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1 O9H �S�IOFp�C�
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FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: February 4, 2000
Ciry Clerk
SUBIECT: Camivals
That the draft by-law to provide for the licensing and regulating of camivals be forwarded to
Council for enactment
ORIGIN: Request of Council made at the Executive Committee Meeting
of November 8, 1999
AU7'HORITY: Section 236(7) of the Municipel Act
Rcvenuc ofapproximately 51,400 peryear through licence fees
Further to Council's request at thc Executive Committeo Meeting of November 8, 1999, this
Report provides for a draR by-law to licence and regulate camivals at the staff level.
At the Executive Committee Meeting of November 8, 1999, Members of Council directed me to
prepare a by-law that would provide for licences to operate a carnival to be issued at the stafi'
In preparing a new licencing by-law, I undertook a survey of the urban municipalities in thc
Region of Durham and the Town of Markham to detcrmine how Pickering compares. Attached is
a spreadsheet showing that comparison,
In considering a new licencing by-law, I included provisions for the applicant to prove that he or
she has been licenced by the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations as rcputablc
operator and thal. the rides or amusement devices that are part of the camivel have been carefully
inspect�d and that an Amusement Device Permit has been issued by tha Ministry for each ride or
device. ! would point out that the Regulations under the Amusement Devices Act which provide
for an Amusement Device Pertnit ere very rigorous and I have attached a copy of theu
Rcgulations for your information.
"'Z" 093
In tha pest, Council has expr�ssed a concern about �he location of camivals relativc to a
residcntiai devclopment. In order to reflect this concem, I have mada a provision in t(�e new by-
law that no camival shall be operated within 100 metres of any residenliel property without the
prior written consent of the occupar,ts of thc residentiel properties within that distance.
Although nine Carnival Licences were: issued in 1999, it is important to note that three of those
licences were for amusements, such as pony rides, that did not involve amusement devices. The
new by-law exempts these types of amusements because they do not cause problems such as noisc
and they are usually smaller-scalc in nature.
Attached is a draft by-law to licence and regulate camivals and the following are the features of
that by-law with a comparison of our present by-law:
Comparison of Camival Licensing By-law
Excerpt from Regulation 20 respecting Amusement Devices Act
DraR By-law
� 100
Prepared By:
ruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM
Ciry Clerk
Recommended for the consideration of Pickering
Ciry Council
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AinusementDevlas��liMENT # '� �v ��=�'��� � � " S��
Loi surlesaltractioru
PARl' 1
�. In ihb Rejulat(on.
•'oJuh kan" means � kan th+t u dnl{ned (or use b�• penuw xho �rc
ri Ieast I320 millimctra in kiQhl:
"amuument �ide" me�m an unuument device o�her ihan �`o-Wn
of walef s1111l:
"ASfM" means Ametiun Sanery for Twtin` ind M�m�fab:
"auenJan�" muns a peroo who actbtly enp�es in or mpenius
the IoaJin`. mwcment ot unWadin� ot passen{en an an amuie•
ment de�ice or �he m+eh�tlina ot pasenser carry�neuniu or bo�h;
"�uwmobile ride' means an uauseneat hde in whic6 tEe passen�sr
prryin� uni� If In the tormof a motorvahkk �hit tmeis within or
abn6 a prcdetermineJ p��A;
"bumpet nr" mnm �n awomobile ride whete ihe puun`er carry•
inp uniu are equtpped wi�A an eMirclin` bul(er davice anJ openie
in an encloseJ uo ansiwm� of a anway �nd � curtem �nd and
wherc tAe �ction of poute{en may ause ont pas+enQer carryinQ
unit w impatl into mother,
"cWt AI +muumenl device" mcans � master riJq Ilume dJe or
riJe Ihat u f(mi!ar lu a cwster ddt or tlume ride, �.ha� trovcls 300
me�rcf or more, uiher th�a � clus �: amuumem device:
"clu+ AZ amuumenl Jevitt" meanf an amusemem Jevicc �hat i�
AiQhly wmplex;
"clau 61 amuument derice" mems � iva��er riJe, flume iide or
tiJe tlwt h dmil+r to a cower riJe or Oume �ide, iAa1 �nveb'�10
meuef or more bm less ihau 30U mevn. othcr than ■ clau A-'
�muument devke:
"chss li2 �muument devim° mom an �muumeN kart ut w� er
�Aan a clus AI, A2 or OI amuumrn� Jevic'e. N
sliJe, th+t b deslgncJ to be uud primorily by aAuhs anJ �hai.
(�) tn�uponspauen�:ttna6ei�hteaceed�aitiimeun.
(b) tilupuunyenmrneiban/StromlAevenic+l.
(c) hu a twil puun�cr apaciry Ihal exceeJs filry. or
(d] lus a combination or hss ill ot lhe teatura relencJ to in
clauxs (+l. (b) anJ (c): �'
°class C� amuument devke" mum an amuument devia, mher
than a cluf pl, A2, BI or C2 amuument device. `o-k�rt or w�ter
iRde, thal is dcsi6ned �o be used prim�rily by �Julu:
"clu� C! �musemcnt deviee" mum an amuummt device, mhcr
than a cl�ss AI. A2. 61 �museman� dwke. `o-kan or w�ur �lide,
that b designal lo be uud pnmarily by childrcn �hat.
(�) tnmpoNpassen<<nto�hei�h�carssdin�ihreemeua,
(b) Wupuxn�enmore�hanJPfromtbc�ronfd.
(e) Iw�wulpasunterapaciry�dateucedstnanrydour,
(d) moves pu�eoten rtate tfun twenry mctrcs abo{ � circul+r
poth meaured per rcvo�Wion or morc ihae filry mena
�bn{ a p�W other th�n � dreulu pa�h meaw�ad per ryde,
(e) ha � combina�ion or baf dl of the fawres tck�rcd to in
'•clsst D+musemcnt device" mans an amusement device, o�hcr
tNn � clus AI. A2. 81 or Q amuumeN dcvice, �o-kut or w�ter
slide. ihri i� designeJ tobe useJ primarily by childien;
..cwster rWe" mans an imuumen� �ide wnere paaun`er arqin`
units pin potcntial rnargy by being dnven �o o padetermmed
Aci{ht from whirn they descend by klne�(c ener� �bn� � fued
^CS1" means Canadian SUndards Association:
"dry flide" mont �n �m�ument ride that mnsiiu of onc or morc
inclined channels �dat do no� mnuin w�la md an rhkh � penon
slidm down from a predetermined Aeight into � lindin{ ua:
"ew�in� �mu+emmt devitt" meens an amuumenl device ihai wu
laca�ed In ON�tio u iny lime In the �wehe mamh� prior �o the
da�e ihi� ReQul�iioo mma inta force; �
"(aaot of s+fery" mons ihe n�io o( the uhimiie �trut to �he mui•
mum iueu impused on a rnmpunent uf +n �muument dr�ice due
�o f+brk��ion, erecuun �nd environmenul �nd opaniioml mndi•
^fielJ iat° meanf a �n� or a seda of Icsu useJ la deiermine
•heiher �n amuument device mnfo�ms to Its oriyinil dnign �nd
opaaiiunal criaria;
•'llume �iJe" me�ns an amuumem riJe where the passcnger arryla�
uaiu �rc propcileJ along a w�ter channel by Ihe to. of w�mr end
Uut Inmrpooies a lihing mechanum tha� impuu poicmiil energy
w �he p�ssen6er euryinQ units+lluwing �Acm to desand by klnetic
merp �Ions an incllneJ waur channel tnta � Iwriton�al water
ch�nnel �hat deceleraies �he p�sunger arryin8uniu;
"lolbw up im{+ectiuo" means an Iropecifon thit is eanieJ out +(ter a
petiodie or spedal inspecfinn to veriN whe�her modifiailoro h�ve
been made lo mrtect +ny nonconform+nm IJemified durin� the
perioJie ar epeeial iro{xalon: .
°�o-lurf' me�ro an amuument Jevim thn cauuu d one or more
adull kart� or kiddie k�rts ih�t �rt driven on � Qo-luh tnck �nd
focluJn the pil uea �nd surtuunJing arc� Lut das not fnclude
imomobile rida;
°jo-kan tnck" meuu a:ped�lty consiructed iock INt W weJ fm
lurlr, ,-
"kut" mans + seU•propcOeJ ma�orixed �ehicle �h�t h dai{ned to
6e driven on � go-kan tuck �t Ilmited speed wherc Ihe driver ha
hll aNrol aver.asleration trom rcst. dacirn�bn. aoppinQ and
stmdn6 0( Ihe ve6kle; -
� . ..
� .
� ,�
Reg./R2g1.20 AMUSGMEM'DEA��MENT# �- i( ..� �.';: Re1JAlg1.1D
"kidd'ro k�h" meam � kah tAn 4 deil4ned for uu by perwrs who (b) Ilppinj or �IIUn� In � m�nncr IAn wuld uux � huard to i
do not �u«eJ 1I75 mill(me�rc� In hefyhr, penon uAnQ the unuument dcvke or � person (n �hc vlcin•
Ityo(�he �musement dcvice, � � �
"li(e•'wid" mam � penon who � lhe holder of. .
. . thouW � mant ul �uspemkn. NWIn� or �ttuhmenl laU:
(�) tha Nniond LI(e�uvd Servke'i I!k{vud Ccrtfflcam,
. . . . . . � °ipecBl Imacdon" mems �n inspenbn that itankd om folim.ta�
(b) Ito Royil Llta S�vina Saciety Gnad�'� Bronze Crost. ' ■ compl�Inq ucideat, Rrc or dmihr oaurrena wi�h «spea b m
� . �muument device:
(e) t6e Youn� Medt Cluiatf�n Naoeiiifon's Ouk IJfe Saver .,w�q��em Impcctbn" mwm m impenbn �M1U I� arrtad om �o
. Awud. or .. .. ... . vetify whe�hct modilwtbnt have been rrude iu wrrea �ny mn•
(d) a mrqfia�e that b equlvilent to a aniliram rcferted io In con(ormance Identffied durtnj en iropection under rvbunion
d�use (�). (b) or (c): 6(q or clauu 8171(�Y
"manufacmrer' means �he manuf�nurcr of �n �muument device; "�muble dde" me�n� �n �muumene rfd^. in which puun{en �re
posiUoaed an � fmoo�h,llat, drcul+t t�ble �h�t b turtounded by a
cwhfoned b�rtier �nd iha� by ihe actbn of �he uble rowin{ mndi
ro force ihe p�ssengm to fifde off the table �nd In�o �he cwhbned
"w�ier ilide" moro �n amuxmem dcvke �h�i wn�isa of one or
more Inciined ch�nnelt that conulm m�tinuoufly runnin{ w�ter,
on wni.h a perwn iii3et uown (rom a predetemined hei&.t ir.ie a
splash pwi md ih�t Incorpontes f�ciliHes (or r�ter tcdtmcet.
O. Rcg.3::.8;,f. �.
"muimum ap�riry" mani Iht mufmum number ot passengen.
pwenger urtying uniu or muimum wei4ht or �ny rom6inatiun
af Ihex th�l the amuument devim is designed for in order �o
operme sa(eIy at ihe muimum tpeed sperificd by the mmufu•
lurer for Ihe �muxmenl devitt:
"mech�nie" me�ns � penon who hss U Inst four vean work exped•
entt direaly related io Ihe work tui9ned io the penan �nd who
has knowleJQe ot the Act. �hu Regula�ion and �he coJes that apply
lo the �muument devia �o which ihe penon u as+igned;
"new �musement Jevice" mam �n amusement device other ihan an
ex(sting+muamrntdevia: '
"on m emergen�y buii' muns to rcplxe �n �muumene device �hat
Is not op�:nble and (or which �curmnt permi� is fuuad; .
•'opentor" mea�s a petson wtw hu ditcc� wmrol mer ihe stanin6,
s�opping or ipeed ot m amuxment de�ice or pan ibereo( ur i� in
chu`e o( the emirt opention o(�n �muumen� device;
"p�ssenget curying unit" me�m Ihat po�t ol �n amuscmrnt devia
thai fs sel4propelled or ��uched dircctly ur (nJhecUy to ihe drive
mechaniem by mum of a Oe�ble linka�e �nJ th�t carties paucm
`en IhraugA a riJe cycle;
"periodie Inspectiun" mans an Iropeaion, mher th�n a �pmial, ful•
low up or fubuquem inspectwn ur an imPectbn under cbme
BO) (c). th�t b eartied om (rom �Ime io ume ilur a permit (s
Inued lor �n amuxment device io detcrmine i( ihe �mwement
dwice h in xourd�nce wiih �he �1ct anJ Ihu Reauliiiun;
ArrucAnov or Acr
3.—(1) No perwn shdl erect. opua�e or mainuin an amuument
de�itt to which �6u Rerulmiun �ppliet excep� fn �ccordance wi�h
Ihb Rcaul�l(on.
(=) The foilawinQ Jaices �rc exempt trom tAe An and thi� Rep
I. Of(•rwd vehicles within ihe me�ning of ihe OJJ•Road V�hi•
der Art.
2. \loiorlted snaw vehicles wiibin Ihe monin� ol the
,1lorori:rJSnuwVrhirfaAct '
7. PuFlie pools anJ w�ve ea�ion pouls wiihin �he maninp of
Reeuli�lon 165 0( ReviseJ Regul�tions of Omario,
1940 (Public Pools).
••professionil enRinar" mane � pmfessiun�l enpneer wi�Ain the
me�ning o( ihe Profrniawl Enginrrn Arr, �
"pro�orype msf' munt a �a� or urk� o( �eii� pedormed by �he
. manufurorcr on the primary mald ol an �maument Jevice �o
verify Ihe Jni�n �nJ openibn�l ch+nnm�tia of ihe amuumem
device Including �he de0ectlans, loa� anJ forces ih�� ue inlmded
io be plaaJ on �he ammemrnt dc+ice +nd the pnxn4cn :iEin`
on �Ae amusement devta; '
" "rope lay" mt�ns the lenath ebng � rope in which one ttnnd m�kes
. a mmplete revolutbn around iAe rope; .
- "mtof dJe" means �n �mutemenl dJe in which Ihe Qassen`en by
� the �abn o( cemrifu{d fora ue malnVined �puut Ne inner
;�� � w�Uof�rot+tingveniulryllnderuthewnetimethatthe0oorol
.. Ihe rylinJer � Im�+ered aw�y ftom �he fcet of �he p+ean6en:
� "SAE" manf Sociery uf Automotive En6imm�: .
� "safery teufner^ mnnf +wite mpe, chain, bar, a�i+chmem ar mber
• device th�� 6 designed �o prevent a part or partf ol an amuumrnt
devim Gom,
(a) becomingdiun`�`ed(romlhe�mu�ementdevice.or
� . JZ
/. Nrenl� within Ihe me�nin� o( the Arrunaurict Ac�
3. Dnicef ahetie flidinQ �c�ion is dependem on snow ur ice.
6. Ooau. o�hcr Ih�n mu�oriced Iroats primarily desiencd for
u�e by children and bumper bwts.
7. Je� w�ier ikii �nJ similar Je� or mo�orized device� uKd oi
6. WinJfwknmdturfboords.
9. MuKUI�r powered devka, o�her �h�n winpn� p�mms.
10. I lan6 Nidcn.
tl. Unte�hered�paruail�.balkioesanJchula.
12. I lay ridn.
U. SoapboRncen. �
11. Golf am.
IS. fiwem�lt.
16. Skatcbouds�ndroller�lu�es.
,.` . _ RegJR2gI.20 " ATTMCf70NS .. . .� . . . . negancw.m
'° . �TO REFORT #���07! ��� �h� � p��p� ��y Nith thc DlrccWr io o ntln Kheedc
,r�.1 O� t'!. Uve�nimdddn. .• �hnbinucordancewlih�uMectbn(�);,n�d t
'� � IB. Salt•propelleJ veM1iala, o�har �h,n ihou ih��. u�vel ia
� caceu of 1 kltometra per hour uid ue desi4ned pdm�dly
��• (oruulnmunuumenlpuk. '
' (3) Every exiflfn; �muumenl devla �hall be deemed �o mec� ihe
rcquircmenu ot Kction 13, wbuetion� 16 (1), (t) �nd (D), Knfon�
-.- 17endI8,wMedbdl9(Ijandwbsectkm20(I),12(1)�nd22(4)
� �ndtheel.nJanls�dopledbyue�ion7o(IhecoJe�dopudlnuaion
- 26. .
(4) Su6uctioe(7)J«snal�pply,
(�) wtth rapect to the p�tl that B unsofe, where Ihe penon
opentin` Ihe �musement dev(ce b�wue ih�l � put of ihe
�- �mutemem device b umafe beame it das not meet one o(
therequiremenu set out tn � seetion rcferted to tn iubuo-
�ion (7);
(b) wt�h rapact lo the put th�t B unsate, wherc �n Infpecror
finds th�t � pan ot�n+muument device (s unsate; or
(c) wilh rcfpect lo the pat. wh:re a patt of ihe amuxment
device 6 chanyed or replottd or a new part b added �a �he
amusemenl deHtt aher this Regulatiun mmes Ima (oRe.
� O.Reg.311B7,s.2(I-0).
�.—(1) An appl(wtlan !or s littnce lo carty on Ihe businesf of
operaling an �musemenl device or a renewal �hereot ihill be fn a.
form prov(deJ by Ihe Ditector.
(2) It b a eondiUon fat sntitlemem Zor a licence or a rcneu�a�
thereof Ihat the �ppltan�,
(a) ts or emptoys a mechanic•who is eopable of m�iniilning
each amusement devke open�eJ by ihe licensee;
�(b) Is or employf � mech�nie who is ap+bie ot erce�ing e�ch
amuument Jevitt �h�t b to be erccmJ hy �he liamce:
(c) 6 or employs a perwn who Au full knowledge of Ihe Act
�nJ ihis Regula�tan who 6 tn eharge of Ihe malNCnmce
and operalion of each �muument device o11Ae littnsee:
(d) Is or employs a Qerson who haf full knowledge of �he Act
md thb ReEulat,on who b fn charae al �he eretllon of ach
�muument Jevice Ihat u �o be erected by licenue.
(S) The �mount o( Itabil(ry infunntt prescribed for ihe purposa
af uctlan 4 at lhe Aq G an amount not less Ih�n f �,OOO,OW.
(4) Each liunn ro nrty on �he bminess of o{rerottng m omuse•
rt�eW devlee espGe� on the JI�I day o( December nex� (olimvin{ IAe
da�e on which I� wu fssued, unlcu olherwGe tlaled In the liuna.
O. Reg.74L87.i.7.
4.—(1) An �ppliation tor � pem,it lo opente an amusement
devim or s renewJ Ihereof shill be in � form provided by Ihe Dirce•
(2) tl is ��condiUan for Ihe fuuing of a permit �o opcnte an
amwcmcnt Jevia lhU,
(a) ihe �pplianl ia a liunsee;
(b) the smuumenl device wilh respect lo whlch the pertnit
rclateibreQistered In acordiaa with sectlon 6;
(d) the imuument devlce rith rnpca �o whkh iAe perr
tel�lei u In wnformanu w(N thl� Re�ub�ion. .
(J) 11 4� cond(Qon !or the t ncwil ol � permit �o opcntc �n
�muumentdcv(a�hat, ,
(�) Ihe ipp�tunl b � Ikenae; ,
(b) the �muumenl deWu �d�h rc�pea a r6kh tbe pe�t
relau� 6«�tered in acordanca rrith �ection 6;
(c) �he �muumenl device 6 matnulnul(n amrdana wit6 Jc
requiremenu o( union l0;
(d) ihe technfal douier requireJ under d+uK 6(1) (y u
updaled In accordance with subupion 7(6); and
(e) Ihe �pplinnt file� witb the Dlrcctor an opcnun6 uheBJe
Ihri b In attordence with fubuctbn (��.
(a) For the purposa of �his sedlon, �n operuin` uhedule �II
(�) the locat(on o: IaaNcns fn Ont:rio Where �he �muumaot
dcvice will be operated; .
(b) the eperotfng daics of �he amuument device for the nfen•
dar ynr: �nd
(c) In the au of an Itlneranl amuument device, the dam or
. dues for �he ercaion and dism�ntiing of Ihe �muument
(S) A permit lo opente an �musement device e�pires on �he Ilst
d�y of Dacember next foll�wing Ihe dau on which il f� iuued unktf
o�hefwiu su�ed on the permil.
(S) A pertnie to operate en �muumenl device �h�ll be kep� i�ihe
viciniry ol lhe amusemen� Jevice to which it rcla�et.
(7) Where a permil b 0sued w � liunsee for �n �musement
device braughl (mo Ont�tio on on emergenry buis, Ihe Dirator
ahill not iuue enolher permft on an emergcnry buo lar Ihm amne-
ment devlce to th�� �icensee. O. Reg. N1187, s. 4., .
S. A change in Ihe operating schedule af a liansee �hdl be br•
wordeJ by ihc licensee to the Dircc�or,
(a) where Ihe ehange is lo omu wiihfn founeen days d the
Itttnsee becoming awore of lhe ahmge, tonhwith by tcle-
phone orolher muns ol lmmediite communlaiion; w
(b) where �he ehange Is not going to occut wfihin founeeo d�y�
o( the licenue becoming aware of the chmge, in writing.
O. Re`. 347/87. �. S. , .
6.—(q It b a wndiUon for the reg(stntfon af an amuxmm
dcvicc �h+t, �
(�) � lechninl dossier in aaordana vith uetion 1 wi�h rc�ect
to ihe amusement device b filedwith the Dircctor,
(b) �te amuxment device 6 ercned by or under �he 6rtn
yupervisfon of � liansee; " �
(c) �fter Ihe �muaemenl devke b ermed, � licenuc amaout
or ausu to be ortied oul a preliminary u+min+Yan d �Ac
�musement device �o enmrc ihi� the amuKment de�iz 8
in �aordana wl�h Ihe Ned tec6uicil dossier th�t rclms to
' Ihe devfee �nd b in rnnform�nca wilh Ihe Ac� �nd thi� Rej• •� �pplled lo fu�enm Ihe bilure of whkh could crote
ulatlon; ' �Auud;
•(d) the �muumenl dev(tt � impeaed by�n In�pector, �nd (d) one of Ihe followina dacumemr. � O5
(e) �he unuwmeN devim b found by Ihe In�pector lo ba In a � 1, p report o(� proWtype letl ardW oul by Ihe m�nu•
safe opentinQ mqdltlon �nd in confarm�nce xf�h the Ac� fanurcr of �hc �muument device Ihat includa �
� �nd ihi� ReQul�lbn. �I�Iemenl ly the minu6cmrcr �hn � ficld �esc G ao�
rcquired �o be nrded om on �hc unwemem devicc.
(2) G�use(1)(b)doesnolapplytoexistlna�musemenldevica. �
(l) U n the condidons aet out In mb�ectfon 1 bein ui60eJ, � _• A��Port of � OeIJ test urdcd out on ih- �muxmco� ,
P° i ) 6 dcvlabylAemanufanurerorlicensce.
the Dlrector fhdl regis�et the �muument device.
(�) Where �n amwemem device � rcQu�ercd, Ihe Iicen�ce who
�pplied for the registrutan shdl affuc �he noi(a fndlatln; the regis•
int(on number to ihe amusemem device.
(3) Each registralfon of an �musemenl devftt eaptrta five yan
dter Ihe lasi permlt with �apcct lo Ihe Jev(tt was fssued. O. ReQ.
JIy87. �. 6.
Tecx.vlcu Douiea
7.—(1) Everytechnicaldossfershallbe�ubmi�ted(nduplieateand
in Engltsh.
(2) A technlul douier (or � new amufement devlce sholl Include
n lea�,
(�) spect�cations wiih rapen to the �musement device an a
(o�m provided by �he Dircctor;
(b) a site layout of �he omusemenl devta that showt lhe sutic
and operatlonal mode clwrance tequGemepts, fences, bar•
rien �nJ �tructures in the viclnity of the amusemenl Jevice,
loading and ant9+ding orcu, uack anJ (uundaiion�;
(e) drawing� thal rnmaln plan anJ elev�llon view� and crov
xctianal areu tu �haw.lhe genenl arnngement of �he
� amusement device, maurialf uud, major mmponents,
- dimemionsanJpwcngeteartyinguniu;
(d) drawings �how(ng Je��ib of dedca ueed to keep tAe pa�-
xnger insiJe the pauenger urtying uni� during �he open•
tton of ihe nmmement dev(ce �nd s�fery rctafners ueed;
(e) Instfuctiom with rapep lo eractlon anJ dism�ntling o( �he
amusemem device;
(Q opemlanal Insiructlons wi�h respea io, daity (nspeetiom,
lo+ding �nd unlwding of �he �musamrn� devica, communi•
a�fon between opeta�on, aUenJonls �nJ passengen, envi•
ronmenlal condilione Ih�l mulJ �I(ecl lhe safe operolian of
the amuKment device, procedures to be lollawed during an
emergency shutJown of Ihe amuument device, proceJura
to 6e followed whtn a�acuaiing Ihe �muumenl Jevfce and
dutia onS rapomibilitkf of openton+nC at;rndanb:
(;) a milntenana monuil rith'respect �o �he amusemrnt
Jevice thv� com�ln�,
(() uhemalio o( �hc hydnulic �nd detlrin� tystvms
' showing dl.opeMionJ and ufery «lated mmpo-
. nents and �helr e6�nclerfs�la lo`ether with
uquena of aper+lbn,
(it) dC�aIItJ IIISINqIoN wl�Il ttfpen to the meihod �nd
fnmrv�l of (nspeclfons. �u8.lubrkation �nd rephce-
ment af qrts,
(iii) a list of puu the fulure o(wpich could ttwu a hu•
ord, and
(iv) ihe loution o( �nd the unount of torque to be
J. A�ulemenl try �he Ilansee ihri a fkld !al will tx
cartled out on �he �muiemcm device md a report
Oted whh �he Dlrcctor beforc �n Inspenion under
mMecdon 6(1) or clauu 8(J) (e) Is unnged wiih
� anlnspector.
1. A tl��emenl lognher wiih rawro by �he manufu•
tuar n to why no tests are neceu�ry to ansure thc
ulery of the amusement devitt;
ji) in �he eue o( i cius AI, .V, 81 or 0: amusemcnt Ee�ke
or � u���er slide, �he ual �nd tfgnature of a p:ofessio:.il
engfneeran att Cocumenu;
Q) � shlement tn' a profesioni� engineer th�l the design o( the
�musemenl de�•Ice, Including the puts and fea�ures not+pe•
cifiwlly IdemifieJ In �he iechninl dmsier �nd the prae•
dures snd Imiruciiom lafd Jown in the Iechninl dmfier.
exeept for any v�riance India�ed, are in rnmpli�nce wiih
the Act anJ �he tegula�iom; and
(k) such o�her informstiun or davments, In �ddi�ion to those
itqufred undet cl�uses (�) lo (j), �s are nceessary to dem•
ominte th�i the �musemrnt device will operate w(ely ind
fn �ccorJmce with the Act anJ this Regul�iion.
(7) Subsection (:) Jaa nol apply wtih respect to an amuumem
Jevice where a m.hnfcal Joeeier far �he same make and model ot �n
amueemem devic: h�s been filed wi�h ihe Direcior provided th�i the
technical douier wilh respeci �o the amusement device comaim the
following Jacuments: '
�. Wriuen permisstun uf �he p:rson who fikd the origind
�echnieal douiet Ihat ihe lochnical dossier previously filed
wI�M1 Ihe Dircclor m�y be uud for Ihe amuxment de�ice.
?. A photocopy of �he filed wchninl Jossier includinQ �ny
+mcnJmcnu ar chanacs Ihcre�o.
J. Wriuen permiulon o( Ihe professfon�l engineer w�ho pro-
vided ihe sulement reyuired unJer clauu (2) (j) �hu the
tulement mry be uscd (or the amusement device.
�. A flatemeot by We rtunu6cturer or licemee Ibat dl ulety
rel�ted rep�acemenu anJ ch�nga remmmended by �he
m�nufxturer �ubsequem lo the dale of filing of �he ort`iml
techntcd douler h�ve been mmpleled in �ttordaMe wi�h
�he m�nufeaurcr'� «commendoi(on �nd lhu Regulnion.
S. A sfte layout of ihe amusement device �hat �Aow� �he wik
tnd opentbn�l mode clannce rtqulrcmrnts, knm, bu•
den mJ rimnurcs in tAe vicintry of tbe amusemem derin,
Ia�Jfng �nd unlo�din6 arns, tnck �nJ founMtion.
6. One of �he dacuments requircd under dause (2) (A).
7. A tlatemenl by Ihe littnue �hat the �muument device h
identinl In dafgn and mode of operation to �he amuumenl
devke �hu B lhe subjecl of ihe ori�inal technkal dossier.
(1) A tttAnial douier for �n extstin� �muxment de�ice or �n
^� .RogJRtgl10 . ATTMCT10t�TACHMCnrrN � Reg./RlgI.7A
.� � IV 1( �• �
c•�musemen� device N�1 I+ 6rou�AI Into OnUdo on �n emeracnry -(c) cA�nd�� �na ��a or �.� ro. �n. m.u� emTo �`�
'••�o�7ba+b�ha111ncWdeuleub � - - mech�nbmo(an�muumemdcvke;
. (�) �pedliatloa� of lhe devke on �(orm pravldeJ by iha
�� ' � Director: ' . �
.�� � (b) ach donunen� re(arted to In eliuse (1) (q ind U) �nd in
� Ihe eue d�n IQnenn� device, Ihe Irotructlaro re:erted lo
��� • In d+uu (1) (e), exttp� for � documenl Ihri hu olrc�dy
ban 111ed with the Direc�or wiih re�pat io an �musement
' Jevlce th�l b otihs ume m�ka �nJ modal:
(c) ■�t�iemenl by Ihe Ilaemee that Ihe emuummt devlae,
Includin6 ihe puu md famrci nat ipecificaliy iJemified (n
Ihe techoiai dossler and the praedures and Intltuctlon�
Idd dawn In the uchnical Jossicr, except tor �ny vadmce
Indicaied, �re in complianee wiih �he Act +nd �his ReQul�•
• ���iCn;and
(d) mch o�her Intotm�Uon or dacumenu, In addilfon to �hou
requfrcJ under chusef (a), (b) md (e), u are nettssory lo
demonsinie �h�t �he unusement device will opente sdely
' ond In aaarJancc Ni�h the Ac� end this Rcpula�lan.
hy`�naAp^lic n�lo�technin��douferbeforelheamusemen�t�devitt/o
wh(ch the �echnial dossler relates is regiimred shall include,
(a) a Jetailcd descrip�ion of the emendmen�:
(b) where the amendmem �f(ects �he documeN. each dau•
ment rcquueJ lo be submitled wi�h ihe technial dmeier
under subsection (2). (J) ot (4). af the esse moy be, wiih .
Ihe amenJment indialed on �he document; �nJ
(c) a itatemem requtred under dauu f�) U) a� l4) (e), u ihe
cue tequires, wi�h respeci to �he �mendmem.
(6) Where a ch+nge, o�her Ih�n a ch�nge referred lo In sectiun 8.
is mode m on amusemenl devtee a(mr Ihe �muument Jevke is regir
mted thu a(fecu ihe d�la canlalned in Ihe technicil Josslet wi�h
respan m the �musament devtce, the Iicenxe �eall submit lo ihe
Dlrcctor, �n amrndmenl to �he technic�l d�sier �hot outlines �he
(a) forihwitA, wherc the ch�nge is � cbange ihat dfats ihe ufe
operalion of ihe �muument device; m
(b) �t Ihe time th+t ihe licensee applia for a rrnewil of a per�
mib whcie �he cAange u nat a chanee t6al al(ecu the s�fe
openlion of the omuument device.
(7) p copy of Ihe fileJ technial dossiet including �ny amend•
ments iherc�o sh�lt be kept by Ihe liccroee al Ihe lonliun uf Ihe
�musement device.
(6} R'here � pan of a techntcai dossler u(xomfuent W hh !he
Act anJ lhb Regula�ian, ihe prmtisions of the Act anJ Ihu ReQula•
tian shall prcvoil. O. Reg. NS97, s. 7. �
• Q�,v�aEs
t.—(I) Every licensee who proposn to ehmae Ihe sUUdur�l
iefgn, Inherent ufery or oper�lional charactedstia o( an �muu•
m:nt Jevia that i+reystercd under ucilon 6 by, wiihout limitlng �he
�enenliqof�heforegoin`. �
(�) incren(n6�hemulmume�paciryanpeedofinamuxmenl
dcvia by mare ih�n 10 per ceni;
(b) ckanyn6the Io�J budnQ ttruclure of an �muument devftt
in � m�nner �hat would rtduce ihe original �trength o( �he
�wcwre by more ihan 10 per «nt:
(d) ch�n�in�themc�hodo({uldin{�hepuan�erurryin�wie
o( �n +muument dcvke;
(e) cA�n�in`Ihecluilfiatbnof�nunuumenldcvke;
(� relaalin{ m �musement devict �hu wa+ od�fndl�
deAQned �s non•porable; or
(y) chanQina �n amusemenl device (mm ;roundmoun�cd b
sh�ll submft io the Dfrector �he daumcots ut wt in wbseafon (:►.
(2) The followiqy daumenu ate tquirzd under �ubsenion (1):
1. Adaeileddcurip�ionollhepropoudcb�n`e.
2. All documents « quireJ �o be filed u put of IAe uchniol
dossier under subuction 7(2) Ih�t teiue io Ihe proposed
�)) Every licensee who propose� io mate a ehonbe of a qye
rcferred lo In �ubsecUon (i) tu an �muument da�ice thill ensun
(o) ihe change 6 m�de by ar under �he direct supenisfan o( ifi
(b) the cM1ange (s im m�fortmnce with lhe Act �nd �his Reguh•
tian; and
(t) Ihe amusement devitt B Infpenrd by �n inspenoi prio� b
'" bdng pW inm operation afur the chonge b m�de.
O. Reg. SJ7187. s. 8.
nrrer+otivrs u+o Oeen�TOu
9,—(I) Eveq licenue shall appoinl a suffident numbet of opcn•
wrs md uundanis in reapecl of eah amuument device openied by
�heliameetomeeUhe« qulremenuofthbRegul�tion. '
(2) Gvery liccnsee �hall ensurc �hu the ottenJanu �nJ operaton
o( �he licenue �re rcodily ideNifiable. • •
Q� L•verylicenseeshallensurethuea<h+ttendanloropeniwd
�he licenue hu such knwleJge, inining ond upedena that,
(o) each open�or ot an �muxment daice fs �ble to operve
�he �musemem device sa(elywi�hout supervision;
(b) each a��enJam is nble la wrry,om hu or her ruponsibilities
wilhout supervisfon: anJ
(a) eoch aiiend�nt anJ oper�mr it aw�rc of �he h�zanfous �itu•
atbns i:at may oc:�r wiih wpm in FKnom �uNL �
amuumrnt device io which the ruendant or operu« k
(1) Every attendanl shall, •
(a) be lacated �1 Ihe area or posi�bn desigmmd to �he �nro•
dant by the operawr ol lhe �muumenl device to which �6e
uundant b assigned;
(b) be tspomtble for the ufe funtlionin` �nd uu ot the
amuxmenl device or compunent th�t is+riihin ihe fcupe d
the attendanu duties ac assigned by the littnsee md u w
oul in this Re;ulatiun;
(c) ensurc Ihat persons move safely �o or from ihe amuumrnt
device to which the �ilendint is auianed:
. ' Re;./Rlg1.20
•� (d) emum tbu penonf min; lhe �muument dev(ce to wA(ch
� �he utendanl b ml�ned �ro properly Imtmcied wf�h
rapM lo the use ot the ara �nd componenu under the
� aucndant'aupervidon;and . ,
- i°) �^turc th+t dl oompovenu of �he unuumenl device �o
rvhkd �he attend�nl � auljned �rc propedy eapged ud
°�tul ill neonuryufey meuurca lu �he dreumiunai �rc
hkrn betore � s(tnd to opep�e 4{iven m an operawr or w
.. a penon usin; Iha �musement devia. .
(S) EveryoperatoralWlbompomible(onheideopenttonand
. we'af �ha �muttmen� dev(tt or part Ihereof �hat lhe opentor b
(6J Noopenrorshall. . . �
. i�) op�n�e or ini�h�e Ihe opernfon of �n �musemenl device to
.. which the operuor b assfgned unlea the openlor b sig•
. nallcd by an atlenJ�nt Ihat Ihe �muument device is rcady
for opemtion or tAe'operamr b oiherwise aiufied ih�� �II
netttury ya(ey meuures In Ihe c(rcumtt�necs have been
taken �o emure ihe ufe open�ion of ihe de�ice;
(b) operate morc th�n one �musement dovice at a ifine; or
(c) wAileandury,luvelheconembof�n�mu�ementdnice�o
which iAe openmr If usfgned unanended wiihoul taking
meatures to prevent Ihe uniu�horited operaion of the
�muument devitt. O. Reg, 7�bg7, i, g,
.. .. �� E.pecnonu+oMnixtErv.v�ce .•
10.—(q Every liea� �h�ll en�ure wliA rapece io exh ■mux•
ment device that it operaied or fnlenJeJ lo be openied by Ihe
littnsee that,
(a) the eratfon of Ihe �mwemenl Jevke is arrieJ ou� In
. accord�nce wilh the ptaedura al out in �hi� �eaion onJ
the lechnial dossier tor the �musemem device requireJ
under tection 7;
(b) no erectfon ot m�imm��nce u per(armed unleu the eork ie
, performed by a mechanie ar by a mechanic•(n•Iroining
unJer Ihe superviaon of a mechanir,
(c) no mechanie � us(�ned work Ih�t b bryonJ ihe uope ol
�ihemech�nidsexpedeneeanJtr�inlnQ;�nJ '
�(d) the �musement device h not uud or oper�leJ unleis it is
malnnined tn aanrd�nce with �he praadures ul out In ihe
techntal Jrniler wl�h rnpect Io Ihe imusement device
requircd unJer xcibn 7 and ih6 uction.
(t) Every linnxe �h�ll ensure ih�t e�cb �muument Jevice oper•
ucd by ihe Ilanue & malnuined in tuch � manner �nJ u often n u
necevary to enturc �ha� tAe �mu�emem dcvice Is In pfe operal(n`
conJitkn haHng reprd �o, •
(a) the inherent quaiiiy ind mndition o( Ihe amuument
,' : device;
'(b) �he minu(anureP� rlcommenJu(ons for m�imenma of
the amuxmem dMa; �od -
(e) �he (requcnry and mahad of uuQe af �he �muument
'. � . device.
(7) �Every lianue shall emurc N�t 16e nuinlen�nce o( euh
unusement device aperahd by ihe lianue Includa,
.(a) Ihe checlting and enminaUon of �II puu �nd Ponqions a�
Inlervak ihat are �uRrient W emure Ihe ufe opendon of
. Iheimuumentdevice; ..
.(b) IAe cle�ninj.lubrkatln` and adjuttin� of all narti �t fnu� �•�
v�lt mflldtnl w mwre �de u(e operuioo o( �i �muu-
menl devfa;
(a) Ihe rcp�ldn` or repluln� of wom, defective, d�mi�ed or
broken p�ru on ihe �mwemenl Cevice: �nd
.(d) Ihe artyina ou� of dl ufcry related remmmandnkns
,�,. fuued by the manufuturcr wllh rapecl b lhe �musemeN
. (�) Wherc �he ma(nlenance re(erced m In elau�e Q) (q b arried
out an in �muumrnt device, the licenxe whu oper��es �he �mvu•
ment deWtt shall emure Ihal ihe unusemem devke u in ufe opent-
ina mndiUon and ts likety to rem�in In sde operaina condiiian umil
Ihe next tcheduled checking �nd enminal(o�.
(3) No mech�nle �hill undertake xork on �n �muunent dnice
Ihal b beyond Ihe uope af Ihe mechanlcl experience and �nininp
(6) Where a p�rt of an amusemenl devim G replued (or �ny m.
wn, the replocemenl put shail be at leat equiv�leot in itreng�h inJ
hr.C!en lo the originil supplied by �hc manuf�cmrcr. U. Rq,
?+��s�, �. �o.
11. Where a m�nufanurcr of on amuument dnice or a licenue
di�covm � de(ec� (n � put or mmpanent of an amusement deHce
Ihat b rcl�led to Ihe s+fe openlion ar w�ge of �he �musement drvice
+nd ��+t pott or component b replued, the manu(acturcr or
littnsee, u Ihe cue m�y be, shdl (onh.�i�b eoiih �he Direnoq (n
w'�iting, twing the nmure a! the de(en and tM1e dei�ib of �ny a�ion
I�ken wi�h tspecl �o ihe part or mmponen�. O� Re�. 3/7/87, t, � �,
12.—(I) [very licensee �h�ll ensure with rupect to each amuK•
mrnt device tha� (sopen�eJ by Ihe licensee �bat,
(a) Ihe omuumenl Jevice i� open�ed in aoeorJance wi�h ihis
Reguletion �nJ �he iechnlnl Jm:ler filed with �he Direc�or
�ha� relales to Ihe amueement Jevice;
(b) before the amutemeni device u opened io the public cuh
day i� i� tnspeaed anJ iated In occonfance wi�h the technl•
al Jossier ihil rcl�ln lo �he �musemenl devia;
(c) alogbaokl�kep�;�nd
(J) �« mN of euh fmpection and lat �A�t Is wrried ow on
. Ihe �musemen� Jevice if kepl in Ihc log baok rcfened �o (n
cl�use (c).
(2) PGChrcmrJreferreJm(ncl�uce(I)(d)shallbeilgnedbyihe
perwn performing �he inspec�ion or �est or ihe superviyor ot Ihe per•
son pedorming �he inspcciion or I�t atmetinQ to ihe urqing om of
Ihe fnspeabn or lat. . �
(7) Each log Maklor �n amusment device shall, in addition �o �
record o! dilly inspeaionf �nd lesu mnlain,
(�) rcsult! of �II olher in�pec�iom onJ luu on �he �muxmenl
�(b) d+lty opemin` �emrds o( Ihe amusemeM devke, includin�
dl d�u conarnlna inciJenu and �ceidenu (molvin` Ihe
amusementdevke;anJ ,,
(c) m�iaienance recnrds, including all dua mnttminQ ehan{n
+nd Imprmemenb artied ou� on i6e �muument device,
(�) Each loa book shdl be kept for a puiod of �t lea�t w ye�n
fromlhedaleo(�helutenirytntheloaboak, ,
(S) Thn poNon of �he bQ book �hn caven �he Mclve rtwmh �
Period prcviou� to �he dne of ihe lul emty in tAe b� book fholl be
_ _ . .. . . . ATTACHMENT# � TOREPOR7r1«,f-��
,;,���QReg./fttg1.20 ' A7'I7tACIlONS Re /R! 20
a s�
'"" ' _ kcpt u ihe Iontton o( the amuumem device to whkh h nlneti plw per 100 metres o( wal wuer cluonel ka th ar •
�^: .�. . 0. Rq.71LB7. �. 11. . . . patl U�ereof ........� .................................... � .
' ...... 330
��• '.. . Feef 9. On upedd or folbw up impeafon M. ' .
H_ '. U.—(1) 7La (ollowin� fees �ro p�yable under �he M�nd �hb L■ ciw AI. -
. Reryl�doa: � . �. DI or D2 unuumeat device
� or a�akin �h►t usn �duh lum ............... 100 •
'zKY�s . .. . ,
�'—� l. On �n appUation (or a Iicence to nrry on Ne bwb IL v dus CI or C2 �muscmea� device. a w�ur
�� ncuofopentina�n�muxmentdev(ce.....�............ f200 � diUeor��o-kartlhrionlyufefktddiekuts 6p
:'�'... 7. On �n applin8on tor a rcneml of a Iiance ro arry
�. onthebuainwofopera�fng�namusemenideWtt.... Ipp I�i. �eia�fD�muxmentdevfce ..................... 2S
10. On �an inspeciion thu u unduly del�yod or prolonged
�' 7. On �n �ppltu�kn for a perm(t �o opente m �mwe• by reuons of �dtcenxe fai�in` �o mmply wfih c��use
..:. menl device ..................................................... 30 I9 (1) (d) of IAe Acl ..........................
. /. On �n applla�bn (o�a renewal of a permft lo oper�le ill rason�ble �nveliin6. mal �nd
an �musemenl device ......................................... 2.S �ttommod��ion eapenuf neceuar•
3. On Ihe submivion of a Iechnlal daatfer, ily tncuned by an Inspector in con•
nttlion wilb Ihe inapeclion by tea•
i. under tubuetion i (2),
mn ol �he delay or probnption,
p(uspermanbour ............................................. SO
- A. tor a elau p1 or A2 �muumem
device or � w�ter slide ................... J00 � I. On a rniew of a �ahnial Jauler oulside the o(ficei
of the Elrntind Devicn Dnnch o! �he At(nistry or
. . D. for�class0�or82�muttmentdevice where �n Inspec�ion is �peciilly art�nacJ io �ui� a
•....•...•.••.......• ............................ :AO liceasee'f sc6edule
_ C. (orael6uClotQsmuumentdevitt � • dlrciwnabletnvellin6,maland
ot � �o-kart ................................. :00 accommodi�ton expemes nettssar•
f�y tncurred,
D. (or�NassD�muumentJnim....... IW .
pluspermanday ..................�........................... 100
Ii. under subuaion 7 (�),
11. For a iropy of �n impectlon report or o�her dacument
A. for � e�au Ai. A2. DI or 02 amuu. relaUn` to an amuumenl de�ice ........................... t3
menl de�ice or a water alide............ :00
p. Fot a repl+cement oI� regis�utlon number nolice .... 25
D, for � class Cl, C2 or D+mwemenl
Jevkeora�o-k�rt ....................... 100 (2) The mmpower, ia� IoaJ, meuudns inJ o�her devices
« quired �o urry out an Impenion thall be prwldeJ by �he licrnsee.
lii. ueder �ubxction 7(7). SO per eent of tAe fee O. Re�. 31L87, s. IJ.
requGad unJer aubi�cm i.
6. On iha �ubmiu;on of doeumemn'an unJer iuMection
I. for a cl�u AI, A7, 01 or 02 amuxmem ��• Wmete o provislon o( a cafe �dopted by ihii Regulaiion u �
devltt or a w�ter sliJe ............................ 2(p inrnnsbten� wiih Ihe Act �nd iAi� Regul�tion, IAe prw(Aoro ot the
• ' AdanJthisRcgulafonshdiprevail, O.Rc`.�/L97,s.I1.
II. for a eluf CI, Q or D�muamem devitt or
a �akart ............................................. 100 Wewina
• 7. On the mbmlvian of an �menJment Io � imhnieil �s•—I� ) 7ha v+elJing of pipin6 and fiutnp oonUtnina m Inlemal
dosslet under subuction 7(5) .............................. SO Presswe paamr Iban 10J kPi on ah �moument devim thill conform
lo CSA Siindard ➢SI-M�98G, tioiler, Prcaurc Vesul �ad Preuurt
' A. O� m ImpmWn under subunkn 6(1) or ctause P'P�^6��•
s p) (e) or � mbuquent or periadie in�penion of, �
(2) The reWin� of atra� baNng puls ot an amuxment drna,
i. �dufAlorA2amuumentdev(ce..,........ uq o�Aer �han part� referred to In subsenbn (1), IAe f�ilurc o( wbich
autd an�e in uwfe condi�ion, �hili mnfortn ro CSA Sundard
� II. a dau U� ot B2 amuumenl devitt or � �o- W39�196/. Welded S�ed Comtructton (Mcul Arc WcWin6).
� lurtthriuw�dultluru ......................... I00 '- .
()) The weldind ot pipin� aod filtinpcometnin� an fntemal prcr
plw per kin ........................................ s surt puier th�n 10) kPa on �n amuumenl devta slull be urrird
� . om by � persoa who 6 yualilfed In �coordaixs MtA CSA SUnJard
ftl. ■ elau CI or C2 �muumenl devia or a�o- ��'M1986, Boiier, Prature Vessel md Preuurc Pipn` Coda '
kart Ihri uxtoniy klJdle karts ................. SO (1) The weldin` o( atrea bearing puu of an unusement device,
h'. +clauDamuumenldevice ..................... u ot6er th�n p�ns refemd to in �u6senlon (I), �he bilurc of rhkh
- , muld crca�e �n unsafe oomli�lon. ihail be artfed out by � penon
�ha b qualUed in urordana wi�d CSA SunAud K'�T.4MI98.1.
v. ■wncrtl(de ......................................... SO CeNilkationofCompanlaforFu�ionWeldfn�ofSinlStrvaumor
� W/7.?•M1987, Certifialton o( Compan(n �or Fwlon Weldlna ot
Alum(cum, u i6e cue rcquGa. 0. Rea. N7l87, i.15.
� . . . . . . _ .. SrRUCtviw. •
16.—(!) Structunl load� �nd procedurca con�idercd �n �ha dulan
ot iwaunl memben o( every �mutcment devlu ibali mnfortn to
ttctbn 4.1 a( Reguhtfon GI of Rev6ed Re`u6tlom of Oniario, I990
madeundertheBuUdfqyCodrAa� �� -
(=) Every pertn�nenl found�lloalhu 4 bull� �petflfnl�y (or �n
amuument devltt ihall be desiyned and comWded In �cmrd�nae
with ucqon �: o! ReQulatWn 61 o(Revised ReQul�dom of Onuria, ,
1990m�deunJerthe8u1fd1nqCoEeAct ,
device �h 11 be�nu�nonfana wi�h uc�ion 13 of Regularton 61�of
Revised ReQul�t(ons of Owdo, 1990 m�de under the BuUding Cade
(1) Every plol(orm, sh(r or nmp used im m�nec�ion wi�h an
�muument dovice ihdl be destgneJ �nd con�tructed in �anrJance
wi�h subsec�foro �,a.6 �nd J.1,7 of Re`ula�ion 61 of Revised Regulo.
�ioro oi Onmriu, 14SJ made under �ne Buil6ing CadeAtt exttpt ihu
m Inciined pia�fortn ar nmp mry iuve � miximum gradient of 1:8,
O. Reg.3JybT,i. 16.
P��r: tivo Rm�cs
17.—(I) Piping ufed in the hydnulic or pneumatic drive mecha•
n6m olan amwenent dnice �Aatl tuvr � ninimum wall �Alekneu of
1.63 mlllimelres plus C or u delemJned by �he follawing formula,
whicheverisgra�er: •
� uE+C '
where t � woll thicknea In millimetre�,
D � oubldedi�mNeto(pipe(nmiiltmeiva,
P � mufmum dlow�6�e prm�ure af pipin` in
� kilopascab,
' S � onequaner of tAe minimum mn�ile �ueng�h uf
Ihe pipin' In kilopauab,
E � jolm e(ficfenry, for uamlta pipe, onc ond (or
electric reibl�nce we!JeJ pipe, 0.83,
C �(at ptpe of a dxe up io anJ (ncluJing 9.3 miltime•
tra pipe rlte. IJ millimeuo anJ for pipe of a
�ke �rater tM1�n 9.3 millimetrn pipe �ue, ihe
depth in mi�limmrcs of the �hread or aroove, as
. ihe we may be.
(21 Every v�He anJ fit�inj uud in Ihe drive mechmiun o( w
amusament device fhdl,
(�) have a fxtor of n(ery o( nol lea th�n five baxd on ihe
minimum lenfite urcngth ot the matcria� uud in the v�ive
or fi�t(ng; and �
(b) be made of � maiedal Ihu 6as m eion��tbn of not Icu tA�n
10 per ttnl in � puge lenph o(fifry millimelm wAen me�.
wrcd in acmrd�nce wh6 ASThf Sundud L•8. O. Re6.
}1L87. �. 17.
F�xiet.e Hose �v.o Couruws
1!.—(i) Where �M1e hydnulfe mechanum of tn amuumenl devks
lf fltted wi�h a Ileaible huu �nJ fiuln` �ssem6ly �nd the (a(lure of
lhe Oeaible hou and filtin� �sumbly cauld cra�e an unnfe mndi•
tion,theqexlblehmeandfiltin�assembly�hill, �
(�) Arve�bumin�nreop4wtlldcnttowlthshndnu�y�
five dma �he muimum preuure �mktp�ud durin{ �pc
norm+l operakn o! �he imuumem dcvke;
(b) be equ�l to or beucr than typa 1pp (i2 wph(n the mun(n�'• J
... . •. of 5AL• Sundud 1317: � . .
(e) ba comp�tible wfih lhe hydnulie lluld uxd; �
(d) beuudwithhaefittfnpthalareaonreuublr, �
(a) beperm�nrntlymukeJ�a�how,
(f) Ihe manufaqurt o( �he hose and fitqna »>embly,
pi) �he rype of hose and fiu(n' uum6ly,
((ii). Ihe mfnimum faaory lest preuure of Ihe hose �nd
Ilrtting uum6ly,
(iv) ihemfnimumbendingndiusoflhehwe,and
(v) the da�e of fnstall�don of ihe hose �nd �ning a�sem•
(7) Every Ilewble coupling th�� is useJ on an amusement device
th�ll be w Jestgned �nJ wnstructed Ihal the failure of Ihe salin�
dement ufed wilh loe coupUng wi11 no1 permi� the sep�o�ian of the
(7) E�try decice ot meons Ihat G ameuibie to the publie and that
b useJ (or prevemfng Ihe sepatarton o( pant on �n +musement
Jevice sh��l bc rcmwable only wi�h the uu of tools �h�� ue noi in
Ihe form o( h�nJ opermeJ quick•relesse leven. O. 0.eg. }tZB7,
Pin Connemovs
19•—(i) Everypfmm�nectionononamusementde�iceaAallh�re
+ l�cmr of �akry of not lea Ihan ten.
(2) KTete ihelnilure af+ s(ngle p(n muld ereate an unuk mndi•
ibn on a pan uf �n amusemrnt Jev(ce, a sa(ely rel�Ine� sh�ll be p�o•
WJeJ for Ihm p�n o( ihe amusemem device �hal would be mbject ta
ihe unufe mnJi�tun it ihe pin fai�eJ. O. Reg, J41/87, i, �q,
S0.—(I) The f+c�ur olufety fur wire rope used on on �mu�emenl
dnice ah�ll be,
(q wAere �he ufery of Ihe paxngen in a pusen`er nrrying
unit i� dcpcndee� on one rope, twelve;
(b) where ihe ufery of the puungen in a passenger arrying
un(� Is depenJenl on n.�a topes, ten; or
(c) where �he »fcry of the passengen In a p�atenger arty(ng
unfi B dependent on more than two ropes, ei`hi.
(I) Wheteclipfueufedlofuteniheendo(awiterope,
(o) the rope enJ thall be benl over ��rooved•hun•shaped
�hfmble the qoove o( whtc6 ha a ndius equd lo th�t o( ibe
(b) ihe U•boli section o(aeh dip ihall oonqp the dad end or
ahortendo(thewirerope; , •
(e) +t Iwt two clips ih�ll be uud �6ere the wire rope is leu
thin n(ne millimelres in diameler, '
(d) �i lesst tArce clips �hJl be uxJ wAere �he Wlre rope i� ninc
o� more but less �hu sizueq miilimetres in d(unemr, �nd
RegJR2g1.20 - - ATTItA . . _ Reg./R2gi.m
_' � _— S— �D
�, •�� O (a) u leui fwr cllp� iball ba uwd wherc �he wlre rope 4 �4• (c) mrroslon oaun In a Ilnk to � depa tNt N(ccu ihe (acbr
tarn or marc mlll(metrc� in diemner. O�Re�.�1/67, ohaferyrequlreJforihelinkch�in:
t.20. � � . � . . �
�- � - ' �(d) the Ifnt ch+in b uud (or � purpou aher �han thu W
71. A Mro mpe Ih�t h umd on �n �muiiment devla �hdl ba -- whkb I� i� intemled toba urd; or
._ rcplacedwlt6�newwireropewhere;
' ' � � �'.(e) Ihe Iink chdn b uud w arry � b�d (n szceu �of ie
. (�) �tsnndomlydisulbutedwlrct�rcbrokeolnoneropeuyor apac(ty. O.Re�.NL87,�.12.
"�� - Nrce «(ra �ro bmken ar ona �tnnd in one rope by af tAa � �
viro rope and �he fa�ure o( ihe wirc mpe could ttcue an F[.�nna, 6uewsesnC�iu.�
' nnufe mnJll; :n on � pul ohhe �muum�N devlu; • . •
@) Ihete f� marc Ih�n one 6token Wire In one rope Irv of Ihe
' rtrc rupe �nd Ihe wite rope ban �he emire lo�d o( a p�i•
un�er earryinQ unt� on �he amas�mem dcvice;
(ej a6raion.umbbfn'orpeeninjhuesuuJlosso(moret6ao�-'"
� one•ihirdohheoriynaldiameurofawirelntheritempe:
(d) [OROfIO110CNR 10 �,deQrce Ihat would ilfecl Ihe lator of
ufety required for �Ae wire rope;
(e) kinkinp,crushing,birdcaginQorolherdim�geresultslndis•
:anba ro tta str�:tu:e of th: •xt:::ope; �nd
(� � reducdon of 6 per eent or norc a::n In the nominil
dume�erof the wire rope. U. Reg. NL87, s. il.
71.—f1) The 6ctor of ukry (or link choin uud on an amusemen�
de�ice sh�ll be,
(�) rhere ihe ufety of the pasun�en in � passen�cr arryin6
unl� b dcpenJent on one Ifnk chiln, (ouneen;
(b) whem the ufery of �he pauenQen in � p+sfen�er carrying
unit t� JepenJem an �w�o or more Ilnk chain� anJ 16ere if au
ufeiyreiainer, nvelve; or
(c) ,whcre ihe sa(ety o( Ihe pasun`en in a p�sien'cr arryin�
unit is dependenl on nvo or morc �ink chain� inJ � ukry
rcl+lner h meJ im m�Junction with the IinA cn�im.len.
(t) WAere Ihe ufery af �he p�ssenQrn in a puunger nrryin`
unl� of aa �musemem Jevice is dependent un a iin�le link chaln. a
ufery reafner shail be ued �ogether wi�h �be �ink chile.
(7) tlnk chaln Ih�� ia useJ as a wfsly relainet or in a stress beu•
Ing �ppliaiWn un m unuument derice shall,
(a) be certifiad by the chain manufacmrcr a �o iu lu�d arryio{
ap�ciry: anJ
(b) nol6erom�ructeJo(Iwifledwireo�sum�dch�ia.
(�l Fxh fulenet Ihal B emJ wi�h � link cbain on �n �muumsm
devitt Aull have � IwJ arrytng ap�ci�y �hu 4+t lust equ+l to iAe
linkchilntowhichfl�(uteneJ. ' ..
(S) CoIJ thuu, yuick linlu, shacklu ot wnnatin` linb �hall nm
be dded �o the link choin Iha� G useJ u� wfcry retainar or In �
suw barin� ipplla�ion on �n amuumem device.
(6) Subxcdon (S) doa nol �pply to th�ckla �h�t ue wed as end
t�stenen on � Iink chain.
()) A link chain that 4 used on an �musemem device �hall be
rcphad with a new �ink chain wherc,
(o) a rcduetion of IO per mm or more occun In �he originil
diameter of a link In the cAain;
(b) a link � Iwisted or d'utohed;
tl.—(I) Fenein` thil will prevem a penon from lallins �hap k
prov(ded for tach �muument device wberc fi t� pouible for i pena�
lo bll morc than 600 mlllimetrc� olh ph�form.
(2) Fencins Ih�l will prevrnt aaeu to the �muKmem devioe
�hall be provided (or e�ch �muumrnt dcvkc wAere ii h pouible (a
persons ather �han ihox awhorized by the operaior or I(crnue n
have �aea ro �n arn where.
(a) pans of Ihe amuument devla are mwin` �1 a fpeed th+t
exeeed 8 kilometres per hour or seven rarotutfons per
(6) �ny part of ihe amuument Jevice or p�sunget twings wt
mer an �rc� to whlch �he publie haa �cccu lea th�n 73
metres above grounJ level; -
(c) Ihe normil opentiunal male af the amuument device e
potemiatiy huarJous to 6pt�nden; or
(d) Quy wires or bncet ore used on the �musement dr.ite tlut
ue not clearly ma�ked r�ph strt+men or oiher similv
• devices. •
O) Fencin`whemrequireJunderthisuc�lon,o�herlh�nlnareaf
resiricted t� children only, sh�ll ba at Icut one metre in heiQh�.
(4) InueasrestricleJtochildrenonly(encingsh�Ilbeatle�st600
millimelres In Aelghl.
(5) Euh opening to �n amusemenl device thu pruvidu atteas w
or egreu from ihe �muumenl Jevice far ihe pu6lic �hill be provided
wi�h a me�nf of pmeming petwm from InaJvenrntly emedng �he
(6) Fencin6 wherc requireJ under ihis tenion th�Il be aUeut 730
millimeua from �.iy movins pm uf +n amuument tide. O. ReF
}1:l87.�. 21.
2J. Every moundn`, dme mah�num, �uunure or other compo
nem o( an amuument device IhJt muid enungle � p�tl of a passen•
�er or Ihe clolhe� ot a pasun`et ah�ll be gwrded w u to preven�
injury to a passenger. O. Re�. YfA87, s. 2�.
TS. Whcre two or more aausemenl devitts arc �dpcenl io ooe
�nwher �nd the publie b permi�leJ acen between �he amusement
Aevices, exh amusement devire shaU be x� pl�l lhal 6etwern �
part af �n imuxmenl devitt iAa t� uol fennd and,
(a) � mwin� put of an �dJ�ttnl �muumenl devia �hurc 6 �
�p�aoh�leutfourmetrci;or �
(b) � fized part of an �djacem �musmem devitt or � fena
around an �dpcenl �musemcnl dcvke Iherc 6� dar �pia
or walkw�y of at leut Ihrce metrcs. O. Re{. NZB7.
�. 25.
, GFl1EML �
26. Every amuxmen� dde �hall mmply with CSA Sundud
:, .;�:, � - ,.. .i
Regje2tgL20 � .1MUS8MEM'DB�CHMEi�� � TOREP(�RTiReg./Rlg1.20
• 2261•M19x1, Safery Cafe for Amuscmem Rlda. 0. Re�. 3�tL67, �� . BuNreA G�s .
� �. . .. . . 1
� J7.—(I) fachpauenjercarrylnjunilon�bumpetarride�hdl, �
37. The polnl of entp' ta Ih: pasunger wrrying un(t o( every ,
�musamem dde iNll be w po�lUoned lh+� It dxs not exttcd SOU (�) be fined w(th �n cnclrcltn{ buf(er ol wh m�mrial Iful Is �t
mi�ItmetrcsveitieilryGomihepoinwhawtothepuxngerarry• Ieut100milllmeunthtck; • -
inguni�. O. Ae�.3JLB7,i.27. . . .
.. . . .(b) ,be provlded wfth � devtee �o mainuln cominuaui eknrkal
7D. Thrne pad� of p�s�en;ernrr�in� uniu on �n amusemenl dde • conucl wi�b �ht runw�y al a minimum preuure ol fi(tetn
tho� mny coma imo conwcl w(�h other paxunger artyfng units an . � �ewiom; . ..
th� ume dde shall be equlppeJ with ImPia abw�bing Jnica. .
O. Reg.NJ/87,�.28. -• . � (c) when uud slmut�aneoudy w(�h other p�ssenger arryin�
uni�t un a runw�y, not differ In wel`At by more than 3(1 per
Surroaru+o Bwcwna cent from iAe Iighta[ pusenyercarryihy ucit; �nd
29. Everyamusementrldeslulltxerec�eJ, � �
(u) on � mrfate tha� wlll beu ukly all Iwds Ih�l ue imposed
on the amuxment ride durinY tu opentton or �hat could
rnsanably be aapected to be plattd on ihe omuument dJe
' due to �he environmemal rnndiiiom in the laaliry where
the emusemeN riJe berccled; �nd
(b) in sucM1 a marner+j to be table unJer ail opeoiing condi-
Qons and under all endronmenlat mndit(ans that arc rw-
wnably ec�xc;ed In ihe lontiry xhere the �musemen� ride
i� erected. O. Reg. }7:/tl7. �. 29.
)0.—(1) Oricb or eemem bbcks fhall not be uxd io �tabilize an
amusemem riJe.
(2) Subu:iion (�) Joe� not apply �o �he use af bticW or cement
blaks lo si�bili:e a plallorm, aiair or a ramp Iha� (ortro pan af �n
�mu�emenl riJe but b inJependent nru�tunily from tAe cnuument
riJe. •
(l) 91aks, mher than b�ick ar aement blucW. �h�� �re uuJ in
Ihe consuuciiun of an amuumem dde �h�ll, where Ihe blocks ue
murc th�n twu tlen hiah, be criLbeJ or crosuJ.
(1) Where only one or Irv lien af 61aks are u+eJ in Ihe mn•
structiun uf �n ammemrnt riJc, Ihe hciQht uf ihe blakin{ �holl nu�
exceed Ihe Io�al wiJlh ol ihe base of Ihe M1kzks beina uuJ.
(S) Ulocking �hat h uud In ihe con�truawn of +n amusemcnt
�' dJe sh�ll be sized w iAm �he bearing sutGce u( ihe blaAinQ is �i
leosi eqcal lo or gre�ier ih�n �he bening wrf�ce of ihe wppun paJ
o(Ihe amusemem rlJe. O. Re{.3JL87,t. J0.
A«o�weue Rioes
JI.—(I) Eveq�awomobileriJe�h�ll.
(a) be w IimileJ ur �werned w as nut io exseed NI kilumetra
per huur;
(b) wharc the riJe is Suided, be w Jasi{ned �bat eacA pauenEer
artymg unii wili siup �t the Iwdin{ �nJ unlo+Jin` area�
wiihuut u+i�unce (rom a pasun�er,
(e) have a roaJray ih�i providn sulficient pip to enable e�ch
puunQer carryfng unil to be drnen nfely a� muimum
speed anJ m;top wi�hin � d'uunce of �en meva; anJ
(J) have �he ro+Jway moni�ored durtng oper�iion, either
dirmtly by uper�ion ar �uenJanu or both or indireaty by
viwal and aud'a elmtronic means.
(i) A passen`er utryin4 uni� tlut u p+r� o( an amomobile ride
thu is'elGpropelkJ by �n In�ernal combwtian momr and 1ha16 bs�
Ina uil ur fuel �hall be immeJiauly rcmoved fmm �he rwdw�yof the
omomubile riJe.
(7) l�st oil or fuel from an �u�amobile ride ah�il be rcmaved
Immedia�ely. O. Re`. }IIl87, s. JI.
(J) have �he steerin6 wheel �nJ i�i hub uu1 ill cxposed compo-
nent� on Ihe bumper a�.lhtl are �onkd betwccn ihe fet
and Ihe uterin` wAeel padded and dai6ned w u io mini•
ml:e Ihe risk o( (njuq• to an occupam tn �he a�ent of + wili•
(2) Evcry �rca furrounJing o bumper car runwoy th�ll be Gtted
wiih cmh 6orJen ihat hrve,
(a) a top edpe �hat is no[ lacaud Imeer Ihm tAe �op edge of �he
encircling buffer an �he passenger carryinQ uniis; �nd
(b) a bottam edge �hat is nut laated higher �h�n �he bauom
ed�e of the encfrcling buffer on ihe p�ssenger nrping
(J) Every bumper ar runway shall mnsist uf xgments �h�t ue
unJ�maged, even, poluheJ anJ cle�n and that �nake elcaricil mn•
�act wi�h aJJuent ugmentswiihow sporking. "!
(�) Every cunenl griJ Iha� mpplie� po��Yr �o a bumper tu ride
(�) where Ihe `riJ If cunstruaeJ olwire mesh,
(I) be cunstrucied o( galvanixeJ or s��inless suel xire
Ihat has a diimeter of at leasi 1.2 miliimetres, �nd
(li) have mesh opening� Ihat do no� ecceed �hirtyeight
millimeirc. in widih;
(b) be lensbned w Ih�� nu car lifu the currem 6�iJ mure ih�n
�hirry millimetm Irom iis rc�� position Jurinq normal oper
uiun uf ihe rlde; anJ
(c) be pmiiivcly connected tu iU puwer supply n a m(nimum
(i) two poinu in Ihs case of � runway Ihol hu �n arca of
2W +qu�rc metres ar less, or
lill ihree puinU In the au of a runway th�� 6u �n aru
af more �h�n 2[ID squ�re mmrn.
(S) Every �vrrmi wliccmr pale Ihat tnmfen power fmm ihe
arrem {nJ ia a bumper nt on a bumper ear ride shail,
(�) be so dni6ned �nJ mnstruaed �hat Ihe pole maintains mn•
tid wi�h �he eunem grid al a m(nimum ot Ihree poinu aim•
(b) uen � fora on the curtenl ytd at the poim of mnua of a�
leait ien newon� ind nut morc than statern newtom;
(c) be anchared m �he bumper nr w u to prevem the pole
from ftllin6 down dudn` normal opentbn of �he bum�xr
ar ride; .
(d) be Inful�ted, olhet Ihan wAerc il mnlacu Ihe turr�n� 6rid,
so �� m prevent a penon frum Qettin6 an dendc shak; �nd
ATTACHMEN711 � TU REPOR7u <� ,��
1:1. ?
K.r;�xK���•n� � ► � , _ � : �.
.. ►�
Being a by-law to Gcence end regulate carnivals
and other like showa operating in the City of
WHEftGAS pursuant to Section 236(7) of the Municipal Act, R5.0. 1990, c. M.45, as amendcd,
n Council of a local municipality may pass by-laws for prohibiting or regulating and licensing
exhibitions of wax works, menageries, circus-riding, and other like shows usually exhibited by
showpersons, and for regulating and licensing roller skating rinks and other places of likc
amusement, and merry-go-rounds, switchbeck railways, cazousels and other like contrivances;
!n this by-law,
a) "Amusement Dcvicc' means u machine, contrivaace, structure or vchicle useJ in
un utnuscment park to cntertain membcrs of tlie public by movin� them or causinb
thcm to be movcd.
b) "Cnrnival" mcans nn exhibition, display, cvcnt or amusement sliow which may
incluJe thc operatiun of one or more amusement Jcviccs.
c) "Cily" mcans thc Corporation of thc City of 1'ickcring.
2. No person shnll operate a camivul in lhe City without first obtaining a licence from thc
City, which licence shall be calleJ a Curnival Licence.
). The owner or operator of a Camival shall not operatc within 100 mctres from the lot line
of any residential property without thc prior written consent of thc occupan�s of the
residential properties wiQun that distance.
4. A Camival Licence shall expire on the date of tertnination of the event or activity to wluch
the licence relates unless it is sooner forCeited or revoked.
5. The fee for a Camival Liccncc shall be 5100.00 for the first day of operation and 550.00
for cach subscquent day of operation.
G. M application for a Cemival Licence shall include,
a) A copy oF an insurance policy in a minimum amount uf onc nullion dollars,
inclusivc limits, naming the City as an insural for loss or damage resulting from
bodily injury to, or the death of one or more persons, snd for loss or damagc to
property arising out of Uie activity or event to which the licence relates.
b) The licence fec av noted in Section S of this Dy-law.
c) A skcich of thc property on which the Camival is to bc held showing the locatiou
ef the Camival on that property and its location relative to surrounding praperties.
d) A copy of the applicant's current Amusement Device Licence issucd pursuant to
the Amusement Devices Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.20, as amendcd.
e) A list of ull amusement devices to be operated et the proposed Carnival and a copy
oF the Amusement Device Pernut issued pursuant to the Amusement Deviccs Act
for ench smusement device.
5. A Carnival shall not be operatcd bctwecn lhe fallowing hours:
a) Sunday to Thursday - I0:00 p.m. through to 10:00 a.m. the next day; and
b) Friday and Saturday - midnight throu�li to 10:00 a.m. thc next day.
7. Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-luw is guilty oFan oli'ence and upon
conviction thcrcof is liabla to a finc of not more tl�an fivc Tl�ousund (S5,000.00) Dollars,
for cnch ofTence commiucd.
BY•LAW read a first, sccond and third timc and finally� passr.d this 21st day of I�ebruary, 2000.
Waync Anhurs, Mayor
Brucc Taylor, Clcrk
1 f. 3
� � � �-������`�
•, �' Oshawa (905) 57&1520 7-888-578-1520 Toronto (905) 8819100 Fax (905) 579•2273
, i
• ww� r.raqtru • cN.r a roew • o. o.nwn - o.pAy cnri • �m�wwuwn • �. aar,.. n.puy cn;,i. oqw�orn
8 February 2000
Mr. Brucc Taylor, Cicrk
City of Pickcring
Civic Complex
Onc thc Esplanadc
Pickcring, Ontario LIV 6K7
Dunr Mr. Ta}•lor
Furthcr to our convcrsation of 1 Fcbruary• 2000, plcasc find cnclos�d a wpy of thc n�hv
draR by-la«• rcgarding �hc liamcing of Sceond Hand Ston�s and Salvagc Yards. 'Il�is draft has
Ixxn prcparcd by thc Clcrk's �nd thc Lcgal Scn�a's Departmcnts of thc Ciq� of Osha«a in
partncrship ��ith thc Durhvn Rcgional Policc Scnin:.
Thc operating practiccs of S�rond Hand Stor�s lu�c long Ixtn a conccm of lhc police,
not only in Durham Rcgion but also �cross North Amcnca, duc to thcir closc usocia�ion «ith thc
Fcncing of Stol�ro or Unla��fully Acquir�d Property .
Thc policc lusc alw confirtnal that m�n�• of thcu stons arc also ill��ally operating as
Pm�n Shops. Th�y� do so by ofTcring shart tcrtns loans to customcrs, aho Icavc houschold itcros
bchinJ u collatcral. 71ic stores thcn cfurgc bchca�n 60U and IOOU°o annual intcrest on thcsc
loans Ixforc thc customcr can rwcquin; thcir property.
If thcsc stores xishcd to operatc as Icgal Pa��n Shopa Lw� could do so by nxciving �
liccncc from a municipality and operating undcr thc guidclin�s ��swbluhcd in thc Pa«nbrokcr's
Act ��ithin thc Provincial Offi.roas Act.
Cumrody �eithin Durlum Rcgion somc municipalilics luvc Scccmd Hand Storc by-la��s
and somc do not. Of thosc Uut do ha«: by-laws, thc scctions ��ithin cach to«n's by-la��s difl'cr .
This makcs thc stcady rnforccmrnt of thcsc bylaa•s. «hich has traditiomdly bccn han�lcd by thc
policc, difiicult to accomplish, Thc Saond FLv�d Stores thcrosclvcs quickly bccomc a«arc of
this fact and lowtc or rc-locatc branchcs of thcir storo in thc to«ns O�at arc dcemcd to ha�c
��rakcr, or no by-laws at all. '
In rcccnt ycars thcre has becn a markcd incrcasc in thc numbcr of thcsc storcs and in thc
numbcr of transactions at thcsc stores by persons from outsidc thc n,�gion. This incrcascd volumc
in thc numbcr of transaMions scrvcs to m�lcc the trrcking of illcgally acquircd itcros back to thcir
rightful o«ncrs cvcn more difficult.
In ordcr to corrcct thcse and othcr conccros, it is our objcctivc to scc Uut all of
thc municipalitics within thc Rcgiai of Durh.vn pus a wmmon Socond Hand Storc By-la���. 'Ihis
common approach will prevrnt furthcr disptaccmcnt of Ihe problem from one to«n to anolhcr and
makc stcady enforccmcnt of thcsc stores casicr to accomplish by thc policc.