HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 07-00. . . . .. ,�OFP/C � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Everett Bwtsma DATE: Iune 5, 2000 Director, Operations & Emergency Services REPORT NLJMBER: OES-07-00 SUBJECT: Tender for Pickering's Waterfront Millennium Squurc, Boardwnik and Frcnchman's Bay West Pazk Tender No. T-9/2000 RECOMMENDATION: That Council 1. Approve the award of Tcndcr T-9/2000 (reviseJ) to the low biddcr Miwel Construction Limited in the nmount of 52,258,532.00. 2, Approvc thc ovcmll projcct cost of S2,G7G,487.9G. 3. Approvc thc ovcr expcnditurc of 576,487.96. 4. That rcviscd funding as indicated bclow bc npprovcd. Fcdcral Govcmmcnt $340,000 Provincial Govemment 38,000 TRCA 200,000 Ontnrio Powcr Gcncration 200,000 Optimists 100,000 Rotary t 00,000 Ciry — Development Charges 800,000 City — Parkland Rcserve 898.488 $2,676,488 5. The appropriata officials of the City of Pickcring be givcn authority to give effect thereto. ORIGIN: Council Resolution k96/99 AiTTHORITY: Tha Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: L Tendered Amount: Constructiony.� ���M�����F.������ 52,258,532.00 G.S.T, (7%) �R������R� �,a' �a 158,097.24 a.S.T. rebote (4%) �?g����'��"� . (9p,341,28) ~ ��..�.�«4 -,.. w,,� ,.,�.,.�...n,� a Totnl�� � 52,326,287,96 45 4 6 Report to Cmmcil OES•07-00 Date: May 29, 2000 Subject: Millennlum Project T-9-00 Page: 2 FINANCIAL IMPUCATIONS: (continued) 2. Approved Source of Funds: „M���,.�}�.�`� . Current Year: Budget �carried over from 1999N* PriorYaar. �Budget 1999 K��wy4jye„�Y��.�.�•52,600,000.00 � Future Years: Budget unlmown .N.��>. ., ., .._.,. _s.»,.. .,.,..,... � �.^W..~.Y��.�� TotalApproved� -.�,��52�,600,000.00.� RA ..a.-.- �.�z.,.. .:_ «-,,. ...:..,> ..... .. . . . .. .. .: _ ., : ,: „ Conswction 52,258 532.00 Professional Fees � Ivedousl �� � � � 170000.00 Contingency ,.. c�. f. 100 000 00 �� .. ....:.. . .. ..:. . . . ... . ,.,...,.,� ., Art Component 70 000.00 . Sub Totnl $2,598,532.00 , _, ...._ �..�, : . ,,,.,,,. ....:....... : G.S.T. . I81 897.24 ...,.....�...__ . ,,. .. . -. . ,. G.S.T. rcbnte • 103, 941.28 , .. , . ...-,,:_, . _ Total Projcct Cost S2 67G 487.96 4. ProJat Cosu (over) urvJer ApproveJ FunJs (�76,487.96) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicablc BACKGROUND: The Millennium Trail & Square Project has been ongoing since 1998. A concept plan was developed through the work of Victor Ford & Associatcs in consultation with the Waterfront Ad-hoc Committce. Cauncil npproved the concept in May of 1999. In November of ]999, Council npproved the preparation of design drawings and tendering of the project. Tendcrs were released on April 14, 2000 with a closing date of May 5, 2000. Due to thc numerous projects that were being tendered at that time and as a result of the complexity of this tender, the closing was extended to May 8, 2000. Subsequent to this, an addendum was issued and lhe closing was agnin extended to May 12. 2000 to ensure bidders were providcd sufficient time to submit bids. It should be noted thut only three (3) bids were received. This is due to thc many projccts, which nre in the merketplace today. This hns also resulted in thc bids received being substanlialiy ovcr budget for thc scopc of work in tha tender. The very strong economy has resulted in the substantial incrcase in cost for this project. The lender documenls huve been reviewed by Victar Ford & Associates. They recommend eward of the tender to Miwel Conswclion Ltd. wilh the delelion of vadous projcct componenta. The deleted iteme ara: .,.:< , ._:�: . .r v.' <,;. , .! .. , ., ;_ _ � Report to Council OES-07-00 Date; May 29, 2000 4 7 Subject: Millannium Project T-9-00 pnge; g BACKGROUND: (continued) o The Wnterfront Trnil Asphnit Pathwuy through Alex Robertson Park. • The Viewing Nodc at Krosno Creek. • The Umbrella Shelters, Picnic Shelters and Pluy Equipment for the Millennium Square und adjacent urea. • The Boazdwulk link across the Liverpool Road Bridge and adjacent to Liverpool Road. • Planting around the Live�pool Road parking lot area. • The washroom building at Frenchman's Bay West Pnrk. • Paving of the roldway at Frenchman's Bay West Purk. Further, I am recommending the deletion of Item 13 in the Tender — Livecpool Road Cui-de- Sac and Psvking Lol. The totnl cost inciuding net G.S.T, is calculated to $2,676,487.9G. This rcpresents an over expenditure of $76,487.9G. It should bc notcd that thcrc is a contingcncy of 5100,000 included as wcll as $70,000 for a commitment to thc nrt componcnl (550,000 Trillium Fund Projcct, $20,000 Millcnnium Trce). The Henith & Safery Policy and Cud 7 Report havc bccn reccived by the City's Safety & Training Coordinator and is acceptablc. Rcfercnccs have bccn chcckcd by Victor Ford & Associatcs and nrc deemed ucceplable. The Dircctor of Corporatc Scrvices & Treasurcr udviscs that Finnncing will be ns per the outlinc below. Fccleral Govemment 5340,000 Provincial Govemment 38,000 TRCA 200,000 Ontnrio Powcr Gencration 200,000 Optimists 100,000 Rotary 100,000 City — Development Charges 800,000 City—ParklandRescrvc 898.488 $2,676,488 It should be noted, that the contribution from the Parkland Reserve has bcen incrcased by $498,000 ns n result of the increazed cost projections of approximatcly $320,000. Also approximately $178,000 in rcduced external funding has occurrcd, $100,000 of which was in kind labour for the construction of the lighthouse, which has now been deleted. It should be noted thnt fundraising efCorts continuc, e.g. the Lions Club. ATTACHMENTS: l. Record of tcnders opcned and checked 2. Supply & Services Memorendum 3. Location Map �$ Report to Council OES•07•00 Date: May 29, 2000 Subject: Millennium Project T-9-00 Page: 4 Prepnred & prove y; Reviewed by: Everett Bunts Gillis Puterson Director, Operations & Emergency Services Director, Corporate Scrvices & Treasurer EB:mld Copy: ChiefAdministrativeOfficer Dircctor, Corporate Services & Treasurer Managcr, Supply & Services Recommended for lhe cansiderution of Pickcring Ciry Council r � .� �' omos J. i, Chic dministmt' c O�ccr .. , . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .- � � _ . . �. . . ' . • . . f . �,� , " . . .. . . . .. , � .. Ek' ��'�r,' n` ,�1 .. � ''�rTn � � ' Yt�.j i�/ ir� � �ti.'��}4 + S ,�i�1 � �Y7� r t t r ��- � i �,j � 1 r'� .�� !✓ 1�' i . . � �1.i :'C �' . � i5 �.<� { i.'J�:r+;'r:�wt..�1 . . , .. . , . .. .. , � . .. 50 ' ATTACHMENTM a TOItBOIITN ��S 07-pp ' Inter Departmcntat Memorandum � bepartment of Corporate Servicee , � , ' Supply & Services � •. . ' To: . Bvvett Buntsma • • D'uector of OperaRions and Emergency Services ' Date: 12 May 2000 • . Subject: Tender for Pickertng'a Mi1lenlum Waterfrout Trail Tender No. T— 9/�Q00 • Tenders hava been received for the above project M advertisement wes placed in the Daily Commercial Newa, News Advertiser Community Page as well as the Ciry's website. Thirty-four (34) companies were invited to participate of which ninetxn (19) and picked up tendering documents for a non-refundable fee of $100.00 per set. Thrce (3) companies have bid on the project. Five (5) addendums were issued prior to the closing date. A copy of the Record of Tendvs Opened end Checked used at the tender opening is attached. Purchesing Policies and Procedures Item 9.22(h) provides that where there are incorrect exteasions or misplaced decimals, the bid'may be cortected. Unit prices s6all.be used to waect exteasions. Purchesing Policies and Procedures Item 9.27.(a) permits that all deposits other than tlie low three biddera shall be returned. �actilations have not been checked at G►±�s point in order to comply with a request to provida the submissions to you right away this afternoon for the Consultant to review in order to prepara s, repart to you for Mondey IS May 2000. The Consultant is to check and confum calculations and their forthcoming report to you. Summtry (PST included, GST inciuded) - � r- y. ' n Ivfiwel ConsWcdon $3,97b,285.80 To be checked by . ' Consulteat Grascan Construction 54,066,000.00 To be checked by . Consultant FerdomConstmccion 54,137.614.03 To be checked by Consultant ATTACHMENTII a TOREPORTM�-S6i•oo � � • � � • � . 51 Page 2 . , • • Tender No. T•9/2000 Pursuant to Infomiation to Bidders Item 21 � • ia) s oopy of the Confined Space Entry pcocedure documeqt to be used on this project � ib) a�py of the Health and Safety poGcy to be uaed on tiva proJect; . %) a copy of Wa current CAD 7 fortn or Cost 8c Frequency Report issued by Workplace Saf'ery & Insurance Board, is to be requested of the low bidder bv the con�,1 A++r �ctor Ford & Asaociates., fot review during tf�e evalueBoa stage of this tender call, A copy of the List of Employecs Treined in Con&ried gpac� Entry Procedure who will bo working on this project is also to be requested and reviewed by tho con�ul�t during tha evaluation atage. The consultant is to advise if acceptab►e �n �ritin¢ to you eiong with other related comments and a recommendetion on this project. Tha gealth & Sefety Policy and ConSned Space Procedure should be revicwed and approved by the City's Safery & Training Co-ordinator also. • T6e coasultant should also review carefully aU submittal information based on tendering fnstructions. If t6e conaultant notices any infractions or information missing during the evaluatlon, please contact me as soon aa possibla • Pleasa review origina( tenders and retum. Include responses to the following items in your Report to Council: • (a) ro� (c) (d) �B) (h) c) G) if items (a) through (d) noted above, are acceptable; �Y p� work acperience with M'iwel Construction Limited including work location; without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; a work location map; the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be chazged; tha budttet amountla) aei¢ned therctn• ' Treasurer's confirmation of funding; releted departmental approvals; any reason(s) why the low bid of M'iwel Construction Limited is not acceptable; and related comments speciSc to the project. • If you equire further information, please fea� free to contacc ma. VeraA Fel emacherJeffrey Managec of Supply & Services Copy for:. Gil Paterson, Director of Corporate Services, Treasurer Jn4a�✓rsa000 5� AT7ACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# �� �l �00 :� orr� : � � Atta�chment For Tender: T-9-2000 MUNICIPAL PROPERTY AND ENGINEERING MILLENNIUM WATERFRONT LOCA7'[ON MAP PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION lNCLUDGS: - Doardwulk (granular basc, wood and 9'R�X Decking) - Asphalt PnthwaY (Bronular basc) - Millenium Squnrc - Wutcr Play Arcn - Woshroom Fncililics - Parking Lots Complete Landscape Restomtion (grnding where rcquircd) • to all nrens affececd. uhnoEasNTr_tEnur.�q.n.eoa