HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 17/00� �'�oRw� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neit Cazroll DATE: April 17, 2000 Director, Planning and Development REPORT NUMBER: PD 17-00 SUBJECT: Comments on the Staff-Recommend Town of Ajax Official Plan RECOMMENDAT[ONS: 1. That City Council endorse RepoK No. PD 17-00 ns the City of Pickering's comments on the Staff-Recommended Town of Ajax Officinl Plan; and 2. Thut the City Clerk be directed to forwtud n copy of Report No. PD 17-00 to the Town of Ajax and thc Rcgion of Durhnm. ORIGIN: Thc Town of Ajax has provided a copy of thc stafT recommendcd Officinl Plan for public review and comment. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 FINANCfAL IMPGICATIONS: No direct cosis to the City of Pickering aze nnticipated as a result of the adoption and npproval of the new Ajax O�cial Plan. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City of Pickering hns received a copy of the staff-recommended Ajnx O�ciel Plan for review nnd comment. Comparing the issues raiscd in the City's previous commenu on the dmft Ajax Plnn (see Attachment #1, Planning Report No. 02-00), it appears the majority of the City's enrlier concems have been appropriately nddressed in this new version. The one outstanding issue is thc designation of Clements Roud as a Type `C' Arterial Roud on Schedule C of the Ajux Plun (see Attachment #2). The revised schedule continues to omit nn extension of Clements Road from Westney Road westwnrd to the Ajnx/Pickering boundary, despite such a designatian appenring in the Durhnm Regionnl Official Plan. Wc rcitemtc our position thnt it is premature to exclude the extension without the bcncfit of undertuking an environmental assessment to assess its environmental, social and fiscAl impucts. Accordingly, staff mcommend the Transportation Schedulc of the stnff•recommendcd Ajax Official Plan be revised to extend Clements Rond as a Type 'C' Arterinl Road from Westney Roed lo the Ajex/Pickering boundary, ' REPORT NUMBER 17•00 Date: April 17, 2000 Subject: Staff Recommended Town of Ajax 011icial Plen Page 2 3 BACKaROUND: 1.0 Overview The Town of Ajax inidated a roview of their Official Plan in the Fnll of 1997, and released a draft Otficial Plan in November, t 999 for public review. On Febniary 7, 2000, the Council of the City of Pickering endorsed Pinnning Report No. 02-00 as the City's commenls on the draft Town of Ajax Official Plan (see AtUtchment NI). A copy of thc Report was fonvarded to the Town of Ajax and Region of Durham. Following a review of all comments received, Ajnx staff prepared a stafT recommended Plan, which includes several revisions since thc earlier draR. The purpose of this Report is to provide Ajax and the Region of Durham with the City of Pickering's comments on the Ajax staff•recommended Official Plan. A copy of the Ajax Plan is uvuilnble for review at the office of the Pickering Planning and Dcvelopment Department. 2.0 Discussion As stuted in Pianning Rcport No. 02-00, minor rcvisions wcre rcquired in order for the Ajax Plan to better mesh within the land usc, trnnsporintion und policy framework eswblished by the Durham Regionul O�cial PI¢n und the Pickcring Officinl Plun. This includcd revisions to the Land Use Schcdule regarding Opcn Spacc designations along the north Ajux/Pickcring boundary, ns well us rcvisions to thc Trunspoctntion Schcdule regnrding future road conncctions with Pickcring. In compuring issucs miscd in Plnnning Rcport No. 02-00 to the stnff-recommended Ajax O�cial Plan, it nppcurs thc mnjority oC our concems huvc bccn addresscd. Wc appreciate the cfforts of Ajax stnff in this rcgurd. The one outstnnding issuc is the dcsignution of Clements Road as n Type `C' Arterial Rond on Schcduic C of thc Ajax Plan (sec Attnchment N2). The rcviscd schedule conti�wes to omit nn extension oC Clements Rond from Wcstney Road westwnrd to thc Ajux/Pickcring boundnry, despite such a designntion nppcaring in the Durhum Regionnl Officinl Plan. As noted in Plnnning Rcport No. 02-00, the mastcr tmnsportution study prepamd for Ajax does not recommend nn extension of Clcments Rond into Pickering due to the environmentnl constrnints of crossing the Duffins Crcek. While we ngree that there ure significant environmental considerations to crossin� Duffins Crcck, we rciterate our position that it is prcmature to delete the connection without thc benefit of undertt�king nn environmentul essessment. The environmenwl assessment would evaluate the benefits of such a connection, ngainst its potentinl environmental, social and fiscul impacts. If n future evaluation detertnines the connection is not required, Official Pluns could be amended, and the undertaking abandoned. However, the evaluation must occur first — not protccting for the connection now could preclude n potentially important cast-west tmnsportation link in the future. Further, the Region of Durham has now commenced a Mester Transportation Plun Study. The study is exnmining arterial road needs from a broad perspective. Our position remains that t6e Tranaportation Schedule of the Staf[ Recommended Ajax Ofticial Plan should be revlsed to e:fend Clemenh Road es a Typc'C' Artcrial Road from Westney Road to the AJau/Plckering baundary. REPORT NUMBER 17-00 Date: April 17, 2000 4 Subject: Staff-Recommended Town of Ajax Ot�icial Plen pa�� 3 Of edditional note, ihe rcvised Transportation Schedule of the Plen identifies a poAion of two futurc roeds as being "subject to environmental assessment study" (see Attachment k2). We understand stefl's cautiaus approach to the extension of those roads due to environmental concems. However, this designation mey be misleading. Thc vast majoriry of major public road construction projects will be subject to a class environmental assessment. By idendfying some, but not all, future roads as "subject to environmental assessment study", it may appeer that the other ronds are excused from that process. We suggest the special designation be removed frnm the Transportation Schedule, and a policy added which explains the nccd for environmentai assessments and deteiled engineering plans prior to the conswclian of eny major public roads. This approach would therefore cover not only thesc two road extensions, but also the extension of Clemenls Rond. The Official Plan would lhen hnve a consistent approach to fulurc rouds. At its mceting of April 17, 2000, Ajax Town Council adoptcd the stafirecommendcd Plan, with minor revisions. The revisions did not nddress aur concems regnrding the Clements Road extension. The Ajax Plon hus now becn fonvarded to the Region of Durham for npproval. The City will hnve an opportunity to provide additional comments during the Region's consideration of the Ajax Plan. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Pickering Planning Report No. 02-00 2. SinIT Rccommended Tawn of Ajax Officiui Plan Schedule C— Transponntion Prepnred By: Gco t Planner 2 �� _ �— Catherine L. Rose Manager, Policy GM/ab Attachmenls Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Council J. Approved / Endorsed by: Nc�l Carto Dircctor, ' g und Development tian of Pickering � �� ,� , :l 4 ,,9 d a Officer