HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 13/00,,. , . ._.. ,. ., . . _ . _ , ,: � .,..: . , ; �� °� 081 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Thomns J. Quinn DATE: September 26, 2000 ChiefAdministrntive Officer REPORTNl1MBER: CA013-00 SUBJECT: Tender Approvul by the Chief Administrntivc Officer - 2000 Summer Council Recess - File: CS1100 RECOMMENDA7'ION: i. That Report to Council CAO 13•00 be receivcd; and 2. Thnt Council pass a resolution mtifying the npproval of certuin Tenders by the Chief Administrntive Oflicer during Council's summcr 2000 recess. ORIGIN: 2000 Summer Reccss (i.e., from Junc 27, 2000 to August 4, 2000 und from August 9, 2000 to Septcmber 1 I, 2000) AUTHORITY: Council Resolution 85/00 FMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: T-5-2000 — Storm Sewer [nstnllntion & Rond Reconstruction Fai art Rond Approvcd Budget Sourcc Funds (2321-6181) $ 299,200.00 Tendered Amount 5210,000.00 Total Estimuted Project Cost 5225,000.00 Project Costs Over (Under) Approved Funds $( 74,200.00) T-7-2000 — Roud Improvements Concession 5 Approved Budget Source Funds (2320-6181) S 215,000.00 Tendered Amount S 86,938.38 Total Estimated Project Cost S 175,000.00 Project Costs Over (Under) Approved Funds S(40,000.00) T-257-00 Cooperntive Tender— Supplv & Deliverv of Qasoline And Diesei Fuel Tendered Amount S 535,866.00 In luly, 2000 thc Ciry participnted in u Cooperntivc Tcnder for gasolino and dicscl fuei wlicd by the Rcgion of Durhwn All aren municipalities with the exception of Brock und Scugog � Report to Counci( CAO 13•00 � Dnte: September 26, 2000 082Sb' •T d u �ect. en er Approvol by the Chief AdmmistrnUve O�ccr - 2000 Summer Council Recess peg� 2 participated, as did Veridian, Oshawn Transit and Durham Regionel Police. While the Cooperadve Tendet wos based on May 2000 prices, actuel cost will be determined by a formula bnsed upon avernge monthly Canndien wholesale prices, This remnins unchanged &om tha previous Tender. This purchtue is expensed ovcr the next 12 months expiring August 1, 2001 to n variety of accounts across the Cor�wrntion us the fuel is used, mainly for Tmnsit, Ronds, Parks nnd Fire Services. EXECUT[VE SUMMARY: Not Applicable BACKGROUND: On June 5, 2000 Council passed Rcsolution 85/00 nuthorizing thc Chicf Administrative Otficer to approve tenders during Council's summer 2000 rccess an condition that in cnch cnse, (n) lhc lowest ncceptuble tender is npprovcd, (b) thc cost thcreof is within the budgct prcviously allocntcd thcrefor by (;ouncil, nnd (c) a report rcspecting those tendcrs is subscqucntly submittcd to Council (for rntification and purposes). Circumstnnces were such that 3 tenders wcrc mquircd to be approvcd by the Chief Administrntive Officer during Councii's summer 2000 rccess. It is rccommended thnt Council receive this Report for infortnation and ratify the approvul of thosc Tcnders bcing Tenders T-S- 00; T-7-00; and T-257-00 all of which conformed to the conditions ns set out in Resolution 85/00, While not a tender, it should be noted thnt an approval wos gmnted to rcallocnte cenain funds from n sidewnik construction project on Central Street in Claremont to nccommodnte u safety issue mised by residents on Wixon Stmet in Claremont. The 1997 Cnpital Budget conmined n provision for sidewalk construction on Central Street in Clazemont in the nmowt of 530,000 financed by a transfer from the Genernl funds. During a review of this project it was determined that the residents of Central Strect no longer desircd a sidewalk, therefore canstruction never took place. Subsequently a safety issue was raised in regards to the absence of n sidewnik on Wixon Strcet in Claremont. Since the 1997 funding was still uvuilable, the Chief Administrative Oliicer and Trcasurer determined thnt n reallocation of the funding to Wixon Stmet would resolvc thc snfcty issues. The contrnct wus given to 1en / Dun Contracdng who were the successful bidders on the same type of work in the Rougemount Drive and Oakwood Drivc areas. Copies oC memorandums respecting these Tenders end the project fund rcallocation arc attnched for information purposes. -�: . _ . , , ,. ; ., , , . . ,, .,� .� . ,._. . . . _:.. i� . Repott to Council CA0 13-00 Datc: September 26, 2000 Subject: Tender Approval by thc Chief Administrative Officer O� 3 - 2000 Summec Council Reass : Pnge 3 ' ATTACHMENTS: Copy of Counci► Resolution 85/00 Copy of inemorandums dnted July 20, 2000, luly 25, 2000 & July 5, 2000. Approved / Endorsed By: � o as 7. Qui TJQyh . Copy: Director, Corpomte Services & Trensurer � Director, Operations & Emergency Services Mnnager, Supply & Services _ � : i f .J' i r�, � x. t . ... + � ; T `.:�:� . ','.-: . "' .:. . . . -. � . . � tATTACHMENT #�TO RBOPtTN� � 3—� • 084 , � ' INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM CLERK'S DIVISION DATE: June 6, 2000 TO: Vera Felgemacher Manager of Supply & Secvices FROM: Bcuce Taylor Ciry Cierk Pleasa ba advised that the Counal of the City of Pickering passed Resolutioa 85/00, Item #5 at thc Council Meeting of June 5, 2000, es followa: 1. T6at Report to Couucil CAO 10.00, aeek(og authorixntion for the approval of tendere by the Chfef Admiaistrative OiTicer during Council'a Summer Recess be recelved; and 2. That the C6ief Administrative Otfiar be authorized to approve tenders during Council'a Summer Reca� perlod (i.e., from June 27 to August 4, 2000 and from August 9, 2000 to September 11, 2000), on condition that, a) the lowat acceptable teuder b approved, b) the coat thereaf i� withia the budget prcvlouely allocated therefore 6y Council, and c) a rcport rapecting t6oae teoden i� aubaequenUy aubmltted to Council. This resolution ie sent to you for your information. Bruce Taylor, City Clerk cc: T7:'Quinn, Chief Adminietra6ve Officer �1G. , : .. . . . . . ._'' � Arr�cHM�tra 2 Ton�aoara� ��� ' . 085 �' � ' ' ' `. I��c� I� oF '1 • �: '. _OPERATlONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES •AEPARTMENT. � ' , MUMCIFAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DMSION ' � : . . � MEMORANDUM QAO . . • Date: July 20, 2000 RECEIVED: I ' � . . FIGE NO.: To: � Tno� a. Q� • Chtef AdmintstraHve OtIIcer FROM: Richard Holborn 'Division Head, Munictpal Property & RE: Storm Sewer InstaUatlon 8c Road � Teuder T-5-2000 Please be advised that tenders tiave been received for the above noted project Twelve companies were invited to participete, of which eleven picked up tendering documents for a non- refundable feo of 530.00 por set Seven responded end one was unable to bid e1 this time. An advertisement waa plaoed in the Daily Commerciel News, and the New Advertiser Communify Page. Attached is a copy of the rxord of tenders opened and checked that were used at tho public tender opening on Thursday, July 20, 2000. • � Summary . . (P.S.T. Included, G.S,T. Included) . Recommendation 1. That Tender T-5-2000, submitted by Miwel o complete Storm Sewer Installation a econstruction, inclu ' sidewallc installa ' n on Faiiport Road 'w tho nt of $210,000.0 ,' cluding 7% C3, .T., be approved, and • 2. a total project cost $22 ,000.00, inclu � th unt and other essociated sts be approved, end . 4, ..f,.... . , _ — .. . .r..., � .... .. ...... .. . .... t'L . . .. _.. ' ThomAs J. Quinn -� AITACHMEN'T# 2 TO REPORTG!_'.C.fj,. O I�OQ `, ! � gs Re: �torm Sewei Iaetallattoa & Road Rgconstruc�Hon on Fat�rpoit Roed '^ . �- : Tcnda x•5-2000 • ` Page 2 " . . •, , � ; i July 20, 2000 . � • • • . . 3• Th� ��inB ��e amount of $225,000.00. from tho 2000 Budget, account number p321- 6181, Extemr] Subdivision Works be approved . Attached is a memo from the D'uector, Coporate Services & Trea'surer regarding funding, • Miwe1 Co6struction ie currontly worldng on the GSty's Mil�eanium �y�e�nt project, Tender T-4-2000, which wes approved at the Speciai Council meetiang on June 12, 2000. All relevant documents (roferences, Health & Safety Policy, CAD 7•form, confined Space policy & a list of P�P��' �ed who will be worlvng on this project, Workplace Safety & Insurauce, Aonrd Clearance, etc.) were evaluated prior to that meeting and are ati:l relevant Upon your epproval for this project, we will praoeed vhth an on_�� �wsition and issue tho Contractor a pucchase order to commence conat�cflon ' • If you require eny futther infoffiation or clarificaGon, plense contaet me at your convenience, chazd Ho m ds � Attachment � COPY� , B• Bnntsme, Director, Operadons & Emergency Services G. Paterson, D'uector, Corporate Services & Treasvrer ' D. Selsky, Supervisor, Municipal Works B. Kuzma, Administration Supervisor ' �:�ws.�000.ax u . P�'R �'D � . N ?HOM a�° oF�cEa N ��� �,pMiNl u . '' x// � �v JN�y . � ,rf i 3..- ,. . . ., , . � : ,. a� ��, _. .. . �y� ' AXTACHMENTN 2 TOfiEEPCRT#� 13"�d . —pa�� s, c� �. . 087 � ' OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTII�NT ' ' �iJD1IGIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DMSIO�Y � . MEMURANDUM . . Date: July 20, 2000 HECEIV�D; T0: .Thomas J. Qulna Chlef Adminlstrative Ofticer ��M: IZICLeTdH0Ib017t . �+rcnocmenu. GORP.BERV,. . . , . CULBREG HUI�.}NREB. • . Dlvi�lon Head, Municlpal Property & Engin iE��� . • MUN, qOP. CARP.pRQIdPOL RE: Road Improvementt on Concession 5 Road L BRARIV cusr. caF e Tender T-7-2000 ' __ Please be advised tb.t tendcr§ have been received for the above noted projcct. Fourteen companies were inv;ted to participate, of wlilch. ei�Ut picked up tendPring documents for a non- refundnble fea of S30.00 per seG Fivc responded end'one was unable to bid at this time. An adverdaement was placed in the Daily Commercial News, and the New Adveniser Commvnity Page. Attached is a copy of the record of tenders opened and checked lhat were used at the public tender opening. • Summary (PST Included, GST incleded) • Com an ' Total Teudered Amount After Calculatlon C�eck � MillaPavin Ltd. S82 938.38 S82 938.38 '. Miwel Conatiuction S98 31 U.16 $98 310.16 Hamden & I{in Coastruction S99 685.78 599.585.78 El° a Coustruction S113 001.47 ;i 13 001.49 ' B.N. Fenton Construction Uaeble to Bid � Becommendatioa • 1. That Tender .T-7-2000, submi:ted by Miller Paving to complete oad Lnprovements on Concession 5 Road in the smount of 582,938.3 ' c uding o .T., be approved, and 2. That a tdtal project cost 5175,000.00, incl g the Tender amo t an ' ed costa includ' r eing ne by Ciry fo es be approv 3. That fun ' g in the amount : S175,000, Cro 0 Budget account number 2320- 6181 ads be approved. , � ... '�.. . , _ :. , � 'tnomes J. O $ $ Ret Road Impio ' Tender T-7- " . PaBe 2 , _ J�Y 20, 2000 . -�.-._ Q� '.:' y4TTACHMENT� � 2�TO REPORT � C-.�O 13-Gn vcmente ori Conr,esalon 5 ._ PAC'.� � OF -� '. ' , 2000 � . . . �The ariachr! memo from We Dirxtor, Cocporate Services 8i Treasurec outlines the funding, Miller paving is cucrantly scheduled,to'place Surfaca Treatment on Salein Road. Trnder T-8- 2000, which was appcoved at tho gP��� Council meeting on June 12, 2000. All nlevant docuumente (references, Healtfi & Safety Policy, CAD 7 foim, Workplace Safety & Insuraace Boazd Clearance, etc,) wero ovaluated prior to that meeting and are still relevant. Upon your approval of the project, we wi11 proceed with an on-line requisition and issue the Contractor�a purchase ordcr to commence construction. . Ifyou require any fiut6er int'ormation or clari6cation, p(ease contact me at your convenience. � eherd H om RFi/ds Attachment Copy: E. Buntsma, pire�tor, Operations & Emergency Services C3. Paterson, Director, Corporete Serviccs & Treasurer D. Selsk}; Supervisor, Municipal Works . B• ICuune, Administration Supervisor +:�uaa000.ax � O ��� p`PP U1NN Ea µAg NEOfF �� SHn �w8t �/'I � � 1EJA�M �sl v � . �� .w � -� � — , ; � , .�' � .'- 4 � �. � . e�a i3 -oo � •089 . ATfACHMENTq.�TOREPORTN_ •. , _ • , Pq6� 5 •o� .7 Inter Dapartmentel Memorhndum . . CORPORATE 3ERVICES DEPARTMENTR EC E 1 V E D . . ,� Supply & BerVices CIrY oF PICKBRlNO � � � JUL 2 B 2000 . To: From: Dnte: ailli� Peteraon • DG�ctar, Corporate Savicea ead?reatury AlmLillle , Meteriav Bufer II July 25, 2000 • � coRpoRarESet�nc�s SubJecG .�ooneroHve Teoder T-257-00 for euootv and deliverv of Geaoline sod Dlael Fuet Tenden hpve been iecetved for t6� above which involves the rupply md dallvery W the Warla Centre. T'hie tender ahell el�o wver deliverles of eoloi¢ed diael Ntl for bnckup generawrs et verIom faetliNa. 'fhe Depac�enl of Supply end Servieea for the RegJon of Diuham 6a1 checked the calculetlom. Or(glnal tender doauments auached, pleare rerurn tne n,�,�,y rouo�; ' m e• City otPlckeria6 �nnuai nqntrcmenb ( 7•A G.3.T. b e:in ) COhIPAWY SheA Canada Sunocolnc.. Reeommend�tioo: � S S No. l Dlae! fuel ' No. 2 Dlael Fuel • �4so,000 uaa� � �seo,000 uera� 243,S1D 191,448 250,650 191,628 To aeeept the towert eo�t of euppty md delivery from 96e11 Canade. Plea�a con6rm you egree with this reeommmdetion S ' S Ualeaded �woline Graod (160,OO011tra) � Total 100,608 535,866 100,896 . 543,174 Our 8ffice will prows a blanket purchdie order for the Ciry'i one p) year rcqutremcnb, with m expiry date of Augiut 4, 2001. The gmeral fnventory account N 3S 14 ahell apply w thae purchesw, , ' ' ffyou have my quesdons or coneans , please do aot hesitate to call. . �/C��Gw�'• . . . a VnFdQan�eLuleffiry � '��� , �� , � THO J. OU N "'��� dpHRADM TV60FFlCEH '' �/�old '` a��a-� � � �- �y � . . � . _�—� � ,� `i r�i � : �i ' a . , .: .. :7 • �� � � � -,.i -.' ,.' ". ' . t �� ` • ' p.ratlons 3 Emei enr' BeMces '' 'ATTACHMEN�'# 2 �°TO REPORTt�o RECeivEO. ••' � ' 18 U9U R�3E•fo oF .'.� . ' OPERA'I,TON3�& EMERGENCY BERVI • � - �, . � 'FWDICOPY " �. . :,• R L C i� 1 V E I�MORANAUM �.� MAYOR .. COfU�NKII � � C.A.O. ' • � • .�. . � 1 �q Ill�}� S� ZO� CUL.6 REC ' FINAN� E . . . � . , JUL 1 9 4000 . . . . � MUfLPROP.6ENQ HUMANRE& � � � PIREBERVICEB i8C1Al . CITY OF pICKtpR_�I�N�O ' TR�NtiT �� � . . � . T0: • . • ���tHh�lU . INFQ BYBTEt.18 CUBT. CAflE � • � C1riafAdminishative Officer ��B�pY ECON.OEV. ' . . . . • . �"' �-- , , ' Sub)ec� ' Wizori Street Stdewallc � , A� /�� � • ��. — • • p�i'�� �(7'�� • Attac ed is a request to reallocate funding �ved in 1997 for idqwalk ou Cmtnl ' . Sfreet Clazemon� . , . This sidewalk is no , by residcnts of Cenhal Street. Iiowever, residenta in . • •� Clazemont aze requesting a sidewalk on Wixon Street in Claremoat for safety ieasons. . This matter has been discussed with the area Councillors who aro•in support of the eidewallc oa Wixcn Street � . Kindly provide dirxtion as to tLe reallocation of the funds for Wixoa Street sidewallc . ' ' / /�7�Zti���i� • ' ' � Everea suntama � . Director, Operadona ead Emagency Services EB:mld ' . ' • � ' ' • . . mpdrlx�nik�vpal300 . ./", / •� flif�l�f�I . l � � /��' L � /� � . /� �fi //�iai �� (jJ./v(,. �, (/ �� ''� +r � r . � + t { i, t ..� �... ._... .� .4�: k..r. .i.� �. �z, .._..,.. ,.. v. . � .. �, . �. �. .... �,�� � � t :� � .,.. .. _ , , � �. �� � �� AT'�'ACHMENT# Z j0f�POR'j� �b �'�-i . ' +' • �A6b.""� oF7 •Q9� ' �' O�ERATIOIVS 8i EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ° ° • . -L�IVICIPAL PROPER'1'Y Bc ENGINEEkING DIVISION ' ', .. N�MORANDU�1g 0 radons 8 Eme enc BeMcae ,' . , . . ' RECEIVED: ��' r �7 {• � � ' , , ' Date: Juna 13, 200U FILE No • • ABEY :f� ' • ' TO: , •EverettBantsma ' . .�.;y�ro. —"— . ' • Dtrector O eratlons & Em �uroj. :,UYCIL . � j1 CigCIICj'sCIV�CR9 C.Ar, � .F.:.IC � � � � . ' � . • CUl.+.ta :fNCf: , � � FROM: .DBII'fII,SCISkj' , . . MUN F;:�' iuMAM RE8 . � Sa ervlsor Mnnict al Worka. . Flae�a '�, �.eua� . P f P TA?�12�!._.. • ytil+NlNl ' . . • INip� FYATI.M , .,U:!Y f �.Fy , . •�E: FVtzoaStreetSldewalltInstnllation ueA�nr •Ir:con.o�v. • In 1997 funds wece budgeted to inatall a oonerete sidewallc on flie south side of Central Street • , from Old Brock Rnad W the school. Tho project received opposition from' one of 4he 5omeowners affected by the inatallation; the project was revised to upgrade the sidewalk from asphalt to coricrete in the seme location, but on. tl�a north sida of the stieet Tlie upgrade was noY poseible due to lerge t;ea roots preseat in the &idewallc location • The fiuuls for tl�ie project have been camai over from year to year in the sidewallc account Staff , l�ave bxn approached by the residents of Wixon Slra a Strat Print sidewalk on the ,• •• east sidc, from Central Slttet to Lane Street uch, no funds havo udgeted for the Year • 2000 for a sidewalk. ' , • . We are, therefore, requesttng app val for approximately S15,000.00 to be trans ed from the Central Street proj ect from 1997 o inatell the sidewalk on Wixon Street tbie ye aaell Selsky ��� • ' , . DH/de . Copy: I2.W. Holbom, Division Head, Municipal Property & Eagineering G��sn�a� � • �� ' ' � _ . .. ,: . ,. .. .. _