HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 19/00.. , .e _ . ,: ..:., .� ._ .,. ... . . — , . ,,._ , . _ - � � or�v � � 65 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: itichard Holbom DATE: June 8, 2000 Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering REPORT N[JMBER: MPE 19-00 SUBJECI': T1}-2000-Tender for Realignment of Pickering Parkway RECOMIvIENDATION: 1. That Tender No. T-4-2000 aubmitted by Ron Robinson Limited to complete the realignment of Pickcring Parkway in the amount of S1,128,179.88 including 7% G.S.T. be nccepted, and 2. That a project cast of S 889,643.65 including the project cost and other associated costs be approved, and 3, That funding in the amount of S 890,000.00 be approved. ORIGIN: Year 2000 Capital Audget — Account Number 2321-6181 AUTHORITY: Year 2000 Capital Hudget — Account Numba 2321-6181 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 1. 2. � Constniction f 1,054.373.72 G.S.T.(7%) 73.806.16 Sub Total i.ess: Region of Dufiam portion of contract (452.179.77; C.S.T.(7%) 42,153,58 G.S.T.rebatc(4%) (24.086.56; — Citv Portion f 620.260.91 ' � Report to Coundl I�Ii 19-00 � Date: Mey 31, 2000 ``�� s Subjxt: T-4-2000 - Tender for realignment of Pickering Parkway page; 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: (conUnuod) 3. . ��,. Professional Fas � P� 4,665.00 . Soils Tnvestigation 4,610.00 P�-Enginaring Su �""fD1C°"«""'"` �Y ___ 935.00 TraB'ic Signals (Region) . ----._.—�.��_� 89.199.07 m� Tra Removal 4,400.� L't°ru" Re�°caU°"s (Uti6ties) —�-..-.�.�•� 33, 000.00 Other UGlity Work 88.47°""�' S`00`"°'° Mataials Testin ��� '�"°'°°�"'�"�' g 20,000.00 Printing/CoPY�B �••�••�F��� 1,252.00 �..�t�......��..,.«�+�.�....m.,..��,.��.��,�,�i Contingcncy 15.000.0� 1���P'IY�RMtt�fY'Ax0:9�M9. tTV� Sub Total 863,730.02 O.S.T. �.....�,..,..�.,.,...�.�..z.v, 60,461.10 -�-»--�--.oM..�.�..�........., G.S.T.rebate �ae CA7 A]� l— Total Project Cost f 8B9 643 65 � 4. Pro'ect Costs over u�er A roved Fund� 5, 216.23 This project includes road and utility work that is the financial responsibiliry of the Region of Durhem. The City of Pickcring will providc up front funding for thesc works in the progross payment certi6cates peid to the contractor end will recaup these funds by back charging the Region of Durham the net contracted costs for these works plus a 10% Fce for administration and supervision. The estimated revcnue to account number 2290-1429 (Revenue) from these charges will be epproximetely 547,000.00. EXECUT[VE SUIvIIvIARY; Not Applicable BACKGROUND: Tenders for this project were opened on May 31, 2000 (sce summary attached). The low bidder, Ran Robinson Limited have previously perfortneJ satiafactory work for the City per Tender T-5-97 - Dunbarton Road. The Health and Safety Policy, and the CAD 7 form issued by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, Confined Space PoGcy end list of personnel trained, as submitted by Ron Robinson Limited, have been reviewed by the Supervisor, Municipal Works and arc deemed acceptable. Upon careful aceminadon of all lendera received and relevant documenta (Health and Safety Policy, CAD 7 form, Con6ned Spece and Workplaa Safety and Insurence Board clearnnce, etc.), I recommend the bid by Ron Robinson Limited in tho tendered amount of 51,128,179.88 and a project cost af S 889,643.b5 induding the tender amount and otha aesociated coate be approved. ',; _ b`4[�*]etiM � -:hau Y-4 � 7 tM� ��n. ._.... s�e.: _. ..' .,.... .»�-:.:�. ..e .. .. _ . _ .. , .:: � . , � . : . . � Y � J Repoit to Council MPE 19-00 Dete; May 31, 2000 Subject: T-4-2000 - Tender for realignment of Pickering Perkwny Page: 3 6 7 ATTACHIvI�NTS: L Supply and Services memorandum dated May 31, 2000 2. Record of Tendera opened and checked 3. Location map �� B. Kuzma Administration Supervisor � � 'chard Holbom Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Copy: Chief Administrative OtTicer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Supervisor, Municipal Works _ ���rr „ �,., Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Recommended far the consideration of Pickering . City Council / Thomas J. ui � f Admirustrative r �,. ,. ,, . � . _, , F ,. ::. ; t� . � � , . � - . � � � A7TACHM�pL Inter-Depattmental Memorandum Tr '���nRT #ll�ir' IQ�oO sg '�L Department of Corporate b�ervlcoe � 3uppiy dc 3ervlcee To: Richard Holborn Darrell Selaky Divfeion Head Municipal Worke Supervieor MuniciPal Property & P �gineering Dete: SubJect: 31 May 2000 Tender for Realignment otPickoring Pnrkway Tender No. T-4/2000 Teadere have been received for tLe above pmject Eighteen (18) rnmpanies were invited tq parti�ipate of whkh fifteen (16) picked up tendering documents Cor a non•refundn6le Cee of $100.00 per sek Four (4) reaponded and three (3) were unable W bid at thie time. An ndvertisement wae pinced in the Daily Cammercial Newe, News Advertiser Community Page and the City's Websito. A copy of the Record of Tendere Opened and Checked used et the public tender opening ia ettached. Purchaeing Policiea end Procedures ICem 9.22(h) pmvidea tLat where there nre incorrect extensions or mtapleced decimels, the bid may be currected, lJni� pri�es sLnll be used to correct extensione. Purahueing Policiee and Proceduree Item 9.27(u) permite Uiet nll de}weita other than the low ttueo bidders ehall be returued. However, all four tendere have been retained ut thie time. Please return original tendering documenta W Supply & Servkea. Ron Robinson Limited Hazd Co Construction Elirpa Construction Miwel Construction SUnmm�ry (1'3T included, 6ST ineluded) 51,106,785.75 51,238,153.07 S 1,286,064,76 51,314,000.00 MiOer Paving Limited unable to bid B.N, Fenton Limited unable to bid C.M. Dipede Limited unable to bid S 1,128,179.88 S1,238,153.07 SI,286,006.98 S1,321,416.92 :qTTACHMB�ITb.�TORE;�`° ., NP.LI�FOb r-�n000.Redpm�Mplpek�rypp�p�, �Z' Paga 2 ss Pursuent to In,�ormation to Bidders Item 21: a a wpy of the Con6na! Space Entry Prccedure document to be used on this project; � b. a Gst of employees trained in tha ConGned Space Entry Procedure who will be working on this project c. a copy of the Health and Safety policy to be used on this projech and d, a copy of tha current CAD 7 form or Cost and Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Boazd. has been included ��ith the tender submitted by Ron Rabinson Limited and is, therefore, attached for your review and approval during the evaluation stage of this tender call. Pleese review original tenders and include responscs to thc following items in your Report to Council: (a) if items (a) through (d) noted ebove, are acceptable; (b) any past work cxperience Ron Robinson Limited including work location; (c) without past work expericnce, if reference infortnetion is acceptable; (d) a work locatiom m�p; . (e) thc appropriato account numbeKs) to which this work is to be charged; (� the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (g) Treasurer's confirmation of Ponding; (h) related departmental approvals; (i) any reason(s) why the low bid of Ron Robinson Limited is not acceptable; and (j) releted comments apecific to the project. If you uire further information, please feei Gee lo contact me. -�. ere A. Fel emecher Je�'rey Maneger of Supply & Services � tt �`: ATTACHMEh17# `�! TOREPORT#� � WD 7t ��yoFw'.:. .., . • ., .... . .. . , � . _. . � � , Attachment For Tender: T-4-2000 ,; MUNICIPAL PROPBRTY AND ENGINEERING � PICKERMG PARKWAY / BROCK ROAD r 0 9 j ' �oP� W ` o � ° ` $ N ' °a � ° o� . � � ��t�GS� t . . � % o.„c � � � . � . `> -� . . . 1N�� � B�IiOUnr Q � FE[3/ON 9 � .. Z � ��nc�� '* � CONSTRUCT/ONcn•. D i� 9 O. �..�. .� µ"'/i� . % �� I�l � � �� z LOCAT'ION MAP PROPOSED CITY CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Property Trensfer • Pickering Perkway — from Brock Road cast for 350 m. Road Realignmcnt/Reconstruction (granular basc, asphelt end curWgutter) . Pickering Perkway — from Brock Road easl for 350 m. Underground Services (including Storm Sewer, Watcrmein rclocetion, Utilitics etc.) • Pickcring Pukwey — from Brock Road east for 350 m. Sidewalk nnd Street Lighting (wncrctc both sidcs) • Pickering Parkwsy — from Brock Road cast for 350 m. Signaliud lntersection . Pickering Pnrkway— from Brock Road east at 1 SO m. Complete Lendscape Restoration (grading end sodding where required) • to ell ercas affected. PROPOSED REGIONAL CONSTRUCTION (Along Brock Road) RrCLUDES: Intersection Reelignment • Intersection of Pickering Parkway and Brock Road Road Widening • 125 m south ofPickering Parkway on Brock Road • 400 m north of Pickering Parkway on Brock Road • 100 m west of Brock Roed on Pickering Parkway Sidewalks end Street Lighting . Cancrote sidewelk et the intersectton of Pickedng Parkway end Brock Roed on all four comero . Concrete Sidewalk i W m South of Pickering Parkway to 370 m North of ;. :' , Plckering Perkway on the F.est sido of Brock Road Underground Services (including Stortn Sower, and Utility Rolocallon etc.) . from existing roed to new al(gnment, , ' ttsaeiieMOensHn_�a+uma_�anoo , . ._ 4 , ,_ . , .