HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 03/00�, � a �� . ti � �. �, � * > � � 's, _ ',� 'i ,�yQRP/ i : rc� ': � . ' 055 ., �; a- - : REPORT TO COUNCIL . FROM: Bmce Taylor DATE: Merch 14, 2000 City Clerk ' � REPORT NUMBER: CL 10-00 SUBJECT: Year ZOOD Municipal Election - Advance Poils md Use of Vota Tabulating Equipment RECOMMENDATION: That Clerk's Report CL 10.00 regarding the Year 2000 Municipal Election be received; and L That the draft by-law ro estabiish Advance Polls on Saturday, November 4; 2000 and Wednesday, November S, 2000, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. be enacted;and 2. That the bid submitted by Globel Election Systems for the rontal of 33 vote tabulators as set out in Cooperative Request For Proposal Q 73-99 et a cost of 594,365.10 including applicablo taxes bc approvcd; and 1'het the Mayor and Cluk be suthorized to acecuta the epplicable leaae egreement. ORIGIN: 1. Advanco Polls -Rcquiremrnt of the Municipol Elections Act, 1996 2. Vote Tabulatoro •Requirement of Purchasing PoGcies AUTHORITY: L Advence Potls - 5ection 43(1) of the Municipel Elections Act 2. Vote Tabulatoro — 2000 Curcent Budget FINANCIAL IIvIPLICATIONS: L Staffing costa for each Advance Poll is S 1,600 2. Vote Tabulaton - ren►ed at cost of 594,385.10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, In accordance with the Munici�al Eiec�one Aa, e bytew is bein8 recommaiaed �o cona�cs �wo •, Advence Poile on Novembzr 4 snd Bi° between thc houre uf 10:00 e.m, and 8 00 p.m, Nso, it ia . being iecommended that Council npprove the bid �bmitted by Globd Hlection S�ytems for the" ; ` : rental of 33 vote tabulaton -` ti '.'. . . �, t - �r � -. Report to Couna! CL10-JO :; . , � Dntc: hierch 14, 2000 ` ��s Subject:`Year2000ElecGona Page 2 - .. . , ,, , > _ , , <. ,. . BACKGRUUND: , ADVANCE POLIS Seclion 43(1) of the Mwtiapal Elections Act, 1996, etates as follows: At lea�t 30 daya beforc voting day, the wuncil of � local municipality i6a11 piu� a by-law atab166ing, (a) one or morc d�ta for �n �dv�nu vote; �nd (b) U6e houn duriag whic6 voting plac« e6All be opeu on t6at date or dates. • In previous yeats, Pickering has always provided for two Advance Polls on the Wednesday prior to Election Day end the second Saturday prior to Election Day. This has appeared to work well and I would again recommend that Council enact a by-law to provide for Advence PoUs to be held on Saturday, Novcmber 4'" and Wednesday, November 8'" between the hours of ]0:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. at Ihe Civic Complex. It is fortunate that the Civic Compiac is within walking distence of the Pickering Town Centre Mall, the Central Library and the Recreation Complex. Most residents of Pickering, including those in the rural arca, wouid likely visit one of ihese buildings on one of the days of the Advance Polls and could vole et that time for wnvenience purposes. In 1997, the Ciry of Oshawa held a series of Advance Polls over a period of nine days at the Oshewa Centre Mall in an efTort to increaso the votcr tumout. The additional Advance Polls made no di9'erena in the number of people voting in thet election, in fact the voter tumout was only 28%, end wn��uently, I understand that Oshawe will be reducing the number of Advance Polls in the Year 2000 election. YOTE TABUIrATING EOUiPMENT The Citiea of Pickering and Oshawa put out Cooperative Request For Proposal Q 73A9 for the supply and delivery of vote tebulating equipmeait. Although this RFP was adveAised on the Intemet, wa were aware thet only two co�.�panies, namely Election Systems and Software (ES&5) and Global Election Systems (Global) supply equipmrnt of thls nature end both were invited to make bids based on the purchase and rental of the equipment. The following is a summary of lhe bids for the City of Pickering based on 33 machines: C011�ANY RENTAL PURCHASE ES&S 5174,728.70 5330,403.40 � Global S94 365.10 S266 955.25 M evalusGon team compriaed of the �tatt' of the Purchasing, Informadon Systema and C(erk's Departments of both citiw reviewed the bids wbmined by,both companies end they were yay close in tenns of what their companies end equipment hsve to oflbr. Although the bid eubmitted by ES&S is aignificantly higher than thabid submitted by Globd, S5dt5 offer such servias es the .. provleion of the bellot peper end tha preparetion'nnd ertwork for the bnllote. Regudles� of these' . urvices, the bid eubmitted by ES&S ie etill eigni6cendy lughc� then that of Globd, -.��� �__. . _� . . � � .. __. ... .. p_t __. . .< < ,. . _ :kt .., . - ' �� � � Report to Council CL10�00 �: ��Deu: Merc�h 14, Z000 05� , ' ,. ' SubJect: lear 2000 Elcction� pnge 3 ;� _ Soth companies ere headquartered in the Unitad 5tatea and wili be unda a great deal of evea� to supply Ontario munidpalida with equipment when thc Preaidential election in lhe [Inited Stetes will be tield within a few daye of the muniwtipd election. Although ES&S won the bid to supply the Cities of Toronto and M'isciseauga with thcir equipment in tho muniapal. elecdons, most of the'v cGenta end refarnces wae American based. Global hes been in Cenada for a longer period of time and emice more Cenadien and Ontario cities. In 1997, Global wa� used b"y Pickering, Ajex, Whitby, Oshawa, Nepean a�,d Kingston. Global is also used by aeveral large westem cides such es Vancouver and Sasketoon. Our fust use of the vote tabulaGng equipment in the 1997 municipel election allowed us to leam of the bene6ta of such equipment and to Icam from some negadve aspxts. The bene6ts of such equipment are: • The results can be determined much moro quickly so long as the modems are used propedy to transmit the results from the polling stations. • The equipment will indicate if a voter has a epoiled ballot and thus the votcr is ellowed to make a cortection if they so wi9h. • The resalts are accurate and remove the requirement for a Deputy Retuming Ot�cer to detemiine if a mark that is qucstionable for n candidate should be counted. • Voters can be procesaed much quicker thus elinwina for lerger polling subdirisio!�! �� creatin� leas stat�ng costs. Some of the problems that wera experienccd were: • Tho software program that wav provided in the 1991 municipel election waa a iJNIX progam that wes very complicated to leam and ust. This was very frusveting for staff and stafi' from the infortnation Systems Section as weA es the Clcrk's Department wtte required to be dedicatcd for rntire days to leaming and programming. The software to be used in the 2000 municipal elcetions is ivficrosoft based and is very user-friendly and easy ro learn end uu. • Mort Deputy l�etuming df6cers wcre eitlur unable or unwilling to modem the results ' back to the Civic Complac end therefore resuits were not detcrmined until about ]0:30 p.m. Although all DROa were given intensive treining and a�itten instructians on how to modcm the resulta, many were nrnous of doing this because they had never used computers to any great extent. I be6eve this probiem can be solved by hiring poll personnel who are students in computer programs to operate the equipment. • There were long Gne ups at some of the larger polls bcrause tha Voters List Icft off the names of many residrnts and thnsforo thc poll personnel were ovenvhelmed by voters needing ro wmplete fortns to either get on thc Votcrs List or to cortect the List. This problem should bc aolved by hiring additional poll persannel whose sole duty wi0 be to help voters complete fortna thus ftceing up the Poll Clerks to proces� those electors who are propedy regiatered. I am egain recommending that the City ront the r„quipment instead of purchesing it because this tyye of equipmrnt is changing rapidly end I beGeve we will be moving to voting on touch screens or using eltemate forms of vnting auch as the Internet and telephone in the fiiture. Nso, the Ciry should remnin Aexible in what typc of cquipment is used besed on pending emalgamations. The atxff of tha City of Oshawa aro elso recommending that the bid submitted by Global for the rental of AS machinee bs approved. : �. � , ., . . . �,.. ., � ..1.. , _ _ ,, . .. + � � t "�. - t e l �Tj � z'.: .-,.� 1 'r'.�.:;� , r�5$ Repon to Coundl ,CL10A0 F A`. . I1ate "Merch 14, 2000 SubJax Yeu 2000 Slectione. p� 4 f: , _., , � ' � ATfACHMENTS: 1, Dnft By-1aw � � Prepued By: - � Brua Taylor, AMCT, CDIlbi City Clerk AttachmenW Recommended for the wnsidcration of Pickering . Ciry Council . � � c 0 . T �. QU1M . � . � . . . ChieFAdministralive OtTcer ,t _ ,J.1 ,.E. . _ . i t r� 5 ��� - ?rt � i f ��S .' t.i �- 1 i' . F } i � 1�. � . 1 _.� 5 � F i,�' 1-� j Y� � 1 .... r. i.�.� ,_.. fu3f .,. ...�. _e #r.�f .. .r., a .,. r�. .Fa �,..._� i...�'. ,. . . �.� t . _ ��r ` �.t ���F ,. S .. � - , .. . , � ._- �` �� �nhcr�MEnrr�._:LTOa�oara=.� �c-�, � 059 ' i' ;��j$,�ORPORATION OF TF� CTfY OF PICKFR_rn1(3 . . _ j : ... .. . .. BY-LAW NO. Bdng a by-law to eatablieh the deta of thc Advance Polla for the reguler election W be hdd in 2000 WHEREAS Section 43(1) of tho Muntapel Elections Act, 1996, states that at least 30 days ; before voting day, the counal of a local municipality ahall paas a by-law estebGehing one or moro dates for en advanco vote end tha houro during wfiich voting places ehall be open on that datc or datcs; � NOW THEREFORB THE COi1NCII. OF THE CORPORATION OF THE C1TY OF PICKERING iiEREBY ENACfS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The dates for the advance vote in the City of Pickering for the reguler municipal election to be held in lhe Year 2000 shall be Saturday, November 4, 2000 and Wedneaday, Novanba, 8, 2000. 2. The advanco vota noted in Sedion 1 above ahall be held between thc hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m in the Pickering Civic Complex. BY-LAW read a first, eecond and third time and 8nelly passed this 20'� day of March, 2000. Wayna Arthuro, Mayor 1 Bruce Taylor, Clerk - , . � � '? � , ._ �,�, . .� - . . .,. . : , � _ . .... ' [., _. c. `.., ' ,�y OF P�C� G� �u y � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FhOM: Thomns J. Quinn DATE: Fcbruary 8, 2000 Chief Administrntive Officer REPORT NUMDER: CAO 03-00 SUBJECT: Joint Fire Communications Centre - Phnse 1 ofloint Fire Communications Project - File: CA 5032 RECOMMENDAT[ON: l. That Rcport to Council CAO 03-00, conceming the cstublishment of u Joint Fire Communications Centre be rcceived for information. 2. That Ciry Councii ngrce to proceed with Phnse 1 of the Joint Pire Communications Project, und authorizc the expcnditure of 53,672 as thc City's contribution to this Phase. 3. That a copv of this Report bc fonvarJcd to thc municipalitics of Ajax, Whitby, Oshawu, nnd Clnrington. ORICi1N: On-going discussions nmongst municipal CAOs conceming thc fcasibility of estnblishing u joint firc communicntions ccntrc. AUTHORITY: The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 F[NANCIAL [MPLICATIONS: Thc tatul cost for consulting scrvices to complcte the study is 557,460. Thc cost of the study will be dividcd equally amongst Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa nnd Clarington. Phuse 1 costs are $18,360, or 53,672 for each municipality. At this time, municipalities nre being requested only to contribute to Phase l. Funds for u fire dispatch study nnd related equipment were included in the 1999 buJgct (Account 2240-6181), end will be curried fonvard to this yenr's budget for the continuntion of the fire review. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A great denl of discussion over the Inst Cew yuus has occurrcd conceming the possibility of estnblishing u joint fire communications ;,enue. Recently, KVA Communicutions wns askcd ta submit u proposal for a technical study !o examine the feasibility af expanding and upgrading Oshnwn's curtent 800 MHz communicution system to allow joint disputch across the lakcshorc municipnlities, Approval is being mquested to ngrce to the initiation of Phase 1 of the Joint Fire Communicnticns Project, and to authodu thc expenditure of 53,672 aa the City's contribution to this Phesc. � . , , �.,.,. ' .,; ; .. r. � , �75 �/)' f�� • Report to Council CAO 03-00 Dnte: Pebruary 8, 2000 Subject Joint Ftro Communicutions Centre Pagc 2 BACKGROUND: In August 1999, a meeting was held in thc City of Oshnwu to discuss the possibility oFn joint fire communicntions centte scrving a1t eight aren municipnlities, using Oshawa's existing 800 Mliz rudio system. Following thnt meeting, u requcst for proposals was prepared to undertalce a tcchnical study thnt wauld identify the options, equipment and infiastructurc requirements for thc joint facility, nnd comment on thc viability of using othcr ultemativcs to Oshawu's system (e.g. the Clenmet system used by Durhum Police Services). KVA Communicntions was subsequently usked to submit n proposnl te undertaka the study (KVA has underttilcen similur work for other municipalities, including Whitby, Yark Rcgion, London and Toronto). The study is divided intu three phases, and municipalities are bcing asked to contribute equally to the cost. The ihree phases are ns follows: Phase 1— Site visits, needs analysis and d�sign nitematives for thc joint communications cenlrc Phase 2— Technical specificntions and bid evaluation Phase 3— Project manngement and implcmentation support Phnse 1 of the study is nnticipated to bc completcd within ubout two months. Phases 2 and 3 would only proceed if the participating municipalitics agree with the rccommendntions nnd conclusions reached in Phnse l. 'fhe cost to thc Ciry to unJertake Phasc 1 is $3,672. In nddition to obtaining the neccssnry technical infortnation on thc cust und fcnsibility of establishing n joint firc communication centre, issucs rclated to labour rclntions and mnnngement structures will nlso bc cxplorcd bcfore n finul position is dcvclopcJ on ajaint fire dispatch centre. A labour rclations rcview is currcntly bcing undertaken, und will bc reported on when completed. PrcP+�� gY� Approved / Endorscd By: � Thomns E. Y � mas J. Quin Division Head ChiefAdministmtive Officer Corporate Projects and Policy TM: Copy: Director of Financc and Trensurer Director, Operations end Emergency Services Fire Chief � ;�x _ .- .- � ,. i�i � <i , � -_ .'�_..e ,< - _ �' ... t . . a._ .'+> . .