HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 40/00�"" °� COI�FIDENTIAL 083 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: December 4, 2000 City Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 40-00 SUBJECT: Request for Waiver of Hall Rental Fee by Rotary Club of Pickering RECOMA�NDATION: That ihe request of Mr. John Moniz of the Rotary Club of Pickering dated December 1, 2000 to weive the hall rental fee of the Eest and West Salons at the Pickering Recreation Complex on Saturday, February 17, 200I in support of a proposed Women's Shelter be received; and That a grant in the amount of 51,104.83 be made to the Rotary Club of Pickering to offset the said hall rental fee for the Pebruary I7'", 2001 fundraising event; end That this grant be charged to Account 2195 (Grant to Organizetions and Individuals) as a 2001 axpenditure. ORIGIN: Letter from Mr. John Moniz dated December I, 2000 AUTHORITY: Section 113(1) oftha Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 2001 expenditureofS1,104.83 BACKGROUND: Please find attached to this Report a letter from Mr. John Moniz of the Rotary Club of Pickering requesting a waiver of the hall rental fee of the East and West Salons at the Pickering Recreation Complex for a fundreising event to be held on Saturday, February 17, 2001 in support of a Women's Shelter. Aiso ettached is a memorandum from myaelf to Mayor Arthurs providing further details on this request. .,../2 ,. . . .; . , rr � •`���� Report to Council CL 40-00 Date: December 4, 2000 Subject: Request for Weiver of Hell Rcntal Fea Page 2 ATTACI�NTS: . 1. Letter fram John Moniz dated December 1, 2000 2. Memorandum to Mayor Arthurs dated December 4, 20W Prepared By: Bruce Taylor Attachments Copy: Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Director, Operations & Emergency Services . Division Head, Cuiture 1� Recreation Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council � n ,� .s'aa _ Th nas ]. uinn C�ef A ministra ' e Offtcer ,: �.. s, , ,., »..� .. _ ,,... .. ,� . . „ , . ATTACHMENT#�TOREPORTII cG yo-uv_. O$,rj 4 ` ��,�I ui� .f� � ; � I L�d� GL�RK'S UlVI310Fd December 1, 2000. City of Pickering, Attn: Mr. Hruce Tsylor, Town Clerk The Rotary Ctub of Pickering together with a number of local businesses in Pickering and Ajax will be having a Mega Fundraiser on Saturday, February 17�', 2001. All proceeds will go towards the newly proposed Women's 5helter. We would like the city of Pickering to weive the rentel cost of the hell on a one-time grant. Thank you. Yours sinccrely, o . Moniz, Dir or of Club Services, Rotary Club of Pickering. ,j �� � � , t� � F j +'' $ s: M 1 ..�� ; ) • ��-�� . ., t . . . . � . . ;� ' ' ATTACHMENT # Z TO REPORT # c c 4 0- v7� �lg�i ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT CLERK'S DMSION MEMORANDUM December 4, 2000 To: Mayor Arihurs From: Bruce Taylor Ciry Clerk Subjecl: Request for Waiver of Fiell Rental Fee by Rotary Club of Pickering Please find attachal to this memo a letter Gom .]ohn Moniz of the Rotary Club of Pickering requesting a waivcr of the rental cost of the East end West Selons at thc Recreation Complex respecting a fundraiser to be held on Saturdey, February 17, ZOOI in support of a Women's Shelter. You will recall thal at its rcgular meeting of October 16, 2000, Council pesseci the Collowing resolution: Th�t t6e Cauncil of the Carpontion of the City of Pickeriog encounga the commuoity and Couocil to cominue to e:plore nnd iupport a Womaa'a Shdtcr to be louled in the Ajai/Plckering arca. In the event that Council provides a grant to olfset thc rentel fee af the Eest and West Salons, the grant should bc in the amount of S1,104.83 which includes the rentel fee and all taxes. I beGeve the Direcror, Corporate Services end Treasurer has made an allocation in the preliminary budget for Account 2195 (Grants to Orgenizations and Individuals) to accommodata this grent. Therefore, if Council passes a resolution at ita meeting of December 18° to provide i'or such a grant, they should ensure that it comes from the 2001 Operating Budget. � Bruce Taylor Attachments Cc: D'uector, Corporate Services & Treasurer Supervisor, Legislative Services � :�