HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 06/00.� �, �..� ._ . .-,,.. , _. ,.. �; 36 ' ��,�OFP�� - _ �. � . � � . . �� � � �� . . �. , 0 . . . . . . � . . . REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Stephen Reynolds DATE: June 7, 2000 Division Heud, Culture & Recreation REPORT NUI�IBER: CR 06-00 SUBJEC'f: Tender for Roof Replacement — Pickering Recreation Complex Tender No. T-]0/2000. RECOMMENDATION: That Report to Council: CR 06-00 regazding Roof Replacement at the Pickering Rccreation Complex be received and that: 1. Tender No, T-10/20U0 submitted by Nortex Roofing Ltd. for Roof Replacement ut the Pickering Rccrcation Complcx in the amount of $232,883, including net G.S.T., bc approvcd 2. Thc toml project cost of 5267,491 including thc tcndcr umount nnd other associated costs be approvcd 3. Thc uppropriate officials at thc City of Pickcring bc given uuthority to give eCfect thereto. ORIGIN: Requested by Culture und Recrcation Division AUTHORITY: 2000 Cupital Budget — Account Number 2731-6181 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 1. Tendered Amount: Construction (Altemate Price) � 5226,100 G.S.T.(7%) � f 15.827 �� G.S.T. rebate (4%) (S 9,0� ) � Total Amount f232,883 2. Approved Sotuoe of Funds: Capital Budget - Recreation Complex CurnntYear. Budget2731-6I81 - 5200,000�� Prior Year; Budget (carryover) f 75,800 Future Yeare: Budget . _ .�....e.4..., Total Approved f275,800 ' f { Report to'Council CR 06-00 Date: Junc 7, 2000 3,� Subjech Tendcr for Roof Replacement— Pickering Recreation Compicx Page: 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: (contiaued) 3. Professional Fees ! a,.�.....a..�.�..w�Q..�. Cantingrncy Q 10% � Sub Totnl �•��b � G.S.T. .....,..��m».,,,w.,..�u..Y.�..�' G.S.T. rcbatc , �'���n�Y ( Total Project Cost ��f 4. ProJect Cosu (wder) App�oved Funls ( S 8.309 ) The Director of Corpornte Services and Treasurer confirms thut the expenditures contained in the r_commended approvals cun be financed from the Community Fecilities Reserve Fund as per the approvcd 2000 Capitnl Budget. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Roof Repincement for Pickering Recrcation Complcx (Ccntrul Core) was approvcd by Council in the 2000 Capitnl Budgct. Tcnders huvc been reccived and thc total project cost for Rouf Itepincement (Phase I) is estimated to bc $267,491. The Division Head, Culture and Recrcation und the Dircctor of Operations and Emergcncy Services rccommend procccding with thc low bid submitted by Nortex Roofing Ltd. BACKGROUND: Supply & Scrviccs undcrlook the tender process for thc Roof Replacemcnt — Pickering Recreation Complex. M advertisement was placed in the Duily Commercinl News, News AdveAiser Community Page as well as thc Ciry's Website. Seventeen (17) companies were invited to participaie of which fifleen picked up tendering documents for a non•refundnblc fee of $35.00 per set. A summary of the bids received is included in the attached memornndum from Supply nnd Services, Tcnders were opened on Wednesduy, May 31, 2000 The total tender amount of bids received is greater than the available budget. IRC Group, Building & Roofing Engineers & Consultants, recommends deleting Roof Area from this yenrs roofing work. Area 1.IB, which encompasses lhc south po�tion of the lobby and meeting rooms, is not included in this phase of the roof repairs as costs prohibit it at this time. This part of the central core of the Recreation Complox haz not shown nny signs of maior leakage. This area is terminated from the olher areas that are going to be repaircd by raised ductwork that mns across the various areas of the roof. This nreu will require attention in ihe yenr 2001. This ducnvork (Area 1.1C) will be re-covercd with the stune roofing materials as the other areas of the roof designnted for repincement. This will uct es an excellent barrier with the use of tcrmination bar fasteners. The tender was oaginally designed by Supply & Services so lhat it could logically be split into several components should tha need arisc, i.c, tende�ed prices highcr than the approved budgeL It ia recommcnded thet tha altemata bid eubmitted by Nortex Roofing Ltd, be considemd and approved for this projecL � _ k _ - .4 , ,. , :. , . . , ... . .. � , z �38 ' Report to Council ' CR 06•00 . Date: June 7, 2000 Subject: TcnderforRoofRcpiacement—PickeringRecreationCompicx Page:3 ALTERNATE PRICE SUMMARY — FROM THE LOW THREE BIDS (P.S.T.included, G.S.T.included) COMPANY TOTAL TOTAL ALTERNATE TENDERED TENDERED AMOUNT AMOUNT No►tex Roofing Ltd. $352,351.00 $241,927.00 Dufferin Roofing Ltd. 5437,416.00 $298,851.00 Consolidated Group Inc. $443,834.93 $309,415.11 IRC Group have confirtned Norlex Roofing Ltd„ the low bidder have satisfied the tender requirements end is qualified to undertake this project. Nortex Roofing Ltd. have not performed nny previous work for the City of Pickering. References have been checked and are determined to be sntisfactory. The Health and Safety Policy, to be used by this company and the CAD 7 fortn, issued by Workplaca Safety and Insurance Board, have all been revicwed by the Safety and Trnining Coordinator and are decmed acceptable. Upon careful examination of all tcnders rcceived nnd rclevant documentntion, we recommend the low bid submitted by Nortex Roofing Ltd. in the amount of $232,883 inciuding nct G.S.T. be npproved in ocder to mect the spccified completion date of July 31, 2000. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Supply & Scrvices memorandum Datcd June 2, 2000 2. Record of Tcnders opened and check 3. Recommendation from IRC Group datcd Junc 6, 2000 Preparcd & Rcviewed by: Approved/ Endorse G Stephe� Reyno s rett Bun ma Division Culturc & Recreation Director of Operations & Emcrgency Services SR:kk Attach. COPY: Chief Administrative Officer Director of Cocporate Services and Treasurer Manager of Supply & Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ciry Council �� . .c� i�0� o� as J. Q i , Ch of Adm� ' rative OfTicer . r; To: ATTA�fTr,�(�1�9A�� nb - o0 Inter-D�spartmontnl Meniorundum Dopartment of Corporuto Servlcae $upply & Sorvlces Stoven Reynolds Divieion Haad, G�lturo & Recreation Dnte: 02 Juno 2000 Subjoct: Tonder for Roof Itoplecomont — Pickoring Rocrent[on Complox Tondor No. T-1N2000 Tendere have beon received for tho nbovo project Saventeen (1'n compunies wero invited to purticipaW of which fifteen (16) picked up tendering documente for n non•refundnble fee of $35.00 per seG Suteen (16) rnmpanies attended the mnndatory eite visiG An advertlsement wae placed in the Daily Coiwnercinl Newe, Nows Advertiser Community Pnge nnd tho City's Website. A copy of tUe Record o[ Tenders Opened and Checkecl used nt the public tender opening is attuched. Purcl�asiug Pollctea and Procedurea Item 9.22(1�) provides tLnt wLere tLere are incorrect extensious or miaplaced dceimnls, fLe bid uwy be corrected. Unit prices eluill be usecl W crorrect extenaions. Pucchasing Policies nnd Proceduree Item 0.27.(p) permits that nll deposita other t6nn f.ho low ttueo bidders ahnll be returued. Plensa retum originul tendering docwneute lo Supply & Scrvicea. Summnry (PS7' included, OST included) Norte: RooGng Ltd. Duf[erin Raafing Ltd. Coneolidntod aroup L�c 71io RooCmg Sqstems Inc. French Drotlwre Roofmg T. Fiamilwn & Son Roofing inc. Keller Roofing & Shect Metal Pmvinciul RooGng & 6heat Metal Viunn Raofing & 6hoat Metal Ltd. Top Lins Roofmg & 6hoat Me'al jJb2,�61.00 :�b4,�61.00 i30.00 i49T,416.00 =J�7,416.00 $8.60 =44�,890.fl7 i44�,8J4.0� ;0.06 Deemal improper w�d rejated: Quelifi«1 bid� N�RLLIIC)' information not ptorided with tender eubmiesion. ReCerenoa: III b, 16, 17, 18, 10; Addendum #J; PP&P 9.1J. 0.10(h). 032(d) Deamed imprvper m�d nj«ted: Qudifiod bid; wurrmdy informetion nat plovided with tender sa6miaeion. Heferenoe: IB 6, 16, 17, 18, 10; Addondum qJ, PP&P 8.1�. D.19(h), D.22(d) Deemed imptoper and rcjxted: Deduetion amaunt mie�inq from tonder form; wammty informntion noC providod with tunder eubmieaion. IteCoronoe: ID 6, 17, 18, 10, Addendum q�, PP&P 0.1�, 0.30(h) Deemedimp�vparmdrejected: Werrantyinfortnatiannotpmvidedwitlilendar eubmiaeion. Raferenoet III 6,17, 18, 10, Addondum q�, PP&P 0.13, D.10(h) Deemediroproperendmjceted: Wnrmntyinlormntionnotprovidedeitl�tender eubmieeion. Roforanoe: ID 6, 17,18,19, Addendum RJ; PP&P fi.13, O.lU(h) Deomed improper end mjocted: Warranty infarmntion not pmvided with tender ■ubmieeion. Re[erenae� ID 6, 17, 18, 1D, Addandum #3� PP&P 0.18, O.1D(h) UnnUle to Oid 39 �� . Page 2 Tendar (ar lioo! Raplaeemmt Ptekarins Reersat{on Compl� . Tmd�rNo. TdW2000, piueuaut to Information to Biddere Item 21 the following documante are to be requested of the low bidder by the Consultant, IRC BuUdinB Servicee Graup Inc., [or revlew duriug ttie eveluation stage of Wie tender ca1L The Consultant ie to advise if ecceptable in wricing ta you and forwerd documenta W you in order for the Cit�+s Snfety & TraiuinB Co•ordinator W rnnfirm acceptability also. (a) s copy of the Heelth end Satety policy W be uaed oa tliis project; end ' (b) a copy of the current CAD 7 fnrm or Cast end FrequencY RePort ieaued by Workplace Safety & Insurence Board Tho Coneultant ie required also to: (a) review cerefully all eubmittal iuformation based on cenderin6 instructione. If the Coneultant noticee eny infractions or intormation missinB during the evaluation, please contnct me ae soon ae pos�ble. (b) raview end conGrm acceptence af warranty informatioa (c) check referencea pmvided end confirm acceptanca (d) adviee you of other related rnmments ePceific �o tL1e Pmject, nnd a recomniendafaon• Informatioa to Biddere Item 21, subseckion (d) — permite tl�et the bidder ehall provide to the CitY [or avaluaUon, euch furthor iuforn�ation, ae We Cily may request in writing. Tho Caneultant mnY requost further information In writing W revimv during thie evaluntion etngo on tlio City'e bc1�nlE Pleane revIew the origiml tender and returu fo Supply & Servicea. Includo tLe following iteme in your Report to Council: (e) if itsme (a) anJ (b) noted above, are acceptable; (b) any past work experienco with Norte: ItooGng inclu�ing work location; (c) without past work enperience, if reference informetioa is ncceptable; (d) the appropriate accouut nwnbcr(s) W whicL thls work ie to bc chargcKl; (� tLo bu�get amount(s) aseigned tLcreto; (g) Treaeurea'e rnnlirmatlon o[ tunding; (h) related depnrtmentel evpmvals; (i) any reason(e) why the law bid ot Norten RoofinB Se not ecceptable; und G) related commente epeci6c to lhe projecl. If you uire furWer infocmation, pleas�+ [eel tree to conlact me. � . ., � . �era A Fel emacher Je[frey � ]�Ianager of Supp�y & Servicee '1' 0 r •tRZ N \�� � � n �Z � r -� m � a m v N �. � � � � � � � � a 0 n m 3 � a � -� � � 0 0 � � � a � � N a 0 � 3 0 � w N Oo O � n U O x N � N 'a 3 � I N � � � � � 6 g '' �' aeioeioo �ve i�:�e R,u ooaeo�v:aa ctsc� c�our iNC. ,i� , � � ATTACHMENT#�TOREPORTIIS�Ob—DO � clry ot Plckedng June 8. 2000 One the Eaplenede . . iwonc. Pbkering�Ofltetb 1NSe1sy►uoA L1V 8K7 Fx: t•80Cr883-8682 ���� EmaII lhunter�clry,pidcerina.on,ca Attention: Le� Hunter, Supervisor, Fncllitiea Operetlon �'' R°°' SubJeo� Roofing Work Tender Blda Evaluatlon � Recommendatbn �`�""6nbcr�ow� M Sfto: Pk:kerkp Recreetlon Centre au+o� oT» 1887 Vatley Fartn poad �,�„q; Tender No; T•10/2000 or.n . �Lib Dear Mr. NuMer. nceaaao�au� rrc uosam•ixe ��„�, Aa per your instnktiats, we heve revlewed lhe tender bide and aubmissiona end meke the lotlowing oommente: oTTAw� i. Ad of tlie bida'provided ali the requlred documentetbn as set out In Tendering � � � 3pedl�atbna T8-1, Bondnp Requlrements (8.) • Tha loweat rooflng bid pricea were aubmilted by Nortex �oo8ng. '°°'*'"' �° � • Aa the total amount Is greater than the available budpet we � recommend thet tlie area noted ea Rool Area 1.1 B be detetad from K,v,c� �8 Y�� ��B � end be awardod to the lowest qualltied bid, �a��,��,�,m • A revlew of the Wd pricea aubmkted by Nortex Roofing le es followe: r.ca�sr��au� • Roof Mea B(d Amount �W+ 1.0 S 18,000.00 ,., att,,zoo.00 �•�A S 69,000.a0 �oaooN ,.,s a,os,�ao.00 �,� t.tc $ 2s,�oo.ao H7�erwrtn.e �•Z S Z.BOO.00 � Total 5332�800.00 ,�.,,, oeduct �.�e s�osaao.00 � w} . Sub Total a�ze,, oo.00 ntet►ea:area Q3T $ 15,827.00 �i61'��0°� Total 5241,927.0(? hwoown+a. CAMBRDGE ScM�cBiwv�Mo ..a�w x�ao � oawu Ni01E1 M:OEe-007-02�0 F.c�r-nu M�woObaoa.. �a ewvk« Aao�� CarrC� �at o..'cw.��rr. TW Fn�: 1•988�607d1t6 �vx++nca�our.00w A review of ell the docurtrenletlon including relerencee and wartanUes hae been compieted lo our saUsfactbn and we recommend ewercJ of the rooNng tender to Nortex Rooflng. IC�C aroup raoommer�de that, ehouid Norlex RooMy'e Tender Bld end submisatone be considered velld end without fiaws, the rooflng proJect as set out In the specflfcadona be ewarded, lesa roof eroe 1.1 B, to Nohex Roofing end beaed on peKamence of Ihe work to be oanpleted by July 31, 2000 (weather permNdnp). Upon award of the rooling project, IRC Oroup wf0 requeat Irom Natex Roofinq the aubmleelon documeMe not required to be eubmltted with the tender bld. Page 1 012 � y.. � .. � � - � � . �002. "Y.�_. . .. ..:.�..-. . . - . . . . . aeioeioo �ve i�:�e F,u eoeao»:ae � (fRC) CROUP INC. • Subailt at the prccputrucdm iitc meeuoa � work xhedule co t6e epentlon of Ma Len Hunca, Supeivi�or, FaciUl(a Open4on, I'lckering Recrca�an C�catre end � coPY a IItC Group Inc. utentlon Mr. Zea Smwczyk IndtatinY whca Ihc wak w1U be echedukd b begin �nd Ihe wlidpatect durutoa ot lhe Projec� bued on Ua rcqulromenu of Ihe cpeal0altoo oaJ the speclHed Compkqw data of luly 31, 200p. • Submlt a Mskriala LtiL • Submit Ihe MSA4 - MvterW Sakty DAta Show for all materteb. • Sob-CuotractaList Trosdo� the above and attxhed mat with your npprovel, I am, Yaus w k Wr Mar dc Seiee e.c. p�ria Slddle - Pickuing Recreadoa Cenue Pagc 2 of 2 �00� Y� r