duu Ms. Rodrigucs, ATTACNMENT / ' 3 TO HEPOHT / PD ��' V � os1 s��« asoi o���o��� 1525 Dicfenbaker Ct. APR 3- 1000 Pickcring, Ontnrio CITY OF PICKERING LI V 3 W I pICKERIN6.ONTARlO Murch 30, 2000 RECElVCD APR 3 2000 CITY Or- ry�cKEqINO DEVEIOFIIC/jT CPAFT7AENT Rc: Re-Zoning Prop�s:i of Vacant Lot on East Sidc of Valley Farm Road between Ufefenbuker Court end PickcrinE Parkway 'I'his letter is to cxprcss my wncems nbout thc subjcct mattcr. I live in the south wing of ►he wndominium builJing immcdiatcly cast of the lot in qucstion and I havc a lovcly cicar vicw from my suitc facing �vcst. 'I'hc sunsets nrc parliculurly lovcly. This wos onc of ihc main fcutures about this suitc that promptcd mc to purchasc it 6% ycurs ago. 1 am vcry conccmcd ubout lhc possibility of multi-Icvcl buildings, and cspecinlly n 10-storey highrise building, being constructed on thnt property. The 10- storcy building ns proposed would bc dircctly across from my suitc. Not only would my westem vicw be totnlly blocked, but 1 fecl that lhe entirc city block is loo small to accommodatc so much building without creating u vcry closcd-in and crowdcd ntmosphcrc. I ccrtninly would not have purchased the suite if t had known so much building (especially u 10-storcy sweturc) might be locnted therc. Such a building would totnlly block the view for unyonc rcsiding in the wing I reside in, who fuces wesl, resul►ing in thc dcvaluntion of our properlies. Plcase notify me of uny public mectings that will bc held conccming this matter. •rnnnk you. Yours vcry truly, �� � Sybil iowurd � U62 � : a�MY �M' Box e23 1815 U�r�d� �, E . W � ToMer ��si�e L1N�OA7 ret foos) rls.�� Fax: (A05) �3&BBt2 ti�r � rcr� Rr► d Plarr�hp � ATTACHNENiI N 10 REPORt r PD_ 2N-00 February 16, 2000 . RECEIVED Va�ede Rodrlgues, Sen(qr Planner f t d 1@ Z000 City of Picke�ing Planning Deparlment Pickering Civic Complex . ��TY o� PicKERiNp One The Esplanade o�vEia;M �m EPAp Pfcketing� ON L� V BK% ' • qTMEH1 Dear Velede Roddgues:. . . Re: Zoning By-1aw Amendment Applicadon A30/99 Applicant: • Fred Campftelli in Trust Location: Sauth•east Comer of Valley Farm Road and Dtetenbaker Court Part ol Lot 20, Concession 1 ' _ MunicipaUM. CityolPickerinq In response to your request, we wish to provide the lollowing commenls with respect to Regional Oflicial Plan conformily, delegaled provincial plan review and the proposed melhod ol servicing. The applicant prbposes to amend ihe zaning by-law lo permil an aparlmont building with some limited commercial usos to bo esteblished in conjunction with the edjacent soulherly property. The subjoct lands nre designatad as "Main Contral Area" within the Region ot Durham Oflic(al Plan. Mnin Contral Aroas aro tntended lo be planned and developed as the main concenlraUon ol urban aclivities within area municfpalities providing a fully integrated array ot community, otfice, servfce and shoppfng, recreaticnal and rosidenAal usos. The policies ot the Durhem Plan support Ihfs type ol mlxed dovelopment. The Regional Works Department advisos they have no objeclton to Ihe zoning emendment subjoct to lhe following: i) Ihat sanitary sewer end wnter suppl'y faciiities are available on Valley Farm Road to sorv(co lhe subf ect lands; li) thal the proposed development on Ihe total holdings will be subject to payment of development charges, in accordance with ihe Reglon's . Development Charges Bylew, at the time of issuance of a building pertnit; iff) ihat s(x copies ot tho site servicing and mechanical plans are to be submitled to ihe Regional Works Department for.approval ol services cronnecUOns. No provincial interests appear to bo alfected by this applicaUon. It you have any questfons or require any (nformalton, please call me. . . Youra truly, � ' ��� � .. Cherie Milis � • . Current Operattons Branch .cc V. Goad, Region of Durham Works Dept. . ,. . N:1PIM1CAMIZONINUIFICNERINOl12•9i,W�D W • . � �00711a�Cmwnwr. . ' . � • ATTACHMENT I �_ ti REPORT I DD '�q OD __ 063 OFP/C � � INFORMATIOI'i REPORT NO. 4•00 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETINC OF FEBRUARY 17, 2000 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, RS.0.1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 30/99 Fred Campitelli in trust Block 11, Pian 40M-1231 (South-cast comer of Valley Fwm Road & Dicfenbuker Court) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION thc site is locuted nt the south-cnst comer of Vallcy Farm Road and Diefenbaker Court, south of thc Pickcring Recreation Complex; west of nparuncnt buildings, east of vacnnt Town-owned land, and north of vacnnt land owned by the npplicant (see Atmchment # I for location map); this irrcgularly-shnped purcel has approximetcly i l metres of frontage on Valley Fnrtn Roud, nnd 77 metres nlong Dicfenbaker Court; the site is vacant, hos nn area uf 1,459 squnrc mctres, slopes gradunlly down to the west, hns en old trcc linc with maturc trecs ulong thc southcm property limit, is grassed with othcr various vegetation, nnd hns a sidcwnik along Diefenbnkcr Court. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant proposes to change thc zoning of this sitc to the "RH/MU-2" - Residential High Density - Mixed Use (sitc-specific) Zone to permit thc development of an apartment building with limited commcrcial uscs to be established in conjunction with ihe southerly-abutting property (scc Attachment N2). 3.0 OEFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Dur6am Regional Oflicial Plan - designated "Mnin Central Area" in the Dwhem Regional Otl'icial Plan; -"Main Ccntral Areas" are to be plenned and dcveloped as the main concenUations of urban activities providing a fully-integrated array of commwity, oflice, scrvice and shopping, recreational, and residential uses; - thc proposal wnfortns; 3.2 Pickerin40f1icialPlon - �esignates lhc site "Mixed Usc Areas - Downlown Corc" in thc Town Centrc Neighbourhood; • ATTACHMENII �5 _ _TO O�` � REPURI � P0�__� Infocmation Report No. 4-00 Page 2 -"Mixed Use Areas" are to have the highest concentration of activity, and the broadest diversiry of community services end facilities in Pickering; - this designadon pertnits a net residential density of over 80 and up to and including 180 dwellings per hectare; - if this site was udded to the entire southerly-abutting development, there wauld be a density of 98.8 units per hectare; this would fall within the p�:rmissible density range of this designadon; - the density for phase 2 only, including this site, would be 151 dwellings per hectare, also falling within the permissible densiry range; - the site is also located within the erea al'fected by ihe "Pickering Downtown Core Development Guidelines", udopted by Pickering Council on June 16, 1997; - thc Conceptual Design Plan for the Pickering Downtown Core envisions the subject site with residential development in the form of a tower building surrounded by base buildings, within thesc Guidelines; - the proposal conforms; 3.3 Zoning By-law 3036 - the site is zoned "H" - in Dy-law 3036, as amendcd by Dy-luw 1346/81; this is a holding zone which permits development onl y by nmendmcnt to the wning by-luw; - this was n remnant pnrcel le(t over whcn the Innds in thc immediate vicinity were developed for npartment buildings in thc early 1980's ( I8T-79008); - amendment of thc zoning byinw is rcq�ircd in ordcr to nllow the site to be dcveloped in conjunction with thc southerly-abutting pnrccl. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Rnident Commeols - no resident comments rcceived at time of writing; 4.2 Agency Commenta Veridian Corporation: indicatcs that electrical servicc is avuilablc on the road allowance surrounding this site; that the applicent must make direct npplication Cor specific approvel of the electrical arrangements, enter into a servicing egreement with the Co►poration, confirtn acceptance of the tertns and conditions of the provision of elecuical scrvice, and pay all costs for the temporary relocation of overhend wires or for other methods to protect the electrical system and workers during conswction activity (see Anachment #3); No Objectiona or Concerns: - The Durham District School Board; The Durhnm Catholic District School Board; 4.3 StattCommenta 4.3.1 Conceptuel Site Plen - the southerlyabutting property is proposcd to be de��eloped in two phascs, of which the subject lends would be added to thc second dcvalopmcnt phnse (sec Attachment N2 to this Report); - Zoning By-law 5416/98, which establishes the "RH/MU-2" zoning on thc southerly-abutting property, provides for thc developmenl of nn apartmcnt building with at least 99 dwelling units nnd a minimum hcight of 16 mctrcs nnd 6 storcys, n Information Report No. 4-00 ATTAdIMENT/ 5 TO REPOHT / PD ��b O F1 �J Page 3 maximum height of 35 metres and 10 storeys, and limils the non-residential uses to tho first two floors far Phese 2; Phase 1 is intended to be developed for a minimum of 73 condominium units within buildings of 2 to 6 storeys in height; the owners have reccntly rcceived approval from the Durham Region Land Division Committee for ihe severance of the southerly-abutting property between phascs 1 and 2 (LD 279/99); should the owners bc anticipating changes to the submitted site pinn now lhat the subject parcel is being incorporated into Phese 2 of the sautheriy abutting lends, a revised conceptual site plan should be provided to stnff Cor review. My revised site pian must indicate ihe extent of nny buildings to be located on the subject site, including any rcvised landuaping treatment or intemal circuludon routes; 4.3.2 TecMical Mntters - Pickering has 0.3-melre rond rcscrves nlong both road frontages preventing acccss to lhc site; - IiRing of the existing 0.3-meue•wide road rcscrves will be dcult with subsequently tluough the sitc plan approvnl process. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFOWNATION - writtcn comments regarding this proposal should bc directcd to the Plenning & Development Department; - oral comments mny be mude nt thc Pu'�lic Infortnation Mceting; - ell comments rcceivcd will bc natri und used ac input in u Rccommendntion Rcport prcpnred by the Pianning & Dcvelopment Dcpartmcnt for u subsequent meeting of Council or u Committcc of Council; - if you wish to rcservc the option to appeal Council's decision, you must providc comments to the City beCorc Council adopts any by-Inw for this proposnl; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision rcgnrding this proposnl, you must rcquest such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appeodi:l - those whose comments on the propasal werc received at time of writing arc Iistcd. ORIGINALSIQNIDBY ORIOINAII.StQN�BY Valerie R. Rodrigues, MCIP, RPP Lynda D. Taylor Se:uor Planner Menager - Current Operations Division VRR/ph ce; Director, Planning end Devclopment Depariment • � � Qss AT111CHMENT/ 5 TO REPORT / PD � APPENDIXITO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 400 COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) '!'he Durham District School Boerd (2) The Durham Catholic District School Board (3) Veridien Corporation COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) PlenningandDevelopment