HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 04/00• 1 FS \,�y OF P/C� G i y � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Everott Buntsma DATE: February 10, 2000 Director, Operations & Emergency Services REPORT NUMBER: OES O4-00 SUBJECT: Pickering Baseball Association - Washroom, Storage, Concession Building — Brockridge Park - File: CO1000 RECOMMENDATION: 1, That Council approve the proposal of the Pickering Baseball Assoc. to construct an amenities building in Brockridge Park. 2. That funding for the project be providcd entirely by the Pickering Baseball Association. 3. That staff be Jirected to assist in obtaining any approvals necessury to undertake and conswct this project. ORIG[N: Original Brockridgc Pazk dcsign of 1984 AUTHORITY: Ontnrio Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Yearly utility costs oCapproximalely $500/year for water, sewer and hydro EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: When Brockridge Park was originnliy designed and constructed, an umenities building was part of the ovcrall project pinn. Due to costs and the dcsiro �o ensuro n valid necd for u fucility, this part of the project was deferred. The Pickcring Busebull Associution has now initinted a rcquest to constnict the amcnitics facility. 1�16 • Report to Council OES O4-00 Date: February 10, 2000 Subject: Pickering Baseball Association Page 2 Washroom, Stomge Concession Building BACKGROUND: The Pickering Baseball Association (P.B.A.) had initiated a request Cor an amrnities facility in the Brockridge Park in 1995 tivough the Department of Purks & Fucilities. 'fhe facility will inciude wnshrooms, storage room and a concession. At that time, the depwtment ndvised the P.B.A. that the Town was not in a financial position to assist their request. Further, we adviscd that there would be approval required Gom Tha Toronta and Region Conservation Authority, as the facility would be within a regulated area. Subsequently the P.B.A. prepared preliminary site plans and a design plan for a facility. The Department of Pnrks & Facilities submitted these plans to The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority on behalf of the P.B.A. for review. In 1998, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority approved the construction, as per the 1984 original plan nnd subsequent P.B.A. plans. The P.B.A. was aJvised again that funds from the Town were not availablc and that proper architectural, cngineering and sitc plans wcre rcquircci. Thcy havc reccntly obtained all required plans through a local ArchitccturaUEnginccring finn. Thc plans were approvcd by thc Chicf BuilJing O�cial anJ subscqucntly fonvardcd to thc Sitc Plan Advisory Committce for considcration. Thc Sitc Plan Advisory Committce has rcyucsted lhat Council approvul bc obmined for lhis facility prior to considcration by thc Sitc Plan Advisory Committcc, as thc facility is located in a City Park. Givcn that thc P.E3.A. is prcp;vcd to pay all construction costs (cst. 540,000) that thc neccssary approvals have bcen granted by thc Toronto and Rcgion Conscrvation Authoriry, anJ Ihat this initiativc is cnJarsed by thc Departrtient of Operations and Emcrgency Scrviccs,l believc this is a viablc and valuablc projcct for thc P.B.A. and thc pazk uscrs at largc. Thcrc arc no capital costs to the Ciry, however we woulJ be paying seasonal operating costs cstimated at 5500 annually. The P.B.A. will operate the concession and maintain the facility at their cost, simitar to the nrrangcment with Pickering Rcp Fastball ut Kinsmen Purk. All operational insurance will be the responsibility oC P.B.A. Ac:ual insurancc for the structure will be thc City's responsibility, as the facility will belong to the City upon completion. No fortnai ngrccments have been nccessary for this urtangement, which providcs both pactics with the ubility to modify arrangemcnts for spceial situations (i.e. Canada Day, etc.). The P.B.A. has been an integral community sport association in Pickcring for 20 ycars and their interest in providing, at no cost to the Ciry for Capital construction, a park faciliry of this nature is to be commendcd. It is thc recommendation of the Depnrtmcnt of Operations & Emergency Serviccs that thc proposal of thc P.B.A. to construct an emcnitics facility in Brockridge Pnrk bc approvcd. ' ' Report to Council OES 04•00 Subject: Pickering Baseball Association Washroom, Storage Concession Building ATTACHMENTS: l, Locadon Map 2. Site Plan � Prepazed By: i�> v Everett Bunts Director, Operations & Emergency Services EB:mld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Planning & Dcvelopment Recommended for the consiJeration of Pickering Ciry Council i , �t .. -�� ��ron � •• � ,. A/ 'L6N T}fo ns J. Qui . Chic Adm ' rativc iccr Date: February 10, 2000 � �,7 Pege 3 L:\PLANNING\TERANEi\LAYER\PARKS\Orckrdge.dwg ���,� }c„r r1„p1�� . , , ���. � ` 169 A7TACHMENTN � ���0%�Oa